e 3 township contests highlight primary election Local Interests are expected for supervisor; Lee D.Reasoner surer; Carl A. Nobis for trustee; treasurer; Martin Halfmann for Democratic Parly: Roy Andrews can Party: Russell Howe for Republican Party: Derrill Shlna- trustee; no candidates for con­ to stir up a comparatively good for "clerk; Iona M, Barker, Her­ Carl Feldpausch for constable trustee; and Bernard Weber for for supervisor; Warden Kyesfor supervisor; Larry L. Davis for bery and James H. Graham for stable (one to be nominated). turnout lor next Tuesday's pri­ bert D. Gibbs, Jr, and Vlrga- (one to be nominated). constable. clerk; Mrs Cecilia A. Stanaway clerk; Carl G. Lietzke for trea­ jsupervisor; Gladys Hankey for OLIVE TOWNSHIP - Repub­ mary election in Clinton County, BINGHAM TOWNSHIP - Re­ lene A. Randall for treasurer; DeWITT TOWNSHIP - Re­ for treasurer; Glen Higbee and surer; Vern Higbee for trustee; clerk; Nanette Havens for trea­ lican Party: Almond Cress man although political observers don't publican Party: Maurice Gove H. Lyle Brook, Richard A. Brag- publican Party: Oliver Angell, Glenn Craig for trustees; no William Mominee, Charles Volk surer; Francis Motz and Stanley and Earl T. Barks for super­ see any massive rush to the polls for supervisor; Barbara Davis don, Richard Morrill, James A. Reginald Nelson for supervisor; constable candidates. and Leo C. Murphy for con­ Welton for trustee (one to be visor; Hilary G.SimonandMarie in store. Church, Abbot W. Nelson and for clerk; Wilbur A. Brandt for stable (one to be nominated). Mrs Virginia Merrill and Mrs DUPLAIN TOWNSHIP - Re­ nominated); Ben Beck, Gordon A. Northrup for clerk; Charles Three intra-party contests for Elwyn Hotchkin for trustees treasurer; Lyle Hallead for Dorothy Detzler for clerk; Ron­ publican Party: George Moore ESSEX TOWNSHIP - Repub­ Waggoner and Gilbert G. Pettl- L. Faivor and Beulah E, Dick supervisor and several other of­ (three to be nominated); Roger trustee; Robert Gill, William ald Zeeb and William A. Johns for supervisor; Kelley E. Car­ lican Party: John M. Settering- grew for constable (three to be for treasurer; Neil Harte, Harry fices, on the township level will R. Kindy for constable (one to Kissane and Raymond Doyle for for treasurer; Henry Wohlert, ter for clerk; John C. Hall for ton for supervisor; Verne Upton nominated). Reamer and Kenneth Frlcke for highlight the election in the county be nominated). constable (four to be nominated). Herbert Hardtke, William J. treasurer; Walter J. Kaufman, for clerk; Waldo LaRue for trea­ trustee (one to be nominated); and should draw better than av­ LEBANON TOWNSHIP - Re­ BENGAL TOWNSHD? - Re­ DALLAS TOWNSHIP - Repub­ Purves, Bruce E. Angell H and Jr. for trustee; Royal Ellinger surer; John Lewis Brown for Leland Alfred Pettlt for con­ erage turnouts in DeWitt, Olive publican Party; Walter Nobis for publican Party: Ray Mayers for lican Party: William Hufnagel for Jack B. Christie, trustees (two and Lawrence R. Hess for con­ trustee; no candidates for con­ stable (one to be nominated), and Greenbush Townships,where supervisor; Eugene R. Tabor for supervisor; Rudolph Mohnke for supervisor; Vincent J. Goerge for to be elected); no constable can­ stable (two to be nominated). stable (one to be nominated). the contests will take place. clerk; Anthony Theis for trea­ OVID TOWNSHIP - Republi­ clerk; Donald Harper for trea­ clerk; Leo Koenigsknecht for didates (two to be nominated). EAGLE TOWNSHIP-Republi- surer; Louis G. Wirth for The Williams-Cavanagh strug­ GREENBUSH TOWNSHIP - can Party: George Austin for gle for the Democratic nomina­ supervisor; Marie A DePond, tion for U.S. senator is expected Loreta I. warren and C. Penny to pull Democrats to the polls Fortier for clerk; GwenA.Lyon, in good numbers in the southern Lorraine B. Irish, and Vivian part of the county where the party Wyrick for treasurer; Ronald is the strongest. The Democrats' C. Miller for trustee; James only local-level slate of officers Besko and Duane LaRue for con­ is up for nomination in DeWltt stable (two to be nominated); Township. Harold Beardslee, David L. Houghton and George May Ion Waite for party committeemen. POLLS WILL BE open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at all Clinton' RILEY TOWNSHIP-Republi- County polling places next Tues­ pan Party: Willard Krebel for day. Complete election returns supervisor; Elmer w. Marten will be available in next week's for clerk; Robert W. Law for Clinton County News. treasurer; Charles Silm for trustee; Norman Marten and Here's how the lineup looks for Lawrence Witt for constable (two the election: to be nominated). BATH TOWNSHIP - Republi­ 2 SECTIONS - 28 PAGES VICTOR TOWNSHIP - Repub­ can Party: Gerald E. Shepard ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN THURSDAY JULY 28, 1966 10 CENTS I Ilth Year No. 14 