Like a Ton of Bricks Here’s a ton of 7-letter bingos about BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, COMPONENTS compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club A 7s ABATTIS AABISTT abatis (barrier made of felled trees) [n -ES] ACADEME AACDEEM place of instruction [n -S] ACADEMY AACDEMY secondary school [n -MIES] AGOROTH AGHOORT AGORA, marketplace in ancient Greece [n] AIRPARK AAIKPRR small airport (tract of land maintained for landing and takeoff of aircraft) [n -S] AIRPORT AIOPRRT tract of land maintained for landing and takeoff of aircraft [n -S] ALAMEDA AAADELM shaded walkway [n -S] ALCAZAR AAACLRZ Spanish fortress or palace [n -S] ALCOVES ACELOSV ALCOVE, recessed section of room [n] ALMEMAR AAELMMR bema (platform in synagogue) [n -S] ALMONRY ALMNORY place where alms are distributed [n -RIES] AMBONES ABEMNOS AMBO, pulpit in early Christian church [n] AMBRIES ABEIMRS AMBRY, recess in church wall for sacred vessels [n] ANDIRON ADINNOR metal support for holding wood in fireplace [n -S] ANNEXED ADEENNX ANNEX, to add or attach [v] ANNEXES AEENNSX ANNEXE, something added or attached [n] ANTEFIX AEFINTX upright ornament at eaves of tiled roof [n -ES, -, -AE] ANTENNA AAENNNT metallic device for sending or receiving radio waves [n -S, -E] ANTHILL AHILLNT mound formed by ants in building their nest [n -S] APSIDAL AADILPS APSE, domed, semicircular projection of building [adj] APSIDES ADEIPSS APSIS, apse (domed, semicircular projection of building) [n] ARBOURS ABORRSU ARBOUR, shady garden shelter [n] ARCADED AACDDER ARCADE, to provide arcade (series of arches) [v] ARCADES AACDERS ARCADE, to provide arcade (series of arches) [v] ARCHING ACGHINR series of arches [n -S] / ARCH, to bend like arch (curved structure spanning opening) [v] ARCHWAY AACHRWY passageway under arch [n -S] AREAWAY AAAERWY sunken are leading to basement entrance [n -S] ARMOURY AMORRUY armory (place where weapons are stored) [n -RIES] ASHRAMS AAHMRSS ASHRAM, secluded dwelling of Hindu sage [n] ASPHALT AAHLPST to coat with asphalt (substance used for paving and roofing) [v -ED, -ING, -S] ASRAMAS AAAMRSS ASRAMA, ashram (secluded dwelling of Hindu sage) [n] ASTYLAR AALRSTY having no columns [adj] ASYLUMS ALMSSUY ASYLUM, institution for care of mentally ill [n] ATALAYA AAAALTY watchtower [n -S] ATELIER AEEILRT workshop or studio [n -S] ATRIUMS AIMRSTU ATRIUM, main room of ancient Roman house [n] AUBERGE ABEEGRU inn [n -S] AWNINGS AGINNSW AWNING, rooflike canvas cover [n] AZULEJO AEJLOUZ type of ceramic tile [n -S] B 7s BACKLOT ABCKLOT outdoor area in movie studio [n -S] BAGNIOS ABGINOS BAGNIO, brothel (house of prostitution) [n] BAILEYS ABEILSY BAILEY, outer castle wall [n] BALCONY ABCLNOY elevated platform [n -NIES] BARBIES ABBEIRS BARBIE, portable fireplace for cooking [n] BARNIER ABEINRR BARNY, resembling barn in size, shape, or smell [adj] Like a Ton of Bricks Here’s a ton of 7-letter bingos about BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, COMPONENTS compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club BARNING ABGINNR BARN, to store in barn (large storage building) [v] BASILAR AABILRS basal (pertaining to foundation) [adj] BASILIC ABCIILS pertaining to basilica (ancient Roman building) [adj] BASTILE ABEILST