Roma Chiama Roma First Edition 8:15-18:40 Dipartimento di Scienze, Università Roma Tre Largo San Leonardo Murialdo 1 – aula M1 Nuovo Blocco Aule I dottorandi e neo-dottori di Ricerca in Scienze della Terra delle due Università di Roma s’incontrano per la prima volta in un giorno dedicato a presentazioni orali, posters, dibattiti e scambi scientifici Organizzazione a cura dei coordinatori e co-coordinatori dei Dottorati di Ricerca in Scienze della Terra delle Università Sapienza e Roma Tre Roma chiama Roma 2020 Program ➢ 8:15 - 8:20 – Welcome and introduction ➢ 8:20 - 9:00 – Keynote: Chris Marone (Sapienza and Pennsylvania State University) “Predictability of lab earthquakes” ➢ 9:00 - 9:35 – Short oral presentations (PhD students from Sapienza and Roma Tre University, cycle XXXV): Atoubat, Bigaroni, Conte, Gori, Liberatore, Moschini, Mattia ➢ 9:35 - 10:15 – Short oral presentations (PhD students from Roma Tre University, cycle XXXIV): Clementucci, Di Fiore, Galli, Jozinovic, Scaccia, Scarani, Todrani, Vergara ➢ 10:15 - 10:30 – Coffee break ➢ 10:30 - 11:20 – Poster sessions (PhD students from Roma Tre University, cycle XXXIV) ➢ 11:20 - 12:30 – Short oral presentations (PhD students from Sapienza University, cycles, XXXIV and XXXIII): D’Ambrosio, Innamorati, Monaco, Palummo, Proietti, Verticchio, Bonechi, Delchiaro, Franchini, Iacobucci, Moricca, Ruggieri ➢ 12:30 - 13:30 – Lunch ➢ 13:30 - 14:10 – Keynote: Federico Rossetti (Roma Tre University) “Orogeny: a metamorphic perspective” ➢ 14:10 - 15:10 – Poster sessions (PhD students from Sapienza University, cycles XXXV, XXXIV and XXXIII) ➢ 15:10 - 16:55 – Oral presentations (PhD students from Sapienza and Roma Tre University, cycles XXXII): Briganti, Di Stefano, Galetto, Mercuri, Racano, Valiante, Silleni ➢ 16:55 - 17:10 – Coffee break ➢ 17:10 - 17:50 – Short oral presentations (PhD students from Roma Tre University, cycles XXXIII): Abassi, Decaro, Fioramonti, Frontoni, Galdenzi, Magrini, Marrone, Reitano ➢ 17:50 - 18:30 – Poster session (PhD students from Roma Tre University) ➢ 18:30 - 18:40 – Final remarks Organization: Paolo Ballato, Sveva Corrado, Paola Tuccimei (University of Roma Tre) Marta Della Seta, Silvio Mollo, Fabio Trippetta (La Sapienza University) 2 Roma chiama Roma 2020 KEYNOTES Predictability of lab earthquakes Chris Marone Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, La Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy Pennsylvania State University Efforts to forecast and predict earthquakes are hampered by a lack of reliable lab and field observations. However, recent advances show: 1) clear and consistent precursors prior to earthquake- like failure in the lab and 2) that lab earthquakes can be predicted using machine learning (ML). These works show that stick-slip failure events –the lab equivalent of earthquakes– are preceded by a cascade of micro-failure events that radiate elastic energy in a manner that foretells catastrophic failure. Remarkably, ML predicts the failure time and in some cases the magnitude of lab earthquakes. Here, I summarize recent lab observations of precursors to failure for the full spectrum of modes from stable creep to slow labquakes, and elastodynamic rupture. Remarkably, this range of events can be predicted using ML techniques to analyze acoustic emissions emanating from the fault. Orogeny: a metamorphic perspective Federico Rossetti Dipartimento di Scienze, Università Roma Tre. Metamorphic rocks retain the environmental conditions that deviate from the steady-state thermal structure of the lithosphere. The inversion of the P-T-t-deformation histories as derived from the study of the metamorphic rocks in orogenic suture zones has thus the potential to reconstruct the evolution of the Earth's crust in space and time (assembly and differentiation). A reappraisal of the contribution of metamorphic geology to the understanding of the lithosphere evolution and geodynamics is firstly presented, with a window on the early Earth. This is followed by a review of the subduction zone metamorphism, by presenting the controlling factors (intrinsic and extrinsic), the representative rock associations (HP and UHP series) and the metamorphic gradients expected during orogenic construction and destruction (collapse). 