www.corshamprimary.co.uk Follow us on Twitter @CorshamPrimary April 2017 Staff News We will be saying goodbye and good luck to Mrs Kate Smith at the end of term as she leaves us to start her maternity leave. We wish her all the best and look forward to hearing her baby news soon. Going forward after Easter, 1S will be ably supported by Miss Palmer and Mr Richards who are already known to the children. We recently held interviews and are delighted to let you know that Miss Hannah Skidmore, Miss Clarissa Ward and Mrs Amanda-Jane O’Brien were appointed as permanent members of the teaching team; we are all thrilled they will remain working at Corsham Primary. We also appointed Mr Tom Richards who will officially join our teaching team from September. At the end of this academic year Mrs Lucy Jones has decided that the time will be right for her to leave Corsham Primary. Lucy’s children are older now and after a long teaching career, including 9 years at Corsham Primary working in our Foundation Stage classes, she feels it is time to focus on her own interests and has lots of new opportunities planned including a holiday out of term time! We will be sad to say goodbye to Lucy, she has played a crucial role in welcoming our new children and families to Corsham Primary over the years and I know you will join me in wishing her all the very best for the future. Easter Celebrations! On Thursday 6 April we will be celebrating Easter by having our traditional Easter Hat competition. Further Easter activities will take place on Friday 7 April which will include Egg Rolling and an Egg-vention competition. Please look out for our Easter Celebration letter on the website and in your email inbox. KS2 MUSIC CONCERT Transport to and from school Don’t forget our music concert on 22 June Please remember that riding bikes and from 6—7pm at the Pound Pill site. scooters to and from school is welcomed Some of our talented musicians will be and the bike sheds are available to house performing—if your child would like to them safely when children are in school. participate in the concert they will need to However, may we respectfully remind you that we do not allow use of get their piece ready and Mrs Cottrell, skateboards or pennyboards on school Miss Haines and Mrs Mason will grounds please. listen to them play. Please complete a permission slip (being sent home to those Thank you interested) and return it to the school office. Message from Scholars (school uniform supplier) Parent and Carer contact details We are pleased to announce that our Please remember how important it is that we are Chippenham shop will be moving from the Market able to get in contact with you. This is not only Place to larger premises on the Causeway from necessary in times of emergency, but sometimes 15 March 2017. for forgotten items or just to change picking up arrangements etc—it is vital that we have up to Scholars date mobile telephone numbers on our system so 3 The Causeway Chippenham that we don’t waste any time not being able to Wilts get hold of you! Please just jot down any SN15 3BT changes for us and we will update our system which can be done at any time very easily. Tel: 01249 656600 Thank you [email protected] Lovely Learning Assemblies 2.30pm Cake Sales: 28 April Thursday 11 May—1A Tuesday 16 May—1T Broadwood Thursday 18 May—1S 1T Year Group Assembly 9.15am Pound Pill 3 May—Year 4 @ PP 5 May—4W @ BW 4L and 2W 24 May—Reception (Apples/Pears) @ PP 26 May—Reception (Strawberries) @ BW SATs Indhu Rani afternoon Just a quick reminder of SATs dates for Friday 26 May parents of children in Year 6. The children will Children are planning their annual be working on their SATs during the week fundraising event to support Chandra who commencing Monday 8 May 2017. lives in the Goodwill Village in India. Corsham Primary children have been Should any parent require further contributing to support the education of information about SATs, please do not children in this village for several years now. hesitate to pop in to school to see your child’s teacher. Educational Jargon! At this time each year we include a section in the Newsletter about “educational jargon” and we can hardly believe that more has appeared. We hope this information proves useful and helps you to understand what we are talking about at times! FS or Foundation Stage Children aged 4 and 5 who are in Reception classes KS1 or Key Stage One Children in Years 1 and 2 KS2 or Key Stage Two Children in Years 3 to 6 DfE Department for Education LA Local Authority SATs Standard Assessment Tests HMI Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Schools OFSTED Office for Standards in Education NQT Newly Qualified Teacher RQT Recently Qualified Teacher SDIP School Development and Improvement Plan TA Teaching Assistant EWO Educational Welfare Officer—monitors school attendance NOR Number on Roll SEN/SENCO Special Educational Needs/Special Ed. Needs Coordinator PHSEE Personal Health and Social Economic Education INSET In-Service Education and Training TD Day Teacher Development Day ICT Information and Communication Technology TPA Teachers’ Personal Assistant OTP Outstanding Teacher Programme OTAP Outstanding Teaching Assistant Programme PPA Planning, Preparation and Assessment AfL Assessment for Learning EGPS English, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling ITT Initial Teacher Trainee RTM Respond to Marking PSP Pastoral Support Plan ARE Age Related Expectation Money raised by children who ran the United in Values Party on 9 February ... Frequently Asked Questions How does the school communicate with parents? Comprehensive website, Twitter account, monthly newsletter (e-mailed to parents/carers directly and posted onto the website.) Letters are also emailed directly to parents/carers and posted on our website. Can my child attend school if I have treated for headlice? Yes, as long as you have treated your child, they may attend school the same day. Can I send medicine into school with my child to self-administer? Absolutely not. This could put other children at risk and is not appropriate. If your child is needing regular medicine, you are welcome to come into school and administer yourself. If your child is ill and needing regular medicine, please consider whether they should be at home. Can my child bring their iPad/Kindle/mobile phone into school? Yes – please fill in a consent form (available at school office). How do I apply for a place at CPS? You do this through Wiltshire Council – forms for “In year transfers” are available on their website: http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/schools-learning-admissions (We are only able to inform you whether or not we have spaces available.) When is the best time to speak to my child’s teacher? Teachers are always keen to operate an open-door policy. They will be able to see you at the start/end of the day and if not enough time then, an appointment can be made to suit. Additionally, regular parent’s evenings are opportunities to discuss your child’s progress. What happens if I am unable to pick up my child on time at the end of the day? Please telephone the school office to let us know so that we can inform the class teacher and child. If you are able to organise another person to pick up, please let us know. What is the finishing time at half term/full term? At half terms, school finishes at 3.10pm as normal. At the end of the full term (Christmas, Easter and Summer), school finishes at 2.30pm. How do I play for school lunches? We operate a cashless system at school so you need to logon to your ParentPay account and pay online. School lunches cost £2.05 per day. If you have any questions, please contact Ursula Nimock at Pound Pill (01249 712387). Where can I buy school uniform from? Our uniform is sold at Scholars (3 The Causeway, Chippenham, Wilts, SN15 3BT Tel: 01249 656600). There is no option to purchase online currently. When can I come and have a look through the lost property? At the end of the school day in the Key Stage 2 cloakroom area. What time do Lovely Learning Assemblies start? Lovely Learning Assemblies start at 2.30pm. What happens if the school needs to close? As much information is given as possible – through local radio stations, noticeboards, by text and the website. Has my child got a place at an after-school club? Please assume that if you do not hear from us, your child DOES have a space at the club they have registered interest in. (Most after school clubs are hosted by external organisations and not CPS.) If my child is physically sick, when can he/she return to school? Your child can return to school no sooner than 24 hours after they were last sick but preferably after 48 hours or whenever after that, they feel better. Will my child have the opportunity to have swimming lessons during school time? Yes – you will be informed in writing when your child is swimming. (Years 3 and 4.) Am I able to drive and park on the school site? We have a shortage of space on the school sites. Please park away from school and walk in. For Pound Pill parents/ carers, a limited number of permits are available from the school office for parking in Corsham town.
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