Administration of George W. Bush, 2009 / Jan. 12 important place in the hearts of the Amer- On behalf of all Americans, Laura and ican people, having served as the first Papal I join Catholics around the world to offer Nuncio to the United States following the our gratitude for the courageous service formal establishment of diplomatic relations and life of Cardinal Laghi and commit our- between the United States and the Holy selves to carrying his peaceful message for- See in 1984. ward. Memorandum on Provision of Atomic Information to Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia January 9, 2009 Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense Having considered your recommenda- Subject: Provision of Atomic Information to tions and the cooperation provided for in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the ATOMAL Agreement with respect to Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia the New Parties, in accordance with sec- tions 123 and 144b. of the Atomic Energy In your memorandum to me of August Act of 1954, as amended, I hereby: 1, 2008, you recommended that I approve a. Determine that the performance of pursuant to sections 123 and 144b. of the the ATOMAL Agreement, including the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, proposed cooperation and the proposed an agreement for cooperation within the communication of Restricted Data there- context of the North Atlantic Treaty Orga- under, with respect to the New Parties, nization (NATO) as between the Govern- will promote, and will not constitute an un- ment of the United States and the following reasonable risk to, the common defense seven new members of NATO: the Repub- and security. lic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Estonia, b. Approve the ATOMAL Agreement the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of with respect to the New Parties. Lithuania, Romania, the Slovak Republic, c. Authorize the Department of Defense and the Republic of Slovenia, hereinafter to cooperate with the New Parties to the the ‘‘New Parties.’’ The subject agreement ATOMAL Agreement in the context of is the Agreement between the Parties to NATO upon satisfaction of the require- the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation ments of section 123 of the Atomic Energy Regarding Atomic Information, including a Act of 1954, as amended. technical annex and security annex (herein- after collectively referred to as the GEORGE W. BUSH ATOMAL Agreement), which entered into force on March 12, 1965, with respect to NOTE: This memorandum was released by the United States and the other members the Office of the Press Secretary on January of NATO at that time. 12. HEARING with 1543 DSK7SPTVN1PROD on VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:40 May 25, 2012 Jkt 217559 PO 00000 Frm 00577 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\217559.027 217559 wreier-aviles Jan. 12 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2009 Message to the Congress Transmitting Provision of Atomic Information to Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia January 9, 2009 To the Congress of the United States: respect to the New Parties until completion I am pleased to transmit to the Congress, of procedures prescribed by sections 123 consistent with sections 123 and 144 b. of and 144 b. of the Atomic Energy Act of the Atomic Energy Act, as amended (42 1954, as amended. U.S.C. 2153 and 2164(b)), the text of the For more than 40 years, the ATOMAL Agreement between the Parties to the Agreement has served as the framework North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation Re- within which NATO and the other NATO garding Atomic Information, including a members that have become parties to this technical annex and security annex (herein- agreement have received the information after collectively referred to as the that is necessary to an understanding and ATOMAL Agreement), as a proposed knowledge of and participation in the polit- agreement for cooperation within the con- text of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- ical and strategic consensus upon which the tion (NATO) between the United States of collective military capacity of the Alliance America and each of the following seven depends. This agreement permits only the new members of NATO: the Republic of transfer of atomic information, not weap- Bulgaria, the Republic of Estonia, the Re- ons, nuclear material, or equipment. Par- public of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, ticipation in the ATOMAL Agreement will Romania, the Slovak Republic, and the Re- give Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, public of Slovenia, hereinafter the ‘‘New Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia the same Parties.’’ I am also pleased to transmit my standing within the Alliance with regard to approval, authorization, and determination nuclear matters as that of the other current concerning the ATOMAL Agreement with parties to the ATOMAL Agreement. This respect to the New Parties, together with is important for the cohesiveness of the a copy of the memorandum of the Sec- Alliance and will enhance its effectiveness. retary of Defense with respect to the agree- I have considered the views and rec- ment. The ATOMAL Agreement entered ommendations of the Department of De- into force on March 12, 1965, with respect fense and other interested agencies in re- to the United States and the other NATO viewing the ATOMAL Agreement and have members at that time. The Czech Republic, determined that its performance, including the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of the proposed cooperation and the proposed Poland, and Spain subsequently became communication of Restricted Data there- parties to the ATOMAL Agreement. The under, with respect to the New Parties will New Parties have signed this agreement promote, and will not constitute an unrea- and have indicated their willingness to be sonable risk to, the common defense and bound by it. The ATOMAL Agreement with respect to the New Parties meets the security. Accordingly, I have approved the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of ATOMAL Agreement with respect to the 1954, as amended. While the ATOMAL New Parties and authorized the Depart- Agreement continues in force with respect ment of Defense to cooperate with the to the United States and the other current New Parties in the context of NATO upon parties to it, it will not become effective satisfaction of the requirements of section as an agreement for cooperation authorizing 123 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, HEARING the exchange of atomic information with as amended. with 1544 DSK7SPTVN1PROD on VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:40 May 25, 2012 Jkt 217559 PO 00000 Frm 00578 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\217559.027 217559 wreier-aviles.
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