THE MILK RIVER REVIEW Serving Milk River and District THURSDAY, VOL. 1 " NO. 22 Milk River, Alberta April14,1949 In The Legislature Village Buys Fire Truck BY L.C. HALMRAST limy arise will be settled by refer- The House adjourned late Tues- ence to the Minister of Education A large and enthusiastic crowd was Tuesday.April 26. and the results of the first demon- day night when His Honour, the rather than to a BoavdofReference. m attendance at theTown Meeting Mr. John Reese, chairman of stration indicate that this will be a Lieutenant Governor gave his Another amendment advances all on Saturday night held m Ellerts School Board, explainedto the meet real asset. The Jeep is fully equipp- assent to one hundred and twenty- dates of tlie notices of termination Hall, and several important matt- ing the reason for the highschool ed with 600 feet of 11-2 inch hose, odd Bills. of contracts. Appeals by Municipal ers were discussed. requisition this year.It is planned 50 feet of 2 1-2 Inch hose, pump, An amendment was made to the Councils to School requisitionsmust L. C. Halmrast,M. L. A. in- to remodel the present school, build i ladders, hand extinguishers etc. Margarine Bill before the House he made within thirty days of re- termed the meeting that under the an auditorium and also anaddition- Present plans are to train 5 crews which prohibits restaurants Trom ceiving K-ucli a requisition. present system of taxation the rate- al three rooms, this work lo be done of 5 men each, with one crew on duty sellingmargarinecolored m Imita- Three Important Bills were able property m theVillage wasn't over a peroid of three years. at all times. Water for the tion of butter. Introduced by the Honourable N. E. high enoughto borrow the money engineis to be supplied from two It was also decided that the tanks, An amendment to thesetting of Tanner m with the div- by debenture for a water and sew- one thousand gallon which couuectlon age Village should purchase the Jeep Toison Act will enable the Game ision of (he Department of Lands system. ' will be obtained m the very near Fire Engine that was on display, future. Commissioner to distribute approv- mid Mines and the settingup of the After considerable discussion/ ed poison for the purpose of externi two new Department!*, Department It was decided to take a vote as to matingcoyotes and wolves. A joint c;f Lands and Forests and the whether- a plebicite should be held meeting of all those interested in] Departmentof Mines and Minerals. re changing the taxation system Around Town these pred- reducing the number of The Honourable N.Ei Tanner m the Villageand the result was Mrs.LenaBrown of Glenwood home a few days. the for ators is beingcalled shortly by has been appointed Ministei- lv both that the plebicite will he held on is a visitor at the George SantaJr. Cody east re ihe The road has been Honourable N.E. Tanner for Departments with John Harvie ar, centlyre-built and gravelled. purpose of working out some pro-IDeputy Minister of Lands and For- Many farmers arenow seeding gram which will be more effectlvo|ests and I.N. McKinnon as Deputy HEARTWARMING FASTER GREETING mUie Milk River District and at bounty In controll- than the system Minister of Mines and Mineral*. present moisture conditions are ingthese predators. The establishment of the new favorable but not as good as last An amendment to the Child Departments was made necessary year Don Atkinson ia seeding every . Welfare Act provides that as a result of the rapid development Saunders Wheat recommended by Municipality shall appoint its own cif oil and other resources. the Government for quality and workers. It is thought child welfare Iwish to take this oppor- faster growth to beat the hoppers. many this that In Municipalities tunity of expressing my thanks to Mr.' and Mrs. J.D. Gilchrist and to responsibility will be delegated the Editor of this paper for carry- son are Calgary visitors. the Municipal Secretary. In most ing these reports during the sitting Mrs. Hazel Murrayhas returned Municipalities this does not involve- of the Legislature.. If you have from aholiday spent at Vancouver. a great deal of work. gathered worthwhile Information Nels Pedersen of Chilliwack, passed allowingthe A Bill was from these accounts, Iam sure that B.C. is m the district attendingto Lieutenant Governor m Council lo you recognize that It has beenmade his farming interests. to two million spend monies up possible through the cooperation ofl Mrs.Ruth Fleming ls a visitor any dollars under agreement that your local paper. I at tlie Nett homefollowing tbe fun- may be reached with the Dominion eral of her father the late John Government on the development