The Unerring Fortune-Teller : Containing the Celebrated Oracle of Human

The Unerring Fortune-Teller : Containing the Celebrated Oracle of Human

PAGE PACE THE ORACLE OF I1CXA.U '.?II~s.............................103 DBRTINY ...................... 8 .pi!ling Enlt.. ....................1119 prections for Consultation, kc.. .. 3 'rittioq on El:occ nnil Stocliii~:;. .. In? I hc Fortunntc Ihp.. ............. 4 Pi1 Ar~s,.on the I:ii:I~t Sido ....... 1\19 'l';iblc uf the Cccli~sti:rlSign3 which Jnlllrcncc the 1)vstinics of hlen.. 6 Correspollding Qnestiuns, which are to be prit to TIIEO::A~LE.. ..... Ansarrs of Tne O1:acr.n.. ........ F0Rrl'GNI3-TELLING BY ....................... 61 ., . Inrlrrs.. ........................ 1I:'. ':irl<rts.-'Tllc 1)c:itll-bY:~tcl~...... 1!:I 1,~~0!,111<-Gi:isw................. 114 S1:i:icrii l'tmuns at T:~l,le......... 113 [)oi.s.. .......................... !I5 '1011 Xn~~ilj~r.~................... l 1,: *En TO Cow?................... (i4 Kniws :!nil S<lzsors. ............. 1;; No. 1. Denling tho Carils by Tlrrcru (il ~t~r~nl~linquhilc31111,. ti~lQt.~irs.. llii To 2. Dealin" the Cnrdsby Sc~cns67 2>11clbl<linsl:c~~i:rrl;s~. ............ 1!1 9XU lI~-sl~l:l~l1'\Yl~1~:l~;I1'I'~'- 3. 1)enli& tho Cards by Fif- nn Go: S1s:YliN TVI?.iTlIlZI1 0\113SS.. 119 No. 4: The Twenty-mc Canls ..... ill For Fine nnd llry Wcnthcr of Lollg THZITAI.IANMETII~~. ........... 71 Contin~i:lr~cc.................... 110 PI:ESFST, PAST, ATII FTTT.RI:..... :2 V~rrFine \Ve:ltlrcr of Sllorter Diir.1- TIIICST.\R AIKTIIODOF COASUUCISU ti<in............................ 120 TIIE Canns..................... .-IC For Continui 11 1:ainy and 611ow- To know if you will gct Tour err TV?:~tlrcr................... 1?1 ph Wish.. ........................ I I ~or'].'miI n18d Wct Wc:rthcr.. ...... 121 ].<IT st<,rm........................ I?( THEETGI.ISII METIIODole COSSI:I.T- *. ING TlIlC (:A111i~. ................ I I For l~icsz.nscof Fl~irrn.......... 1% To tell whether you will get yolir I:or I)~~rcnsrof Storm.. .......... I?5 Wish .......................... Ti For '~hnndcr2nd IIcnvy !!:iin. .... I.?.", FORTVNE-TELLING W l T 11 Fur tho Apprnncli of' Tli~milt~r.... 1?6 DICE .......................... i! ]?or Continucrl 'Ll~rindi,rSI1omel.s.. 1% -....... -. Ab~rtrmcntof Tlnlnder Storms.. .. 126 Table of Answers.. ............... S( ]?or Colilcr Wcnthcr.. ............. 1% GOOD AND BAD OMENS TIT11 For Inrrcnsc of TVnrnmtlr or 1I~nt..l?d THEIE INTJ3RPl~ETATIONY.10' For Yrost.. .......................12'; Good and Evil Dnys. .............. 10: For Tha\v. ....................... 15 hli~r~ilnn~o118 .................... 1'2: The- ~~ - >lonth of May.. .............. 10 Friday.. ........:................. 10: JIY\IIZN'H 1,Ol"I'E:ItT .......... l?i IIonrs in tlrc Dny fatal to Life.. ... 10; NAPOT,EOS'S 011.\5:17A1:.11; GI:, UOOIi OF FATI*.. ............ I?: Nnil Gift%.-Sneezing,. ............ 101.. I?? T,ovo-Knots ....................... 104 ITow to TVork t11r Ol:~cur.c~r...... Rpidera ...................107, 110, 11' 'Po 011t:iin tho Answer.. .......... 13 7.lhrowin~an old Shoo ............. 10 ORAC~I.U.\I....................... 1::Il Tno 11or?c-~hooCharm.. .......... 