GENERAL INDEX RUS – SAF QUARTZ Zillertal Alps, Tyrol (amethyst, some scepters) Morro Velho gold mine (some euhedral pyr- Chalcedony and opal listed separately 17:107n rhotite in) 4:228p Alternate coating of terminal faces explained 2:17ff Bolivia Ouro Preto region (topaz in) 20:228 Amethyst occurrences in eastern U.S., approx. Chambillaya mine, near Quime (Japan twins to Pedra Alta mine, Baxio (smoky, parallel 200 listed 21:203–213c,p 6 cm) 10:139 groups) 21:(487) Amethyst structure, color, etc. 3:221–225q El Dragón mine, Potosí (3 mm euhedral) Pitora mine, near Galiléia: 21:256n, 21:409– “Aqua Aura” (synthetically blue) 20:323 21:139n 412p; rose quartz, crystals 21:97n Artificially color-intensified rose quartz 18:375 Brazil Regal mine, near Araçuai (rose quartz, crys- Bergkristall (ExtraLapis No. 3) 25:305b Bahia tals) 21:97n Bergkristall; Stein der Weisen der Wissenschaft Brumado: casts after unknown 20:394; crys- Salinas (smoky) 19:335n (rock crystal) 24:399b tals to 20 cm; Japan twins to 15 cm Santa Rosa (“cockscomb” clusters) 18:365n Blue color, causes 2:79–82p,q 9:198p, 9:201p, 9:203; green-tinted Sapucaia mine (smoky, with rose crystals in Enormous crystal (8000 kg) 18:245p 23:497n; Japan-law twins to 5 cm 23:432n parallel) 14:(174p) Exhibit at Royal Ontario Museum; morphology, Coruja mine (amethyst; turns yellow-brown Trino mine, Ouro Preto region (topaz, fluid twinning, etc. 4:7–14d,c on heating) 8:386 inclusions) 2:12n Faden habit, origin, table of 24 notable localities Fazenda Recruta, northwest of Vitoria da Urubu pegmatite, Araçuai area (to 1 m; milky 21:191–201p,d,c Conquista (large black crystals, odd mor- quartz emits H2S when broken) 12:75 Japan twins, morphology and 77 world occur- phology) 4:264–266p,c Virgem da Lapa pegmatites 13:27 rences 10:137–146p,d,c Ibitiara: rutilated 2:12n; rutilated to 12 cm Zé Pinto mine, Conselheiro Pena (smoky, to Kristall Alpin (ExtraLapis No. 5) 25:305b 19:335n; smoky, gwindel habit 21:(487) 20 cm) 21:408n Polyhedral “box” habit explained 5:222 Itabira (rutilated) 20:(394) Paraíba Rose quartz, color due to minute oriented rutile Joanina mine (grey, violet termination) 8:387 Alto Benedito pegmatite (milky crystals to 2:226–227q Pedra Preta mine (Japan twins to 12 cm) 15 cm) 22:185n Smoky and amethystine, causes of color 20:365– 7:129–130p Rio Grande do Sul 367q Quartzo Róseo, near Ribeirão do Largo (rose Irai (large amethyst plates, geodes) 25:60 Toxicity 11:10 quartz) 8:385 Localities not specified: 20:(394); amethyst, Australia Serra Negra, Baixo (scepters to 15 cm) geodes 19:(335); rutile epitaxial on hema- New South Wales 22:387n tite, in 18:143p Arsenic shaft, Kingsgate mines (clear crys- Undisclosed locality (with amethyst core) Planalto (flower-like clusters) 21:(488) tals mined for piezoelectric use) 16:269, 19:335n Various localities (enormous amethyst 16:273 Espirito Santo geodes) 23:282 Garrawilla area 19:396p Mimosa (near): amethyst scepters, cavernous Rose quartz, artificially color-intensified 18:375 Giant Blow pipe, Kingsgate mines (distorted) terminations, some {0001} faces 23:432n; Bulgaria 16:284–285c,d smoky, with gem topaz 17:149p–150 Madan orefield (some amethyst) 22:444 Hillgrove 18:29n Minas Gerais