of Dnenst of Warner. Irrigation;- j»rojpc,ts. A similar Bin Continental Revue ■Mrand Mrs. Weatherburn will was passed relative to a Trans-Can- Day of"Wrath spendEaster at Pincher Creek. ada Highway. These Bills will en- Asylum for the Queen Mr. and Mrs-. Frank Smith Norway and able the Alberta Government to Happy Times m family and Earl Rivers are leaving tuke advantage of any Dominion Gifts You Can Make Yourself by car to spend Easter holidays at proposals. This Province will not On The Rim of the Arctic Spokane Fly and Vancouver. have to wait until the House is m Twenty-five Kites that Dr.G.N. Giles of Milk River Session to take advantage of any The Library is urgentlym need will be holding anauction sale of such programs of a few furnishings.These include his household furnishingsand store An amendment to Ihe School a low table,bench, hall tree and equipmenton Saturday, April 23 at Act permits the School Board to rugs, both linoleum and rag scatter 1:00 p.m. Followingthe sale Dr.and transfer principles from one school rugs. Anyone havingany of these Mrs. Giles will be leavingfor Van toanother and any disputes that which they could donate te us couver where they will make their would be helping our Library along future home. by doingthis favor. Alderman W.E. Huckvale of Library News The Library Board met at the Lethbridge,President oC the Canad Wednesday after- The following books havebeen Library'Room on lan Cancer Society* Lethbridge Dis- noon with seven present. received at the Memorial library members trict, will give an address m the It was that beginning April this week. i decided Milk River Masonic Hall on Sat- Island 21the Library will also be open on urday, April 23, at 8:00 p.m. He Coral Thursday eveningfrom 6:30 to She Skated Into OurHearts 7:30 will be accompanied by Mr. T. H. This work will be done by the The Big p.m. Cauldwell. CampaignManager. Fisherman which will op- Grapes of Wrath same organization — An extensivecampaign isT)elng erate the Library,on the following Crntrul Pri-ss Canadian Society Youth, Marriage nnd the Family lilies, carried out by th m both Saturday.This should prove a con- A pretty girl, attrcclivi'ly sun-minded by tiadilional Raster States dur Rainbow Valley comes forth with a to yiv-.- you a heartwarming Eaatur greeting. Canada andthe United venience for country showgoers. smile your Civvy Street 1 ing the month of April. Do Revenge of the Cradles It was decided that we should ,part m this great cause. FamilyAllowances avail ourselves cf the opportunity Legion News Must Canada Split? to send a delegate to Calgary m May the Librarians short The regular meetingof the Sun- CoOps to attend J■ Canada's shine No. 221 (Alberts) Branch of India or Foe course provided by the Goverment. Friend Legion was m How Green Was My Valley Mrs. Santa was appointed to go, the Canadian held | Monday, April llth. NOTICE Ellerts Hall on Village of Souls with Mrs.Maclean and Mr. Nelson There was a very good turnout to the Curtain alternates. § Plebiscite will be on April 26 m ths Masonic Hall, onBy- Behind hear the guest speaker, Mr. L.C. A taken j ! Halmrast, M.L;A., who spoke on PIg Law No. 150 whichreads: i IK s Warner Pioneer Laid to'rest Veteran's Land. a c land, buildings A committee was formed.known § A By-Law of the Villageof Milk River to assess | Funeral services for the late verse, spokemost comforting to tlie as the Veteran's Land Committee John Doenz were held from the bereaved. with five memibers and Mr.L.C. | and improvements for the purpose oftaxation. i Evangelical United Brethern Pallbearers were J.R. AlacKay Halmrast a chairman. Veterans on Church on Friday aftemcioii at 2:00 B.C. Lillie, Dean Holroyd. P. Lod- the Committee are,C.P. Bell and W. I Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 7, sub-aeetlon 2 (a), of the | p.m.Rev. Sherman officiated. The near, Jchn Prltzi and Claude Trehub of Coutts, J. Bardell and N. River, Assessment Act, 1938. The council for the Villageof Milk \" Choir wasm attendance and sang Hohxjyd." E. Arnold of Milk River ancl L.C. Is 30 ! "Out of the IvoryPalaces'' and "God Left, to mournarehis wife and Baker of Warner. £ enacts as follows. i Be With You Till We Meet Again." daughters Stella, Mrs. Ruth Flem- The bigevent is coming for the Cumberland, 8.C., Elley First the. Mrs.E.Gunlock was organist. ingof Mrs. Legion m two instances. I The value of Land, Buildingsand Improvements, onland situated j the church was Keer of McLeod, and sons Lloyd of bigdance to be held iv Coutts on The front of g banked with beautiful floral trib- Edmonton and Herbert of New May 6th sponsored by the Legion.
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