TNPSC WEEKLY Test QUESTIONS: 200 TEST CODE: 043 DURATIONS: 180 MINS 1. Simplify: 3 3 2 729− 27+ 16 3 3 4 = 512+ 343− 256 11 ퟏퟎ 9 12 a) b) c) d) 10 ퟏퟏ 10 11 RUf;Ff: 3 3 2 729− 27+ 16 3 3 4 512+ 343− 256 11 ퟏퟎ 9 12 a) b) c) d) 10 ퟏퟏ 10 11 2. How many years will take certain amount to double at 8% interest per annum at simple interest? a) 13 ½ years b) 12 ½ years c) 10 ½ years d) 9 years xU njhif Mz;bw;F 8% jdptl;b tPjj;jpy; mj;njhifiag; Nghy; ,U klq;fhfpwJ vdpy; vLj;Jf; nfhs;Sk; fhyk; a) 13 ½ years b) 12 ½ years c) 10 ½ years d) 9 years 3. Surface Area of a hemisphere is 2772 cm² then the total surface area of hemisphere is a) 4158 cm² b) 3172 cm² c) 3882 cm² d) 4258 cm² xU miuNfhsj;jpd; tisgug;G 2772 nr.kP² vdpy; miuNfhsj;jpd; nkhj;j Gwg;gug;G ahJ? a) 4158 cm² b) 3172 cm² c) 3882 cm² d) 4258 cm² 4. Choose the correct option to complete the alphabet letter series __ ABA __ CABC __ DCBA __ BAB __ A a) ABDCA b) BCADC c) ABCDD d) CBDAA nfhLf;fg;gl;l Mq;fpy vOj;J njhlh; thpiria epiwT nra;Ak; rhpahd tpiliaj; Njh;e;njLf;fTk; __ ABA __ CABC __ DCBA __ BAB __ A 1 a) ABDCA b) BCADC c) ABCDD d) CBDAA 5. There are 8 mango trees in a straight line. The distance between each mango tree with other is 3 metres. What is the distance between the first and the eighth tree? a) 24 m b) 21 m c) 30 m d) 27 m 8 khkuq;fs; xNu Neh;Nfhl;by; cs;sJ. xt;nthU kuj;jpw;Fk; ,ilNaAs;s J}uk; 3 kP vdpy; KjyhtJ kw;Wk; vl;lhtJ kuj;jpw;F ,ilNaAs;s J}uk;? a) 24 m b) 21 m c) 30 m d) 27 m 6. The enzymes that make possible the penetration of a spermatozoon into the ovum are A. Trypsin-like enzyme B. Hyaluronidase C. Spermease D. Spermin a) A and D are correct b) B and C are correct c) A and B are correct d) C and D are correct ve;j vd;irk; ];kh;kl;NlNrhd; ovum-d; cs; CLUtp nry;y cjTk; A. bhpk;rpd; Nghd;w vd;irk; B. `aTNuhdpNl]; C. ];ngh;gP]; D. /];ngh;kpd; a) A kw;Wk; D rhp b) B kw;Wk; C rhp c) A kw;Wk; B rhp d) C kw;Wk; D rhp 7. For a cell to divide, it is essential that its DNA is replicated so that each daughter cell gets an identical DNA. This replication occurs during a) Prophase b) metaphase c) telophase d) interph Nry; gFj;jYf;F DNA ,ul;bj;jy; kpf mtrpakhdJ. mjdhy; xt;nthU Nra; nry;fSk; mNj Nghd;w DNA-it ngWk;. ,e;j ,ul;bj;jy; ve;j epiyapy; eilngWk;? a) GNuhepiy b) nklhepiy c) gPNyhepiy d) ,ilepiy 8. The pairing of homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis is called a) crossing over b) syngamy c) synapsis d) syngenesis GNuhepiy 1,d; kpahrp];rpy; N`hNkhyf]; FNuhNkhNrhk; ,iztij vd;dntd;W miog;gh;? a) fpuhrp]; Xth; b) rpd;Nfkp c) rpdhg;rp]; d) rpd;n[d;rp]; 9. During the course of development, the umbilical cord is derived from a) Allantois b) placenta c) endometrium d) chorion tsh;r;rpapd; NghJ mk;gpyf;fy; fhh;l; vtw;wpypUe;J gphpj;J vLf;fg;gLk;? a) My;yhy;lha;]; b) gpshd;nrd;lh c) vd;Nlhnkl;hpak; d) Nfhhpahd; 10. Match List I and List II (National Park and State) List I List II A. Nanda devi National Park 1) West Bengal 2 B. Kaibul Lamjao 2) Uttarakhand C. Sunderbans 3) Arunachal Pradesh D. Namdapha National Park 4) Manipur A B C D a) 3 1 4 2 b) 2 4 1 3 c) 1 3 2 4 d) 2 3 1 4 gl;bay; - I kw;Wk; gl;bay; - II I nghUj;Jf (Njrpa G+q;fh kw;Wk; khepyk;) gl;bay; - I gl;bay; - II A. ee;jh Njtp Njrpa G+q;fh 1) Nkw;F tq;fhsk; B. nfa;Gy; yhk;[h 2) cj;jufhz;l; C. Re;jutdk; 3) mUzhr;ry gpuNjrk; D. ek;jgh Njrpa G+q;fh 4) kzpg;G+h; A B C D a) 3 1 4 2 b) 2 4 1 3 c) 1 3 2 4 d) 2 3 1 4 11. Dhuvaran power station is located on which state? a) Bihar b) Odisha c) Gujarat d) Madhya Pradesh j;tud; kpd; epiyak; ve;j khepyj;jpy; mike;Js;sJ? a) gPfhh; b) xbrh c) F[uhj; d) kj;jpa gpuNjrk; 12. The study of the Moon is called a) Helioseismology b) Selenology