special supplement: summer, 2021 The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad and the Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad proudly present the 19th century victorian steam locomotive roundup! and we need your help! Session f1 (august 19–24) and session f2 (August 24–29) This summer brings many special events The highlight of the summer will be during to the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad: a the last two weeks of August: the 19th Cen- historic 19th century train made tury Victorian Steam Locomo- up of Locomotive 168 and four tive Roundup.Featured will be newly-restored passenger cars, special wood-burning engines, spectacular photo trains made the Glenbrook which has never up of period cars and locomo- visited the C&TS and the Eureka tives, volunteer work sessions which last visited the Railroad for restoration and preservation Glenbrook over twenty years ago. and, in August, the 19th Century The Glenbrook is an 1875 Victorian Steam Locomotive Baldwin 2-6-0 narrow gauge Roundup! wood burner. It operated be- Originally scheduled for 2020, tween 1875 and 1899 on the the events were delayed by the Carson Tahoe Lumber and Flum- pandemic. But with that largely ing Company, hauling milled behind us, the Railroad and Eureka timber from Glenbrook, Nevada the Friends are ready to move to Spooner Summit where the ahead—and back in time—to a rescheduled timber was then flumed to Carson City, Ne- Roundup. Enticed by a chance to see historic vada for eventual use in Virginia City, Nevada. railroad equipment in action pulling a variety Following the demise of the timber industry of restored rolling stock along with family at Tahoe, the Glenbrook was used for hauling and railfan-related activities, a large public passenger trains from Truckee, California to attendance is expected. Tahoe City, California for the Lake Tahoe Rail- way and Transportation Company until the an engine shop was constructed around the Railroad was standard gauged in 1925. Sold locomotive. The next six years were spent re- to Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad for storing Eureka to its original 1875 condition, parts, it languished until rescued for display in including the locomotive’s original art work. For- Carson City, Nevada in 1943. The operational tunately, the original blueprints and color de- restoration of the Glenbrook was completed signs for the locomotive still existed and were by the Nevada State Railroad Museum in 2015 invaluable in restoring Eureka to its original through a generous grant from the Wiegand appearance. Foundation. As it turned out, there are only three locomo- Locomotive No. 4, “Eureka,” was built by tives of the American style 4-4-0 narrow gauge Baldwin Locomotive works in 1875 for the class 8-18C still in existence. One is in the Smith- Eureka & Palisade Railroad in Nevada. It is an sonian in Washington, D.C.(the Jupiter), and the American Standard design, otherwise know as other is at the California State Railroad Museum a class 8-18C or 4-4-0. The Eureka was the first in Sacramento (Sonoma). Eureka is the oldest of passenger engine purchased new for that Rail- the three and is the only one operable. road. Eureka ran in Nevada from 1875 until Both locomotives will be pulling historic con- 1901, and was then sold to the Sierra Nevada sist trains during the 19th Century Victorian Wood & Lumber Co. for use in their logging Steam Roundup. operations. During this time it was converted to burn oil. It also was painted black and lost The 19th Century Victorian Steam Roundup its Victorian colors. The locomotive ran on will correspond with Friends’ Work Sessions F1 the SNW&L Railroad until 1938, when the line and F2 and we’ll need your help! How? was shut down and scrapped. In late 1939 or 1940 No. 4 was sent to the scrap yards in San With extraordinary events come extraordi- Francisco, where it was to be cut up. nary challenges and extraordinary opportuni- However, Hollywood intervened. ties. Part of the Friends’ Mission is “interpreta- The locomotive was noticed by Gerald tion of the C&TS as a living museum.” To meet Best of Warner Bros. Pictures. Best knew the this challenge, all of the Friends 2021 Work studio was looking for a locomotive to use Sessions will be restructured to fully support in their movies, so Warner Bros. purchased Festival events, particularly during Sessions F1 Eureka. From 1940-1978 Eureka appeared and F2. This will also be a unique opportunity in movies with James Cagney, Andy Devine, to showcase the Friends to the public. We are Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, James Garner, going to show what we do, how we do it, and Harrison Ford and many others. how much fun we have doing it. From this we In the late 1970s, the movie studios sold hope to recruit new members and volunteers. off much of