Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting Longhurst Group July 2020 LAND EAST OF LYNN ROAD, WEETING PLANNING STATEMENT Planning Statement - Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting Quality Assurance Site name: Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting Client name: Longhurst Group Type of report: Planning Statement Prepared by: Jake Lambert MPlan (Hons) MRTPI Signed Date July 2020 Reviewed by: Iain Hill BSc Hons DipTP MRTPI Signed Date July 2020 Page i Planning Statement - Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 The Site and Surroundings 3 3.0 Planning History 5 4.0 The Proposed Development 6 5.0 Planning Policy Review 10 6.0 Planning Analysis 12 7.0 Affordable Housing Statement 21 8.0 Planning Obligations 22 9.0 Conclusion 23 Appendix 1 PLANNING POLICY REVIEW Page ii Planning Statement - Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting 1.0 Introduction This Planning Statement has been prepared by Bidwells LLP, on behalf of Longhurst Group, in support of a full planning application for 76 dwellings ‘the proposed development’ on Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting (hereafter ‘the Site’). This Planning Statement demonstrates how the proposals respond to relevant planning policies and sets out the reasons why planning permission should be granted. It includes a brief description of the site, the proposed development, the relevant planning policy context, guidance and main planning issues in considering the proposals. It also summarises the findings of the specialist technical studies that have been commissioned by Longhurst Group to inform the proposed development. This Planning Statement should be read in conjunction with the following reports and drawings, which are submitted as part of this application: ● Planning Application Forms (including ownership certificates); ● Location Plan, prepared by Jefferson Sheard Architects; ● Site Layout Plan, prepared by Jefferson Sheard Architects; ● Architectural Plans, including Elevations, Floor Plans and Site Levels, prepared by Jefferson Sheard Architects; ● Design & Access Statement, prepared by Jefferson Sheard Architects; ● Planning Statement (this document); ● Draft Heads of Terms; ● Protected Species Surveys and Ecological Reports, prepared by The Ecology Consultancy; ● Tree Surveys/Arboricultural Information, prepared by ArbEco; ● Landscaping Details, prepared by Jefferson Sheard Architects; ● Contaminated Land – Vulnerability Questionnaire; ● Flood Risk Assessment, prepared by Curtins; ● Residential Drainage Statement, prepared by Curtins; ● Transport Assessment with Travel Plan, prepared by Curtins; and ● Previous correspondence regarding archaeology at the site. The above application documents have been agreed with Chris Hobson, Principal Development Management Planner, during pre-application discussions, as sufficient, to validate the planning application. The Applicant The Longhurst Group are an independent charitable registered provider of affordable housing across the Midlands and East of England. They own and manage over 23,000 homes across the Midlands and East of England. Page 1 Planning Statement - Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting The Longhurst Group operate in 50 Local Authority Areas and are one of the UK’s leading developers with an extensive building programme. The Group put their customers at the centre of everything, with a clear set of values to provide great homes and support services to improve lives and create positive places for people to live. Page 2 Planning Statement - Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting 2.0 The Site and Surroundings The site is located to the north-west of Weeting, and measures approximately 3.41 hectares. Weeting is identified as a Local Service Centre in the Adopted Development Plan, as it provides a range of services and facilities, including a primary school, village shop and post office, petrol station, public house, village hall and a fish and chip shop. The village also benefits from a regular bus service between King’s Lynn and Thetford. There is also a railway service in the neighbouring town of Brandon. There are two employment areas within the village at Fengate Drove and to the east of Mundford Road. At present, the site constitutes arable farmland with woodland to the east. The full extent of the site is outlined in red on the following plan: Figure 1: Site Location Plan To the north, the site is bound by arable farmland. Residential development (typically bungalows) located to the east. Existing residential development lies to the south of the site, including a range of bungalows and two storey detached dwellings. To the west, the site is bound by New Lodge Farm, including the farmhouse and a variety of agricultural buildings. Existing vehicular access to the site can be gained via New Lodge Farm. Pedestrian access is provided via a footpath to the south that links with Angerstein Close, which forms part of the Weeting with Broomhill (FP18) Public Right of Way. The site falls within Flood Zone 1, demonstrating that there is a low probability of a flood occurring on the site from