Index Page numbers in italics denote an illustration Abbasid caliphate, 367, 371, 376 Arai, Tomie, 276–7; Framing an American Abd al-Aziz, Umar ibn, 379 Identity, 276–7 Abd Allah ibn Mumar, 374, 376 Arbus, Diane, 318 Abe, Stanley, 645 Arcega, Michael, 272; El Conquistadork, Abichandani, Jaishri, 275–6; 272, 273, 274 Reconciliations series, 275–6 arch form: and mosques in Sind, 373–4 Abul Fazl, 235 Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), 202, Abul Hassan: Jahangir Embracing Shah 209, 439 Abbas of Persia, 327 Archaimbault, 64 advertising: and Korea, 174–5 art objects: agency of in sixteenth-century afterlife: Chinese view of, 75 Japan, 450–61; instrumental power of, Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), 448–9; invisibility of in Southeast Asia, 202 110–12 Ahmad ibn Tulun, 376 art photography: Korean, 160 Ajivikas, 439 Asaf Khan, 215, 217 Akbar, 211–12, 213, 321, 434 Ashoka, Emperor, 401, 422, 428, 429, Akechi Mitsuhide, 453, 454 430–1, 432, 437–8 Ala al-Din Khalji, 140, 141 Ashoka’s capital, 438–9, 438 album format: integration of image and Ashokavadana, 437 text in Chinese, 567–9,COPYRIGHTED 568 Ashraf, Kazi, MATERIAL 140 Alexander, 429, 430 Asia Society, 74 Allahabad pillar, 433–4 Asian American art, 11, 264–88; Chinese An Jung-sik, 161 Character exhibition, 269; and diaspora, Anaukhpetlun, King, 190 269; and embodied affiliations, 270, Andaya, Barbara, 493, 499 276–81; and identity politics, 267–8; Antal, Frederick, 448 and polycentric affinities, 270, 274–6; Anup Singh, Maharaja, 244, 245, 246 scholarship on, 268; transnational apartment culture: in Korea, 167, 169, circulation, 270–4; transPOP exhibition, 169, 170 269; and war and remembrance, 270, Appadurai, Arjun, 448 281–5 656 INDEX Asian Americans, 264–7; and identity, 267; Benjamin, Walter, 335 and immigration laws, 266; legacy of Bennett, Tony, 162 racialization, 267 Berger, John, 448 Asian art, 3–16; conservatism of, 6; Bernstein, Mary, 643 exclusions from canonical narrative, 8; Bhandarkar, D. R., 365 expansion of definition of, 7–8; Bhuteshvara, 140–1 geographical and temporal scope of, 4–5; Bibi ka Maqbara tomb, 219 legitimization of, 5; methodologies used Bikaner painters, 233–4, 236–7, 240; to study, 8, 10; Orientalist underpinnings see also Rukn-ud-din of, 6, 7, 8, 9–10; political impetus for Birdwood, George, 623 study of, 7; shifting of boundaries, 5; Blake, Stephen, 219 as a unified category, 9 Bo Bo Aung, 184, 185 attribution, 233–62 Bodawpaya, King, 185 Auliya, Hazarat Nizamuddin, shrine of, 204 Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 471 Aung San, General, 192 Bouche, Guillaume, 643 Aurangabad, 219 Bourdieu, Pierre, 448 Aurangzeb, 219 Brahmanabad, 384 Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, 529 Briggs, Captain James B., 616, 620, 621, Avantivarman, King, 123, 127, 128, 129, 143 623 Awasthi, A. B. L., 365 bronze door knockers (Sind), 374, 375, Axel, Brian, 328 376, 382 Buddha, 11, 189, 403, 428, 432, 517; death Babur, Zahiruddin Muhammad, 206–7, 212, of, 412–13; and Dhammapada, 518, 519; 222; conquest gardens of, 208–10, 209 discourse on the meditation of corpse, Bachhofer, Ludwig, 638 517; images of in museums, 115; legends Bagh-i Jahanara (Agra), 220 of first statue