3 Roma chiama Roma 2020 CYCLE XXXV Structural styles of the External Rif and Flysch Domain (Rif belt, northern Morocco) through thermal maturity and structural data Atouabat Achraf1, Tutors, co-tutors: Corrado Sveva.1, Mohn G.2, Schito Andrea1 1Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy 2Laboratoire Géosciences et Environnement (GEC), Université de Cergy‐Pontoise, Neuville- sur-Oise, France Located in the northern Morocco, the Rif belt represents the western edge of the Maghrebides system. This domain underwent a significant Cenozoic alpine compressional deformation, due to the collisional process between the north African margin and the southern margin of the exotic AlKaPeCa terrains, with major events, leading to a nappe stacking structuration, recorded during the Miocene. This contribution aims to characterize the main tectonic mechanisms driving the evolution of the Rifain wedge, its burial-exhumation paths and to understand the role of the architecture of the north African passive paleo-margin on the Rif belt structuration. Hereafter, the work focuses mainly on the Flysch domain, originated from the Maghrebian branch of the Tethys, that was ensuring the connection between the Central Atlantic and the alpine oceans from Jurassic to Paleogene times, and the External domain (namely Intrarif, Mesorif and Prerif) that are belonging to different parts of the former north African margin. To define the thrust sheet stacking pattern and their burial-exhumation paths, three regional transects crossing the orogenic wedge from the Flyschs to the Prerif Units will be produced.The methodological approach consists in combining petrography and Raman micro-spectroscopy on organic matter and 1D thermal modelling, together with field structural survey. The thermal maturity data combined with 1D thermal modelling will provide a new vision on the structural evolution of the western part of the Rif belt. Moreover, it will be possible to define the rate of shortening and by contrast the reconstruction of the non-eroded wedge, and to propose a new geological restoration with respect to the Mesozoic North African margin structural original setting. 4 Roma chiama Roma 2020 Laboratory experiments of fluid injection–induced seismicity: via Vp/Vs, dilation and fluid pressure monitoring Bigaroni Nico Tutor: Scuderi Marco Maria Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, La Sapienza Università di Roma Fluid overpressure has been proposed as one of the primary mechanisms that facilitate earthquake slip along tectonic faults. However, elastic dislocation theory combined with friction laws suggests that fluid overpressure may inhibit the dynamic instabilities that result in earthquakes. In fact, rateand state-friction parameters do change with increasing fluid pressure and a comprehensive characterization of these parameters is fundamental for better assessing the role of fluid pressure in natural and human induced earthquakes. This controversy poses a serious problem in our understanding of earthquake physics, with severe implications for both natural and human-induced seismic hazard. However, currently, there are only a few systematic studies of the role of fluid pressure under controlled, laboratory conditions for which the evolution of friction parameters and slip stability can be deduced. To address this controversy, I will monitor the fault slip evolution of laboratory creep experiments, during fluid pressurization of simulated fault gouges. Monitoring will be performed by simultaneously recording Vp/Vs, fault opening, fault slip, fluid pressure and flow rate. In this way, systematic information on the physical processes that occur during fluid pressurization will be obtained, such as, experimental evidence of "dilation hardening" behavior. Such an approach is fundamental to understanding how the rate- and state-friction parameters (a-b and Dc) vary during the increase in fluid pressure. The experiments will be conducted, in a double direct shear configuration within a true-triaxial pressure vessel, on samples with low permeability of Opalinus Clay from the natural laboratory of Mont Terri (Switzerland). Here an international team of researchers will conduct, in parallel with my laboratory experiments, new fluid injection experiments on a decametric scale, in order to understand if Opalinus Clay is suitable for the disposal of radioactive waste. In this way it will also be possible the uncommon experimental comparison between the variation of mechanical and acoustic data in experiments conducted under the same conditions but at different scales. During my PhD I will also conduct experiments on calcite powder and crystalline rocks, in order to study how fluid overpressure affects the permeability and stability of faults located in the main reservoir rocks. In addition, through the use of different injection rates, I will be able to simulate different injection histories that can be representative of a vast spectrum of natural cases (like tidal perturbation). Ultimately, will be proposed a physics-based models that use new friction laws including the effects of fluid pressure and its rate of change on friction parameters, may help anticipate fault response to injection based on modeling and monitoring of seismicity, seismic velocity changes, and deformation.
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