M A D A G A S C A R - H A Z A R D S A N D W H O d o e s W H A T W H E R E Antsiranana (Urban M A P L E G E N D UNICEF, CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH), ( OIT, OMS, UNFPA, UNICEF, Aide et Action (educ.), CARITAS (agric., santé, CRM (abri, education, santé, urgences, WASH), Antsiranana Rural WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, urgences, WASH), SAF/FJKM (agric., SAF/FJKM (agric.) Region Boundary Nosy-Be santé, nutrit.) ( Vohimarina District Boundary CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH, urgences), CRM (abri, education, Ambilobe (Iharana) santé, urgences, WASH), MDM (santé), MIARINTSOA (WASH), Ambanja SAF/FJKM (santé, nutrit., agric.) Sambava( H A Z A R D S L E G E N D Bealanana UNFPA, Aide et action (educ.), CARE (nutrition, urgences),CARITAS Andapa Antsohihy( (agric., santé, WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, urgences, WASH), Extreme Drought MIARINTSOA (WASH), SAF/FJKM (santé, nutrit.) Befandriana-Nord Antalaha Cyclones Mahajanga Analalava ( Urban Maroantsetra Cyclones and Floods Boriziny (Port-Berg.) Cyclones and Drought lMahajanga Rural Mandritsara UNFPA - CARE (nutrit., urgences), CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH), CRM Mitsinjo Marovoay Mampikony Floods Mananara-Nord (abri, education, santé, urgences, WASH), SAF/FJKM (agric., santé, nutrit.) Drought Soalala Soanierana-Ivongo Andilamena Hotspot (Likely) Besalampy Ambato-Boina l Fenoarivo-Est l Tsaratanana Kandreho Nosy-Boraha OIT, PAM, UNFPA, UNICEF*, Aide et Action (educ.), CARE (nutrit., Maintirano Amparafaravola Maevatanana (St. Marie) urgences), CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, ( Hotspot (Possible) Vavatenina Ambatomainty urgences, WASH), CRS (santé, urgences), HI (santé), MIARINTSOA Morafenobe Temporary Presence AmbatondrazakaToamasina Rural (WASH), SAF/FJKM (agric., santé, nutrit.), St.Gabriel FSG (WASH) * lToamasina Fenoarivo-Centre Ankazobe Anjozorobe Urban Miandrivazo Vohibinany (Brickaville)Antananarivo-Nord OMS, UNFPA, OIT, CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH), CRM (abri, Tsiroanomandidy Ambohidratrimo Moramanga OIT -CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, urgences, Manjakandriana Miarinarivo Antananarivo-ville education, santé, urgences, WASH, santé), MDM (santé), Antsalova Antananarivol WASH), CRS (santé), MIARINTSOA (WASH), SAF/FJKM (agric., santé, nutrit.), lSud SAF/FJKM (agric, santé, nutrit.) SoavinandrianaArivonimamo SAF/FORM (nutrit., santé) Andramasina Vatomandry Faratsiho AmbatolampyAnosibe An-Ala Antanambao Belon-i Tsiribihina Betafo Manampot Antsirabe Antanifotsy Urban Antsirabe ( Mahanoro FAO, PAM, OIT, OMS, UNFPA, UNICEF, Aide et Action (IEC), ASOS Rural Marolambo CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, urgences, Fandriana (agric., nutrit., santé, WASH, IEC), Bushproof (WASH), CARE Mahabo Ambatofinandrahana WASH), SAF/FJKM (agric., santé, nutrition) (nutrit.), CARITAS (agric.,nutrit., santé, WASH), CDA (nutrit., ( Ambositra Nosy-Varika Manandriana santé), CICR (santé, protection), CRM (abri, education, santé, Morondava lIfanadiana urgences, WASH, santé), CRS (santé, nutrit., WASH), DW (IEC), Ambohimahasoa Ikalamavony Mananjary OMS, UNFPA, UNICEF* -CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH), CRM (abri, Fianarantsoa GRET (nutrit.), HI (abri), MDM (santé), MEDAIR (WASH), NOVASOA Manja Urban education, santé, urgences, WASH), SAF/FJKM (agric., santé, nutrit.) (WASH), PAMOELA (WASH), RTM (sec. Alim.), SAF/FJKM (santé, Beroroha l Fianarantsoa Rural nutrit., agric., WASH), SOMECA (WASH), SPDTS Ambalavao Manakara Sud Morombe Ikongo (protection des enfants) (Fort Carnot) ( Ankazoabo-Sud UNDP,CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, urgences, Vohipeno Ihosy Vondrozo Ivohibe WASH), CRS (santé), MIARINTSOA (WASH), SAF/FJKM (agric., nutrit.), Farafangana St.Gabriel FSG (WASH) Sakaraha UNFPA, UNICEF* – Aide et Action (educ.), CARITAS (agric., santé, Iakora ( Toliary Rural WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, urgences, WASH, santé), Toliary Urban Midongy l Betroka Sud CRS (urgences), SAF/FJKM (agric., santé, nutrition) Benenitra UNDP, AAA (sec. alim, agric., nutrit.), ASOS (nutrit.), CARITAS (agric., santé, Vangaindrano Betioky-Sud Befotaka WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, urgences, WASH), CRS (urgences), SAF/FJKM (agric.) OIT, OMS, PAM, UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF* - Aide et Action (educ.), Bekily CARITAS (agric., santé, WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, Amboasary-Sud urgences, WASH), SAF/FJKM (agric., nutrition) Ampanihy Taolagnaro Ambovombe (F-Dauphin) OIT, PAM, UNFPA, UNICEF* - CARE (nutrit., urgences), CARITAS (agric., Androy santé, WASH), CRM (abri, education, santé, urgences, WASH), The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map, do not imply the expression of any opinion Beloha ( whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, Cartography: OCHA ROSA IMU SAF/FJKM (agric.) city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delineation of its frontiers or boundaries. Tsihombe Data Source: OCHA ROSA, March 2009.
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