oxoWW mm jBermuda Kecorde gives omeal M| gfl7/ mon-op _M_\m Published Bi-Weekly PRICE: 6d. Wednesdays: 1/- Saturdays i No. 13. volume xxxvm HAMILTON, BERMUDA, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13, 1961 r::^^P: U.S.SpaceCapsule Lands ■ K' -M WewmiM mY ______________ ______HK MK Today r jt^ Os k!L M MS Off Bermuda CHORTLY after noon today a Mercury Space Capsule landed '% in the sea 161 miles east of Bermuda after having been put j *Pv ■«4g.. A in crbit around the world. The unmanned capsule was launched a _______^La^slf^i m frcm Cape Canaveral, and circled the earth in 110 minutes st Mr * ****^<J _^ II *_&____ specdr up to 17,500 m.p.h. Ik i^w^B -Jk_t Z *«4tfL ** "^^% m^kkZj ?F StmmZ.mmt^BmMmm role- eif the s<vi'ral Moments after the e-apsul ■'< traekin? ': * y -^ _», position was reported by air- station* areiunil the world t^ fM%K '^Bt$ '4flt. .m. «._»*.■* J*ffl f^ \i^m^ craft I'.S. Xavy destroyer which reported em the progress the the spae-e ' Deeattnr was racing to the of rehiele. 'zmm. tk '. A te-am of flight control- area lo rccoeer it trom the s"a. heen the colony The- destroyer was expected to lers have in land the- for sev'ial days rehearsing capsule ■ in Bermuda in flight. Acting mmtm^SOW^r- WMS^^Mkmti^^ &&Z y&*if' .fZ, __Wr£t$_wW_\ late this I'vning. It will be their role the \ «A *&__ - 31 .'. — to Kindley as e-apsiile communicator was MmmL *mW mm^mmmmmW f«^ JET LINER NAMED IN THEIRHONOUH .Mr. Donald Smith and unnbers of his travei ake'ii Air Foree I'.S. Major Donah; put a waiting Astronaut airency staff casl admiring e-yes at the hai ler aleip this jet liner especially na>ned liase- anel aboarel Slayton. sin-raft for transfer to tin Kent 1)STA in their honour. The' agency closed down on Thursday for li\i* days tn enable th" Although the capsule was not holielay te> New Torn. Tin* Smith Agency United States. stall' tn take' liieir annual Donald has done Manned In* a 'unman being, ■" an nnpreeedented —business this year sending Berinudians— and other loeal residents to all The launching e»f the gian' liii'chanie-al astronaut occupied parts of the gloht the farlhest afie'hl being Japan tor holiday and business. With .Air. Iferrnry-Atbn missile healing the' vehicle's contour couch ami Smith Ire in the left ar- Mrs. Pat Furbert, Miss ___encec« Francis. Mrs. Marilyn Smith the unmanned capsule ap exercised Ihe life sustaining anil Mrs. Enid Simmons. paivntly we'iit aei-ordin<f te> system of the e-apsiih'. plan. The space sheit was call- Toelay's sue-'-e'SN.'ul shot is ed ■.Mere'iiry Atlas Four." probably the' last major test The X.A.S.A. l'.i'rliluila Sta- before the United States at- . w^' m Mmw tion at Coppe-r's Islam! played tempts tei put a man in n>-hit WELL-KNOWN BUILDER INJURED Anti-Castro perhaps the most important Hroilni! the earth. JN FALL FROM ROOF DIES Outbreaks Rising, Priest Reports l^^^^^^^r Ens >: 1 *^H :£?§^a^^^^^^l Sfl [MR EDWARD (Ebbic) THOMAS, one of the colony's leading U.S. Pamphlet: For Defence - mason cortractors, who was injured in a fall from Uh ro& r '■'fl^.JJ-t^m mm\\t ■■■ m_W mw^gtmi SMtSitm. of the Green Lantern Cafe, Serpentine Road last Thursday, MIAMI died in the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital yesterdav Vinle'iit anti-government de- Of World Freedom Funeral services will be held tomorrow at Grace monstration in Havana, Cuba, Methodist ______________ Church,North Shore and burial will follow at St. Paul's Church, Sunday nigfcl —i hid the Wk WmmP^Wm ma, B'r .^^■■■■k... Paget. third time in live days that a WASHINGTlIX— The Unit- major threat from .the' Seivict Mr. Thomas, who was oH Catholic religious procession ed States has declared tha' Union in just over U yenri. SWANSTON GUESTS Above arc Miss Daphne' Jackson heistility pledge- to left), nurse eui Municipal Hos- years of aire', is survived hv hi* has sheiwn tei Castro the allied defeinl He' was confident that the' a senior the Stuff of the Bronx wife, Mrs. Hewlett Thomas. U. N. Afro-Asians communism, accordiag to a West He-rlin against Commit allies and West Herliner., pital in Xew York, and Miss Deborah McCready of Long Island. thri'O sons, ami a daughter. prie-st whei just arrived in nist preeanre is a defence of "will nu'et this challenge'." No! seen is a third member of the party which arrived over w, holiday. One of his sons, is Mr. Freddy .Miami lrom Havana. the ultimate freedom of the- the ek-end for a lJerniiula — She Ls Mrs. Ruth Harris