List of Polling Stations for 162 _uü Assembly Segment within the 28 Parliamentary Constituency jkிnuº |m Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 Bharatha matha Aided Elementary 1.Kanjanagaram (R.V) And (P) Vadakku street ward:1 , 2.Kanjanagaram (R.V) And All Voters School Eastern side building West (P) Middle Street ward:1 , 3.Kanjanagaram (R.V) And (P) South street ward:1 , facing ,Kanchanagaram 4.Kanjanagaram (R.V) And (P) Asdamangala Street ward:3 , 5.Kanjanagaram (R.V) And (P) Thoppu Street ward:3 , 6.Kanjanagaram (R.V) And (P) Ponnukud iward:1 , 7.Kanjanagaram (R.V) And (P) Ponnukudi Road street ward:1 , 8.Kanjanagaram (R.V) And (P) Nathavarayanpettai ward:1 , 9.Kanjanagaram (R.V) And (P) Mill Colony ward:3 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 2 2 Bharatha matha Aided Elementary 1.Kanganagaram (R.V) And (P) Keela Street ward:2 , 2.Kanganagaram (R.V) And (P) All Voters School ,East faceing North wing Kulathu Street ward:2 , 3.Kanganagaram (R.V) And (P) Vellan Street ward:2 , ,Kanchanagaram 4.Kanganagaram (R.V) And (P) Akraharam ward:2 , 5.Kanganagaram (R.V) And (P) Thenpathi Street ward:2 , 6.Kanganagaram (R.V) And (P) Perumal koil Street ward:2 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 3 3 Bharatha matha Aided Elementary 1.Kanganagaram (R.V) And (P) Keela Mainroad ward:3 , 2.Kanganagaram (R.V) And All Voters School , East facing South wing (P) Melacolony ward:3 , 3.Kanganagaram (R.V) And (P) Vadakku street ward:3 , Kanchanagaram 4.Kanganagaram (R.V) And (P) Mela Mainroad ward:3 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 4 4 Panchayat union Elementary 1.Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Keela street ward:1 , 2.Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Akraharam All Voters school North Side Building South ward:1 , 3.Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Perumal koil keelastreet ward:1 , 4.Mettuiruppu Facing ,Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Mettuiruppu Melayaur Road ward:1 , 5.Mettuiruppu (R.V) And (P) New Street ward:1 , 6.Mettuiruppu (R.V) And (P) Eluppaithoppu ward:1 , 7.Mettuiruppu (R.V) And (P) Thiruganasambandhar Road ward:1 , 8.Mettuiruppu (R.V) And (P) Tharankambadi Road ward:1 , 9.Mettuiruppu (R.V) And (P) Vembadisalai ward:1 , 10.Mettuiruppu (R.V) And (P) Railadi Street ward:1 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS Page Number : 1 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 162 _uü Assembly Segment within the 28 Parliamentary Constituency jkிnuº |m Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 Government High School ,South 1.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Mela Agragaram ward:3 , 2.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) All Voters side Buidling west wing south Melagramam ward:3 , 3.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Perumalkoil Old Colony ward:3 , facing, Arupathi 4.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Udayar street ward:2 , 5.Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Velayutham Street ward:2 , 6.Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Sallikollai street ward:2 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 6 6 Government High school ,South 1.Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Mainroad ward:2 , 2.Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Eswaran Koil All Voters side Buidling east wing south Road ward:2 , 3.Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Eswaran koil Street ward:2 , 4.Arupathi facing,Arupathi (R.V) And (P) Udhayasuriyan Street ward:2 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 7 7 Government High School East 1.Vilanagai (R.V) And (P) Vadakku Street ward:5 , 2.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Kotha All Voters Side Building South Facing Street ward:5 , 3.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Isaivelar street ward:4 , 4.Vilanagar (R.V) ,Arupathi And (P) Thoppu Street ward:4 , 5.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Mettu Street ward:4 , 6.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Sivan Melaveethi ward:4 , 7.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Sivan North Street ward:4 , 8.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) South Street ward:4 , 9.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Perumal Sannathi Street ward:4 , 10.Palaveli (R.V) And (P) Palavelithoppu Street ward:4 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 8 8 Government High School South 1.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Mainroad ward:4 , 2.Vilanagar (R.V) And (p) New Street All Voters Side Building ,Arupathi ward:4 , 3.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Vilanagar Thoppu Street ward:4 , 4.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Valkara Street ward:4 , 5.Vilanagar (R.V) And (P) Periyar Nagar ward:4 , 6.Palaveli (R.V) And (P) Palaveli Mainroad ward:4 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 9 9 Natarajar Aided Middle School 1.Melayure (R.V) And (P) Melacolony ward:1 , 2.Melayur (R.V) And (P) Iyar Colony All Voters South Side New Building West ward:1 , 3.Melayur (R.V) And (P) Kanni koil street ward:1 , 4.Melayure (R.V) And Facing ,Melaiyur (P) Mela Street North Street ward:1 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS Page Number : 2 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 162 _uü Assembly Segment within the 28 Parliamentary Constituency jkிnuº |m Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 Natarajar Aided Middle School 1.Melayure (R.V) And (P) Keelastreet Keela vellala street ward:2 , 2.Melayure (R.V) All Voters North Side New Building West And (P) Mainroad ward:2 , 3.Melayure (R.V) And (P) Pillaiyar koil street Vellala Facing ,Melaiyur Street ward:2 , 4.Melayure (R.V) And (P) Kaverikaraistreet ward:2 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 11 11 Panchayat Union Middle School 1.