Short Film Competition Programme II 國際短片競賽節目 (二) Accidence 入門 Dir: Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson 導演:佳麥甸、伊凡莊遜、基倫莊遜 Canada 2018 DCP Color 10min 加拿大 2018 DCP 彩色 10 分鐘 A feature film in 9 minutes: A mysterious murder [ 導演的話 ] 一部長片濃縮在九分鐘內,從三百 is observed, over and over again, from some 300m 米外,反覆觀察一宗凶案,以及凶案發生時的連 distance, as events leading up to the commission of 串事件,它們發生於一個個公寓露台上,每個露 the crime transpire over a gridwork of apartment 台都有其天天如常的事情,一鏡直落,從遠處一 block balconies, each containing its humdrum 座住宅大樓拍攝。 everyday life activities, all shot in one long continuous take from another apartment block across the way. Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson and Galen Johnson Guy MADDIN was born in Winnipeg, Canada in 1956. Selected 佳麥甸 1956 年生於加拿大溫尼伯。執導影片有《日防夜 Filmography: Careful (92), The Saddest Music in the World (03), 防 》( 92)、《悲歌之王》(03)、《故城風雪行》(07)、《窺孔》 My Winnipeg (07, docu), Keyhole (11), The Forbidden Room (15, (11)、《非請勿進》(15,合導)、《拼貼迷魂記》(17,合導)、 co-dir), The Green Fog (17, co-dir), Accidence (18, short, co-dir). 短片《入門》(18,合導 ) 等。 Evan JOHNSON is a writer/filmmaker. He co-directed The 伊凡莊遜 2009 年起與佳麥甸合作,執導影片有《非請勿 Forbidden Room (15), The Green Fog (17) and Accidence (18, 進》(15,合導 )、《拼貼迷魂記》(17,合導 )、短片《入門》 short) with Guy Maddin. (18,合導 )。 Galen JOHNSON worked in architecture before working 基倫莊遜 曾為《非請勿進》(15) 任美術指導及作曲,執 as production designer, title designer, and composer. He 導影片有《拼貼迷魂記》(17,合導 )、短片《入門》(18, collaborated on The Green Fog (17) and Accidence (18, short) with 合導 )。 Guy Maddin and Evan Johnson. The Fifth Wall 第五道牆 Dir: Peter Kutin, Florian Kindlinger 導演:彼得古騰、科利恩堅寧格 Austria 2017 DCP Color 12min 奧地利 2017 DCP 彩色 12 分鐘 Central to the piece is a bulletproof glass pane [簡介] 本片重心是一幅長三米闊兩米、重四百 measuring 3x2m, at a weight of 400kg, which has 公斤的玻璃,它被猛力撞擊後出現裂痕,發出聲 undergone extreme physical forces, the impacts 響。這塊玻璃象徵了我們時代中,無處不在的屏 of which created cracks, cuts and sounds. As an 幕。這幅玻璃牆被放在觀眾及攝影機之間,是和 object it represents the omnipresent displays of 屏幕息息相關的社會的一個電影隱喻。 our time; this wall made of glass is put between the audience and the camera – it becomes a cinematic metaphor for a society intrinsically linked to the screen. Peter KUTIN and Florian KINDLINGER are Austrian-based 彼得古騰 2002 年開始於維也納定居及工作,於維也納音 artists. They have created a wide range of musical and 樂與表演藝術大學修讀電聲音樂,2017 年與科利恩堅寧格 audiovisual projects: contemporary electronic-music, avant- 合作完成《第五道牆》。 garde films, radiophonic-works, installations, live AV shows, 科利恩堅寧格 生於奧地利,於維也納音樂與表演藝術大 film scores. The Fifth Wall (17) is their latest work. 學修讀電聲音樂,2017 年與彼得古騰合作完成《第五道 牆 》。 The Hooligan Soul (Alma Bandida) 阿飛的靈魂 Dir: Marco Antônio Pereira 導演:馬可安東尼奧彭利拿 Brazil 2018 HD Digital Color 15min 巴西 2018 HD Digital 彩色 15 分鐘 The Hooligan Soul is about passion, a passion so [ 導演的話 ] 本片是有關熱戀,熱戀熱到一個地 strong that it materializes itself to become an 步變成一個很浮誇的寓言。本片含蓄地帶出人和 extravagant allegory. The film subtly brings with 人之間難以相處,我也把此作當成對巴西及巴西 it the incompatibility between people. At the same time, I created the film as a metaphor for Brazil 人的隱喻。