of, 415; relics of, 403–4, Bagh-i Nilufar (Dholpur), 208–10, 209 413–16; two-body theory of, 404 Bagh-i Safa (Pakistan), 207 Buddha Gotama, 180, 184 Bagh-i Wafa (Jalalabad), 207 Buddhaghosa, 519–20 Bagta, 236 Buddhism, 6, 37, 72, 430–1; culture and Bahadur, Shah Zafar II, 222 doctrine relations, 398–400; and death, Bal, Mieke, 496, 497 11; and epigraphic text, 401–2; and Balban, 140 Faxian’s text, 3–4; and kinship, 402–4; Balbi, Gasparo, 190 and kusozu (“nine-stage decomposition”), Bali, 487 514–16, 515; and lotus flower, 354; bamboo: Lady Li and ink, 295–6; use of misogyny and representation of female by Guan Daosheng, 298–300 body in, 520, 524; ordination into Ban Biao, 304 Theravada, 49–50, 54–7, 55, 56; and Ban Zhao, 293, 304, 305 permanence/impermanence relation, Banbhore, 384 402–4, 416; and Six Realms of “Banquet by the Green Jaspar Pond, The,” Transmigration, 523; and theory/practice 351–2 opposition, 398–401, 403; and upaya Barabar caves, 439–40 kaushalya, 513–14, 532; Zen, 521 batik cloth, 101 Buddhist art, 4, 404–13; and aniconism, beauty: and art, 112; of keris in Javanese 408–12, 415, 416; and anthropomorphic texts, 112–13 images of the Buddha, 408, 409, 412, Becker, Judith, 505 415; and emic/etic opposition, 409–10; Bengal: unfired clay sculpture in, export of to Europe, 405–6; Foucher’s see unfired clay sculpture (Bengal) genealogy of, 404–6 INDEX 657 Budhi Chanderi, 140 Chun Doo-whan, President, 174 Bun Phra Wet festival, 50, 52, 57, 58–64, Chunar sandstone, 423 61, 62, 65 Chung, Y. David, 274–5; Seoul House Bureau of Painting (Korea), 342, 343, 348 (Korean Outpost), 275 “Burning House” parable, 513–14 cities: development of in Korea, 153 civilization, and art, 543–4 Cai Yuanpei, 542, 543, 546, 552, 553 Clavijo, Ruy Gonzalez, 206 Cambodia, 109 clay: in India, 606–7; see also unfired clay capitals, Mauryan, see pillars, Mauryan sculpture (Bengal) caves, Mauryan, 439–40 cloth: batik, 101; gringsing, 487, 488–90, Central Public Works Department (CPWD), 489, 500; and ordination into India, 202 monkhood, 49–50, 54–7, 55, 65 Cernuschi, Henri, 636 Clunas, Craig: Pictures and Visuality in chaesaek-hwa tradition, 342, 344 Early Modern China, 448; Superfluous chahar bagh (four-fold garden), 201–2, 207 Things, 448 Champanaer (Gujarat), 208 coinage: Sind, 369–71, 370, 372, 382–3 Chand, Nihal, 236, 258 Confucianism, 542, 543 Chandra, Moi, 253, 381 connoisseurship, 12, 233–62, 552 Changdeok Palace, 350, 351, 355 consumerism: and Korean society, 174–5 Changgyeonggung Palace (Seoul), 161 Coomaraswamy, Ananda, 5, 6, 64, 132, Cheasson, Louis, 634 408–9, 414, 471–2, 482, 623–4 Chen Duxiu, 542, 543, 548, 549, 553 Cornwallis, Charles, 615 Chen Hongshou, 571–2, 571, 576 cosmopolitanism, 383–4 Chen Shizeng, 546 Coste, Father Eugène Jean Georges, 156 “Chessman of Charlemagne” (ivory), court painting: Joseon, 342–57, 358; 377–80, 378 Rajput, 235–8 Chidambaram, 477, 481–2; Shiva Nataraja’s Creese, Helen, 501–2 temple complex, 477–9, 478, 479 Cubism, 165 China: Dawn of a Golden Age exhibition culture houses (Seoul), 158 (2004), 74 Curzon, George Nathaniel, 222 Chinese art: embodiment of national spirit and civilization, 539–40, 543–7; fans, Daewongun, 155 567–72; ink painting, 290–317, 538, Dai, Lady, tomb