Section One INGHAM [TY NEWS Pages 1 to 8 VOL. LXVIII INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1927 NO. 17 EORDJURY DIICS IN AUTO CILASli CAR CRASH FATAL AL PURITY TALKS SENIOR PLAY IS WEEK'S I LONG Ti IS. WILLIAM lERS BY NOTED AUTHORITY C. A. l'AI{lvHUI{.ST HO.ME Al'TICll .M A SON 'I'AllTV VICTIMS OE WILL HE HEAIH) IN MASON NE.VT "CHAR.M .SCHOOL" SAID TO BE TIMAL DI.SMIS.SAI.,. IONIA Alrro .S.MA.SH. MONDAV. HE.ST PLAV Vi'rr. Gives Inticresling Cbaracleri/.ations Kclnrning Prom Grand llapids Suu­ nr. Winfichl Scott Hall Will Appear Seniors Present ..\niuiiil Play Fridwy Of Principals lu Million day Masnn Car Wrcclccd In Side Hciforc Tliirce AudicMcos T<i -And Saliirdiiy Evcining.s f)f 'Phis Dollar Suit. Ifrmd Collision, Di.scnns Sex Knowledge. Week, Scat Sale Large. After sorviug forty-fnur days ns il Funeral services for Mrs. William No more distinguished speaker has I'he three act comedy, "The Charm member of the jury in the suit of Miers, automobile accident victim ever appeared before Mason audiences School,'' presented Friday and Satur- Aaron Sapii'o against Ilcnry Fot-d conducted by llev. W. M. Prescott than Dr. Winfield Scott Hall of Chi- day evenings of this week at the liigh hrouglit as a result of articles pub- were belli from the Methodist church cago, who will speak four tinies in thc school liy the class of 1927, is stated lished in tlie Ford owned Dearborn in this city on Wednesday with inter- city next Monday. Dr. Hall is per- hy those who have witnessed rehear­ Independent, C. A. I'arkburst of Mu.- ment at Mount Hope in Lansing. .A haps the best known lecturer in .Amer- sals to be one of the host senior plays son, returned to his business here last lai'ge nuiiihor were present to pay ica on social purity, is the author of ever otFered. Menibers of the cast are- week. Mr. Parkhurst was called to their last respects. several books of physiology, anatomy working hard this week to work off Detroit March i'l and wa.** selected as Fatally stunned from the impact and sexual knowledge, has been a fre- all i-ough spots while members of tbe a juror in the Federal court. The trial queut contributor to medical and edu- when the automobile in which she was faculty are striving to create settings began four days later ttud for fot'l-y cational journals, was at one time riding Sunday evening was struck by and scenes of rea! big time attractive­ (lavs thc Mason man witli five other junior deiin of Northwestern Univer- a car driven at great speed and ap- ness. men and six wontcn listened to tbe sity and is recognized as an able ami preaching from a side' rond, Mrs. Four young college grnds, trained eloquent speaker and lecturer. evidence prescn led before them by Miers died before reaching meilical i'or the |)rofessions, but with no vis- sonic of the natj on's most noted Icgul aid. Mr. and Mrs. Miers had accom- Speaking before tbe boys and girls ihle means of support, living together talent wiiich included U. S. Senator panied Mr. and Mrs. Williani G. Grow of the high school in separate groups in a ciieap New ,Vork apartment .lanics Becd of. Mi.s.sout'i, head of tbe to Grand Rapids to visit a niece and on Monday niorning. Dr. jlall returns house, arc wondering how the wolf lt"or(l counsel. .According to Mr. Bark- wei'c returning during, the evening to Granil Ledge at noon where he may be kept from their door yvhen Inirst it would have taken niauy tno.''e hours. When about twelve miles we.st will address the Exchange club later word is received from another college speaking befot-e the high school there weeks to have heard all of the wit- of Portland as they approached a friend more successful thau they that .Mrs. William Miers to return here in the evening as the nesses and evidence which would nave point where a county road connecting a certain young ladies' seminary guest of the Mason Kiwanis club and Dr. Winlieldi Scott Hall been sul)mitted bad it not been fot-the Prominent iMasoii wonuin dead as re­ Lake Odessa with Ionia intersects heavily in debt is about to be fore­ addressing a mass meeting at the high sudden dismissal of the jut-y by Judge sult of collision Sunilav. M-l(i, Mr. Grow who was driving a .Appears Monday in three addresses on closed and requii-os new management. Raymond of Graud IJaiitds, who ptjc- Hudson coach observed the lights of school auditorium at eight o'clock Sex and Social Purity. lilvening meet- that evening. Tho four decide to take it over and sided. I'he jury was dismissed by the a car approaching from his right, but ing