THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. If you are in any doubt as to the course of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, THISsolicitor, CIRCULAR accountant IS IMPORTANT or other independent AND REQUIRES professional YOUR advisers IMMEDIATE immediate ATTENTION.ly. If you are in any doubt as to the course of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, THISBursa CIRCULAR Malaysia Securities IS IMPORTANT Berhad AND (“Bursa REQUIRES Securities YOUR”) has IMMEDIATE only perused ATTENTION. through this Circular in respect of the solicitor,new shareholder’ accountant mandateor other independent for additional professional Recurrent advisers Related immediate Party Transactionsly. on a limited review basis IfTHISpursuant you CIRCULARare in to any the doubtprovisions IS IMPORTANT as to ofthe Practic course ANDe ofNote REQUIRES action 18 toof bethe YOUR taken, Main IMMEDIATE Marketyou should Listing consult ATTENTION. Requirements. your stockbroker, Bursa Securitiesbank manager, takes Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) has only perused through this Circular in respect of the solicitor,no responsibility accountant for or the other contents independent of this professionalCircular, makes advisers no representation immediately. as to its accuracy or completeness THISTHISnewIfTHIS you CIRCULAR CIRCULAR shareholder’ CIRCULARare in any IS ISdoubt IMPORTANT IS mandateIMPORTANT IMPORTANT as to thefor courseAND additionalAND AND REQUIRES REQUIRESof REQUIRES action Recurrent to YOUR beYOUR YOUR taken, Related IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE you Partyshould ATTENTION. TransactionsATTENTION. consult ATTENTION. your stockbroker,on a limited bank review manager, basis and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the pursuantBursasolicitor, Malaysia accountant to the provisionsSecurities or other ofBerhad independent Practic (“eBursa Note professional Securities18 of the Main advisers”) has Market only immediate perused Listing ly.Requirements. through this Circular Bursa inSecurities respect oftakes the If Ifyou Ifyouwhole you are are are in orin any in any any doubt partdoubt doubt ofas as the toas to the contentsto the the course course course of of thisof actionof action Circular.action to to beto be betaken, taken, taken, you you you should should should consult consult consult your your your stockbroker, stockbroker, stockbroker, bank bank bank manager, manager, manager, nonew responsibility shareholder’ for mandate the contents for additional of this Circular, Recurrent makes Related no representation Party Transactions as to its onaccuracy a limited or completenessreview basis solicitor,solicitor,Bursasolicitor, accountant Malaysiaaccountant accountant Securities or or otheror other other independent independentBerhad independent (“Bursa professional professional professional Securities advisers advisers advisers”) has immediate onlyimmediate immediate perusedly.ly. ly. through this Circular in respect of the andnewpursuant expresslyshareholder’ to the disclaims provisions mandate any of for Practicliability additionale whatsoeverNote 18Recurrent of thefor Mainany Related lossMarket howsoeveParty Listing Transactions rRequirements. arising from on or aBursa limitedin reliance Securities review upon basistakes the BursaBursawholenoBursa responsibilityMalaysia Malaysia orMalaysia any Securitiespart Securities Securities for of the Berhadcontents Berhad Berhad (“ (“Bursaofof Bursa(“ thisBursathis Circular.SecuritiesCircular, Securities Securities makes”)”) has ”)has has noonly only representationonly perused perused perused through through through as tothis thisits this Circular accuracyCircular Circular in in or respectin respect completenessrespect of of theof the the newpursuant shareholder’ to the provisionsmandate for of Practicadditionale Note Recurrent 18 of the Related Main Market Party Listing Transactions Requirements. on a limited Bursa Securitiesreview basis takes newnoandnew responsibilityshareholder’ expresslyshareholder’ disclaims formandate mandate the contents any for for liability additional additional of this whatsoever Circular, Recurrent Recurrent makesfor Relatedany Related noloss representation Party howsoeveParty Transactions Transactionsr arising as to itsfromon onaccuracy a oralimited limitedin reliance or review completenessreview upon basis basis the pursuantpursuantwholepursuant toor to theanyto the the provisions partprovisions provisions of the ofcontents of Practicof Practic Practic eof eNote thiseNote Note Circular.18 18 18of of theof the the Main Main Main Market Market Market Listing Listing Listing Requirements. Requirements. Requirements. Bursa Bursa Bursa Securities Securities Securities takes takes takes no andresponsibility expressly for disclaims the contents any liability of this