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Marudhur North Street ward:1 , 2.Karuvalakkarai All Voters North Side Eastern Building (R.V) And (P) North vellala Street Ward-1 , 3.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Therkku ,Maruthur Karuvalakarai Vellala street Ward1 , 4.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Sarvamanyam Ward 3 , 5.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Ward3 Marudhur Middle Street , 6.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Ward3 Sivan koil street Maruthur Agramkaram street , 7.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) ward:1 Ward3 Indhira colonystreet-Maniroad East , 8.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Perumal koil street ward:1 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 12 12 Panchayat Union Middle School 1.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Mariyamman koil street ward:1 , 2.Karuvalakkarai All Voters North facing western portion (R.V) And (P) Mainroad West ward:1 , 3.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (R) Thevar Street ,Maruthur Karuvazhakarai Ward:1 , 4.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Valluvar Street Ward:2 , 5.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Kaliyamman koil street Ward:2 , 6.Karuvalakkarai (R.V) And (P) Marudhur Middle Street Ward:2 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 13 13 Hindu Aided Elementary School 1.Nadukkarai (R.V) And (P) Keela Street ward:3 , 2.Nadukarai (R.V) And (P) Mela All Voters New Buidling Western Portion Street ward:3 , 3.Nadukkaraimelpathi (R.V) And (P) Thirumanchanaveethi Manaveli ,Nadukkarai Street ward:3 , 4.Nadukkarai (R.V) And (P) Mettu Theru ward:3 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 14 14 Hindu Aided Elementary School 1.Nadukkaraimelpathi (R.V) And (P) North street west ward:1 , 2.Nadukkaraimelpathi All Voters New Building East Portion (R.V) And (P) Keelatheru colony, melatheru colony ward:2 , 3.Nadukkaraimelpathi ,Nadukarai (R.V) And (P) Sivakoilstreet,mainroad west ward:2 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS Page Number : 3 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 162 _uü Assembly Segment within the 28 Parliamentary Constituency jkிnuº |m Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 1 2 3 4 5 15 15 Hindu Aided Elementary School 1.Nadikkaraimelpathi (R.V) And (P) Middle street west ward:1 , All Voters New Building Middle Portion 2.Nadukkaraimelpathi (R.V) And (P) New street West ward:1 , 3.Nadukkaraimelpathi ,Nadukarai (R.V) And (P) ward:1 Mainroad,Akragaratheruwest,Annastreet , 4.nadukaraimelpathi (R.V) And (P) Southstreet ward:1 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 16 16 Thiruvengadam High School 1.Keelayur (R.V) And (P) Sellakoilstreet East ward:1 , 2.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) All Voters North side building Western Bharathi Road ward:1 , 3.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Sellakoil South-West ward:1 , Portion ,Keelaiyur 4.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Middel Street ward:2 , 5.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) West street ward:2 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 17 17 Thiruvengadam High School 1.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Kamaragarnagar ward:3 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS All Voters Northern Building East Portion OVERSEAS ELECTORS ,Keelaiyur 18 18 Thiruvengadam High School 1.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Velalar Street ward:3 , 2.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Thachar All Voters ,East side new additional building, Street ward:3 , 3.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Pillaiyar-koilstreet ward:4 , 4.Keelaiyur South facing ,Keelaiyur (P) (R.V) And (P) Iyanarkoilstreet ward:4 , 5.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Agraharam ward:4 , 6.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Maharasapuram(North) ward:4 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 19 19 Thiruvengadam High School 1.Keelaiyaur (R.V) And (P) Maharajapuram South ward4 , 2.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) All Voters ,West Side New additional Indranagar ward:5 , 3.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Aranmanai street ward:5 , 4.Keelaiyur building, South facing ,Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) South Street ward:5 , 5.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Udaiyaniruppu-Main Road North ward:5 , 6.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Udaiyaniruppu Mainroad south ward:5 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS 20 20 Thiruvengadam High School 1.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) Thamaraikulam Street ward:5 , 2.Keelaiyur (R.V) And (P) All Voters ,North Portion East side west Udaiyaniruppu North street ward:5 , 3.Keezhiyur (R.V) And (P) Salt Nagar ward:6 , facing ,Keelaiyur 4.Eswarikoiltheru (R.V) And (P) poovaniruppu Ward:7 , 99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS OVERSEAS ELECTORS Page Number : 4 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 162 _uü Assembly Segment within the 28 Parliamentary Constituency jkிnuº |m Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No.
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