LBJ Announcesmounces Complete Cessation Bombardment of NL Vietnam WASHINGTON (JP) — President Johnson or provincial capitals, or refusal by North Vietnam But again the President reviewed the entire announced last night that a complete halt to to enter promptly into serious political discussions picture. Before taking a final step, he wanted to of North Vietnam will begin —could not be sustained. And a condition also was reassure himself that U.S. and allied military all bombardment laid down that the discussions would have to in- forces would not be put at a harmful disadvantage at 8 a.m. EST today. clude the elected government of South Vietnam. and risk. 16. The President, addressing the nation, Just what the form of representation of the Worth the Risk said he had decided to take this step — with Viet Cong will be on Hanoi's side of the bargaining Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, U.S. commander I in Vietnam, and the ambassador , top-military advisers table is not clear, except that their government there Ellsworth the concurrence of his is not recognizing the NLF as an equal, partici- Bunker, agreed that whatever risk might be in- mUK' ^S/BKS/KS&m and the government's of all the allied powers pating government. volved was worth it, informants said. fighting in Vietnam, "in the belief that this Progress Complicated President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Viet- action can lead to progress toward a peaceful The progress marked up so far, culminating nam reportedly agreed to go along only yesterday. Then, last night, after checking with key Vietnamese war." in the decision for a bombing and shelling halt, has settlement of the been a long, complicated, sometimes disappointing advisers, Johnson went on the air to tell his fellow ss# Hanoi was notified of the decision. process. countrymen: Negotiation on the basis of the bombing halt The first real breakthrough came last Sunday. "I speak to you this evening about very im- will begin in Paris on Nov. 6, with the government At that time word came through that the North portant developments in our search for peace in of South Vietnam represented at the conference Vietnamese were ready to move in accordance with Vietnam." » table. The latter was a key bone of contention. conditions Johnson had started out with. He recalled that it was March 31. when he dis- closed that he was NLF To Sit In • • * rejecting an attempt to win * The National Liberation Front also will be another presidential term, that was the starting entitled to sit in on the new-terms maneuvering point for trying to get talks started on a sot. i for peace in the long, costly war on the other side of the Vietnam war. He announced then he was of the world. The NLF is the political arm of the Hanoi Says Peace halting bombing of most of the North—an area Viet Cong. including 90 per cent of North Vietnamese popu- "What we now expect—what we have a right lation. to expect—are prompt, productive, serious and Obstacle Removed Discussions Deadlocked intensive negotiations in an atmosphere that is This led to the opening of discussions in Paris conducive to progress," Johnson said. PARIS (AP) — "This removes a tremendous m May between representatives of Hanoi and Some progress already has come in the action obstacle to peace — but now the political struggle for Washington. he has taken, Johnson said, and in indications that our country begins," a Hanoi delegation official said He said the Paris discussions appeared dead- Hanoi is willing now to talk in more substantive privately early today on learning of President John- locked for weeks with no movement at all, and terms. son's bomb-halt announcement. then moved into a more hopeful phase. But the President said that steady determina- The Communist North Vietnamese delegation to Finally. Sunday evening and throughout tion and patience still will be required, along with the longwinded Paris talks toward peace in Vietnam Monday, confirmation began to come through of courage, steadfastness and perserverance here at seemed elated at the news but withheld formal com- what Johnson called "the essential understanding home to match that of the men fighting in Viet- ment pending study of the Washington announce- that we had been seeking with the North Viet- nam. ment. namese on the critical issues between us for some « ff The comment about expectations of a political time." ^ LBJ Meets With Top Aides The presidential announcement was delivered struggle ahead came spontaneously as a nonofficial He said he spent most of Tuesday going over from the movie theater and broadcasting studio in observation. every single detail with his field commander. , the East Wing o£ the White House. It followed a Ambassador Xuan Thuy. leader of the Hanoi Gen. Abrams and a small group of Cabinet and brief