Ninth of September mine 20:(394) Kingsgate mines: smoky zoning shows Bra- Araçuai area pegmatites 12:74 Canada zil twinning 16:284; varied inclusions Buenopolis (blue due to included clay) British Columbia 16:285 17:339n Bluebell mine, Riondel (crystals to 30 cm) Old 25 mine, Kingsgate mines: euhedral Campo do Boa, northwest of Capelinha (clear 8:34–35p, 8:36 crystals with euhedral arsenopyrite inclu- crystals) 5:226, 5:228p Foley Mountain, Hope (Japan twins, one sions, all in massive arsenopyrite 16:279n; Cedro farm 6:286n, 6:288p sceptered) 19:333n oddly distorted 16:285c,p Conselheiro Pena (near) (smoky) 18:245n Mt. Washington mine, Vancouver Island Prospect quarry (fibrous spherulites in heu- Corinto (complex terminations) 19:335n 15:90n landite, tentative id) 25:194 Córrego do Urucum pegmatite (colorless, Rock Candy mine, near Grand Forks (drusy, Queensland smoky, rose) 17:311–312 some coating octahedral fluorite) 12:100– Mt. Glorious mine 19:488 Córrego Frio mine, near Linópolis 14:233 101p Mt. Isa mine (boulangerite in) 19:478, 19:483 Cruzeiro mine 11:370, 18:365n Northwest Territories South Australia Diamantina (Brazil, Dauphiné, Japan twins) Nanisivik mine: 21:533p; smoky, overgrow- Beltana mine (to 1 cm, some doubly termi- 2:12n ing pyrite after twinned marcasite 18:362; nated) 22:453 Divino das Laranheiras 19:335n smoky, to 6 cm 21:485n Burra Burra mine (prismatic to 10 cm; vari- Énio pegmatite, near Galiléia (core of peg- Port Radium 20:204 ous colors, habits) 25:127 matite) 12:71 Nova Scotia Moonta mines (smoky) 19:415p, 19:416 Fazenda Guariba, near Presidente Kubitschek Boylston (near) (clear; orange) 23:428 Wallaroo mines 19:416 (milky; clear to 20 cm) 17:193p Ontario White Rock quarry (doubly terminated, some Gouveia: Brazil, Dauphiné, Japan twins Arnprior (micro pseudocubic ferruginous) Japan-law twins) 24:49n 2:12n; Dauphiné twins 21:487n 4:184 Victoria Itinga (rose) 19:117n Beaver mine, near Stanley (amethyst) 21:485n Crystal sketches from 1870 19:362 Jaguaraçu pegmatite (with various inclusions) Diamond Willow mine, Thunder Bay area: Fryerstown, near Castlemaine 18:29n 25:166p, 25:170 malachite sprays on 13:107n; some with Kitty Miller Bay, Phillip Island (amethyst) Jequitinhonha River, near Taquaral (deep hematite inclusions 13:67–70p 19:456 rose crystals with eosphorite) 2:12 Greely (smoky) 20:391 Moralla, near Cavendish: smoky 20:72n; Jonas mine, near Conselheiro Pena (flat, with Long Lake mine, near Parham (dipyramidal) smoky, doubly terminated 18:141, 18:144p green tourmaline) 13:51 13:84 Morally (smoky, 2–4 cm doubly terminated) Laranjeiras mine, Taquaral district (rose Lyndhurst mine, near Black Rapids 13:83– 21:487n quartz crystals) 11:377–379p 84p Austria Lavra da Ilha, near Taquaral: 20:(394); rose Mamainse Point mines (brilliant drusy in odd Bleiberg district (some rhombohedral, dihex- 19:120n; rose quartz; some crystals 4:212– shapes) 13:107n agonal) 17:367 213p Marble Rock, Leeds County 13:83n Eiskögele, Salzburg (huge crystals) 17:107 Lavra Pedra Alta, Conselheiro Pena 19:335n, Rossport (near) (micro smoky) 13:107 Knappenwand, Salzburg 17:178 20:394 Thunder Bay area (micro crystals, smoky, Modriach, Carinthia/Styria (rutile in) 