Refuse to Act entire' wen-Id. The' pamphlet iu effect ap- a b autieian. alsei from Long Islanel. Photo by Bill Simmon*. Thomas, the' well-known local Four thousand Catholics de peals to world parti- The- State Department pub- opinion, boxer. Also surviving is his led the- rebel by cularly in the uncommitted mother, On Nuclear Tests slo- lished a document on Berlin aged and brothers and shotting anti-Communist nations, to support We-ster-i sisters, who reside' in St. Tvil s. gans Siimlay nijrlit anil the saying that the Western stand t city ele'teriiiination te> fight. if Valuable Building Somerset Man West Indies. riot that t'ollowe-d left olic is a defence of every and UNITED NATION'S. N.Y.— village in Europe, As'a, Africa ni*i*i ssary. to preserve West to- person el e' a el and several by Mr. Freddy Thomas saiel Pakistan was rebuffe-d yester- and Latin ft ■linn, wherever Berlin's freedom. Lots go on Struck Car was an weiuillle'el. day his father's death day in its attempt to spur the' people wished to be free. It said: "all p e' e> p 1 e' I unexpected blow to the family. forty-six member Tin* returning priest, who — Mr. David Dobey "Wilson, a Afro-Asian identified, The document "Berlin throughout the globe who en- Sale Tomorrow I Explaining lmw the aeeidenl group of the United Nation-, eliel not want to be — aspire 67-year-old resident of Somer- religions 1061" describes the buck- joy or to freedom, in- oe-e-urred last Thurselav. the into taking a stremg position said smalle'i* proees- cluding peoples set, was aelmitted to King Eel- shouting anti-gov- ground to Western and Com- the' captive of boxe-r saiel the' e-ontrae-teir reim against the resumption of nu- sions v.*i re empires, ward VII Memorial Hospital on Sept. 8 munist policies towards the* the' Communist have Several valuable building vating the roof of the Green clear tests. enuncnl slogans preser- last night after beingstrm-k by 9 divided city. a vital interest in the" lots will be offered for sale to- Lantern. He was on ■ladderat- In a two-heiilr "urgent se*s- ami again M Sept. in San- — — a cur. He was reported to be It will be distributed from vatiem of freedom of self- morrow almost as earlyas the ti'iniiting to ri'inove a loose sion" e-onveiii-el on Pakistani tiago, but those demonstra- — iTnele-r observation and treat- peaceful. U.S. diplomatic posts through- d*luminalbin in the West. sun rises. According to Bego stone- the southeast earner initiative, the- greuip took ne> tioiis were ment for injuries to his head from out the World in various lan- "In defending Berlin Limite'el, tbey will start at fi of buileling which action except to issue a eoni- No Reports of Reprisals free and right leg. the' constitu- guages. we not only Benin. a.m. selling five desirable lots a danger to the public road. munique saying that defend ted further There bare heen no reports Appeal Paris. London, Ottawa. on the Banana (!rove> Develop- he that tne'ctings might be Tin- Oslo. He said bettered ladder held. of re-prisals against the Ha- In a foreword. Secretary nf nii'iit Orel AYarwick, Mrs. Kasavubu Pope his father jumped, Pakistanis hael heiped the' Washington. Kansas City. Road. at Sees slipped and vana de'inoiistrators. The gov- Slate. Dean Riisk, reiterated Boise, but in fact, 2.30 p.in., they will auction two ROME — Pope falling hd't leg. which he large and often voe-al group. every John XXIII on his e rnme'iil radio announced that the- Western pledge to protect lots near i-ntraiu-e* to the received Joseph would, as a minimum. se>ek e-itizen in the North Atlantic the Mrs. Kasavu- fracture-el. it is oppeisi'tl to sue-h dcmotl- the freedom of AVest Berlin, Community. new ton Beneb Hotel,and bu, the wife of the Congo Pre- priority ceiiisiele'ratieni for the Call On Sunday he secsaed to be strations although not op- whie-h he said faces its third from 4 n.m. the-y will be eiffer- siei ut. at a spce-ial audiene-e subject of testing "Eepially we' defend in fine spirit in hospital, and nuclear peise'il to the religious proceu- tfew ing eight roaelfront lots at the yesterday at the- papal summer lemking a new General Assembly Delhi, Kuala Lumpnr, Tokyo, the family were' for- wben sinus themselves. entrance to the Xaval Operat- residence at Castcl Gandolfo, sometime session starts Sept. 10. ward to his release Nine out of every ten Cu- (Continue'il on Page fi) ingBase in Southampton West.
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