Nr 3/2014 kwartalnik ISSN 1426-8876 Political Science Review Przegl¹d Rada Naukowa/Scientific Board Andrzej Antoszewski (Polska), Timm Beichelt (Niemcy), Kong Fan-jun (Chiny), Politologiczny Wojciech Forysiñski (Cypr), Jürgen Neyer (Niemcy), Heino Nyyssönen (Fin- landia), Andrzej Mania (Polska), Tadeusz Wallas (Polska), Ryszard Ziêba (Polska), Ettore Deodato (W³ochy) Political Redakcja/Editorial Board REDAKTOR NACZELNY/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Science W³odzimierz Malendowski Review SEKRETARZ REDAKCJI/ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR Magdalena Musia³-Karg ZASTÊPCA SEKRETARZA REDAKCJI/DEPUTY ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR Krzysztof Duda CZ£ONEK/MEMBER Zdzis³aw W. Puœlecki, Artur Lipiñski REDAKTORZY JÊZYKOWI/LINGUISTIC EDITORS Agnieszka Mielczarek, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, [email protected] Oleg Mikhalev, Pañstwowy Uniwersytet w Worone¿u, [email protected] Thomas Mehlhausen, Uniwersytet w Poczdamie, [email protected] Malcolm Czopinski, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, [email protected] REDAKTOR STATYSTYCZNY/STATISTICS EDITOR Boles³aw Suchocki, [email protected] REDAKTORZY TEMATYCZNI/THEMATIC EDITORS Teoria polityki – Zbigniew Blok, [email protected] Socjologia polityki – Krzysztof Pa³ecki, [email protected] Partie i systemy partyjne – Jan Piotr Iwanek, [email protected] Systemy wyborcze – Arkadiusz ¯ukowski, [email protected] Kultura polityczna – Helmut Juros, [email protected] Miêdzynarodowe stosunki polityczne – Teresa £oœ-Nowak, [email protected] Teoria stosunków miêdzynarodowych – Andrzej Ga³ganek, [email protected] Stosunki polityczne w Europie Œrodkowo-Wschodniej – Marian Szczepaniak, [email protected] Polityka narodowoœciowa – Henryk Cha³upczak, [email protected] Integracja europejska – Józef Fiszer, [email protected] Europeistyka – Konstanty Adam Wojtaszczyk, [email protected] Polityka spo³eczno-gospodarcza – Jerzy Babiak, [email protected] Najnowsza historia polityczna – Marceli Kosman, [email protected] Marketing polityczny – Gra¿yna Ulicka, [email protected] Wersja elektroniczna czasopisma jest wersj¹ pierwotn¹ Contents Articles 7 Magdalena Multi-cultural Switzerland – multicultural RATAJCZAK public service media? 19 POLITICAL Agnieszka NITSZKE The Swiss model of federalism. Some les- SCIENCE REVIEW sons for the European Union NO. 3/2014 33 ISSN 1426-8876 Marcin RACHWA£ Citizens’ initiatives in Switzerland © by Faculty 45 of Political Science Micha³ TOMCZYK The decision-making process in Swiss fo- and Journalism Press, reign policy at the beginning of the 21st century AMU Poznañ, Poland 59 Izabela KRAŒNICKA Free movement of persons between Swit- Magdalena zerland and the European Union and sta- PERKOWSKA te security Iwona WROÑSKA 77 Marcin Evolution of the constitutional position of £UKASZEWSKI selected German-speaking countries’ he- ads of state in the 20th/21st century 95 Kamila M. BEZUBIK The specificity of the electoral system to Artur OLECHNO the European Parliament in the Republic of Austria 107 Remigiusz ROSICKI The protection of internal security and constitutional order as exemplified by the tasks and activity of the Internal Security Agency – a critical analysis of de lege lata and de lege ferenda regulations 119 Editor: Faculty of Political Science Karol B. JANOWSKI The dilemmas of the Eastern Policy of the and Journalism Press, Republic of Poland. From dynamic equili- Adam Mickiewicz University, brium to imbalance Poznañ, Poland 135 Editorial address: Alisa NECHYPORUK The image of Europe in the modern me- 89A Umultowska Street dia. The analysis of Ukrainian weekly Zer- 61-614 Poznañ, Poland kalo nedeli tel./fax +4861 829 65 08 149 Bogdana NOSOVA The role of the discourse of intellectuals Subscription: in foreign opinion journalism in communi- tel. +4861 829 65 17 cative evolution Contact: [email protected] 163 Aleksander The right to revolt: the European and SKIPERSKIKH Russian contexts 171 Salome DUNDUA The politics of language and education in Georgia (compared with the Baltic States and Ukraine) POLITICAL 185 SCIENCE REVIEW Lasha Transition toward democracy – Georgian NO. 3/2014 MARKOZASHVILI problems ISSN 1426-8876 203 Contributors Sk³ad, ³amanie i korekta „MRS” 60-408 Poznañ ul. P. Zo³otowa 23 tel. 61 843 09 39 Druk i oprawa Zak³ad Graficzny UAM 61-712 Poznañ ul. H. Wieniawskiego 1 Spis treœci Artyku³y 7 Magdalena Wielokulturowa Szwajcaria – wielokulturo- RATAJCZAK we media publiczne? 