Issue 16 Volume 02 August 2012 THE CITY OF LIGHT HEATHER ELTON ASHTANGA YOGA CONFLUENCE DEBORAH IFILL HILAND & JENNY BOUWER Publishers & Founding Editors Robert Moses & Eddie Stern Advisors Dr. Robert E. Svoboda ISSUE 16 VOLUME 02 AUGUST 2012 Meenakshi Moses Jocelyne Stern 1. ASHTANGA YOGA CONFLUENCE Editors Deborah Ifill Hiland and Jenny Bouwer Meenakshi Moses Eddie Stern 2. THE CITY OF LIGHT Design & Production Robert Moses Heather Elton Eddie Stern Photographs by the author. Diacritic Editors Vyaas Houston Cover: Brahmins on the ghats in Varanasi. Paul H. Sherbow Photograph by Heather Elton. Assistance from Deborah Harada Website Kendal Kelly Robert Moses अ आ इ ई उ ऊ a ā i ī u ū ए ऐ ओ औ e ai o au ऋ ॠ ऌ ॡ अं अः ŗ ř ļ ĺ ał aģ क ख ग घ ङ Sri K. Pattabhi Jois ka kha ga gha ńa च छ ज झ ञ ca cha ja jha ña ट ठ ड ढ ण ţa ţha ďa ďha ņa त थ द ध न ta tha da dha na प फ ब भ म Sri Swami Vishnu-devananda pa pha ba bha ma NÄMARÇPA uses diacritical marks, as per the य र ल व ya ra la va chart shown to the right, for the transliteration of all Saêskäta words. While many of the articles do con- श ष स ह tain these marks, it is not a universal occurrence in the śa ša sa ha magazine. In those cases where authors have elected � � � not to use diacritics, Saêskäta words remain in their kša tra jña simple, romanized form. Chart by Vyaas Houston. August 2012 1 ASHTANGA YOGA CONFLUENCE DEBORAH IFILL HILAND ॐ व�द� ग��णा� चरणारिव�द� स�दिश�त�वा�मस��ावबोध� । िन:�ा�यस� ज�ि�कायमान� स�सारहा�ाह�मा�हशा��य� ॥ अाबा�प��षकार� श�च�ािस�ािणम� । सह�िशरश� ��त� �णमािम पत�ि�म� ॥ Oł vande gurūņāł caraņāravinde sandarśita-svātma-sukhāvabodhe | niģśreyase jāñgalikāyamāne sałsāra-hālāhala-mohaśāntyai || ābāhu-purušākārał śañkha-cakrāsi-ďhāriņam | sahasra-śirasał śvetał praņamāmi patañjalim || I bow to the two lotus feet of the gurus,who have awakened the knowledge of my own true happiness, my ultimate refuge, acting like the jungle physician, for the pacifying of the delusion of the the poison of samsara. Who has assumed the form of a human up to the arms, bearing a conch, a discus, and a sword, with thousands of radiant, white heads, I bow to Patanjali. Nancy Gilgoff, Richard Freeman, David Swenson, Tim Miller and Eddie Stern. Photograph by Michelle Haymoz. 2 Issue 16 Volume 02 If we practice the science of yoga—which he first annual Ashtanga Yoga all of us, teachers and students alike, as is useful to the entire human communi- TConfluence1 featured five senior we carry on this tradition to the next ty and which yields happiness both here- western students of Sri K Pattabhi Jois generation. and hereafter—if we practice it without for a gathering in the spirit of Guruji’s The event was held from March 1st- fail, we will thenattain physical, men- life and teachings. This historical event 4th, 2012 in San Diego, CA at the tal, and spiritual happiness,and our brought together people from around Catamaran Resort & Spa. It was such minds will flood towards the Self. the world who share a love for Ashtanga a tremendous success, with 400 in at- ~ yoga and offered them an opportunity tendance and 500 people on a waiting The means by which the mind is direct- to immerse themselves in the practice. list. Encouraged by this turnout, we or- ed towards the Self and prevented from The classic teachings of yoga date back ganized a second event for 2013, to take going towards outside objects is what is over 5,000 years and have taken many place from February 28th – March 3rd known as yoga.... The word yoga signi- turns to bring us to where yoga is to- at the same venue. fies the means to the realization of one’s day in the West. Pattabhi Jois sowed Having participated over the years in true nature the seeds of this ancient practice in the other yoga events with many different ~ West when he made his first trip to En- styles and teachers, Jenny Bouwer and I just as the evening sun cools his [own] cinitas, California, in 1975. Since then, came together to create an ‘Ashtanga only’ radiance, so will one who practices the popularity of yoga has increased yoga conference. After putting together a the third step of ashtanga yoga — dramatically in America and abroad. In comprehensive plan for a three and a half ásana — be free from mental distur- organizing the Confluence, we wanted day event, we approached our teacher bance and so become stable-minded to give special thanks not only to Gu- Tim Miller, and his wife Carol, for their ~ ruji, but to all of our teachers who have thoughts and support. Depending on Tritiya kalasto’ ravih svayam helped carry on Guruji’s teachings in their response, we were prepared to either samharate prabham, tritiyangasthito America, continuing to pave the path. throw in the towel or move forward. We yogi vikaram manasam tatha. We also wanted to see if we could help basically felt that without their knowledge support the Ashtanga Yoga community and support, it would be impossible to Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Yoga Mala with a communal gathering to inspire proceed. 