Reme~bering the faith of Abraham Lincoln on his 200th birthda y, .c -- ' ~,~ ~ ·, ~ / .i~t: THE IIVING CHURCH Spring Parish Administration Issue March 22, 2009 AD CLOSE: 2/20 FINAL AD DUE: 2/24 DOUBLE CIRCULATION. Reach more than 18,000 readers in print & online. Planning to exhibit at General Convention in Anaheim, CA? Let the TLC readership know you are going to be there! liv1r--..c--., --CHURCH, ·-, Top1cs . I nc Iu d e d : p arts. h f.1nanc1a . I p Ianmng . an d managemen. t ....... - Special frequency packages offered. Color advertising available. Contact: Tom Parker, Ad Manager P.O Box 514036, Milwaukee, WI 53203 (414) 276-5420 ext. 16 [email protected] www.livingchurch.org THE LIVINGCHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, LIVINGCHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and An independent weekly serving support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. Episcopalians since 1878 Phone: 414-276-5420 DavidA Kalvelage Executive Edi.tor(ext. 15) THIS WEEK Betty Glatzel General Manager (ext. 17) John Schuessler Managi'Tl{I Edi.tor ( ext. 11) Steve Waring News News Ediwr ( ext. 22) Amy Grau 6 Conference Spotlights Graphic Artist (ext. 13) TornParker Christianity in the Public Square Advertisi'Tl{I Manager ( ext. 16) Thais Jackson FulFillmentManager (ext. 21) Renee Weber Marketing/Promntion Director ( ext. 19J Michael O'Loughlin Directorof ASSOCUlledPuhlicaiians ( ext. 14) Features BOARDOF DIRECTORS 8 Christian Virtue The Rev.Thomas A. Fraser RememlJering th.eFaith of Abraham Riverside,ill. (President) MiriamK. Stauff Lincoln cm his 200th Birthday Wauwatosa, WIB.(Vice Pr esident) BYBOYD WRIGHT DanielMuth St. Leonard, Md. (Secretary) HowardM . Tischler Albuquerque, N.M. (Treasurer) The Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Franklin, Tenn. Opinion The Rev. Jay C. James Raleigh, N.C. 10 Guest Column The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson Don't Repeat the Past Alexandria, La. Richard Mammana, Jr. BYD. STUARTDUNNAN Stamford, Conn. Thomas Riley Vienna, Va. 11 Editorials MissA ugusta D. Roddis (emeritus) Forgoing an Opportunity Marshfield, Wm. Edi torial and Business offices: 816 E. Juneau Avenue 12 Reader's Viewpoint Milwaukee, WI 53202-2793 Irony in a Call for Unity Mailingaddress : P.O. Box 514036 Milwaukee, WI 53203-3436 BYR USSEIL LEVENSON, JR. Fax: 414-276-7483 E-mail: [email protected] 14 Letters www.livingchu.rch.org MANUSCRJP:rSAND PHOTOG RAPHS: Tu£ Ltv­ Problem for Catholics ING CHURCHcannot assume responsibility for the return of photos or manuscripts. TuE LIVINGCHURCH is published every week, dated SW1day,by the Living Church Foundation, Inc., at 816 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee,WI 53202. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee,WI, and at additional mailing offices. OtherDepartments SUBSCRJPTIONRATES: $42.50 for one year; $62.00for 18 months; $80.00for two years. Canadianpostage an additional $29.18 per year, 4 Sunday's Readings Mexican rate.$55.42; all other foreign, $44.27peryear. POSTMASTER:Send address changes to THEIJ\00 Clru!o!,P.O. Box 514036,l\!im,-.ukee, WI &3203-3436. Subscribers, when submitting address changes, 5 Short & Sharp please allow 3-4 weeks for change to take effect. THE LIVINGCHURCH (ISSN 0024-5240) is pub­ lished by THE LIVINGCHURCH FOUNDATION , INC.,a non-profitorganization serving the Chun:h. 15 People & Places Allgilts to the Foundation are tru<-deductible. ©2009The living ChurchF olllldation,Inc. All lights reserved . No reproductionin wholeor J'.'llt can be made .,ithout permissionof'l'HE LMNa QnffiO!. Volume 238 Number 6 FEBRUARY 8. 2009 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 ANGLICAN TOURS SUNDAY'S READINGS ~ Celebrates over 25 Years - of planning Custom Tours for Church Leaders and their congregations. TOURS 2009 Worship and Travel with Sewanee SneakPreviews School of Theology, University of the South May 29 - June 9, 2009 'He healed many who were skk with various Cathedrals, abbeys, holy places including stays in Cant erbury, Worcester, Bath and Winchester. Coach travel takes us through great countryside . diseases' (Mark 1:32) Pubs and fellowship fill in the gap. $2699.00 w/o air The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Feb. 8, 2009 BCP: 2 Kings4: (8-17)18-21 (22-31)32-37; Psalm 142; 1 Cor.9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39 Christian History in England RCL: Isaiah 40:21-31; Psalm 147:1-12, 21c; 1 Cor. 