7 *, -N Armcii Ikllf frtm Ron r«r «w WMk >ii«M 'ni itM ' . fNweeest •! IT. i t WmMtiit ' Otauf Mril «M»I toklKkC 13,705 to ML Slinajr, piMjMUrt; BlMObOT ' t t tiM AodNk n i^ to antor 7tA V , f'' BltfWIB •( CIlMlftttM Menehegttr^A City o / ViUagt Chirm VOL. LXXCTL NO. 284 (StXTEBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 1, 1984 (OtoWfM AdVMiMar m P a f« M) PRICE SEVEN CEK fr Titan Up, Blac^Out ans CAPE KENNEDY,CENN Fla. (AP) — The Air Force launched a Titan SA mili­ tary space rocket on 'its maiden test flisrht . today, but lost track of it l3.min \ utes after lift-off. The 124-foot tall rocket biast' 8 ed away from Cape Kennedy'i^- Poverty Billi ;yV * Democrat 11 a.m. It* groal wa* to launch J It* third staae Into orbit a* a U i l l f l H C C S V f OOCI flying launch* platform. The y Backr Move platform, in turn, wa* to kick f loo*e a dummy -satellite into J O l l l l S O I l X O l v l separate orbit. In Caucus Within minutes, the second and third stages fired on sched­ WASHINGTON (API — Dem­ By GEORGE BAZAN ule. But, as' the rocket zipped ocratic congressional' .leaders 100 miles over a tracking sta- gave President Johnson an optl- HARTFORD" (AP) — A Uon in the West Indies Island ‘ mlsUc report today on prospects Republican leader said to­ of Antigua, radio contact was for enactment of his blllion-d<Jl-_ day that Republicans h»y« lost with the vehicle. ’ lar Appalachia development bill, The radio blackout occurred ; one of the must measures on the all but rejected House re* Just a few seconds .before the ! President’s legislative program, apportionment plans that third stage wa* to have burned ■ Speakey^^John McCormack of ■would be based on g weijgbt- out and inserted itself Into or-' Massachusetts said the ' House ed vote system. Rep. J, Ty-- bit. I would take the bill up Wedne.a- We Just don't know what.dky and that he bellevM it ‘f ler 'Patterson Of Old Lyme, happened," RHg. Gen. Joseph^Jose; would be passed, provided there GOP majority leader in the & Bleymaier, Titan SA <^o- Is a full attendance when the House, said that the Repub­ gram manager, told a ' news vote' is taken. licans now feel that two- conference later. LINDA HARRIMAN ANITA MORAN Senate Democratic Leader other types o f plan prob­ * --------- ^---------------- He said the bUlckout could ‘Mike Mansfield of Montana has indicate an eafly shutdown of tabbed the bill for Senate con­ ably would provide the best the stage,. Which could have sideration after action on the answer. knocked--OUt communications. pending bill to increaae Social One o f ' these would call for Events Bleyfnaier said that, even if Security payment*. the creation o f Assembly Cda- Two Andover Girls the motor cut off early, the The development bill is aimed trlcts and tob second woiUd call third stskge may have achieved at depressed economic areas in for the election o f legielaUms at In State enough speed to attain orbit. the Appalachian Mountain sec large In Senate dlatrietS- He said tracking stations were tions of 11 states. Moat of the bll l^tterson said this might ba Killed on Highway attempting to locate the ve­ Hon dollars would be spent for done in either caM with or With­ hicle, in case it did attain or­ highways and access roads, but out minority representation. , bit. also included are proarams to I While Patterson waq, voidSlg Hospital Faces Bleymaier said that, even if improve vocational roucatlon, I the sentiment of Republican Two Andover girts waUting^glrls were less than a quarter this goal «vas not achieved, the health facilities and water and I leaders, a Democratic, caucus, together along Rt. 6 in Colum­ of a mile from their homes. Strike Threat rocket had met 05 per cent of meeting elsewhere, was exprM- Police said Hoislngton, also timber resources. I bia yesterday were killed in­ its test goals on this first flight. sing favorable sentiment i^ u t westbound, attempted to paaa a The general said that the Oingressional leaders went stantly when they were struck WATERBURT (AP)-t"A s of a weighted vote plan for House truck and several cars in a no first and second, stages record­ over the whole legislative situS' by a car passing a truck. the moment, it looks aa though tion with the President who re^ reapportionment The gkls were Unda Harrl- passing none. He swung out ih- there’s going to be a strike,” a ed 100 per cent successes, and One Democratic leader said to the south lane and slaihmed that the third slage, with a turned Monday night from a 1 man, , and Anita Moran, state mediation official said yes­ weekend at- his