17:(106) Locality not specified; prob. Minas Gerais amethystine) 13:107 Saualpe, Carinthia (rutile in) 17:(106) (hollow boxlike structures) 10:123 Québec Schafkar, Salzburg (sagenitic rutile in) 13:173n Matagrande farm 6:286n Drummondville area (some amethyst) 19:(334) Schwemmhoisl quarry, Steiermark (Styria) Montezuma mine (amethyst; 3-faced termi- Francon quarry (pear-shaped aggregates) 17:106n nations; turns green on heating) 8:385– 9:105 386p The Mineralogical Record Index—Volumes 1–25 193 SAI – SCA GENERAL INDEX Mt. St-Hilaire: crystals to 15 cm, colorless, India Sonora grey, smoky; some with fl. zone 21:330; Hyderabad area, Andhra Pradesh (amethyst with Cananea 19:337n micro Japan-law twin 23:429n; smoky goethite inclusions) 21:489n Veracruz 13:(243) Sangammer, Maharashtra (amethyst, geodes) Las Vigas (scepters) 18:429n Poudrette quarry (smoky) 19:334n 23:434n Veracruz 17:209p, 19:116n Sherbrooke area roadcuts: 20:217–219p,c; Indonesia Mongolia chamosite in 20:217–219p Cremas (near), West Java (β-quartz to 2.5 cm) Bain Mod, Hentiy district (with cassiterite) Windsor, Sherbrooke area 18:363n 21:489n 13:179n Yukon Italy Moon Rapid Creek/Big Fish River area (some ta- Bologna Localities not specified 1:21 pered trigonal) 23:Y30p,d,c Ca’de Ladri (rhombohedral) 18:141c, 18:144p Morocco China Castellaccio (bipyramidal) 18:141c, 18:144p Atlas Mountains near Marrakesh (goethite Hunan, Guizhou, or Kweichow province (cin- Lombardy needles in) 18:143p nabar in) 19:114p, 19:115n Dosso dei Cristalli, Val Malenco (clear crys- El Hamman (after anhydrite) 20:(396) Leiyang, Hunan 20:394 tals to 30 cm) 3:122 Eureka Valley, south of Marakech (geodes with Szechuan (smoky, gwindel) 20:69n, 20:394 Val Formazza (needle quartz) 9:57–58 1.5 cm goethite crystals) 15:177n Colombia Sardinia Tichka (amethyst; ferruginous) 19:337n Alto de Cruzes, Santander (some Japan twins) Osilo: amethyst 23:277; amethyst with fluid Namibia 17:210p inclusions 18:141–142p Onganja mine (pale green prisms not quartz; Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia) Tuscany confirmed as apatite) 6:214–215 Dolní Bory (smoky) 19:(10) Boccheggiano and Niccioleta mines (elon- Tsumeb: amethyst 13:149p; some amethyst England gated amethyst) 10:290p 8:T30n, 8:T63p, 8:T83p Cornwall Carrara region 10:122, 18:279–282h,c,p,d, Netherlands Botallack district (various habits) 24:281 22:225 Limburg province (southern) 18:432n Geevor mine 22:390n Fantiscritti quarry 18:281d New Zealand Wheal Jane (amethyst) 20:395 Grotta d’Oggi, Elba (smoky) 16:361 Tui mine (to 12 cm with moving bubbles; green Derby La Facciata quarry 18:281p massive; blue crystalline) 6:26–27 Calton Hill (bipyramidal) 14:16–17 Monte Capanne, Elba (acicular tourmaline in Nigeria Durham some) 16:361 Bui, Borno State (smoky; scepter and fenster) Boltsburn mine, Weardale (drusy; some bi- Pereta mine 15:24p 20:397 pyramidal to 14 mm) 13:13–15p,c,q Portocciolo, Elba (green due to hedenbergite) Darazo, Bauchi State (amethyst) 20:397 Finland 22:305n Norway Sodankylä, Lappi (amethyst; major find) 23:433 Valle D’Aosta Drammen area, Buskerud (dark smoky) 22:51n France Brusson (multiple Japan twins) 7:34n Hardangervidda,
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