lican Party: Claude Underhillfor supervisor; Manley Hunt for clerk; Oleta Matteson for tre- surer; Arlo Stlchler for trustee; John H. Arntz and Richard Curtis for constable (two to be nominated). Woman run WATERTOWN TOWNSHIP- Republican Party: Ernest E. Carter for supervisor; Ruby Sax- ton for clerk; Edward H. Kraft for treasurer; Rollin Noble for trustee; Richard Ackerman and Herman Openlander for con­ for stable (two to be nominated). commission WESTPHALIA TOWNSHIP- If elected in November, Mrs Robert C. lenger Lorenz A. Tiedt, 13- Republican Party: Walter L. Rand will become St. John's first woman year commissioner who lost in Thelen for supervisor; Alfred 1962. B. Snitgen for clerk, William C. city commissioner, according to the mem­ But both men say they will run. Hanses for treasurer; Joseph ories of numerous long-time residents. F. Pohl for trustee; no can­ VALID PETITIONS have been didates for constable; Francis At least, she is the first woman to seek returned to the city clerk for Trierweiler, Gerald J. Thelen the office since 1958. Mrs Rand's petitions Mrs Rand; John A. Furry of and Linus Thelen for party com­ 103 South Whittemore, a school mitteemen. of candidacy were placed in the city clerk's teacher who lost a sticker cam­ paign in 1962; and Douglas S. 88TH STATE REPRESENTA­ hands Monday afternoon. Carpenter of 502 South Kibbee, TIVE DISTRICT - Republican Eight an executive at Federal-Mogul Party: Lester J. Allen, Thell M. years ago, opportunity to help more of the Corp. Woods and HarmonCropsey. De­ another local house­ people. mocratic Party: C. Nyal Flegel Kentfield's first campaign and Joseph Hanus. wife, Mrs Harry (Mil­ "No one comes for help with­ statement, last week, included out a valid reason, and every­ a statement similar to Mrs 87TH STATE REPRESENTA­ lie) Scranton, receiv­ one is entitled to simple cour­ Rand's: «l hope we can create TIVE DISTRICT - Republican ed 196 votes but lost tesy and understanding. a much better feeling between Party: Blair G. Woodman. Dem­ "Although I feel all requests government officials and the ocratic Party: Sanford Volker. to Jack Smit's 584 and cannot be determined in the af­ public." 30TH STATE SENATORIAL firmative, there is certainly a Deadline for submission of pe­ DISTRICT - Republican Party: Maurice Horski's404. diplomatic way of handling every Emil Lockwood and Victor H. Mrs Dale Finch, past city titions is 5 p.m. Aug. 2. Two issue." commissioners will be elected Meier. Democratic Party: Joe clerk, and Gerald R. Danley and Kurka, Jr. O. B. Moore of South Oakland Nov. 8. COMMENTING on the present Candidates for the six-year 6TH U. S. CONGRESSIONAL Street—all long timers in the commission, she said, "A house DISTRICT (Bath and DeWitt city—said they had never heard terms must be qualified voters run by all men is not a very residing In the city. Petitions Townships included) — Repub­ or known of a woman being happy home," lican Party: Charles E. Cham­ elected to the commission. require at least 50 and not more A native of Clinton County than 75 signatures of qualified berlain. Democratic Party: Lee and graduate of Rodney B. Wil­ registered voters. They must 3RD U. S. CONGRESSIONAL New channel for the Maple at Elsie MRS RAND, who lives at 303 son high school, Mrs Rand has be returned to the office of the DISTRICT (includes all of coun­ The Maple River is in a new channel at Elsie, and the new Island Road bridge South Oakland, has held no pre­ lived in St. Johns for the past city clerk. ty except Bath and DeWitt town­ vious elective or appointive of­ seven years. ships)— Republican Party: Merle over the river is practically finished. Work on the approaches will consume most of fice in the city. Her husband is an independent SHOP AT HOME first! See L. Augustine and Garry E. She is now executive secre­ painting contractor. They have the remaining construction time leading up to opening of the bridge hopefully by Sept. 1. our full line of pianos and Brown. Democratic Party: Paul tary of the Michigan chapter in one son. H. Todd, Jr. The new ehann.el now skirts the pond area which shows up now as a marshy area this area of the American Red organs. We are here to serve you. Cross and has been secretary DePeal's Music Center, 120 N. GOVERNOR—Republican Par­ behind the dam. INDICATIONS ARE still strong Clinton, St. Johns. 11-4. of the Swegles Street PTA. that Mayor Jack Smit will not ty: George Romney. Democratic In announcing her candidacy, Party: fcolton A, Ferency. run again. SEE OUR full line of Color the fourth person to do so with­ With the petition deadline next U. S, SENATOR - Republi­ in the past week, she said: Television and Stereophonic can Party: Robert P. Griffin. Tuesday, petitions have still not phonographs. DePeals Music "I'm interested in the people Democratic Party: Jerome P.
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