11/9 CONNORS'-- STATE COLLEGE LIBRARY uSkARY RT.I BOX 1000 C��hor3 .�tate College WARNER, OK 74469 \�hter; Oklahoma 14469 PAID BULK RATE PERMIT #17 WARNER, OK 25c 74 Vol. V Issue 11 FIVE STAR NEWS Wednesday, January 9, 1991 Twelve Pages In Two Sections BIAAdIDits Church Youth Renowned Columnist Donates Attends Books To "Project Desert Read" Keetoowah Renowned Oklahoma helping us with Project Desert Conference columnist and author Faith Read. Faith was especially Entitled To Twenty-one members, Hiebert has donated one generous 1n supp1ytng·uswith including fifteen youth mem­ hundred copies of her recently copies ofherbookwhichI know bers, from Keef eton Trinity published book,"Cockle burs," will upliftthe spiritsof every­ Funding Baptist Church, attended the to the Oklahoma Literacy a one who reads it." In their answer filed in 1990 Oklahoma Youth Evn­ Coalition's book drive "Project In addition, Farmers Tulsa Federal Court respond­ gelism Conference on Decem­ Desert Read." The Oklahoma Group Insurance and ing to a lawsuit filed by the ber 27-28 at the State Fair­ LiteracyCoalition with the help Thomason Printing Company United Keetoowah Band of grounds Arena in Oklahoma of Oklahoma libraries,literacy will be sponsoring1,000 books Cherokee Indians inOklahoma City. councils, and authors have to be sentto SaudiArabia, and (UKB), the Secretary of the Youth members Steve donated more than 2,000 Mrs. Hiebert has also mailed Interior and Bureau of Indian Croftcheck, Bill Shropshire, books for holiday delivery to about 400 copies of Cockle­ Affairs(BIA) admitted that the LanceWhitman, D.G. Brewer, the servicemen and women of burs to be distributed to the UKB is a federally recognized Lynette Rock, Robert Layman, Operation Desert Shield. American Service personnel Indian tribe, band, or nation Eric Shropshire, Brandon "Cockleburs" contains a serving 1n Operation Desert eligible fordirect funding and Blanchet, Brent Haire, Nicole collection of humorous stories Shield. The Talon chapter of seIVices pursuant to the In­ Croftcheck, Brandi Price, published throughout the year the 101st Airborne, and the dian Self-Determination Act Shelly Reeves, Elizabeth by Ms. Hiebert. Thisyear, the Muskogee chapter ofMAS.H. and other federal statutes. Blanchet. and Cynthia and book is dedicated to the Mili­ has sent Cockleburs books to According to Keetoowah Chief Re becca Lish 1n addition to tary personnel deployed on the troops this month also. John Hair, the UKB will sponsors Lynn and GlenDavis, Operation Desert Shield and Persons wishing more promptly apply for direct. Jill and Ron Blanchet, and Bro. offersa special message to the information about future (Clockwisefrom left) Jeremy Wright, EdwardChandler and Lori Smith,help funding and provision of ser­ Tommy and CheryShropshire, men and women in Saudi Oklahoma Literacy Coalition celebrate Christmas with resident Wilma Miller (center) as part of the . vices forall its membership,to attended this conference, Arabia: "May you be blessed projects may call the literacy Chrisunas celebration perfonnedby the OklahomaKids at theCommwiity develop employment of band which featured music and in­ with Courage, Wisdom and otiice ·or the Oklahoma De­ Health Care of Gore. membership, and to provide spirational messages to the Peace of Mind." partmentofLibrartes (toll-free) for a service delivery system future leaders of our state and "Project Desert Read"was 1-800-522-8116. for the members of the band. nation starting on Thursday the idea of Oklahoma Literacy While the BIA is still op­ afternoon, December 27, and Coalition President Leslie posing other parts of the law­ continuing Thursday evening Gelders who wanted a way for Synar suit, the admission that the and Friday morning, Decem­ Oklahomans to show their Introduces UKB is a federally recognized ber 28. concern and support towards . Full Indian tribe, band, or nation This was a Cooperative the men and women of Op- COLA For eligible for direct funding will Program Ministry of the Bap­ eration Desert Shield. 'We havea verypositive impact on tist General Convention of were overwhelmedat the gen- Disabled Viets the band and . its members. Oklahoma. erosity of Oklahomans in The UKB council membersare In '91 confident that the remaining U.S. RepresentatlvcMllre issues 1n the federal litigation DBS EDlployees To Synar and other members of will be resolved 1n their favor Congress introduced legtsla­ by the federal courts. tlon to provide a 5.4% cost of ' Help Faniilies Of living increase (COLA) for militaryretirees and recipients \ t Senior Citizens Servicem.en In Persian of veterans pensions, effecive January 1, 1991. Synar 1s To Hear Safety cosponsorofthebillintroduced Gulf by Representative Sonny Jenny Loney, Lori Smith,Edward Chandler and LisaSmith were among the Program