bastille (prison) [n -S] BASTION ABINOST fortified place [n -S] BATTENS ABENSTT BATTEN, to fasten with strips of wood [v] BAZAARS AAABRSZ BAZAAR, marketplace [n] BEANERY ABEENRY cheap restaurant [n -RIES] BEDROOM BDEMOOR room for sleeping [n -S] BEDSITS BDEISST BEDSIT, one-room apartment [n] BEEYARD ABDEERY apiary (place where bees are kept) [n -S] BETHELS BEEHLST BETHEL, holy place [n] BIELDED BDDEEIL BIELD, to shelter [v] BIGGING BGGGIIN biggin (house) [n -S] BIGGINS BGGIINS BIGGIN, house [n] BILEVEL BEEILLV house having two levels [n -S] BILLETS BEILLST BILLET, to lodge soldiers [v] BINDERY BDEINRY place where books are bound [n -RIES] BIOTRON BINOORT climate-controlled chamber [n -S] BISTROS BIORSST BISTRO, small tavern (place where liquor is sold to be drunk on premises) [n] BOATELS ABELOST BOATEL, waterside hotel [n] BODEGAS ABDEGOS BODEGA, grocery store [n] BOOTERY BEOORTY shoe store [n -RIES] BORDELS BDELORS BORDEL, brothel (house of prostitution) [n] BORSTAL ABLORST reformatory [n -S] BOTHIES BEHIOST BOTHY, hut in Scotland [n] BOUDOIR BDIOORU woman’s bedroom [n -S] BREWERY BEERRWY place for brewing [n -RIES] BREWPUB BBEPRUW restaurant that sells beverages brewed on premises [n -S] BRICKED BCDEIKR BRICK, to build with bricks (blocks of clay) [v] BRIDGED BDDEGIR BRIDGE, to connect (to join together) [v] BRIDGES BDEGIRS BRIDGE, to connect (to join together) [v] BROTHEL BEHLORT house of prostitution [n -S] BUILDED BDDEILU BUILD, to construct [v] BUILDER BDEILRU one that builds (to construct) [n -S] BULWARK ABKLRUW to fortify with defensive wall [v -ED, -ING, -S] BUNKIES BEIKNSU BUNKIE, small separate building for guests [n] BUSTEES BEESSTU BUSTEE, slum in India [n] BUTLERY BELRTUY storage room [n -RIES] BYPATHS ABHPSTY BYPATH, indirect road [n] BYROADS ABDORSY BYROAD, side road [n] C 7s CABANAS AAABCNS CABANA, small cabin [n] CABINED ABCDEIN CABIN, to live in cabin (roughly built house) [v] CAMERAE AACEENR CAMERA, judge’s chamber [n] CAMERAL AACELMR CAMERA, judge’s chamber [adj] CAMERAS AACEMRS CAMERA, judge’s chamber [n] Like a Ton of Bricks Here’s a ton of 7-letter bingos about BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, COMPONENTS compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CANNERY ACENNRY place where food is canned [n -RIES] CANTINA AACINNT saloon (tavern (place where liquor is sold to be drunk on premises)) [n -S] CAPITOL ACILOPT building occupied by state legislature [n -S] CAPTIVE ACEIPTV prisoner (one that is imprisoned) [n -S] CARBARN AABCNRR garage for buses [n -S] CARPORT ACOPRRT shelter for car [n -S] CARVERY ACERRVY buffet restaurant serving roast beef [n -RIES] CARWASH AACHRSW establishment equipped to wash automobiles [n -ES] CASERNE ACEENRS casern (barracks for soldiers) [n -S] CASERNS ACENRSS CASERN, barracks for soldiers [n] CASITAS AACISST CASITA, small house [n] CAUSEYS ACESSUY CAUSEY, paved road [n] CEILING CEGIILN overhead lining of room [n -S] CELLARS ACELLRS CELLAR, to store in underground room [v] CENACLE ACCEELN small dining room [n -S] CESSPIT CEIPSST cesspool (covered well or pit for sewage) [n -S] CHALETS ACEHLST CHALET, Swiss cottage [n] CHANCEL ACCEHLN area around church altar [n -S] CHAPELS ACEHLPS CHAPEL, place of worship [n] CHARNEL ACEHLNR room where corpses