rivers or the sea. Further to this, the site is not identified as being at risk of surface water flooding. Page 3 Planning Statement - Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting In relation to heritage assets, there are no Listed Buildings on, or adjacent to the site. In the surrounding area, Lynn Lodge lies to the west, and is Grade II Listed. Weeting Castle Moated Site and 12th Century Manor House with Post-Medieval Ice House, a Scheduled Ancient Monument, lies to the east of the village. The site does not fall within, or in close proximity to, a Conservation Area. A number of trees to the east of the site are subject to a Group Tree Preservation Order (reference 2015/10-2016/1). One off-site tree (T25) to the south-eastern boundary of the site is subject to the same Tree Preservation Order. The site falls in close proximity to the Breckland Farmland SSSI, Weeting Heath SSSI, Breckland SAC, and Weeting Heath NNR. Page 4 Planning Statement - Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting 3.0 Planning History A review of the Council’s online planning register has identified a number of planning applications relating to the site. Full planning consent was granted on appeal in 2012 (ref: APP/F2605/A/12/2172205/NWF and 3PL/2011/1102/F) for 35 new dwellings, alongside access, 24 allotments, community woodland, open space and associated landscaping, on the southern portion of the site. Breckland District Council have confirmed that this planning consent is extant, as pre-commencement conditions have been discharged (ref: 3DC/2015/0102/DOC), and the construction compound and allotment car park installed. Outline planning permission for up to 24 additional dwellings was granted in 2013 on the northern portion of the site (ref: 3PL/2013/0258/O). An application for the approval of matters reserved pursuant to the outline application was approved on 10th May 2017 (ref: 3PL/2016/1412/D). A full planning application for access to the site was granted on appeal (ref: APP/F2605/W/16/3143581 & 3PL/2015/0551/F) in 2016. This proposal sought for the farm access approved and partially implemented under planning permission 3PL/2008/0134/F to be upgraded to a residential access. The planning permission has been partially implemented, and, therefore, the permission remains extant. In summary, the site currently benefits from extant planning consent for the development of 56 residential dwellings, and an established access point from Lynn Road. Surrounding Context Planning permission was granted on 4th December, 19 for the development of two dwellings on land to the south west of the site (ref: 3PL/2019/0551/F). To the south of Weeting, an application is pending determination for the erection of up to 450 dwellings, including vehicular access, roads, car parking, pedestrian and cycle links, public open space, green infrastructure, drainage and associated infrastructure (ref 3PL/2019/0678/O). Page 5 Planning Statement - Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting 4.0 The Proposed Development Full planning consent is sought for 76 dwellings (Class C3) on the site. The precise description of development for which planning permission is sought is: “Full planning permission for the construction of residential dwellings, together with associated open space, highway infrastructure, and diversion of Public Right of Way (Weeting with Broomhill FP18)”. The key elements of the scheme are described in more detail below. Figure 1: Site Layout Plan Page 6 Planning Statement - Land East of Lynn Road, Weeting Residential Dwelling Mix & Type The proposal seeks to provide 76 units that will comprise affordable housing. The proposed mix is outlined in Table 1 below and has been determined in consultation with Breckland Council’s Housing Enabling Officer, following an assessment of local housing need: Table 1: Housing Mix HOUSE TYPE SOCIAL RENT INTERMEDIATE: TOTAL SHARED OWNERSHIP & RENT TO BUY 2b3p bungalow 5 3 8 @ 61sqm 1b2p houses @ 8 0 8 58sqm 2b4p houses @ 19 8 27 79sqm 3b5p houses @ 16 17 33 93sqm TOTAL 48 28 76 As demonstrated above, the scheme proposes a mixture of detached (including bungalows), semi- detached and terraced units, with on-plot parking and separate designated parking areas. The proposed dwellings range from 1-storey bungalows to 2-storey houses. All homes will meet Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS). Layout The development is based around the provision of high quality open space, landscape features and the required road network, which is designed to allow ease of access across the site. The intention is to create a green environment for residents, reflecting the edge of settlement location, with the principal area of open space being located toward the centre of the site. The open space connects with existing mature woodland to the east and the PRoW footpath, which will be diverted as part of the proposals, and which provides access to Angerstein Close and village beyond. Further detail on the layout is provided in the Design and Access Statement prepared by Jefferson Sheard and submitted in support of this application.
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