of (Mawangdui), 76, 78 540, 563–79; integration of text and Daily Newspaper of Peking University, 553, image in painting, 563–76; projection of 554 female power by women artists in Ming Daily Record of the Gyujang-gak, 343, 346, era, 290–311; and public space, 550–4; 352 Qing Orthodox school of painting, Danh, Binh, 282–4; Disrupted exhibition, 540–1; and realistic style, 543; 282, 284; One Week’s Dead Series, 283 xieshi–xieyi polarity, 547–50; Yuan Daniell, William, 191 painting, 547–50, 554; see also Song Danrin, Empress, 526 painting, tomb art Daosheng Guan, 11 Chinese Character exhibition, 269 Dara Shikoh, 219 Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 266 Darius, 430 Chishti, Sheikh Salim, 212 Darmosoegito, Ki, 112–14 Chola dynasty, 471, 473, 481–2 darshana, 45, 411 Chong, Albert, 277–9; The Sisters, 278–9, DeCaroli, Robert, 404, 408 278 Deeg garden, 220 Chulalongkorn, King, 63, 64 Dehejia, Vidya, 194, 410–12 658 INDEX Delhi, 218 “First Flower” (ceramic tea caddy), 455, Deoksugung Palace (Seoul), 156 455, 456 department stores (Seoul), 162 Firuz Shah Tughluq, 434 Der-wei Wang, David, 549 Fisher, Philip, 448, 461, 464 Desai, Vishakha, 9 “Five Peaks Screen,” 354–6, 355 Desawarnana (Prapanca), 486, 487, 488, focalization, 496, 497 490–3, 499–507, 500 folk painting (Korean), 341–2, 357–8, Dey, Ramdulal, 617–18 359 Dhammapada, 518, 519 Fong, Mary, 756 Dhammazeidi, King, 190 Forster, E. M.: A Passage to India, 439 Dhatuvibanga Sutta, 183 Foucher, Alfred, 404–7 Dien, Albert, 72, 74 Fry, Roger, 644 Dilavar Khan, 142 funerary art, see tomb art ding vessels, 82 Fusetsu, Nakamura, 545 Dono, Heri, 118 Du Fu, 300 Galestin, Theodore, 493–6, 493, 497, 508 Durga Puja, 604–5, 605, 608, 613–15, Gamble, Sidney: Cleaning Buddha, 632–3, 614 633 Dutt, Rajinder, 618, 619 Gandhi, Indira, 327 Gao, Dowager Empress, 294 East India Company, 222 Gao Yang, Emperor, 82 Eaton, Richard, 141 gardens: Mughal, 220–9; Sultanate, 207–8; “Ebina Kokaji” (sword), 459, 460 Timurid Central Asia, 206–7 Ehrenburg, Ilya, 645 Gautama, Prince, 520 Eitoku, Kano, 447 gaze: repositioning of in fourteenth-century Eleven-Headed Kannon, 584, 584, 585, East Java, 486–511 641 Geertz, Clifford, 106, 494 epigraphic texts, 401–2 gender, 11; in Singh Twins’ work, 321, etoki (pictorial exegesis), 30–9, 32, 34, 329–30, 335; see also women 40–1, 514; display space for, 37–9; General Sherman (ship), 155 imagining of through ethnographic Genshin, 521, 523 analogy, 35–6; meaning of term, 31; and le Gentil de la Galasière, Guillaume, 641 nine-stage decomposition, 524, 526, George, Waldemar, 641 529–30; performative aspects of, 35–6; German philosophy, 544–5 private and public, 31 Gibbons, June and Jennifer, 331 eyes: importance of in Southeast Asia, 110 Gil-Yong, Park, 157 Gilbert and George, 331 Fairbank, Wilma, 87 Gim Deuk-sin, 348 fans: integration of text and image on Gim Hong-do, 346 Chinese, 567–72 globalization, 264–5 Fatehpur Sikri, 212 Goetz, Hermann, 236 Faxian, 3–4, 13–14, 16 Gojong, King, 155, 356 Feng, Empress Dowager, 83 Gramsci, Antonio, 383 Fenollosa, Ernest, 5, 545, 641 Grand Trunk Road (India), 204, 210 Festival of India (1982), 327 Great Exhibition (1851), 621 figural sculpture:
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