296 Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B 83 (2007) [Vol. 83, Review Physiology and pathophysiology of prostanoid receptors By Shuh NARUMIYAÃ1,Ã2;y (Communicated by Tasuku HONJO, M.J.A.) Abstract: Prostanoids, consisting of prostaglandins (PGs) and thromboxanes (TXs), are oxygenated products of C20 unsaturated fatty acids. They include PGD2,PGE2,PGF2 ,PGI2, and TXA2. Given that aspirin-like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs exert their actions by suppressing prostanoid production, prostanoids have been implicated in processes inhibited by these drugs, including inflammation, fever, and pain. Prostanoids also contribute to vascular homeostasis, reproduction, and regulation of kidney and gastrointestinal functions. How prostanoids exert such a variety of actions had remained unclear, however. Prostanoids are released outside of cells immediately after their synthesis and exert their actions by binding to receptors on target cells. We have identified a family of eight types or subtypes of G protein– coupled receptors that mediate prostanoid actions. Another G protein–coupled receptor was also identified as an additional receptor for PGD2. Genes for these receptors have been individually disrupted in mice, and analyses of these knockoutmicehavenotonlyelucidatedthemolecular and cellular mechanisms of known prostanoid actions but also revealed previously unknown actions. In this article, I review the physiological and pathophysiological roles of prostanoids and their receptors revealed by these studies. Keywords: prostaglandin, thromboxane, cyclooxygenase, G protein–coupled receptor Prostanoids, consisting of prostaglandins the 5-cis, 13-trans, and 17-cis double bonds, re- (PGs) and thromboxanes (TXs), are oxygenated spectively. Given that arachidonic acid is the most products derived from C20 unsaturated fatty acids abundant among these precursor fatty acids in most (Fig. 1). -Homolinolenic acid, arachidonic acid, mammals, including humans, the series 2 prosta- and 5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid are the noids predominate in these organisms. These pre- precursor fatty acids for the series 1, 2, and 3 cursor fatty acids are esterified to the sn-2 position prostanoids, which contain the 13-trans double of glycerophospholipids in cell membranes and are bond, the 5-cis and 13-trans double bonds, and liberated from the membrane phospholipids by the action of phospholipase A2 in response to various 1) Ã1 Department of Pharmacology, Kyoto University Faculty physiological or pathological stimuli. Arachidonic of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan. acid thus liberated is metabolized by the action of Ã2 Recipient of the Imperial Prize and the Japan Academy cyclooxygenase (COX) to PGH ,whichisthen Prize in 2006. 2 y Department of Pharmacology, Kyoto University Faculty converted to various PGs by the respective PG of Medicine, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan (e-mail: synthases (Fig. 1). There are two isoforms of COX; [email protected]). one is COX-1 that is constitutively expressed in Abbreviations: PG: prostaglandin; TX: thromboxane; COX: cyclooxygenase; NSAID: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory many tissues, and the other is COX-2, expression of drug; GPCR: G protein–coupled receptor; cAMP: cyclic adeno- which is induced by various inflammatory as well as sine monophosphate; Th: T helper; ACTH: adrenocorticotropic other stimuli and suppressed by glucocorticoids hormone; LPS: lipopolysaccharide; IL: interleukin; TNF: tumor 2) necrosis factor; CRF: corticotropin-releasing factor; DRG: dorsal such as dexamethasone. Similarly, there are two root ganglion; Ig: immunoglobulin; OVA: ovalbumin; SNP: major isoforms of PGE synthase, cytosolic PGE single nucleotide polymorphism; DNFB: dinitrofluorobenzene; synthase (cPGES) that is constitutively expressed IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; DSS: dextran sodium sulfate; PTH: parathyroid hormone; RANKL: receptor activator of and membrane-bound PGE synthase-1 (mPGES-1) NF-B ligand. that, like COX-2, is induced by various proinflam- doi: 10.2183/pjab/83.296 #2007 The Japan Academy Nos. 9–10] Physiology and pathophysiology of prostanoid receptors 297 COOH Arachidonic acid Cyclooxygenase 2O2 7 4 2 O 9 8 6 5 3 COOH 10 14 1516 18 20 O 11 12 13 17 19 OOH PGG2 COOH PGI synthase TX synthase O COOH COOH O O O O OH OH OH PGH2 TXA2 OH PGD synthase PGF synthase PGI2 PGE synthase OH OH O COOH COOH COOH O OH OH OH OH OH PGD 2 PGE2 PGF2 α Fig. 1. Pathway of prostanoid biosynthesis. Arachidonic acid is metabolized by the action of cyclooxygenase (COX) first to prostaglandin endoperoxide (PGG2) and then to PGH2, which is subsequently converted to various PGs and TXA2 by respective synthases. Aspirin-like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) exert their effects by inhibiting COX and thereby