DOCUMENT RESUME ED 192 725 IR 008 766 AUTHOR Smith, Doris: Pingree, Suzanne TITLE Directory of Organizations Workingfor Women's Educational Equity_ INSTITUTION Women's Educational Equity CommunicationsNetwork, San Francisco, Calif. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DREW) Washington, D.C.: Women's Educational Equity Act Program, Washington,D.C. FUR CATE Mar 80 CONTRACT 300-77-0535 NOTE 131p. EDPS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Equal Education: *Females: Feminism;*Information Sources: *Organizations (Groups): Professional Associations: Sex Fairness; StateDepartments of Education: *Womens Education ABSTRACT This identifies organizations which have women's concerns as a major focus, andorganizations which provide training programs, workshops,conferences, seminars, curricula, and materials that enhance women'scareers or self development. Section one is comprised of two alphabetical listings:national and regional organizations and national and regionaldirectories of resources. The second section lists states and territorieswith some resources that are available in each. Among theseare the National Organization for Women (NOW) state coordinators, statedepartment of education sex equity personnel, and some directoriesof state or local resources. A subject index to the organizations listedin the first section is provided. (Author/FM) ****************** ************** **** * ************ ********* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the bestthat can be made * * from the original document. * **** **************************************************** **** * U 5 OS PARTMENT OF HEALTN: EDUCATION A ygELIFANE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OP EOUCATiON Y;itS OacuMENT HAS NE N E*RD-- DUCE° EXACTLY AS RECEIVED P RONA THE PERsON ON QRGANIZATiON ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OP OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NEEESSAPtiLy QEpRE SENT OFFICIAL "ATIONAL tt,IST, TOTE Qk FOUCAlie.4 PC== PION OE POLIC DIRECTORY OFORGANIZ 1-5 WORKINGFCR WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL E U TY Doris Smith and Suzanne Pingree Hatch 1980 U.S. Department of Health,Education, and Welfare Patricia Roberts Harr,s, Secretary Peter D. Relic, ActingAssistant S41cretary of Education Office ni Education William L. Smith, Commissioner Women's Educational rO:ityAct Program Leslie R. Wolfe, Director Women's Educational EquityCommunications Uetuork Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health, EdUcation,and Welfare Office of Education Under the Auspices of theWomen's Educational Equity Operated by Far West Laboratory Act for Educational Research andDevelopment 1855 Folsom Street, SanFrancisco, California 94103 H (415) 565-3032 2 FOREWORD This project has been sponsoredwith Federal funds from the Department of Health, Educationand Welfare. United States Office of Education, Women's EducationalEquity Act Program, under contract number 300-7760535. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the viewsor policies of the United States Office of Education, the Departmentof Health, Education, and Welfare; nor does mention oftrade names, commercial productsor organizations imply endorsement bythe United States Government. Materials may be reproduced withoutpermission, but credit would be appreciated. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED- No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or nationalorigin, be excluded from participation in, be denied thebenefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any programor activity receiving Federal financial assistance, or beso treated on the basis of sex under most education programs or activitiesreceiving Federal assistance. About the Women's Educational EquityCommunications Network - WEECN is an information service and communicationsystem established in 1977 and operated by the Far West Laboratoryfor the U.S. Office of Education under the auspices of theWomen's Educational Equity Act. As an information service, WEECN collects,screens, classifies, stores, and provides informationon projects and materials related to women's educational equity. As a communication system, WEECN facilitates contact among persons,groups and agencies who are working on behalf of women's educational equity. Users of WEECN include teachers, administrators, counselors,curriculum specialists, preservice and inservice trainers,researchers, students, parents, and citizens. If you would like to knowmore about WEECN, please write to us. - Matilda Butler, Director TABLE or COHTERTS Introduction Types of Organizations Commissions on the Status of Women National Organization for Women 3 Post-Secondary Education 3 Professional Associations 4 Sex Desegregation Assistance Centers 4 Women's Bureau 5 Women's Educational Equity ActProgram 6 YWCA's 6 Section One Rational and Regional Resources Organizations