c) Geology d) Cosmology epyit gw;wp gbf;Fk; gbg;gpd; ngah; a) `PypNahnra;rkhy[p b) nrypdhy[p c) [pahy[p d) fh];khy[p 13. According to NASA, which one of the following star is closest star to the Earth after the sun? a) Proxima Centauri b) Dhruva Matsya c) Pi Centauri d) Shruva Vrish ehrhtpd; Ma;Tgb> ve;j el;rj;jpuk; #hpaDf;F gpwF G+kpf;F kpf neUf;fkhd el;rj;jpukhf ,Uf;fpwJ? a) gpuhf;rpkh nrd;lhThp b) JUt kl;rpah c) ig nrd;lhThp d) JUt tphp\; 3 14. The material transported and deposited by a glacier is known as ______. a) Cirque b) Tarn c) Fiord d) Moraines gdpf;fl;bapd; %yk; nghUs; xU ,lj;jpypUe;J kw;nwhU ,lj;Jf;F ,lg;ngah;e;J gbtkiltJ ----------- MFk;. a) rh;f;A+ b) jhh;d; c) gpNahh;l; d) nkhiud; 15. Which of the following plant disease/s is/are caused by fungi? A. Karnal bunt B. Tikka disease C. Tundu disease D. Whiptail Select the correct answer from the following: a) A only b) B and C only c) A and B only 4) A and D only fPo;f;fz;l jhtu Nehapy; G+Q;irfshy; tUgit A. fhh;dy; gd;l B. jpf;fh Neha; C. Ld;L Neha; D. tpg;ily; (Whiptail) rhpahd tpilia Njh;e;njLf;f a) A kl;Lk; b) B kw;Wk; C kl;Lk; c) A kw;Wk; B kl;Lk; d) A kl;Lk; D kl;Lk; 16. A pure culture of bacteria was first obtained by a) Anton van Leeuwenhoek b) Edward Jenner c) Louis Pasteur d) Robert Koch ghf;Bhpahtpd; J}a tsh;r;rp Kjd; Kjypy; fz;lwpe;jth; a) Md;ld; thd;yPtd;`Pf; b) vl;tl;L n[d;dh; c) Y}ap]; gh];Bah; d) uhgh;l; Nfhr; 17. Which of the following plant disease/s affect, the rice plant? A. Molya disease B. Stem rot C. White rust D. Yellow rust Select the correct answer from the following: a) Only A b) Only B c) B and D 4) B and C fPo;f;fz;l jhtu Neha;fspy; vit ney;iy jhf;Fk; A. Nkhypah Neha; B. jz;L mOTjy; C. nts;isgbjy; D. kQ;rs; gbjy; rhpahd tpilia Njh;e;njLf;f a) A kl;Lk; b) B kl;Lk; c) B kw;Wk; A d) B kw;Wk; C 18. Which of the following plant disease/s affect wheat? A. Ergot B. Fire blight C. Flag smut D. Karnal bunt Select the correct answer using the coded given below: a) A, B and D b) A, C, and D c) B and D 4) C and D fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; vit NfhJikia jhf;Fk; Neha;? A. vh;ehl; B. jP gpisl; C. myF Nghd;w ,iyfspy; mOf;F gbjy; D. fhh;dy; gz;l; rhpahd tpilia Njh;e;njLf;f 4 a) A, B kw;Wk; D b) A, C kw;Wk; D c) B kl;Lk; D d) C kw;Wk; D 19. 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16 ______ next to 16 is a) 19 b) 17 c) 18 d) 16 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16 ______ 16 w;F gpwF tUtJ a) 19 b) 17 c) 18 d) 16 20. A man can do a work in 3 days alone and a women can do the same work in 9 days alone. If both are work together in how many days they finished the same work. 14 ퟏ 1 a) days b) 6 days c) 2 days d) 3 days 9 ퟒ 2 xU Mz; xU Ntiyia jdpahf 3 ehl;fspy; Kbg;ghh;. mNj Ntiyia xU ngz; jdpahf 9 ehl;fspy; Kbg;ghh;. mNj Ntiyia ,UtUk; ,ize;J vj;jid ehl;fspy; Kbg;ghh;fs;? 14 ퟏ 1 a) days b) 6 days c) 2 days d) 3 days 9 ퟒ 2 21. Work in a fort 300 men had provisions for 90 days after 20 days 50 men left the fort. How long would the food last at the same rate? a) 160 days b) 210 days c) 84 days d) 80 days xU Nfhl;ilapy; Ntiy ghh;f;Fk; 300 kdpjh;fSf;F 90 ehl;fSf;F Njitahd czT nghUs; cs;sJ. 20 ehl;fSf;F gpwF 50 Ngh; nrd;W tpl;ldh;. kPjKs;s czT vj;jid ehl;fSf;F tUk;? a) 160 days b) 210 days c) 84 days d) 80 days 22. Introducing a girl, Raj said, “Her mother is the only daughter of my mother-in- law”. How is Raj related to the girl? a) Uncle b) Father c) Brother d) Husband xU ngz;iz uh[; vd;gth; “mtSila mk;kh vdJ khkpahUf;F xNu kfs;” vd mwpKfg;gLj;Jfpwhh; vdpy; mg;ngz;zpw;F uh[; vd;d cwT a) khkh b) je;ij c) rNfhjuh; d) fzth; 23.
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