PHONES: OFFICE 21 GROCERIES 364 DRY GOODS 124 HARDWARE 34 Friday, April 1st ...................................Ifegrath, Alberta, COATS ladies Spring and Summer Coats in the latest styles and the season’s most outstanding shades, Fabrics include English worsted wools and sealskins, SIZES: 10 to 42. 25°° to z|y00 SUITS •..be sure and see our new SPRING SUITS, Popular new Fashionable colorso SIZES: 10 to 20|. up HATS ladies Spring Chapeaus in straws and simulated fabrics. Beau­ tiful colors, latest styles, /i_95 TO 5)50 UTTIE GIRIS EASTER BONNETS. Bandeaus, Bailee, etc. > 19 CRINOLINES d JUST ARRIVED: Nylon crinoline, net, and horsehair crinolines in the daintiest styles, SIZES 2 to U. 298 up. SKIRTS Be sure and see our lovely cotton skirts. Plain and figured, DRESSES SIZES; 10 UP WOMENS ladies - we have just receiv- some lovely Spring dresses Cottons, Printed Arnels, You will find a nice Jerseys, and Jumpered selection of T shirts Prints, right from Toddler size * 98Cto 198 SIZES: 10 to 24£ BABYALLS Wonderfully wash­ able Corded Twin, cottons, denims, Chino cloth O |69 Io 298 GIRLS We have just received some CASUALS : IgATHER STRETCHIES: Foot comf­ gay little ort, restful ease are found in these stretchy cotton dresses shoes. | 00 ro qgg for young miss­ 00 k> 398 es. CANVAS GASUAIS: The latest in footwear for the season. Gay stripes and plain shades. QQQ SIZES 2 to 6X ri A TO rL/A I o ; sQe new arrivals in leather flats - Black, Green shag,, White A QO leather, Beige and (HiBmin Elk. up. ,4EN'S^ BGrSWEAR tfex Harker left Monday to return to Salt Lake City, Utah where he is taking a coarse in stage lighting with the Aerial Davis Company READY-MADE Charcoal English DRESS : See the new styles in Men’s Dress wool worsted Dress Suits, available in shirts. Figures, stripes and plain patterns all sizes. on fine English broadcloth, 95 up ' Styled with 2 .button closing, slim lapels, SPORT : JUST ARRIVED; Stylish Sport neat slash pockets shirts in the latest dark printed "Wash ’N Wear" fabrics, also short sleeved Sport Shirts in gay prints on white background. Features ONLY smart button down collars• 4oc UP TAILOR-MADE Made to Measure Suits SEE THS ARRAY OF KNITTED SPORT SHIRTS. THE Tailored from fine English IATEST STYLES AND SHADES. INCLUDED ARE THE worsted Cambridge fabrics SMARTEST IN BAN-LONS. 9 5 yp in a wide selection of patterns, fabrics, styles and prices, TEAM-MATES ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT NOW. CASUAL SHIRTS, SLACKS : Corded Twill Shirts and Slacks in catching shades Mr, and Mrs. Joe Godfrey and femily of of Tan, Olive, and Brown. Slacks include Picture Butte were Sunday dinner guests at the new Continental style, 308UP. STACKS - UP the home of Mr. and Mrs, Doug Bourne, They SHIRTS - also visited his mother Mrs, Eva Godfrey and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elige Bourne, Mrs, radge Minor, Mrs, Louise Dow, Mr. E. L, Ririe and Mr. Chester Minor returned home recently from a motor trip to Saskatoon where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Minor. They were accompanied on their return by Mrs, Ririe who had been visiting there, T SHIRTS: T shirts styled by Stanfields in white “ j 2 5 T SHIRTS, Tan or Gold. REG. $2,50 - | 25 UNDERSHIRTS: Stanfields cotton ribbed under­ shirts - i 9A Men be sure UNDERSHQRTS: Stanfields Undershorts are neat and see our fitting, long lasting, double seat. | £5 new arrivals in Men’s OTHER T SHIRTS - good quality “^9^ Dress Slacks, latest fab­ OTHER SHORTS a choice of styles CM a TO I 00 rics and colors include JACKETS ing Charcoal, SPORT ; Be sure and see our stock Olive, Black of and Grey, Spring Sport Jackets. The season’s latest styles, fabrics, and colors. AND YOU WILL Fine English BE AMAZED AT THE LOW, LOW PRICES. See them wools and soon wool worsted. UP LAUNDRY SIGN: "We do not tear your laundry with machinery. We do it care-Pul ly by hand. THE MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD A Good Place to Trade UPSTAIRS DRY GOODS DEPT COATS, SUITS, DRESSES , New arrivals DRESS GINGHAMS i Popular plaids in Upstairs, See them soon and make your Spring light and dark shades. selection. REGUIAR 75^ yd .....................................590 yd, WINTER SLEEPWEAR : ladies Pyjama sSHOE SPECIALS: 1 table of and Nightgowns in Flannelette and Snuggle­ ladies Pumps, Values to $8,95 .. ....$4.95 down are reduced to clear Smartly- tailored 1 table of School Shoes, ladies Flats, etv., in printed and plain. 25% OFF. Values to $8,95 ..........................................$3.95 PANTIES GIRDLES, BRAS: sw» JAX : The panty with the patented Flex THE ORIGINAL PRICE - ladies Girdles including Seat with the vertical stretch giving flex­ Grenier and Playtex, Also Bras - strapless, ible action. WHITE & COLORS. 