Gazette APSA Awards Presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting ecognizing excellence in the profes- Of his roles at Perspectives, the support- Association (APSA) confers the 2017 John sion is one of the most important ers highlight in particular his careful and Gaus Award on Distinguished Professor Rroles of the American Political Sci- responsible management of the editorial Emeritus James L. Perry for a “lifetime of ence Association. Through the service of process, his commitment to transparency exemplary scholarship in the joint tradi- member committees who review nomina- and clarity, and his dedication to fostering tion of political science and public admin- tions, APSA makes awards for the best dis- a diverse political science public sphere. His istration.” sertations, papers and articles, and books carefully crafted introductory essays to each Perry has held a variety of leadership posi- in the various subfields of the discipline as issue of Perspectives provide evidence of these tions during his three decades at Indiana well as for career achievement in research, characteristics. In his roles at Perspectives University and his decade at the University teaching and service to the discipline. and more generally in the profession and of California, Irvine. He has been the editor- The 2017 APSA Awards were presented at at Indiana University, Isaac is recognized as in-chief of Public Administration Review since the Annual Meeting in San Francisco on a valued mentor by many junior and even 2011, and this top journal has seen a large August 31. senior colleagues. The nomination package increase in its impact factor under his leader- also notes that he has served in a “remark- ship. He was also the founding editor of the FRANK J. GOODNOW AWARD able array of leadership positions” includ- Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE). The Frank Johnson Goodnow Award was ing department chair and service on several Perry is best known for his role in further- established by the APSA Council in 1996 to editorial boards. ing the study of public service motivation honor service to the community of teachers, A number of phrases and words appear (PSM). His articles “The Motivational Bases researchers, and public servants who work in in many of the supporting statements with of Public Service” (with Lois Wise), “Public the many fields of politics. Frank J. Goodnow, respect to why Isaac is superbly deserving of Service Motivation: An Assessment of Con- the first president of the American Political the Goodnow award—energy and passion, struct Reliability and Validity,” and “Anteced- Science Association, a pioneer in the develop- innovative and creative, open-minded and ents of Public Service Motivation” have been ment of judicial politics, and former president insightful, rigorous, dedicated, positive and cited over 4,000 times. His efforts to encour- of Johns Hopkins University, is an exemplar congenial, and constructive. age scholars to examine PSM, improve its of the public service and volunteerism that Additionally, all the nominators and sup- measurement, and test its validity in a vari- this award represents. porters commend Isaac’s scholarship and the ety of settings have helped inspire scholarly Award Committee: Priscilla Regan, Chair, important contributions of his research to research in over a dozen countries. PSM and George Mason University; Kyle Beardsley, the discipline, as well as his voice on a range the role of altruism in public administration Duke University; Jeff Frieden, Harvard Uni- of issues of importance to the profession. He have become prominent foci of panels at versity is a prolific scholar, publishing four books, the APSA Annual Meeting and the Public editing two anthologies, and writing over Management Research Conference, as well Recipient: Jeff Isaac, Indiana University 75 articles and essays. as the frequent subject of articles in public Citiation: Jeff Isaac’s nomination was The 2017 Goodnow Committee is honored administration journals. submitted by Mary Fainsod Katzenstein and pleased to make this award to Jeff Isaac. Perry has also accomplished pioneer- and Robert Keohane with a conomination ing work on public labor-management from Jane Mansbridge, and further support relations, administrative reform, public from 43 faculty, including 13 former APSA leadership, public-private differences and presidents, who joined in the nomination. Career Awards performance-related pay. His five most cited Supporting statements were submitted by 18 non-PSM articles (“An Empirical Commit- cosigners, many of who served with him on JOHN GAUS AWARD ment of Organizational Commitment and the APSA Council and/or on Persepectives’ The John Gaus Award and Lectureship honors Organizational Effectiveness,” “Collabo- editorial board. The