The Nicholas Chronicle Green Edition — August 4, 2011 A Section Mrs. Edna “Judy Milam” Jewel Turcotte ...................... 4A Summer’s Bounty .................................................................. 1A Bernadine Butcher Woods ............................................ 4A Two arrested on meth lab charges .......................................... 1A Mount Nebo NCHS grads of 2011 open time capsule ........... 5A Local Burger King robbed ..................................................... 1A County native becomes published author .............................. 5A Mount Lookout woman dies in Route 19 accident ................ 1A Church youth group helps upgrade home .............................. 5A Man dies in Powell’s Mountain wreck .................................. 1A Landmark tree in Glade Creek no more ................................. 5A Five Post Offi ces in County possibly to be closed ................. 1A Events ...........................................................................6A Controversial minister to be at local religious conference ..... 1A CEOS Exhibits at Nicholas County Fair ................................ 7A A House Divided Cannot Stand! ............................................ 2A New River CTC Offers Online Medical Math Course .......... 7A The liberal gene ...................................................................... 2A You are invited! ...................................................................... 7A Board of Education Personnel Changes ................................. 3A Community ...................................................................8A Magistrate Court cases ........................................................... 3A Home and Family ................................................................... 9A Man arrested on charges ........................................................ 3A From the Halls of Birch River .............................................10A Man seriously injured in accident .......................................... 3A Church Events ...................................................................... 11A Thorns and Roses ................................................................... 3A Webster County News ..........................................................12A Summer Reading Challenge ................................................13A Obituaries: Helen Ann Ashby ........................................................... 4A B Section Violet Faye Cantrell ...................................................... 4A Sports ..................................................................................... 1B Charlie H. Coffey ........................................................... 4A Classifi ed Advertising ...........................................2B-5B, 11B Sandra Sue Green ........................................................... 4A Legal Advertising ............................................................ 5B-7B Patrick Dean Hamrick .................................................... 4A This Week .....................................................................8B Lloyd “Buddy” Hitt ....................................................... 4A Bygone Years ......................................................................... 9B Kenneth Sterling Johnson ............................................. 4A Bette’s Beds ........................................................................... 9B Janiece Moriah Legg ...................................................... 4A Business Directory ..................................................... 12B-13B Details on 6A Two arrested Mount Lookout woman on meth lab Summer’s Bounty dies in Route 19 accident charges A young Mount Lookout wom- to Charleston Area Medical Cen- an died from injuries received in a ter General Division where she was Two Nicholas County residents tragic single-vehicle accident last treated for her injuries before passing were arrested on charges of oper- week on U.S. Route 19 in Sum- away in the hospital on Friday, July ating a methamphetamine lab in mersville. 29. Fayette County along with several According to the Summersville Sgt. Jason Lanham was the investi- other related felony charges. Police Department, Janiece Legg, gating offi cer. Ronald Lucas Jr., 28, of Sum- 19, was traveling south on U.S. Legg was a 2010 graduate of Nich- mersville and Sondra Wayne, 33, Route 19 at 4:30 p.m. on Wednes- olas County High School. of Gilboa were arrested after the day, July 27, just south of the turn- “She was a great kid,” said NCHS Fayette County Sheriff’s Offi ce in- off to Summersville Airport and social studies teacher Mary Nutter vestigated a possible burglary in the Salmon Run and Long Point who taught Legg in class. “She al- progress at a residence on Paint Marina recreational areas of Sum- ways had a smile on her face. She had Creek Road in Mossy. Once police mersville Lake and Dam. Police lost a brother a few years ago which arrived, they noticed a strong odor say the Jeep Wrangler which Legg was hard on her and her family but emitting from the home and upon was driving went into the grassy she still did well in school and was investigation discovered a meth median between the southbound well-liked by the other students.” lab in operation. and northbound lanes, came back Kati Shaffer of Mount Look- Lucas and Wayne were each onto the roadway and rolled over out was one of Legg’s best friends. charged with the manufacture of three or four times before coming “There was no one else like her and a controlled substance, exposure to rest. Legg was ejected from the nobody will ever replace her,” said of children to methamphetamine, vehicle. Kati. “She always put other people child neglect creating the risk of According to Summersville Po- fi rst before herself and she had so lice Chief Jay Nowak, offi cers much compassion for others.” Turn to METH on 2-A were unable to determine whether Mount Lookout resident Marie or not Legg was wearing a seat- Shaffer lived on the same rural road belt due to the heavy damage to as Legg. “She was a great girl,” said the Jeep but they suspect that she Marie. “I remember her best as en- wasn’t since she was ejected from joying riding horses and she really photo by Lundy Bailey II the vehicle. liked country music.” Legg was taken by HealthNet See obituary page 4A. The sturdy sunfl ower stands tall against the hot August sun. Gardens throughout West Virginia are full of veggies and fruits as the summer growing season ramps up. For a conversation with Master Gardener Bette O’Steen, see page 9A. Also see Bette’s Beds on page 9B. Man dies in Powell’s Mountain wreck Local Burger King robbed A Fairmont man was fatally in- peared to have a tire blow out which Ronald Lucas, Jr. jured in a single-vehicle crash on caused him to lose control of his ve- A New York state man was ar- stole money by reaching across the U.S. Route 19 on Powell’s Moun- hicle. The car crossed the median and rested and charged with the rob- counter and took a handful of $20 tain near Birch River on Monday came to rest on its top after going bery of the Burger King restau- bills totaling $760. He then spoke afternoon, Aug. 1. over the embankment on the south- rant in Summersville last week. profanely to the cashier and left the According to the Nicholas Coun- bound side of U.S. Route 19. The Nicholas County Sher- establishment. Several customers ty Sheriff’s Department, Ricky Lee Haden was pronounced dead at the iff’s Department was called to the were in the restaurant at the time of Haden, 19, of Fairmont was trav- scene. scene of Burger King on Route 19 the robbery. eling north in a 1994 Plymouth Deputy Jerry Hall was the investi- and Irish Corner on Friday, July Later in the evening, police ar- Sundance at 3:54 p.m. when he ap- gating offi cer. 29, at 10:16 p.m. where a robbery rested William J. Bean, 27, of Sin- had been reported. clairville, N.Y., and charged him According to the criminal com- with robbery. He was arraigned in plaint fi led in Nicholas County Nicholas County Magistrate Court Magistrate Court, a man entered and taken to the Central Regional the restaurant and ordered food. Jail where he remains on $30,000 Five Post Offi ces in County The accused man then forcibly bond. Police also determined that Bean possibly to be closed Sondra Wayne was a fugitive from justice from Five post offi ces in Nicholas fact that more customers are choos- New York on felony charges. A pre- William Bean County are among the 150 in ing to conduct their postal business liminary hearing was held in Nich- West Virginia and the 3,700 na- online such as for paying bills, or olas County Circuit Court on Bean tionwide that the United States on their smart phones and at their being a fugitive from justice on Deputy J.P. Caprio was the in- Postal Service announced last favorite shopping destinations. Monday, Aug. 1. vestigating offi cer with assistance week are being studied for clo- This has diminished the need for Bean was reportedly arrested in from Sgt. R.T. Allison, Cpl. Matt sure. the Postal Service to maintain its the vicinity of the Summersville Deitz, Cpl. Jarrod Bennett, Dep- The fi ve post offi ces in Nich- 32,000 retail offi ces which is the Motor Inn motel after the robbery uty T.E.Withrow, and units from olas County on the list for study largest retail network in the coun- but police declined to comment on the Summersville Police Depart- and possibly being shut down try. where he was arrested. ment. include all three on Route 39 As part of
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