1con·flu·ence [kon-floo-uhns] noun: A flowing together of two or more streams. An act or process of merging. A coming together of people or things. Tim Miller. Photograph by Tom Rosenthal. August 2012 3 We all agreed it would be an Ashtan- of Pattabhi Jois and devoted teach- began practicing yoga in 1927 at the ga only conference rather than a mix ers of his method. Miraculously, all age of twelve with the great yoga master of many different styles and teachings. of the teachers I invited said yes.” T. Krishnamacharya. At the age of 15, Secondly, it would be relatively small – Guruji ran away from home to study at 350 to 400 students – with five primary We also all agreed we wanted a more the Sanskrit College in Mysore, where students of Guruji teaching, and several spiritual and meaningful name than he was miraculously reconnected with others as assistants. With this intimate- “conference”. Tim and Carol suggested his Guru. In 1937, Guruji was granted style group, students could experience Confluence. In India, the location where a position as yoga teacher at the Sanskrit mostly everything together rather than two or more rivers merge is thought College by the Maharajah of Mysore. having lots of choices with different to be an auspicious place of spiritual Guruji opened the Ashtanga Yoga classes all going on simultaneously. power. In the same spirit, these highly Research Institute at his home in Lak- We asked Tim to choose whom he respected teachers decided to join us in shmipuram in 1948. Over the years, thought would be the best people to a confluence* of classes, lectures, stories Guruji successfully treated cases of dia- come teach for the event, and to his and events designed to share the pro- betes, asthma, polio, heart disease and pleasure and ours, all the people he found gift of yoga they received from even one leprosy case with a combina- asked said yes: their beloved teacher, Sri K. Pattabhi tion of yoga therapy and diet. Jois. Suddenly, the name Confluence “The first four names to come to was perfect. As a celebration of Guruji’s hen we asked Eddie to give us mind were Richard Freeman, Da- legacy, like different streams from the Wa summary of his experience at vid Swenson, Nancy Gilgoff and same source, each senior western teach- the first annual Confluence, he said: Eddie Stern. These are all friends er received a thorough transmission of that I have known for at least twen- the ashtanga yoga system from Guruji, "It is only by sharing teachings, ty years, teachers that I have great filtered it through their own experience retelling stories, and listening to admiration and respect for, and and developed a unique way of sharing each others experiences that the individuals with very different per- his teachings. spiritual imperatives of a tradition sonalities and teaching styles. That stay alive and vibrant, and remain great common ground among us is attabhi Jois, affectionately in the world for new generations of that we were all long time students Pknown to his students as “Guruji”, seekers to benefit from. Eddie Stern. Photograph by Tom Rosenthal. 4 Issue 16 Volume 02 During the Confluence, this is achieve, but so worthwhile striv- tion of the heritage he left behind exactly what we did. We told stories ing for. During our gathering, I in the form of words, thoughts and about Guruji, and we told our stories think we came very close, if not remembrances shared during the too, which form a part of him as well. all the way, towards entering into panel discussions. We shared his teachings; we laughed, this space, and I am very grateful Many participants commented questioned, investigated, and at the to have been able to sit along side that they enjoyed the panel discus- very end, even cried a little. We did Tim Miller, Nancy Gilgoff, David sions the most of all. I personally all of this out of love, devotion, and Swenson and Richard Freeman, felt so honored to be there listening gratitude, which are the very things who are among Pattabhi Jois’s to the other teachers, my friends, that the yoga texts proclaim are need- most talented and senior teach- expounding upon the depth of their ed for a spiritual life.
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