suppressing prostanoid biosynthesis. matory stimuli and suppressed by glucocorticoids.3) they exert central actions such as induction of fever Prostanoids thus formed are released outside of or sleep. They regulate secretion and motility in cells immediately after their synthesis. PGH2, the gastrointestinal tract as well as transport of PGI2,andTXA2 are chemically unstable and are ions and water in the kidney. They play roles in degraded to inactive products under physiological apoptosis, cell differentiation, and oncogenesis. conditions, with half-lives of 30 s to a few minutes. They also regulate the activity of blood platelets Other PGs, although chemically stable, are metab- both positively and negatively, and they contribute olized rapidly. For example, they are inactivated to vascular homeostasis and hemostasis. Prosta- during a single passage through the lung. Prosta- noids thus exert a wide variety of actions in various noids are therefore thought to act locally, in the cells and tissues and the body. However, the vicinity of the site of their production. mechanisms underlying such actions remained a Aspirin-like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory mystery until the receptors responsible were iden- drugs (NSAIDs) exert their pharmacological ac- tified, their cDNAs cloned, and their roles analyzed. tions by inhibiting COX and suppressing prosta- Furthermore, whereas methods for the chemical noid production. The actions of prostanoids have synthesis of natural prostanoids and related com- therefore been examined either by the addition of pounds have been developed for reproduction of or exogenous prostanoids to cells, tissues, or the body interference with the various bioactivities of pros- or by analysis of the effects of aspirin-like drugs on tanoids, they have been of limited use without various physiological or pathophysiological proc- knowledge of the prostanoid receptors and their esses. The typical actions of prostanoids revealed by properties. these studies include induction of the relaxation or contraction of various types of smooth muscle. Structure, signal transduction mechanisms, anddistributionofprostanoidreceptors Prostanoids also modulate neuronal activity by inhibiting or stimulating neurotransmitter release Given that prostanoids are produced from fatty or sensitizing sensory fibers to noxious stimuli, and acids and were therefore generally regarded as 298 S. NARUMIYA [Vol. 83, hydrophobic compounds, it was initially thought 29 amino acids, respectively, that do not share any that they were incorporated into the cell membrane structural motifs or hydrophobic features.13)–15) and exerted their actions by perturbing lipid fluid- These isoforms show similar ligand binding charac- ity. However, prostanoids are not as hydrophobic as teristics but distinct signal transduction properties, originally thought and do not incorporate into or as described below. Such multiple splice isoforms permeate the cell membrane.4) Furthermore, com- for EP3 have also been identified in other species parison of the potencies of various prostanoids as including rat, rabbit, cow, and human.11) In addi- determined by bioassays in various tissues revealed tion to this family of prostanoid receptors, there is a 16) that each prostanoid possesses a unique activity distinct type of receptor for PGD2. This receptor, profile, indicating that each compound has a designated CRTH2, was originally cloned as an specific site of action. Moreover, various synthetic orphan receptor expressed in T helper (Th) 2 TXA2 agonists and antagonists were developed in lymphocytes and has recently been shown to bind the late 1970s to early 80s, and these compounds PGD2 with an affinity as high as that of DP, facilitated the pharmacological characterization of although its binding profile for other PGD analogs 5) a receptor for TXA2. Biochemical evidence also differs from that of DP. CRTH2 belongs to the supported the existence of prostanoid receptors. family of chemokine receptors and mediates chemo- Beginning in the mid-1960s, the actions of prosta- taxisofTh2lymphocytesaswellasofeosinophils noids were repeatedly found to be associated with and basophils toward PGD2. changes in the levels of intracellular second mes- Signal transduction pathways linked to pros- sengers such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate tanoid receptors have been studied by examination (cAMP), phosphoinositides, and Ca2þ. In addition, of the effects of agonists on the intracellular the availability of radioisotopically labeled prosta- concentrations of second messengers such as cAMP, noid derivatives in the early 1970s allowed the Ca2þ, and inositol phosphates in cells transfected demonstration that many tissues and cells possess with expression vectors for each receptor. These specific high-affinity binding sites for
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