Directories 87 Section TUO: State and LocalResources 102 Subject Index 118 4 IHTRODUCT/ H The organizations described inthe 1980 edition of the Directory of Organizations Workingfor Women's Educational Equity do not rooresentan exhaustive list. They are drawn from the larg _zither that responded to us inour efforts to build a netwt- connecting those concerned with women's educational e.i.ty. We chose organizations for inclusionbased on the following criteria: The organization must havewet en's concerns as a major focus. The organization must be concernedat least in part with educational equity; defined ratherbroadly, this includes providing or preparingtraining programs, workshops, conferences, seminars,curricula, materials, etc., that enhance women'scareers or self development. Efforts to educate or inform aboutwomen and educational equity, and efforts to implementexisting legislation and to advocate othersex equity legislation are also considered to be within the educationalarena. Section One of the Directory is madeup of two alphabetical listings: (1) national ard regional organizations and (2) national and regionaldirectories of resources. Section TWo is an alphabeticallisting of states and territories with someresources that are available in each. Among these are National Organizationfor Women (N.O.W.) State Coordinators, state department ofeducation sex equity personnel, and soma directories ofstate or local resources. The Subject Index to the organizationslisted in Section One is at the back of the Directory. Each organization is listed under one or more subjectheadings based on information furnished, in most cases, by theorganization. We encourage those groups andorganizations who are not 'listed in this Directory but who feelthat they meet the criteria listed above to sendus information for our Resource Library organization files. It will be used to update the Directory and to answer requeSts by users of theWomen's Educational Equity Communications Network. Send current information and literature to 5 Resource Librarian WEECN 1855 Folsom Street San Francisco, California 94103 The production of this Directory was made possible by the contributions of the entire WEECN staff: Kendra Bennett, Joan Borus, Matilda Butler, Gloria Edmonson, Fran Hereth, Jean Marzone, Jean Sims, Sharon Strover, Shirley Wong. Thanks to Forrest Stepp for clerical support. We'd like to thank the many organizations who worked with us to review and update their entries in the Directory. We also want to thank the Wom Bureau, the Bureau of Occupational and Adult Education, the National Association of Commissions for Women, the Division of Technical Assistance, Equal Opportunity Programs, the Sex Desegregation Assistance Center of the Southwest, the American Association of University Women, and the Project on the Status and Education of Women for providing us with updated lists of organizations. Doris Smith, 1980 compiler User Services/Library WEECN Suzanne Pingree, 1978 compiler Women's Studies Program University of Wisconsin, Madison -3- TYPES oy ORCARIZATIOHS Information on state or localresources changes quickly, and a full listing of names and addresseswould soon be out of date. Following is a guide to general types oforganizations, groups, and services and how to locate theresource in your state or area. Commissions on the Status of uomen Commissions on the Status of Women deal withwomen's issues and concerns and work toensure equal opportunity for women in many areas, including education. They may provide resource centers, workshops and educationalprograms, conferences, employment services. Many counties and cities have local Commissions whichcan be found in your telephone directory. For the address of your state commission contact the Women's Bureau inyour region (listed in Section one) or the National Association of Commissionsfor Women, which can provide you witha list of state or local member commissions. The address of the current president is Patricia Burnett, President National Association of Cormy ons for Women 18261 Hamilton Road Detroit, Michigan 48203 National organization for Homen (H.O.W.) N.O.W. State Coordinators for each stateare listed in Section Two. Many cities have chapters. Look them up in your telephone book or contact the N.O.W. National ActionCenter listed in Section One. Post - Secondary Education Many community colleges, 4-year colleges and universities have services directed toward women. These can take various forms, such as 1) women's centers, 2) women's studies programs, 3) reentry or continuing educationprograms, and 4) displaced homemaker programs. Women's centers offer services similar to community-based women's centers, butalso are likely to provide orientation to campus services. Women's studies programs offer courses and/orencourage the integration of women
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