Comparison of the Mitchell-Hedges skull with its near-twin at the British Museum in London depicts one of the stylized stages of the artifact undoubtedly passed through before completion . To date, no gemnologist has been found who will attempt to dup- licate it. On the other hand, this resonating vibration might be the key which POSITRONIC BRAIN opens the crystal's long held infor- mation about the unknown history by George Gray of the earth . The frequency of the the Crystals, gems, and jewels, those Their origins are unexplained, their vibration might be the same as precious stones of empires through- age unknown, and their purpose still frequency proposed by Dr . Phillip out the history of man which have a mystery . One of the skulls has been Morrison for the interstellar fre- crowned the heads of kings to sym- the subject of study and examination quency most likely to be used by bolize the wisdom of Solomon and by Bay Area resident and art authen- civilizations attempting to com- the tyranny of Peter the Great, have ticator, Frank Dorland . municate with one another inside in our technological age given birth The Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull, our galaxy . to everything from holographs to a solid quartz replica of the human The skull was uncovered in 1927 space clocks, radios, and computers. brain box, may be more important on the site of an archeological dig These minerals dug out of the earth, historically than the Rosetta Stone or in British Honduras by the daughter cut and polished and passed on from the Dead Sea Scrolls . Stanford of explorer-lecturer F. A. Mitchell- generation to generation for University is just one of dozens of Hedges . The origin of the other two One is thousands of years, have often institutions that has refused to have similar skulls is very hazy. seemed to possess mysterious and any formal connection with the skull . in the British Museum in London and powerful qualities of magic and However, on one occasion, several the other in the Musée de I'Homme psychic force . scientists from Stanford (asking that in Paris. Though the skull was found Crystal for prophecies have come their names not be associated with in British Honduras, it is generally down through the ages under many the skull in any way) probed the skull agreed that it was planted there for names - such as the Urim and the with a lasar. Ms . Mitchell-Hedges to find . But that Thummin . These terms appear in the Modern technology has only is where agreement on this artifact Bible and in the more recent Book recently created a process which ends. The skull stands unique among of Mormon where they are described uses crystal like that of the skull to thousands of artifacts found in South as "two stones (crystals) which were store vast amounts of information in America . Dorland believes that the fastened in silver bows" (possibly tiny areas . The entire Encyclopedia skull did not originate from South somehat like a crystal radio) and Brittanica can be placed in a tiny flake America and contends instead that "whosoever has these things is called that will sit in the palm of your hand . it is much older than the 3400 year a 'seer' after the manner of ancient Could the skull be the storage old period of the ruins where it was times ." In another source they are crystal for the radical software of an found. described as jewels which ancient ancient Atlantian civilization? Could wizards tossed or cast in the manner the patterns of the skull be the code of bones or dice, and from the posi- of an ancient language? It may be tion of these fallen stones they made years before we know. Frank Dorland prophecies. the custodian of the skull for several Are the crystal skulls such stones, years explains : which have come down through the ages silently bearing the message of Crystal is very hard but it fractures a civilization long perished, an Atlan- easily. To bring the skull close to tis, waiting patiently to be discovered an electrical transformer, similar to and revealed? Are the crystal skulls those on telephone poles could shatter it . A laser our eye into the past as the jewels is a concentrated beam of light energy . If it hits an of the Buddha's mystic forehead eye imperfection in the wrong way, are the window to the soul? There setting up resonant vibrations, the are three of these crystal skulls, two same disastrous result might occur. in Europe and one in the Americas . THE MYSTERY OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL Art Conservator Frank Dorland, who has studied the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull since 1950, points to an optical effect at the base which can project light up to the sockets causing them to glow Dorland's theory is : ship, both inferior to that of the top The Mitchell-Hedges skull has In all probability, the skull first was surface and the face. The skull of the been given to the Museum of Ameri- carved and put to religious use British Museum does not have a can Indians in New York City and has either by the people of Atlantis or detachable jaw or these other fea- been on display there in a show enti- by the ancient Egyptians or Chin- tu res . tled, Images of Mortality, but Frank ese. At that time it resembled the Dorland believes this skull is really example in the British Museum and Crystal is not just unusual because an image of immortality and should was, in a sense, unfinished . Later, of its mystical and religious history. was used by the Babylonian be recognized as such. it It vibrates, and cutting it in different priests in religious temples on the Whatever the actual history of the directions produces different vibra- hill of skulls, perhaps around 1000 skull, Dorland seriously believes that tions . The clocks taken aboard B.C. The Phoenicians then brought the secret of its past is locked in the spacecraft use tiny flakes of quartz the skull from Babylon to Central skull itself and that the key will only to maintain their accuracy. Primitive America where it was used first by be found through modern scientific the Mayans and then by the Aztecs. radios called crystal sets used an ordi- methods. Further research on these Perhaps the skull spent sometime nary quartz crystal to detect radio windows into the past will only come atAtlantis before being transported waves. Crystals of silicon (the main when interest in the skull is demon- to Central America . It was probably ingredient of quartz) are the back- strated by people who wish to see the Mayas or Aztecs who com- bone of modern electronics . With- the skull in the Museum of American pleted the sculpting, detached the out these crystals there would be no Indians. A good place to start would lower jaw, and carved in other transistor television or computer be a video tape of the skull made "trickery." The skull was then electronics as we now know it. "lost" for hundreds of years until by a New York video group. Mean- Phenomena associated with the "found" again by the Mitchell- while, on the West Coast, plans to skull, reported by individuals and Hedges expedition tape remarks by Frank Dorland and groups on literally hundreds of occa- I have examined the entire surface to record his slide lecture on the skull sions while meditating on the skull of the skull in microscopic detail . are in progress . Whatever the mean- include images appearing in the eye I found no trace of machine tools . ing of the crystal skulls, the possibil- The skull was created by some sockets and cranial mass. Often seen ity of their presence before the other method . The top surface was are other skulls, skeletons, temples, Pyramids or Stonehenge must be so finely polished that I had a hard and buildings which are sometimes thoroughly investigated. time seeing it, but when I did, the involved in episodes or scenes, scratches went in a million direc- people, and places . tions . I've never seen any polished crystal like it. Dorland has traveled across the The Mitchell-Hedges skull is anatom- country trying to find a scientific ically correct in every respect, except institution that would take charge of that it lacks suture cracks along the the research that needs to be done . top . It is assumed that this was so The only institution that would even nothing would interfere with its use look atthe skull was Hewlett Packard. as a crystal ball . Dorland believes that Being in the business of industrial at least three cultures worked on the and electronic uses of crystal, they skull . The detachable jaw, prisms, were able to determine that the jaw and pivots (which would allow it to was originally part of the whole be manipulated for dramatic effect) crystal, but beyond that they could show two distinct levels of craftsman- come up with nothing ..
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