nomination package the recipient’s lifetime of exemplary scholar- ration Processes: Inside the Black Box,” was impressive, detailed, and enthusiastic ship in the joint tradition of political science “The Public-Private Distinction in Orga- in its endorsement of Isaac. The supporters and public administration and, more gener- nization Theory,” “Strategic Management took particular note of Isaac’s long and untir- ally, recognizes and encourages scholarship in Public and Private Organizations,” and ing contributions to one of the profession’s in public administration. “Organizational Commitment: Individual most important and widely read journals, Award Committee: Greg Lewis, Chair, and Organizational Influences”) have been Perspectives on Politics, for which he served Georgia State University; Ann Bowman, cited 5,000 times. as book review editor for four years and then Texas A&M University; Jocelyn Johnston, He has won numerous prior awards, as editor-in-chief for eight years. His term American University including the Dwight Waldo Award from as editor-in-chief ends this year making it the American Society for Public Adminis- a very fitting time to honor him with the Recipient: James L. Perry, Indiana University tration (ASPA), the Distinguished Research Goodnow Award. Citiation: The American Political Science Award from ASPA and NASPAA, the Paul P. © American Political Science Association, 2017 PS • October 2017 1137 Gazette Van Riper Award for Excellence and Ser- Refugee Council, which is seeking to develop science at two- and four-year institutions. The vice from ASPA, and election as a Fellow innovative proposals to strengthen interna- contribution may span several years or an of the National Academy of Public Admin- tional cooperation in dealing with the global entire career, or it may be a single project of istration. He has won numerous awards for refugee crisis. exceptional impact. individual papers, and his coauthored book Lloyd Axworthy has made enormous con- Award Committee: Nancy Kassop, Chair, Civic Service: What Difference Does It Make? tributions both to the world of public policy SUNY New Paltz; Welling Hall, Earlham won the best book award from the Public in Canada and in the global community, and College; Ethan Hollander, Wabash College and Nonprofit Division of the Academy of as an academic leader. For these extraordi- Management. nary accomplishments and leadership, he is Recipient: Michael Genovese, Loyola Perry is also known as a generous mentor an outstanding recipient of the Hubert H. Marymount University to doctoral students and junior scholars and Humphrey Award. Citiation: It is with great pleasure that we as a supportive and welcoming colleague. announce the selection of Michael Geno- BENJAMIN E. LIPPINCOTT AWARD vese of Loyola Marymount University as HUBERT H. HUMPHREY AWARD The Benjamin E. Lippincott Award recognizes the recipient of the APSA Distinguished The Hubert H. Humphrey Award is awarded a work of exceptional quality by a living politi- Teaching Award for 2017. There were many annually in recognition of notable public ser- cal theorist that is still considered significant worthy candidates for this award, but the vice by a political scientist. after a time span of at least 15 years since the committee members reached a unanimous Award Committee: Mary Katzenstein, original date of publication. decision that Genovese’s record of teaching Chair, Cornell University; Michael Lipsky, Award Committee: Sarah Song, Chair, and research was singular and striking in its Demos; Kent Weaver, Georgetown Univer- University of California, Berkeley; Corey level of excellence. We are not alone in recog- sity/Brookings Institution Brettschneider, Brown University; Cecile nizing Genovese’s extraordinary talents: he Laborde, University College London has won no fewer than 16 separate teaching Recipient: Lloyd Axworthy, University of awards from his university. Recognition by Winnipeg Recipient: Bernard Boxill, University of North APSA at the “distinguished” level is a fitting Citation: Lloyd Axworthy, a native of Carolina, Chapel Hill cap to all of the awards that came before. North Battleford, Saskatchewan, graduat- Citiation: Bernard Boxill’s Blacks and Genovese holds the Loyola Chair of ed from United College (now the University Social Justice (Rowman & Littlefield, 1984) Leadership, is the director of the Institute of Winnipeg), in 1961, and completed his is an exceptional work of deep and careful for Leadership Studies, and is president of PhD in political science at Princeton Uni- reflection. Written at a time when there was the Global Policy Institute at Loyola Mary- versity in 1973. little direct discussion of race within political mount University. His excellence as a teach- After
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