巴西人熱情,苦難連連,儘管演繹不 and its people. A passionate, suffering people that 善,但依舊為夢想奮鬥。 are poorly interpreted, but never fail to fight for their dreams. Marco Antônio Pereira Marco Antônio PEREIRA is from Cordisburgo-MG, Brazil. 馬可安東尼奧彭利拿 生於巴西科迪斯堡,新聞系畢業後 Graduated in journalism, he also studied cinema at the Free 修讀電影,導演短片有《喚回初心的最後一曲》(17) 、《 阿 School of Cinema of Minas Gerais. Selected Filmography: The 飛的靈魂》(18)。 Last Song for a Rude Heart (17), The Hooligan Soul (18). 國際短片競賽 SHORT FILM COMPETITION Short Film Competition Programme II 國際短片競賽節目 (二) Wicked Girl (Kötü Kiz) 小魔女 Dir: Ayce Kartal 導演:艾斯卡圖 France/Turkey 2017 DCP Color 8min 法國/土耳其 2017 DCP 彩色 8 分鐘 S., 8 years old, is a little Turkish girl with an [簡介] S 是個八歲土耳其女孩,想像力豐富,喜 over flowing imagination. She is keen on nature and 歡大自然及動物。她住院時,回想在祖父母村莊 animals. As she is in hospital, she is looking back 度過的快樂假期,但黑暗而可怕的回憶出現,逐 on happy holidays in her grandparents’ village, but 漸理出一個頭緒。 dark and terrifying memories emerge and, little by little, begin to make sense. Ayce KARTAL was born in Turkey and graduated from the Fine 艾斯卡圖 生於土耳其,畢業於阿納多盧大學動畫系。導 Arts Animation Department of Anadolu University in Eskişehir. 演短片有《倒後走》(13)、《小鳥烏福烏福》(16)、《小魔女》 Filmography: Backward Run (13), Birdy Wouaf Wouaf (16), Wicked (17)。 Girl (17). Wrong Revision 利未記異聞 Dir: Araki Yu 導演:荒木悠 Japan/Greece 2018 HD Digital Color 15min 日本/希臘 2018 HD Digital 彩色 15 分鐘 Initially, the film had neither a script nor [簡介] 本片原本沒劇本也沒分鏡,多數片段用 storyboards, and most of the footages were shot 觀察紀錄片手法拍得。做後期時,導演決定自由 in observational documentary-esque manner. 改編,並扭曲芥川龍之介的短篇小說《魔鬼與香 It was during the post-production stage when 煙》,來帶出一個疑幻疑真,寫一個不明地方飲 Araki decided to loosely revise and wrongly adapt 食文化的故事。 the short story The Devil and Tobacco (1916) by Ryunosuke Akutagawa in an attempt to develop the make-believe narrative about food culture of unknown origin. ARAKI Yu was born in 1985 in Yamagata City, Japan. He 荒木悠 1985 年生於日本山形,於美國華盛頓大學主修雕 received his BFA in Sculpture from Washington University in 塑,並於東京藝術大學修讀媒體影像碩士,導演短片有《複 St. Louis in the USA, and completed his Master of Film and 製神殿》(16)、《利未記異聞》(18)、《山川山》(18,合導)。 New Media Studies at Tokyo University of the Arts. Selected Filmography: Olafur (14), Penelope’s Hand (16), Temple of the Templet (16), Wrong Revision (18), Mountain Plain Mountain (18, co-dir). You Will Be Fine 你會沒事的 Dir: Céline Devaux 導演:莎蓮迪烏 France 2017 DCP Color 15min 法國 2017 DCP 彩色 15 分鐘 Give it time. You’ll get over it. Jean celebrates [簡介] 慢慢來吧,會過去的。尚今天生日,喝 his birthday, gets drunk and recalls the dreadful 醉了,想起那個周末,他和瑪蒂分手的經過。 weekend that led to his break-up with Mathilde. Céline DEVAUX was born in 1987. After her studies in literature 莎蓮迪烏 生於 1987 年,修業於巴黎國立高等裝飾藝術學 and history, she studied film at L’Ecole Nationale des Arts 院,導演短片有《魔僧生與死》(13)、《周日午餐》(16)、《你 Décoratifs of Paris. Filmography: Life and Death of the Illustrious 會沒事的》(17)。 Rasputin (13), Sunday Lunch (16), You Will Be Fine (17)..
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