whatsoeverCircular, makes for any no representationloss howsoeve asr arising to its accuracyfrom or in or reliance completeness upon the nowholeno responsibility responsibility or any part for for of the the contents contents of ofof this thisthis Circular, Circular.Circular, makes makes no no representation representation as as to to its its accuracy accuracy or or completeness completeness andandand expressly expressly expressly disclaims disclaims disclaims any any any liability liability liability whatsoever whatsoever whatsoever for for forany any any loss loss loss howsoeve howsoeve howsoever rarising arisingr arising from from from or or inor in reliancein reliance reliance upon upon upon the the the wholewholewhole or or anyor any any part part part of of theof the the contents contents contents of of thisof this this Circular. Circular. Circular. AIRASIA X BERHAD (Company No. 734161-K) (IncorporatedAIRASIA in Malaysia Xunder BERHAD the Companies Act, 1965) (Company No. 734161-K) (IncorporatedCIRCULARAIRASIA in Malaysia TO under X SHAREHOLDERS BERHAD the Companies Act, 1965) (Company No. 734161-K) (IncorporatedAIRASIA in Malaysia under X BERHAD the Companies Act, 1965) CIRCULAR(Company TO No.SHAREHOLDERS 734161-K) (IncorporatedAIRASIAAIRASIAAIRASIA in MalaysiaIN RELATION X Xunder XBERHAD BERHAD BERHAD the Companies TO Act, 1965) (Company(Company(Company No. No. No. 734161-K) 734161-K) 734161-K) (Incorporated(Incorporated(IncorporatedCIRCULAR in in Malaysia inMalaysia Malaysia TOunder under under SHAREHOLDERS the the theCompanies Companies Companies Act, Act, Act, 1965 1965 1965) ) ) IN RELATION TO PROPOSED RENEWALCIRCULAR OF EXISTING TO SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS ’ MANDATE AND NEW SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FOR RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS CIRCULARCIRCULARCIRCULARIN TO TORELATION TO SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS TO PROPOSEDOF A REVENUE RENEWAL OR TRADING OF EXISTING NATURE (“SHAREHOLDERSPROPOSED MANDATE”)’ MANDATE AND NEW IN RELATION TO SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FOR RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OFPROPOSED A REVENUE RENEWAL OR TRADING OF IN INNATUREEXISTING INRELATION RELATION RELATION (“ PROPOSEDSHAREHOLDERS TO TO TO MANDATE”)’ MANDATE AND NEW PROPOSEDSHAREHOLDERS’ RENEWAL MANDAT OFE FOREXISTING RECURRENT SHAREHOLDERS RELATED’ PARTYMANDATE TRANSACTIONS AND NEW The ProposedSHAREHOLDERS’OF A MandateREVENUEwill ORbe MANDATtabled TRADINGas SpecialE FORNATURE Business RECURRENT (“PROPOSEDat AirAsia RELATED X MANDATE”)Berhad’s PARTY Thirteenth TRANSACTIONSAnnual General Meeting PROPOSEDPROPOSEDPROPOSED RENEWAL RENEWALRENEWAL OF OFOF EXISTING EXISTINGEXISTING SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERSSHAREHOLDERS’ ’ MANDATE’ MANDATEMANDATE AND ANDAND NEW NEWNEW (“AGM”) whichOF A willREVENUE be held at OR c/o TRADING CAE Kuala NATURE Lumpur Sdn. (“PROPOSED Bhd., Lot PT25B, MANDATE”) Jalan KLIA S5, Southern Support Zone, Kuala SHAREHOLDERS’LumpurSHAREHOLDERS’ International Airport,MANDAT MANDAT 64000EEFOR Sepang,FOR RECURRENT RECURRENT Selangor Darul RELATED RELATED Ehsan, Malaysia PARTY PARTYon TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONSWednesday, 26 June 2019 at The ProposedSHAREHOLDERS’ Mandate will be tabledMANDATas SpecialE FOR Business RECURRENTat AirAsia RELATED X Berhad’s PARTY Thirteenth TRANSACTIONSAnnual General Meeting 10.00 OFa.m A. The REVENUE Notice of OR the TRADINGThirteenth ANATUREGM together (“PROPOSED with the Form MANDATE”) of Proxy are set out in the Annual Report of (“AGM”) OFwhichOF A A REVENUEwill REVENUE be held atOR OR c/o TRADING TRADINGCAE Kuala NATURE LumpurNATURESdn. (“ (“PROPOSED PROPOSEDBhd., Lot PT25B, MANDATE”) MANDATE”) Jalan KLIA S5, Southern Support Zone, AirAsia X Berhad for the year ended 31 December 2018. KualaThe Proposed Lumpur InternationalMandate will Airport,be tabled 64000as Special Sepang, Business Selangorat Darul AirAsia Ehsan, X Berhad’s Malaysia Thirteenthon Wednesday,Annual Gen26 Juneeral Meeting2019 at 10.00The(“YouAGM Proposed area.m”) whichentitled. The Mandatewill Notice to be attend heldofwill the andat be c/oThirteenth votetabled CAE at asourKuala ASpecial AGMGM Lumpurtogether or Business appointSdn. with proxyBhd.at the AirAsia, (ies)LotForm PT25B, toX ofvoteBerhad’s Proxy forJalan andare Thirteenth KLIA onset your S5,out Annualbehalf.inSouthern the AnnualInGen Supportsucheral Reportev Meeting ent,Zone, theof AirAsia X Berhad for the year ended 31 December 2018. (“KualaFormAGM Lumpur”)of which Proxy Internationalwill should be held be lodgedatAirport, c/o CAE at64000 our Kuala registeredSepang, Lumpur Selangor officeSdn. atBhd. DarulUnit, Lot 30Ehsan, -PT25B,01, Level Malaysia Jalan 30, KLIAToweron Wednesday, S5, A, Southern
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