59$* pr. long line and regular. HALF PRICE, New arrivals in ladies Nylon Tricot and Acetate Tricot. 59£ to $1.29. 20% OFF Save on Kiddies Pyjamas and Sleepers - Flannelette, Terrycloth and brushed IAD1ES COTTON PANTIES - pr. cottons. Also 1 counter of Babywear - Romper GIRLS: Dainty little hylon tricot panties sets, Jackets, Bonnets, Blankets, etc. have just arrived. Plain and figured nylon with dainty lace trimming. Kiddies Running shoes - good cushion insole. A choice of Red or Black, IOO ORIENT NYLON HOSE, Full fashioned dress and SIZES 10 to 2 ................................................... pair evening sheer. VALUES FROM $1.25 to $1.50 HARDWARE DEPT CHICK SUPPLIES: We have a good supply of Brooder equipment, Medicinal needs, Feeders MEN BOYS WEAR Founts and Chick Feeds. SEED TREATMENT: we carry San Seed SCHOOL PANTS: Boys Denim§ in Navy Disinfectant, Formaldehyde, Drin - W, Leyto- and Tbded Blue, Sateen Drill and Tweed Bants san and Rinogen liquid' seed dressing. ideal for school ONE THIRD OFF. HOUSECLEANING AIDS: see fOT SH RTS: Men’s Dress Shirts, Men’s all Paints, Ifelipaper removers, Sponges, Mops, occasion Sport Shirts in a wide choice Cleaners, Varnishes, Brushes, etc. of colors and patterns, A few Boys’ School Shirts. ONE THIRD OFF is k! T SHIRTS : Men’s Stanfields T •• Shirts in Gold or Tan t. Short sleeve, 1 USEE HOOVER UPRIGHT VACUUM CLEANER IN VERY breast pocket, REG. $25.0I ’...........$1.50 GOOD CONDITION, Complete with all attach- » ments. ONLY ........................ MEN’S DRESS PANTS IN ASS6RTED FABRICS IN/ Brash young .clerk: "Since one of your vice CLUDING TWEEDS, WOOL WORSTED, GAB1RDINES. presidents just died, do you think I could take A CHOICE OF COLORS TOO. Values from $7.95 his place?" Boss: "It’s all right with me if you can arrange it with the undertaker." THE MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED A Good Place To Trade . PTOMRFRS OF 60 YEARS AGO Mr. George Forsyth had a good well. Mr. L. M. Iarson had a team of horses and a stone boat. He delivered water around town for 250 a barrel. Mr Iarson: "The Lord has given you a good well Brother Forsyth • . .. Brother Forsyth: "Yes, and when the Lord gives you a good well, ask Him to put it on your own lot”. PROFIT AND LOSS. During the months of deep snow on the Milk River Ranch, 26 deer and as many spent their time eating at both ends of a staok of baled alfalfa hay. (Reserved for lam Ing). And nearer home, thousands of ducks in the middle of a quarter section of un­ harvested grain. Ducks must eat as they migrate north to their nesting quarters. It’s once in a life time. That isn’t too bad. The tegrath Rockets won the Alberta Senior B. Championship here Saturday night, besting Edmonton L.D.S. 40-49, thus winning the best of three series two games to one. Behind 30-39 at half time. Wes Rice lead the team to victory with 18 points followed by Ty Alston with 10. Butler was high schorer for Edmonton with 15 markers. The people of tegrath should be truly proud of this team and its °oach who tave worked long and hard to bring this glory back to tegrath. Migrath (50) Alston 10, Matkin 9. Rice 18, Sabey 6, Cook 5, Chipn»n 2, Remple, Sabey, Davies and Mikado. Edmonton (49) Butler 15, Dahl 5, Jones 9, West 1, Sheen 8, Conrad 9, Hughes 2, and Nyman. 0.B, One official said ”we could beat the socks off those fellows if our boys wouldn’t S An old prdberb: ’’Those whom the gods would destroy they first nfike nad”. NOTICE: The following letter is being mailed to all delinquent tax payers: The Winter Works program dates have been extended to June 1st, I960 making it possible for the Town of Magrath to take full advantage of it, if w0 can collect tax arrears, Otherwise we will he forced to pass up the opportunity wherein we could have 75% of labor costs paid by the senior Government. We have not budgeted for such expenditures. Then too, it is unfair to those who have paid their taxes to be deprived of such beneficial improvements in our town. The council is unanimous in the opinion that taxeB must come first, even if the money must be borrowed to meet the obligation. Please remit immediately so that we may formulate our works program.^ Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Guiding in Canada, the annual Mother ard Daughter Banquet for Girl Guides and Brownies was held Thursday evening in the tegrath United Church Recreation Hall when some eighty mothers, daughters, and guests enjoyed a delicious roast beef dinner prepared by the mothers and leaders and served by the Senior W. A. The girls with their leaders Mrs, Dorothy Minor and Mrs. Greta Mai and guests wiuh CrmTii a sinner Morrison, Guide leader terion Schill both of New Dayton, Cub leaders Mrs.
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