Texas ranch. after toe caucus toat many of into the g:irts from- behind, po­ terday after a th^ee-hour meet- rocket engine being flowrt for both of Parker Bridge Rd., An­ the first time, had burned near^ Mansfield told newsmen there the approximately 70 legisla­ lice said. tors present voted in favor of dover. The girls were thrown in the dT"y time of 411 seconds. are only a few bills left which In fair condition today at Waterbury Hospital labor dls , assignment wa* to hurl it* the administration feels must be such a plan in a show of hands.. air and eamy to rest about 20 Another source reported that Windham Community Memorial feet from each other on the Of IT r^n 'third sUge — anew rocket acted on at this session. Don- By way of recapitulation, he Gold water returns from his vacation. the expression of Democrats at Hospital is the driver of the road. neSr chai™an o^tte' 22?; » Tran.tiqse-into orbit ear, Stewart Hoisnington, 36, of atate about 115 miles abovs the esrth. said that of Johnson's 61 recom­ the caucus 'was almost unani­ Holaington’s car, after hit­ mous in favor of a wolgliM Andover. His car overturned boaid of mediation and arbitra­ The Transtage was to kick mendations since Jan. 1, 41 have ting the girte, Mruck an em­ tion, aaid the meeting brought passed by both houses and that vote system. after striking the ' girls and bankment, turned over on the loose a 8,750-pound cylinder- Mcidded for about lOO feet. He no change in union or hospital shaped satellite as it passed three now are In conjerence. "Most of the Republicisn lead­ right side and skidded about positions. As for adjournment prospects, ers feel that a weighted 'vpte sustained internal Injuries. 100 feet. Me crawled out of over the Gulf of Mexico at the Barry Ends Cruise, Local 531A, Building Service end of one 100-minute orbit. The Mansfield said he hoped Con­ type of legislature would .he Both girts died of broken the car through a broken.wip- Employes International Union, gress could complets its work in very awkward and qt tlmM an n # (^ and m u l t ^ injuries, ac- dow .. dummy satellits was to fallow is SMking recognition aa bar­ approximataly the same arbital a reasonably short time so that Sails into Gampai^ absurd kind o f houee to qp- oordlng to the medical examih- No charges havt been placed gaining agent for non-profes­ senators up for rs-election can erate," Patterepn aaid. dr at the aoene. Dr. Francis H. and state polide are continuing path, moving along in front of sional employes at the hoapitsd. its orbiting launch platform. hit tha campaign trail and those The House leader aaid that tJBurke o f RodcvUls. lAst rites their investigation. It has threataned to strike U its he could not, for example, per­ NEWPORT BEACH, Oalif.^Monday night aboard the wars pronounced by the Rav. Mias Harriman was a Grade demand for re'eognitlOB Isn't («M-Paaa WgM) (Sm Pa«a ngkt) ^ suade Umself toat B ws«M AHijwny Oolapletro of S«r Jo* fl 'Student at Andover nem en - mat. • (AP) — His formal campaign bowed motor yacht Sundande. make much sense tor his Uttti ' . 'ittfh'B Church in Willlmantic. tnry School. Miss Moran was a Hospital officiala maintain "Aba' Uncoin did all right ui a town to sjMid someone to toe kickoff two days away, Republi­ beard.’’ Goldwater/fold news The girls, wearing shorts, student at the Holy Family that the hospital, as a non­ can presidential noR)hiM Barry House with only a fifth or an academy in Baltic. profit institution, is exempt photographers aa^ he escorted were walking west against thb his wife ashore’'at toe Balboa ei|hto o f a vote. traffic when the accident oc- from provisions of the State La­ Qoldwater gets bgck to toe busi­ Re said It also was toe feel­ Bay Club. eurred at about 4:30 p.m. The (See Page Bght) bor Relations Act. 'They hava Probers ShyAiway ness of politics today 'after a ing of OOP leaders tt* On Goldwater’s docket today: refused to recognise the union. week of sun and sea off the Cali­ "weighted” plans in all prob­ The union's executive board a long round of television tap­ ability would not meet the ston- fornia coast. in g at a Los Angeles studio. has set a strike date but has A heavy stubble of vacation daTds of toe federal eoint. not said when'it is. From d A Subject He will record television spot “ Although we might Uke such beard on his face and a blue appearances, 30 seconds to five No further talks havs bron yachting cap perched on his a system because It 'ertoild pre-, Johnson Plans Hint scheduled.
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