their railroad equipment. Eureka To maximize our contribution to the 19th Cen- was purchased by the Old Tucson Corporation tury Victorian Steam Roundup, the Friends cre- which was building a facility near Las Vegas ated Project 1364 with four categories in which similar to the one outside of Tucson, called you may participate: Old Vegas. There No. 4 was on static display, 1. Demonstration of Preservation Projects still bearing many coats of studio paint. Old In both Antonito and Chama, Friends volun- Vegas burned in 1985, which also largely teers will be doing active restoration of C&TS destroyed the locomotive. Eureka’s current rolling stock, including Drop Bottom Gondola owner, Dan Markoff, found it in 1986 and saw 731 and UTLX Tank Car 11056 in Antonito and that nothing had been done to preserve the converting P-Box 207 to Rider Box Car 3414 burned-out hulk. Markoff knew it had been a and reconstruction of High Side Gondola 1000 Nevada locomotive, and saw an opportunity in Chama. Volunteers will be needed for all to preserve a part of Nevada history. the projects. After acquiring the locomotive in 1986, it was moved to the Markoff back yard, where 2. Static & Operational Equipment Displays https://friendsofcumbrestoltec.org/work- Both Antonito and Chama will have operational session-volunteer-registration/ and static demonstrations of both Maintenance You should also download and review these of Way equipment and yard support structures. additional documents: Equipment and support demonstrations will be determined by the Railroad. Form R-1: Instructions for Volunteers, 2021 3. Public Relations Form R-8: Friends Safety Manual Volunteers will be needed to welcome visitors Form R-12: Personal Safety Equipment and offer Information Booths, Walking Yard Tours, At-Large Public Information and Assis- Do you enjoy variety and working on some- tance, and Parking Assistance, both on-site and thing new and different? remote. Do you want to convey the excitement of nar- 4. Administration: row gauge steam railroading in the Rockies to Team Leaders, Assistants, Special Teams, Site the public? Support including food preparation (Projects Do you want to contribute to growing the 0230/0231) will be required at both depots. Friends’ membership and assuring our future? If your answer is “Yes!” please join our 2021 Although extensive planning is underway, an op- Project 1364 Team! erating Railroad brings surprises and unexpected demands. In addition to staffing these categories, We will also need a lot of help from you this Project 1364 will permit the Friends to respond to summer to catch up on time we lost last year unanticipated developments by assembling quick- due to covid-19. Would you be willing to help response groups from its team. A Project 1364 out? There’s something for everyone! Volunteer may be asked to perform an array of work session tasks, either within or across Project 1364 catego- schedule for 2021 ries. To register, submit the following form: Session A: May 17–May 21 Form R-2: Registration for Volunteers 2021at: Session B: May 24–May 28 https://friendsofcumbrestoltec.org/work-session- Session C: June 14–June 18 volunteer-registration/ Session D: June 21–June 25 Special Session 4: July 19–July 23 Form R-2 needs to be printed, completed and Special Session 5: June 26–August 18 faxed, mailed or emailed to: Special Session 6: August 16–August 18 Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Special Session 7: May 1 - May 13 Scenic Railroad, Inc. Special Session 8: May 13 - May 15 4421 McLeod NE, Suite F Special Session 9: May 29 - June 1 Albuquerque, NM 87109 Session F1: August 19–August 24 Phone: 505-880-1311 Session F2: August 24–August 29 Fax: 505-856-7543 Session G: September 24–September 28 Email: [email protected] Session COS: January 1–December 31, 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays Please try to submit Form R-2 as soon as you can so we can begin our planning process and volun- Project information can be found on the 2021 teer assignments. The waiver on the back of form Restoration Project Plan and Scheduleat: R-2 must be witnessed and signed or the registra- https://friendsofcumbrestoltec.org/ tion will be returned. work-session-volunteer-registration/ You may volunteer to participate in any or all of Project 1364 event categories by downloading and We need your help! completing the volunteer forms on the Friends We hope we see you this website: summer! th 19 century victorian steam locomotive roundup Presently, all 19th Century Victorian Steam Locomotive Roundup special historic excursions are SOLD OUT. Additional seating may be available if COVID-19 health regulations permit. If you wish to be put on a waiting list for any of these excursions, please contact the Railroad (not the Friends) at 1-888-286-2737.
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