are placed [n -S] CHATEAU AACEHTU large country house [n -S or -X] CHEDERS CDEEHRS CHEDER, heder (Jewish school) [n] CHEVETS CEEHSTV CHEVET, apsidal end of church [n] CHICKEE CCEEHIK stilt house of Seminole Indians [n -S] CHIMBLY BCHILMY chimley (chimney (flue (enclosed passageway for directing current))) [n -LIES] CHIMLAS ACHILMS CHIMLA, chimley (chimney (flue (enclosed passageway for directing current))) [n] CHIMLEY CEHILMY chimney (flue (enclosed passageway for directing current)) [n -S] CHIMNEY CEHIMNY flue (enclosed passageway for directing current) [n -S] CHOKEYS CEHKOSY CHOKEY, choky (prison) [n] CHOKIES CEHIKOS CHOKY, prison [n] CHURCHY CCHHRUY churchly (pertaining to church) [adj -HIER, -HIEST] CHUTING CGHINTU CHUTE, to convey by chute (vertical passage) [v] CINEMAS ACEIMNS CINEMA, motion-picture theater [n] CIPOLIN CIILNOP type of marble [n -S] CITADEL ACDEILT fortress or stronghold [n -S] CLEATED ACDEELT CLEAT, to strengthen with strip of wood or iron [v] CLINICS CCIILNS CLINIC, medical facility [n] CLOACAE AACCELO CLOACA, sewer [n] CLOACAL AACCLOS CLOACA, sewer [adj] CLOACAS AACCLOS CLOACA, sewer [n] CLOSETS CELOSST CLOSET, to enclose in private room [v] COLLEGE CEEGLLO school of higher learning [n -S] CONDOES CDENOOS CONDO, individually owned unit in multiunit structure [n] COPINGS CGINOPS COPING, top part of wall [n] CORBELS BCELORS CORBEL, to provide wall with bracket [v] COTTAGE ACEGOTT to vacation at small house [v -D, -GING, -S] / small house [n -S] COVERTS CEORSTV COVERT, hiding place [n] Like a Ton of Bricks Here’s a ton of 7-letter bingos about BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, COMPONENTS compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club COWSHED CDEHOSW shelter for cows [n -S] CRAPPER ACEPPRR offensive word [n -S] CRENELS CEELNRS CRENEL, to provide with crenelles (rounded projection) [v] CROCKET CCEKORT architectural ornament [n -S] CRYPTAL ACLPRTY CRYPT, burial vault [adj] CUBBIES BBCEISU CUBBY, small, enclosed space [n] CUBICLE BCCEILU small chamber [n -S] CURBING BCGINRU concrete border around street [n -S] CYCLERY CCELRYY bicycle shop [n -RIES] D 7s DAGOBAS AABDGOS DAGOBA, Hindu shrine [n] DAIRIES ADEIIRS DAIRY, establishment dealing in milk products [n] DAMMING ADGIMMN DAM, to build barrier to obstruct flow of water [v] DATCHAS AACDHST DATCHA, dacha (Russian cottage) [n] DAYROOM ADMOORY room for reading and recreation [n -S] DEANERY ADEENRY office of dean (head of faculty) [n -RIES] DECKERS CDEEKRS DECKER, something having designated number of levels, floors, or layers [n] DELLIES DEEILLS DELLY, deli (delicatessen) [n] DENNING DEGINNN DEN, to live in lair [v] DENTILS DEILNST DENTIL, small rectangular block [n] DHURRIE DEHIRRU cotton rug made in India [n -S] DINETTE DEEINTT small dining room [n -S] DOLMENS DELMNOS DOLMEN, prehistoric monument [n] DOMICAL ACDILMO shaped like dome [adj] DOMICIL CDIILMO to domicile (to establish in residence) [v -ED, -ING, -S] DONJONS DJNNOOS DONJON, main tower of castle [n] DOORWAY ADOORWY entranceway to room or building [n -S] DORMERS DEMORRS DORMER, type of window [n] DOWELED DDEELOW DOWEL, to fasten with wooden pins [v] DRYWALL ADLLRWY to cover wall with plasterboard [v -ED,
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