public. tbe love tangles wbich follow form judge because a ntember, tVli'.s. Cora knowing he was on a main trunk line Ijoslie and Mason schools will t'-e- the theme of the comedy which finally Iloirman of Detroit, was alleged to ML PUPILS AID highway, assumed the other driver ceive invitations to attend either Dr. culminates in a real old fashioned have cxprc.ssed hia.'ied sentiments rc- would stop before attempting to cross Hall's morning addresses or the eve- buggy ride at midnight after a search garding thc trial to a Detroit news.. thc paved way as required by law. It ning address as bests suits their con- for a niissing co-ed results in her dis­ paper reporter whose papet' publtshet N CORN BORER IR was not until too late that it yvas real- venience. Parents of high school stu- covery but followed with a breakdoyvn dent&.ure cordially invited to attend tiie interview. The woman juror aud ized the onrusliiiig car would not stop of the automobile. Clever lines, his school talks, Iho mothei-s to hear tbe news|)a|)er wcre scoreil by Judge E.XCUSED FUOM SCHOOL TO AS- and the crash followed, the Dodge OPENS HERE pretty girls, flapper youth, music and the talk to girls and the fathers that llavmond as bciitg t'cspousible l^or a • SI.ST CLEANIJI*. sedan, driven by Milton Lanibert of comedy are intermixed with rare skill to the boys. huge loss'to tho government and the Ionia, striking the Mason car just at .UJUY SELECTED. SU.MMONED TO by tiie author and meritoriously play­ litigants on account of making it nec- County School Conimi.ssionicr .Adopts the left of tlie rear seat was carried It is hoped that a large number of APPEAIJ SECOND MflNBAV. ed by the cast is.the vei-dict of those essnrv to submit nil the evidence to I'.nu'rgi'.ncy .Mcaisurc In ..Xnswer by the impact well to the front of the our people will plan to aiitend at least who have witnessed rehearsals. Ef­ To Help Scarcity Plea. anotlier iut-y which will probalily be Hudson by a sidewise force cause<l by one of these lecturers as the suiiject Term C'liIeiMliir Now In Prcparalion forts of the new owners to instill more called within a few months. The oth- Mr. Grow swerving to the left in a is a vital one in the social life of the Will Lis! Many Cases For Trial, ciiariii in the "Charm School'' result in community and school. There is to cr members of the jury were compli- ln co-operation with the corn borer vain attempt to avoid the collision. Criminal Li.st Large. much amusement and mdny ridiculous he no charge at any lecture or address iiiented i)V the judge on their integrity control campaign antI in response to The lIudson was overturned in the episodes. the plea tllat because of the scarcity as the speaker is being brought to the and their Intorcsted and imparttal ditch and all exce))t the driver were May term of circuit court will open Cast of characters as they appear: of labor it is being found impossible to viciuity by the Area V M C A and is consideration of the evidence. badly stunned and all were removed in Mason on Monday, May il, at ten David McKenzie, a law student, James pick lip and destroy the refuse left to speak at East Lansing, Charlotte, Mr. l^nrkhurst ch.'ii'acterizes Ant'on from the car in a dazeil condition, Mrs. o'clock in the forenoon. ' The term IS'oxon; Jim llradbury, tho luckless after luirrinviiig stubble (ields. County Fowlerville and Potterville during Sapiro, tho .lew the Dearborn lnilc- Miers dying soon after being placed in calendar now in process of prepara- twin, Don Snyder; Tim Bradbury, the School Commissioner Fred 10. Searl is his four day stay in this part of the pendent attacked for Jiis iiersonal a car in which the injured were I'cmov- tion will be an extremely heavy one luckless twin, Konnoth Wiiito; Geo. sending out to teaciiers of rural country. He will leave Charlotte gains from co-operative organizations ed to Portland to seek medical aid. with a preponderance of criminal Boyd, an "expert'' accountant, Phile- schools, instructions to excuse from Wednesday afternoon I'or Saint Paul among cotton, tobacco and fruit grow- Mrs. Grow is severely bruised and has cases most of which as usual will be tus Peck; .Austin Bevans, a motor school "I'or the ])urpose of aiding in where he appears before several and- ors, as being a suayc, gentlemanly, several lacerations aiiout the face and those accused of some violation of tlio dealer with decidcil views about girls, picking up cornstalks and stubble'', iences in that city.
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