Employees of the Okla­ serving as liaisons between Montgomery,Chairman of the Oklahoma Kids whoperformed for residents, family and staffof theCom­ "Driving Safe In Bad homa Department of Human OHS county offices and m111- House of Representatives' munityHealth Careof Gore prior to Christmas. Weather" is to be the topic of Services from throughout the tary families. They provide Committeeon Veterans·Affairs. discussionby RllettaMarshall, state are lending a helping information on DHS services "On the first day of the ) OklahoIDa Kids PerforID Muskogee County Extension hand to assist the families of to families and provide OHS 102nd Congress, we are Home Economist from the ·,selVicemen in the PersianGulf. offices with names of families sending a signal to the veter- I Oklahoma State University The DHS/Desert Shield , needing assistance. ans of Oklahoma and For Residents At Extension Office, on Thurs­ Volunteer Task Force is OHS employees 1n all throughout the nation that day, January 10, at 11:30 am. working with representatives counties are being encouraged veterans have a high prtority Coniniunity Health at the Senior Citizensluncheon of the military to help meet the to provide support to those 1n federal legislation," Synar meeting in the Warner Com­ needs of families suddenly fellow employees who have said. Care Of Gore munity Center. separated by the armedforces family members involved inthe The House of Represen­ Cleared by Jake Tarking­ buildup in the Middle East. Persian Gulf Crisis. These tatlves passed a COLAbill on On December 23, 1990, Mr. Joey Perkins played the ton, treasurer. and Charlie The primaryneeds of the employees are encouraged to· October 15, 1990, but the the residents, their visiting guitar and ·sang with his McGrew, vice president, there families are emotional support contact Judy Hill of the DHS · Senate failed to act on the bill families, and the staff of the daughter, Jody, while grand­ will be handouts for all per­ and financial support, said Volunteer Chaplaincy Pro- before Congress adjourned. Community Health Care of mother, Nancy Perkins, en­ sons attending. Robert Buckner, Oklahoma gram,(405)521-3310,andDon President Bush's budget pro­ Gore celebrated the holiday joyed the performance in the WarnerExtension Home­ City, chairman of the task force Dyer, DHS Employee Assis- . posal for the coming year did season with a Christmas party. audience. makers are encouraged to at­ and a programs supeIVisor 1n tance Program, (405) 528- not include a cost of livlng An Oklahoma Kids show Wilma Miller of Gore tend as their January 8th the DHS Division of Children 6112. increase for beneficiaries of was performed by local Okla­ seemed to enjoy the children's meeting has been cancelled and Youth SeIVices. Those families needing veterans' pensions. homa Kids Jenny Loney, Jer­ performance, along with all of due to inclement weather. Buckner said when mili­ assistance not available Montgomery, Chairman emy Wright, and Edward the toe-tapping residents on "Driving Safe In Bad Weather" tarypay replac;es,rather than throughD HS are being referred of the House Committee on Chandler ofWebbersFalls, and hand. Afterthe performance, was the leadership lesson supplements, a family's in­ to the military Family Assis­ Veterans Affairs, welcomed Lori Smith of Muskogee. The donated gifts were distributed scheduled forTuesday, Janu­ come, there is sometimes a tance Center's Desert Shield Synar's cosponsorship of the weekend ice storm prevented to the residents. ary8. need forfinancial assistance. Help Line, 1-800-522-8335. proposed legislation, saying." some Oklahoma Kids from On December 21. an The task force prepared All DHS employees are "You have always been there coming so Caleb Montgomery,· Oklahoma Kids show was an information sheet about being encouraged to wear a when veterans needed your eight-year-old son of Mr. and performed by Jenny Loney. OHS programs available to yellow ribbon January11 as a help." Mrs. John Montgomery, Edward Chandler and Lori To be eligible for care military families in need. sign of support for the troops The legislation would pitched in by playing two Smith for the staff of Com­ through Oklahoma VISION Military recruiters are ·and their families. benefit more than two m1111on Christmas carols on the pi­ munity Health Care of Gore at USA, a member of the house­ veterans with service-con­ ano. Alsowilling to entertain, the their Christmas Buffet. hold must be employed, the Baptists Call Special Prayer Time nected disabilities. as well as family must not be covered by 272,000 widows and 41,000 health insurance, eye exams SouthernBaptist leaders Jordan, president of the Bap­ children of veterans who died Oklahonia Optonietrists must not have been received
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