10 Tables of Answers.. .............. 131 UIH IiCl'Ir >SS, E'TC. wliidl hc has in his !imd is t11at n.i.i(:li sliilii decide, or give a true ansnvr to the Qnestio~i~vllicli hc I d prrrio~i:;ly~vlitten orlt. Rcferclicc having been 11ov mmle to the Nystical Table, the cor- rcupo!ic!ing Card lo tlint n-hich has bccn cur is to be found out tl~c:rcon;an3 thc Inqnircr rnilst then, h)- rlirec$ion of the Priesteii, ~rritohvnon the saic:? slip of pper, as before, the num!xr wliich ij nltnched tllcreto. 'i'lie Priestess is iioi~,with due soleimiity, to open the I~oo!~,and lo t~irnto tlioso pages which corrcsponci with tile M?-stical PTulnber belon~ingto 1!1c Cud. llavi~lgrchrrcd to t11o Spbol, ~vl~iciicor- responds vilh the Ccclestial Sign tllnt presides over the subject in cpstion, she is to mid alotd t!:e sacred passago ~vliicliis placed opposite to it, and n-liich will be found to be the trne and uutrring Ar~swerto the Qneslion asked. For the sake OF example, I sl~allslippose that the Inqr~ircrhad cnt the Ei&t of T)in;noilcls, ml~ich is ~inmlmedYST'lI. in thc hfgstical Tablc ; and tiiat tlic Qaestion aekcd vas, " Gi~e21,: some information rrspctinq th?p~pel.ty7ch;i.It I lwe lost?" On opcu- ing tlie Cooli at page SSVII.. tilo f~!!gAnswer will he found, ? unrdcr the Symbol of' Lco. or tl~cc'i,lc.ri:~l 1.ion. viz.: lihcticiiz zdi: take place zrhenruer the stolen, j:rrq:wil~is cz.yos?:l ,for csale." Similarly THE FORTUNATE DAY. In order to sccuve as fa~orablca result as the T'ntcs \\-ill :illow, it is ccrtlLinly the lno~tjiidieio~~s !hti to fix ilpiin E'sid,~ys as tl~cdqs most siiitable rur cons~~ltation.This day li:~IVTII lieid m!-sticnl, . ~ -- ~ -.. Four Rnams. rqnivn!rnt to. or ronntina clcren cnch . 4: Pour Qnwns, cqniv:~Imtto tweivr wch . 49 Four Kinqs. eiji~irnlvntto tl~irteen~wh . $3 Ace of Spades, as chief, coun~ing . 1 - Tho nunibcr of Pip8 in the Pack, and of n:rp in a Tear . 365 01; The nnmhcr of Pips in n Pack , . Twelrc Court ('xrrds, nrllitiplicd by ton . 120 T!rc~iumbcrof(:~)iirtC:~riia. 12 The nurnbcr of Cnrds in exh Suite . 1;; - Tot:~1 . 365 The nnnihrr of Pip,; on common Cards . 220 ison I :Is . 12 Four ICnnves, ewll cuuntir~gten ruwe . 40 Four QIIWXI%tach ci~llntlngricv~nmrm . 44 Fonr Kings. rnch roi~ritiiigtwlve more . 48 Act of Spleq ns d~ii,f . -1 Toljl . , . , , . XG5 TABLE OF THE CCELE8TIAL SIGNS, FI1i:SlDES OTE!I Absent Frimtis and Ilelativcs. SAGlTTBRIUS-TITE ARCZIEI.', PRESIDES OVER Success in any Uudcrtnliirii;. -- --.-.-. .- CAPRICORSUS- 7UI" C (i. 13; PilI:SII)W OVEIL Public and I'riwto I:vcn! :. CORRESPONDING QUESTIONS, vc.--"L.a I I wish tr irrrr Tu-i-i of :ny relaiinns and frlcndr? Ciw* !nc sum~hbrn~~tiou~.csliec!ing the Propertp which 1 They are in expectation of great ricl~es. -- Thou shalt soon have to perform a jowney. Thou hast no real enemy. -- -. Thou shalt lire long. -- Seek diligently, and the lost will be found. Thy love !+ill be rcturned without measure Thy fortilncs ~liallflourisll. -- -- ~ .- Thou shalt wed n shrew; but be courageous nnder ae verse fortnne: her uerverse disnositio~lwill shorten he s I Pour utmost hopes will be realized. A rich harvest may be expected. ------- I There is no rose without a tlrorn. / Uarringe will increase thy wealth, and prolong thy life. ,7 I :I!