Planning Committee Report Applicant: The Owners of Market Harborough Land Application Ref: 15/02006/OUT Location: Land adjacent to Overstone House, Kettering Road, Market Harborough Proposal: Erection of up to 600 residential dwellings, a primary school, a local centre comprising A1, A2, A3 and D1, provision of public open space and play areas, new roundabout access off Kettering Road, new vehicular link from Overstone House, construction of footways and cycleways, regrading of the site by means of 'cut and fill' and construction of structures to accommodate sustainable urban drainage systems (access to be determined). Application Validated: 22/12/15 Target Date: 22/3/16 (extension of time agreed) Consultation Expiry Date: 05/04/18 Site Visit Date: 12/01/16 Case Officer: Naomi Rose Recommendation APPROVED: That, taking into account the Environmental Statement and its addendum which was submitted under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended), application 15/02006/OUT is APPROVED for the reasons set out in the report and below subject to:- (i) The proposed conditions set out at section 8 of the report and (ii) The entering into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (and S38/S278 of the Highways Act 1980), or similar arrangement, to provide for the obligations set out in Appendix B of the report Whilst the proposals cause some landscape harm and involve countryside development, in conflict with Core Strategy policy CS17, that harm is generally identified as moderate, other than in some views where it is major. The harm does not significantly and demonstrably outweigh proposal benefits including delivery of housing and affordable housing. Other social, economic and environmental interests are not harmed and Core Strategy policy CS2, whilst not up to date, nevertheless allows for development outside limits to development when there is not a 5 year housing land supply. The proposal is therefore in accordance with policies CS2, CS5, CS8 and CS11 of the Harborough District Core Strategy and The Framework. 1. Site & Surroundings 1.1 The site is located to the south-eastern edge of Market Harborough settlement. It is positioned to the south-west of the A6, on the south side of the Kettering Road, close to the junction with the A6. The site is to the north side of the mainline railway line. The site area is 35.7 hectares. The site slopes from the north-west corner to the south-eastern corner AOD 125 – 90 AOD. There is an access under the railway line 1 through a short tunnel to Braybrooke Road. The site abuts Kettering Borough Council. 1.2 The site consists of three fields. The north-western field is the smallest piece of land, currently down to grazing by sheep. This field slopes steeply upwards from the Kettering Road, it is known locally as The Knoll (Clack Hill) and halfway across to the south it then starts to slope downwards. Along the western boundary of the field are overhead power lines. The site has evidence of ridge and furrow. It is defined by hedgerow to all boundaries. 1.3 The south western field slopes downward to the railway line; however the south- western corner adjacent to the Glebe Road open space is higher than the south- eastern corner. There is a line of Oak trees running north-south across the field and the overhead power lines continue south across the site. There is close boarded fencing, a wire fence and scrubby vegetation along the boundary with the Glebe Road development. To the boundary with properties on The Heights and Overstone House are mature trees, hedgerow and low wire and timber fencing. To the railway line is a high timber post and wire fence. Site location plan 1.4 The largest field is to the east and down to arable crop. The field slopes down from the Kettering Road to the railway line. The field is bounded by hedgerow to the northern, western and eastern boundaries. To the south the field is bounded by a high concrete post and wire fence, 1.5 The site is bounded by the railway line (London to Market Harborough) to the south, Braybrooke Road runs parallel with the railway line to the south side of the line. The railway line runs along the entire length of the southern boundary of the application site. After the fencing along the application site boundary there is a ditch and 2 vegetation strip to the railway line. The railway line is on an embankment (higher ground) at the south-east corner of the site. The railway line then gradually gets lower in relation to the application site, until at the south-western corner of the site it is in an embankment (lower ground) and further away from the application site. 1.6 Agricultural fields extend to the east (Kettering Borough Council). To the west is the Overstone House and Glebe Road development including the public open space. 1.7 To the north is Kettering Road and Clack Hill development beyond, Overstone House, Shrewsberry Avenue and The Heights. From the Kettering Road along the northern boundary of the application site, there is a wide verge (no footpath). At the eastern end the verge slopes steeply downward to the boundary hedgerow, then the verge levels off and at the western corner, the verge slightly rises up to the hedgerow. 1.8 The site lies outside of the Limits of Development as identified on the 2001 Proposal map, as such the site is designated open countryside. The site has no national and local designations. No rights of way cross the site; however, there is a Bridleway A71 to the north of the site. View from the Kettering Road of the Knoll, overhead lines and Oak trees. 3 View from the Kettering Road of the site and raised section railway line 2. Site History 2.1 The Site has the following planning history. 14/00661/FUL Creation of a surface water attenuation pond in relation to adjacent residential development 14/00623/FUL) Approved 04/07/14 3. The Application Submission a) Summary of Proposals 3.1 The proposal seeks outline planning with all matters reserved (namely layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) except for access which is submitted for full approval. The proposal 35.8ha site comprises of the following elements. • the erection of up to 600 dwellings, including a mix of types and sizes and a proportion of affordable housing. • a primary school (D1 use) up to 2ha. • a local centre comprising of A1 (shops), A2 (Financial and Professional Services), A3 (Restaurants and Café), and D1 (Nursery, Community centre and medical centre). • New roundabout access off Kettering Road, including a new vehicular link from Overstone House, construction of footways and cycle-ways. • construction of structures to accommodate sustainable urban drainage system. • Re-grading the site by means of cut and fill. • Green Infrastructure including public open space, and play provision of 2 x Local Equipped Area of Play (LEAP) and 1 x Neighbourhood equipped play area (NEAP) 11.45ha. 4 Illustrative composite Masterplan 3.2 Access is proposed off Kettering Road, with the formation of a roundabout on the Kettering Road. A new roundabout is proposed on the A6. There is also access from the application site into the Overstone House from the southern boundary and the eastern boundary 3.3 There is a line of oak trees that cross the site in a north-south direction these are to be retained. 3.4 Surface water drainage for the site includes multiple attenuation ponds across the site to control surface water drainage; these areas also create opportunities for amenity and parkland spaces forming leisure routes. Foul water drainage is to be pumped up to Kettering Road, by pumping stations. 3.5 There are two LEAP’s and one NEAP proposed within the application site, two on the southern edge, next to the pedestrian link under the railway line, the other adjacent to the retained Oak trees; and one centrally on the site adjacent to the existing attenuation pond. 3.6 The proposed two form entry school is on land up-to 2 hectares. The school is close to the Kettering Road. The Electricity line is to be buried within a 4metres easement. 3.7 There are proposed to be four character areas, Knoll Court, Jordan, Davenport Way and Nethercote Park. Knoll Court is the principle gateway to the site and will draw on 5 the local Market Harborough town centre architectural characteristics. Jordan is next to the local centre in a central location, therefore it will have a tighter grain drawing on the town centre character, Davenport Way will have a more urban identify and Nethercote Park relates to the countryside therefore will have a more traditional approach. 3.8 There are significant areas of cut and fill across the site. Calculations were completed to estimate the potential cut and fill requirements and this confirmed that there would be no need to export or import material to create the proposed landforms. The site sections 116 Rev A and 117 Rev A show that there is cut to build the school and playing field and fill for the top section of the secondary loop road. b) Documents submitted i. Supporting Statements 3.9 The application has been accompanied by the following supporting (revised) statements, some of which are included within the Technical Appendices of the EIA: • Design, access and justification statement revised (Jan. 2018) • Planning Statement revised (Feb. 2018) • Design codes revised (Feb. 2018) • Transport Assessment TA (Dec 2015) and Addendum Technical Note to TA April 2016 • Highways Technical Note (May 2016) • Travel Plan (Dec.
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