meeting Johnson held an hour and1 a half delegation , was awakened with the news at his head- other officials. ft v 8 quarters at Choisy-le-Roi The informant who Si R earlier with his top security, defense and diplo- . Johnson apparently got a unanimous vote of '•mr * matic advisers in the Cabinet Room. reported this did not disclose the reaction of the confidence for his plan of action. Hi Along the way, the chief executive took time North Vietnamese poet-diplomat. Follows Previous Statements The North Vietnamese delegation is likely to hold to notify the three presidential nominees, Demo- In his talk to the nation, announcing the step, Is crat Hubert H. Humphrey, Republican Richard M. a news con ference later today, the source said . ^^ i KS hUhJB The expectation in Paris is that it will announce Johnson said his decision followed through closely Nixon and Independent American George C. Wal- on his previous statements about a bombing halt. lace of the decision he had reached. readiness immediately to enter negotiations with the GIS IN THE JUNGLES of South Vietnam will still be faced with the war United States relating to the ending of hostiliies in- He mentioned, in this respect, that the admin- This was about 6 p.m. EST. Twenty minutes istration took the stand Aug. 19 that it intended after the unconditional bombing halt that goes into effect. Gen. Creighton W. later he got congressional leaders of both parties volving the two countries. One discordant note was sounded by the to move no further without good reasons for be- Abrams Jr. , the U. S. commander in Vietnam had advised the president that on the telephone to tell them. lieving the other side intended to join seriously m Winner Will Be Briefed informant. He said the President one-sidedly had ex- he could live with a bombing halt if the enemy continues the current lull in the empted unarmed reconnaissance by American planes "de-escalating the war and moving seriously to- He plans to see whoever turns tip winner of ward peace." fighting. Abrams was summoned from Saigon last Tuesday to meet with Presi- next Tuesday's election and brief him fully on — presumably over North Vietnam — from the end- all ing of penetrations over Communist territory. He recalled he had said on Sept. 10 that the dent Johnson. _ap wmpimc the diplomatic steps that led to the decision. That bombing would not stop "until we are confident will be immediately after "We want this stopped , too," the Hanoi source the election. It could be said. that it will not lead to an increase in American at the Johnson ranch in Texas. casualties." Most observers seemed to think, the bombard- * * * "The Joint Chiefs of Staff , all military men, ment halt—and any heightened hopes for peace have assured me," i he said, "and Gen. Abrams accompanying it—would be bound to help Hum- firmly asserted to me on Tuesday in an early 2:30 phrey in his uphill fight to .overtake Nixon, credit- HUH Says Halt a.m. meeting—that in their Fraternity Presidents Ag ree ¦ military judgment ed, as. front-runner in .most polls.- -~>.» -_ . .e..--.— - this action should be taken now, and this action The question was whether any such boost would not result in an increase in American 7 would be enough to put Humphrey across. Will Further Peace rasnattipc " Risks Involved Not Fool Proof Ifs Ti me To Change Rules The President said that he is halting all air, naval and artillery NEWARK. N.J. (AP) — Vice President Hubert Johnson said though that now it has been bombardment of North Viet- can't con- By MARGE COHEN tion policy as it now. stands. changes in Council visitation nam, under his current decision , H. Humphrey said last night that President Johnson's made clear to the other side that talks Only one president is not in policy as it now stands, only 11 but officials said decision on Vietnam will "help the cause of peace." tinue if they take military advantage oi them nor Collegian Staff Writer this applies to all acts involving use of iorce, in- favor of change. Instead, he presidents advocate the aboli- cluding troop activity Humphrey listened to the speech on a car radio can they be productive in an atmosphere where in the North. It does exempt, at Newark Airport prior to departing Demilitarized Zone When Nate Kurland proposed prefers the abolition of all tion of all of the rules. Thirty- however, unarmed reconnaissance. for Battle cities aire being shelled and to the Interfraternity Council Council regulations. two presidents favor main- The President Creek. Mich., for a campaign appearance. is being abused. Only Wally Larimer of Alpha taining IFC control and culy made it clear that he considers He had conferred with the President my fellow that all visitation regulations some risks still are involved, by tele- "I think.
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