19 PRZEGL¥D Agnieszka NITSZKE Szwajcarski model federalizmu. Wnioski POLITOLOGICZNY dla Unii Europejskiej NR 3/2014 33 ISSN 1426-8876 Marcin RACHWA£ Inicjatywa ludowa w Szwajcarii 45 © by Wydawnictwo Micha³ TOMCZYK Proces decyzyjny w szwajcarskiej polity- Naukowe WNPiD UAM ce zagranicznej na pocz¹tku XXI wieku 59 Izabela KRAŒNICKA Swobodny przep³yw osób pomiêdzy Magdalena Szwajcari¹ i Uni¹ Europejsk¹ a bezpie- PERKOWSKA czeñstwo pañstwowe Iwona WROÑSKA 77 Marcin Ewolucja konstytucyjnej pozycji g³owy pañ- £UKASZEWSKI stwa w wybranych pañstwach niemiecko- jêzycznych na prze³omie XX i XXI wieku 95 Kamila M. BEZUBIK Specyfika systemu wyborczego do Parla- Artur OLECHNO mentu Europejskiego w Republice Austrii 107 Remigiusz ROSICKI Ochrona bezpieczeñstwa wewnêtrznego i porz¹dku konstytucyjnego na przyk³adzie zadañ i dzia³añ Agencji Bezpieczeñstwa Wewnêtrznego – analiza krytyczna przepi- sów de lege lata i de lege ferenda 119 Karol B. JANOWSKI Dylematy polityki wschodnie RP. Od równowagi dynamicznej do nierównowagi 135 Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Alisa NECHYPORUK Wizerunek Europy w nowoczesnych me- Wydzia³u Nauk Politycznych diach. Analiza ukraiñskiego tygodnika i Dziennikarstwa UAM, “Zerkalo nedeli” Poznañ 149 Adres redakcji: Bogdana NOSOVA Rola dyskursu dziennikarskiego zagra- ul. Umultowska 89A nicznych intelektualistów w ewolucji ko- 61-614 Poznañ munikacyjnej tel./fax 61 829 65 08 163 Prenumerata: Aleksander Prawo do buntu: konteksty europejskie tel. 61 829 65 17 SKIPERSKIKH i rosyjskie Kontakt: [email protected] 171 Salome DUNDUA Polityka jêzykowa i edukacyjna w Gruzji (analiza porównawcza: Gruzja, kraje ba³tyc- kie i Ukraina) 185 Lasha Tranzycja w kierunku demokracji – pro- MARKOZASHVILI blemy Gruzji PRZEGL¥D 203 POLITOLOGICZNY Noty o autorach NR 3/2014 ISSN 1426-8876 Sk³ad, ³amanie i korekta „MRS” 60-408 Poznañ ul. P. Zo³otowa 23 tel. 61 843 09 39 Druk i oprawa Zak³ad Graficzny UAM 61-712 Poznañ ul. H. Wieniawskiego 1 DOI : 10.14746/pp.2014.19.3.1 Magdalena RATAJCZAK Wroclaw Multi-cultural Switzerland – multicultural public service media? Abstract: In this article a special attention is paid to the to the role of public service broadcaster in cul- tural diversity societies. The main aims of the author was answering the following questions: how cul- tural pluralism is implemented by the public service broadcaster in Switzerland? How the Swiss PSB implements the principle of cultural pluralism, particularly in the context of the access of national, lan- guage communities and the migrants minorities to the media? Are all groups recognized by the public broadcaster in the same way? The second goal of the author was delivering answer to a question about the manner of how public broadcaster has adopted to the new situation and how the new ethnic groups are recognized by SGR SSR. The considerations are related to a cultural pluralism, which assumes that the media provide a guaran- tee of cultural diversity in a society. This article is a case study of Swiss public service broadcaster – SGR SSR idee suisse. Key words: Switzerland, multiculturalism, cultural diversity, public service broadcaster Introduction he multi-cultural nature of Switzerland is one of its symbols. This has been rec- Tognized since the birth of the nation. The cultural diversity of Switzerland has evolved over centuries. The multi-cultural aspect of Swiss society is understood, first and foremost, in terms of the existence of many languages. There are Swiss German speakers, French speakers, Italian speakers and those that speak Romansch. The question of faith only comes later. The four language regions are also cultural regions. These are characteristic institutions, organizations, traditions, customs, hab- its, styles of architecture, ways of life, styles of work and play and cuisines. The language communities naturally form defined cultural groups. Since the early 1970s Swiss society has been ever more willing to make this language-based division, and this way of thinking has been supported by the media. In recent years a debate on the fundamental elements of its national identity has been taking place in the country, including the subject of direct democracy, neutrality and multiculturalism. The last point has undergone intensive changes in recent decades. What is the nature of multiculturalism in the contemporary Swiss context? It is in- creasingly difficult to answer such a question. The religious differences within Swiss so- ciety have a long history, dating back to the Reformation. It is worth remembering that these differences, which started during the Reformation and finally took shape at the end of the 19th century, were characterised by relative stability. Until the 1970s, 98% of Swiss residents belonged to a Christian church of some denomination. 8 Magdalena RATAJCZAK PP 3 ’14 Although over time these religious differences have lost their significance, the Swiss are well aware that the only fratricidal wars they have waged took place against a reli- gious background. Increasing immigration, both for political
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