- s:!fcty dcpenc?s on staying at honie. ? L1ii.r~7 is cv~ryprob:~liilitythat it will soon lie foimd. !:i)l- :.I ~in;~,tho~~ ch!t ~lotbe vcvy f~rtunnle;--but per- S( YCW. lhtrlrmniy nil1 not improve your fmtlmes. I3c nol too rmgaine, lest a frtilure take placc. ~p- i S Two powerful kingdoms are about to be engaged in lT3l.. i V! Tou n-ill cnjoy n~orehappine~s in old age, than in your Wd ynui!!. I *) -- -- -. .-- ----- - -.- -- -.-- .-- I Litllo wealth; lmt a nnrnerous progeuy. / J-r 111. They labor under lleavy difficulties. 1 A period will soon arrive, when it will be necessary 1 fur thec to rcrnove to a far country. I Thy friends will greatly assist in promoting thy me!- are. Pour days vill be lengthened by sobriety and early ,king. --.- -- . ---- -- -. Tau haw lost little, iil comparison willi ~.]::it~onsoon :hll pill. ~~--....~...-~--..~.. -- ... .~ - - ~ .~.. -- ~ - -~ . - - . Yo11 may ]lope, in due lime, to cl~inintho ol$~tof :-our :Loice. .-- -- -- Thou shalt die, possesscil ofgrcat ridles. A h:lntlsornu :dgood-natnrcd wifo You may rest snlisfic~c!that tho rcfult will l;c S.~vor able. D~e~idfulcvents are about to occur; but they n?ed no disturb tl~ce. /i .!.t:cn shalt hvu to mil ovcu c ~ i sen,d ~fir many n ~ b -lcL,<,.V. 5 I; ls:l:!>rt.\wr ~illI,c succcc;ded iiy pc;ic? of long tlur:!. i ti >ll. - Tlley aro grearly troubled at not hearing from thee. - A long journey is beforo thoc, - - ~--A- - Ue~vsroof flattery from a. pretended friend I .- - - -- .- .. - - - -~- - - ~ - Tour childreu's children will sport around you. llg seeking after that which liatll been lost, you will sacrifice ~nwhti~nc and putie~ice,without benefit. .- ..~ ~~ .. .- ~ . Tile oi,jcct of thy affections will so011 coin~nnnicatovitl theo, by letter. You will cxperiencc alternate changes of happules AVW and m~sfortunc.. 1 To11 viil be blessed with an nfcctionate Iinsh:~nd:- Sf i Do all in your power to ncrit his kindnes*. h great ~isein i.lic pu11lic securities may be expected. If ricllcs confer happiness, yo~idid1 posses 311 ample s11ari' - .. 111 a neigl~i~orii~gco,:ntry tllo;~shnlt rrlcct nit11 one ~vho1%21 c:~ptiv;~t,c111~ c~ioi!,~. ~-..-- - ~ -- - -- Yoiir fbrtunc. ~rillbe promotiml 1)ytl~enclivi: and disin- tcrcstctl cwrtio~isof your ii.ic:ids. -- --~ ~ --~-. - ~ . -. I hnudsonic ~vife:liut one who will give you no lit% 1311SC for jealowy. If you arc cnrcful, you will undoubrcdly prosper ii this aKair. ~ 2, puMic ere111will talic pl;~cc,from n,l~iclltl~ou mnye expect, great beneiit. IliCficillties mill surrcunil yon; but do not desl)ond, il in the end is 111uc11Ixt~!phcss. -. -- - Tho man when1 you are dcstiiiod lo marry is at prc scnt in R foreign land. I A morov, iil-tcrnpcred 6pni;w: n.ifh 3 si~i:iliportion of ~\~c:llllL i Tiinri: is notlrillg \\-hicll c;nl prcvcnt the compleiion of 3-oiir \rici,cs. -- --. .- - - Y:n, \vi:l n~wtwll~ ~~ici.~situ,lc< ; LC,LSI~CLI:LII of 111i1d w \rill sii~>porlyuii 11:ldcr c\ cry :ri.:l. , iVbM 1 .. .. -- - . I Tui,r 1:11~hnd11 ill ~JCi~~cli:idto j~,alous!: :LII~ill-1111- mor :--sco that yo^^ giw llim I~Oc:~i:win!r ~.itl~cr.

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