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39 June 8 - 18, 2009 Visiting holy places in Canterbury, Cambridge, It's winter, and this means that sick­ Once again, we're tempted to be envi­ Yorkshire and London. Guide included and coach ness is all around us. We all get sick, travel throughout. Breakfast daily and 4 dinners. ous toward those who could grasp the $2399.00 w/o air and we all know and love people who hem of his gannent. But, even if we get sick. It has ever been thus. And it could somehow magically transport Northern France was even more so the experience of ourselves to that time and place, we October 4 - 15, 2009 people among whom Jesus lived and would soon be disappointed . Mark tells Visit the great cathedrals and abbeys in Rouen, Caen, Jurnieges, the tapestry in Bayeux, Chartres, walked and exercised his ministry. us how Peter's mother-in-law lay sick Vezelay, Autun, Rheims and Paris. St. Mark's gospel tells us that Jesus' with a fever, and Jesus "took her by the $2399.00 w/o air. fame was constantly spreading, practi­ hand and lifted her up, and the fever left Forfurther infonnationon the above tours or to cally from the moment of his baptism. inquireabout a custom lour for your group, contact: her." But Peter's mother-in-law eventu­ The Rev. Anne B. Chisham, Director And primarily, Jesus' fame arises from ally got sick again and died. The same ANGLICAN TOURS his astonishing ministry of healing the goes for everyone whom Jesus healed. 2635 Second Avenue No. 424 sick. It's tempting for us to be envious In order to understand the experi­ San Diego, CA 92103 of those crowds who followed Jesus ence of miraculous heatings , it helps to abcrev@coxJtet 800 438 2403 around and saw him make blind people see them from the right point of view. see and deaf people hear and paralyzed Mark, in particular , wants us to know people walk. We think to ourselves that Jesus only as we know him crucified Church any doubts we might have about Jesus and risen, and ourselves as participat­ would dissolve if we were able to wit­ ing in that dying and rising. From this Development ness such miraculous events. perspective , we can look "back" and Miracles like that still happe n. see all extraordinary heatings not siin­ Institute Through prayer and laying-on-of-hands ply for what they are in themselves , and anointing with oil, people are being but as anticipatory glimpses of the per­ Seattle healed of back pain and cancer, manent healings secured for us on the 2008 June 16 - 27 headaches and heart disease, and we cross. Miraculous healing cannot be 2009 June 15 - 26 give thanks for these wonderful signs of conjured up "on demand. " But God has God's victory over the forces of sin and bound himself to the sacraments as www.CDITrainers.org death. The prob lem is, not everybody is "sure and certain" means of grace. In healed . So we're confused. It seems like the sacraments, we leap ahead to that For more informat ion: God is playing with our emotions for his tune when our redemption is com­ Robert A. Gallagher own amusement, healing some and not plete, when all pain, disease, fear and 206-300-3700 others. What could God be thinking'? misery are banished. [email protected] LookIt Up . For lay & clergyleaders Healing and health are mentioned in several of the psalms . See 6, 30, 41, 60, . Developinga healthierparish 103, 107, and 147. • Developing competenceand use of "self' as leaders ThinkAbout It The need and desire for healing are perhaps most often experienced as . Anglicanapproach to congregational physical, but they can also be emotio nal or spiritual. _What is your need for development healing? Have you allowed Jesus to minister to that need through his body, . Membershipgrowth rooted in an organic the Churc h? and appreciativeapproach - Experientialeducation grounded NextSunday in soundtheory The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, Feb. 15, 2009 BCP: 2 Kings 5:1-15b; Psalm42 or42 :1-7; 1 Cor.9:24-27; Mark 1:40-45 -Projects& readingin -betweensummers RCL : 2 Kings 5:1-14; Psalm 30; 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Mark 1:40-45 4 THE LIVING CHURCH · FEBRUARY8. 2009 SHORT & SHARP 8[COMIJ.Ci YOUR BEST BECOMINGYOUR BEST:A Self­ els of Jane Austen to illustrate the time- Wordand Prayer Help Guidefor ThinkingPeople. less values he identifies. ORIGINAL PRAYER:Themes from the Chris­ By RonaldW. Richardson. Augs­ tian Tradition.By LaviniaByrne. Orbis. Pp. 160. burg Books. Pp. 184. $14.99. ON THE WAYWITH JESUS:A Passion ISBN 978-0-8066-8052-1. $16. ISBN 978-1-57075-812-6. for Mission. By Richard Showalter. -'­ :,;:;:--......... British author and broad­ Drawing on his 30 years experience Herald Press. Pp. 150. $16.99. ISBN - caster Lavinia Byrne offers as a marriage and family therapist,- the 978-0-8361-9415-9. an overview of the classic author considers the factors that go Explores the many challenges approaches to prayer of into good relationships , including to and dimensions of Christian mission. such luminaries as Ignatius strength of character and emotional The author focuses on both local and Loyola, Benedict, Teresa of maturity. Uses examples from the nov- international mission opportunities. Avila and Francis of Assisi, with insight into common threads and points of departure.
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