STREET DIRECTORY.] LIVERPOOL. DOli 151 JUNG'B DOCK, entrance from SALT HOUSE DOCK, entrance W APPING DOCK,entrance from Doel street, 94 Phytbian street Wa.pping. MAP 0 9. Nearest from Wapping. MAP N 9, Wapping. MAP() 9. Station to Gloucester place. MAP J 6,K Ci, station on the Overhead railway Nearest station on the Over- here on the Overhead railway. 1 Speake William shopkeeper is Wapping. head railway is Custom house. Dock master, William Blundell; r; Croall .Jame~o, ~dealer Dock master, Willia.m Blundell ; Dock master, William Lancaster> office, Queen's dock office, Queen's dock Albert dock Dombey street (Torletb .A.hea.rn John, potato salesman WATERLOO DOCK, entrance park),29 Park rd. to Windsor st. CowleyGeo. vegetable salesman SANDON DOCK entrance from from Waterloo road. MAP J 11. MAP 8, P 6. Nearest station on the Overhea I Q Mersey Docks &Harbour Board Regent road. MAP E ll, E 12. NORTH SIDE. (tobacco warehouse) Station here on the Overhead railway is Princes Half-tide Custom House(tobacco wareho) railway dock. 1 Jones Edward David ~n Thomas, pier master ' Dock master, Owen Pritcbard.. 12 3 Baynton Mrs.Margery,aprtmta Garner George, head gate keepr Do<:k master, Ch~rles Leggett Pier head 6 Ca.mpbell Mrs. Sarab Jane, Drill Reserve & Recruiting De- Wnght J:-met>, pi~r master lodgings pOt (Capt. D. A. Crofton lt.N.) West In.du~ & Pamtie Steam Ship WELLINGTON DOCK, entrance 7 Jonei Richard, painter (H.M.S. Eagle) Co. Limrted (?ranch) . from Regent road. MAP G 11. 9 H_ill John, cashi~r :Mersey Volunteer Division, s. Traffic Managers Office (Dist. B), Nearest station on the Overhead 11 Bickley Mrs. Julia, apartmenta M. M., R.E. (Major Knight Joseph G. Savage, traffic man railway is Sandon d.ock. 13 N~lson Lewis, ~~k gateman R.E. commanding) (H.M.S. W. if· S. Wakem, surveyOJ; Dock master, William Long 15 Wills Wm. Jn. JO~r. & lodgngs Annettin) Assistant Harbour Masters Office Allan Bros. & Co.steamship ownr.s. 17 Conolly Paul, manner ~ .Vevers Joseph, foreman mason (North) . (store~) 19 Slater Mrs . Laurens A. & Co. shipwrights Wm. Parry, MsiSt. harbour master High Level Coal RailwayfE.J.H. 21 Mushett Mrs.Har:rtet,aprtmnts Howell, EUperintendent) 23 Vooght John, chief officer • .LA.NGTONDOCK,entrancefrom STANL'EYDOCK, entrance from . 25 Morris Mrs Regent road. MAP B 12, B 13. Regent road & Great Howard WEST FLOAT (Birkenhead), en- 27 Smi~ Mi~s Ellt>_n, dress maker Nearest station on the Overhead stre~t. MAP H 11. N eare:'t trance from Corporation road. 29 Martu~. .1! redenck Ash worth, 1 railway is Brocklebank dock. stat1(;m on the Overhead ra1l- MAP M H>. 1 manne steward Dock master, Richard A. way 1s Clarenc.e dock. Pier master in charge Frank 31 Jones Jn. commercl. traveller Crafter Dock master, Richard Pender l<'aragher ' 33 DickinsonRobert,hosiers' assist D · 1 J h · t 35 Struss Henry, ships' steward 0 1 LANGTONanle DOCKn, pler PIER mas HEAD:er TOXTETH DOC K(Toxteth park) 37 N eag e J 0 h n, wareh ouseman :31 Humphreys Thos. pier master entrance from Sefton street. Doddridge street (Mount 39 Sproat James, marine engineer 'S2 Owen John, head gateman MAP R 8. Station here on the Vernon), 51 Mount Vernon st. 41 Watt John, marine cook 33 Ridland Robert, head gateman Overhead railway. to 32 Hall lane. MAP K 6. 43 Park Annstrong, baker :34 Lowrie James, head gateman Dock master, David Ross Dean NORTH SIDE. •.•••• • here is bicli:entl st •••••••• 311 Daniel John, pier master Suascar Geo. pier master (office) 1 Brown Walter J. dairyman 45 Ellis Alfred, foreman bricklayr 36 Farrel Michael, water scavengr Smith Caleb, jun. shipbuilder 3 Sawell Rd. mineral water ma 47 Hughes Griftith & Co. wood .37 Crafter Richard A. dock mastr 1i Thomas Henry, coach builJer hoop makers Pumping & Hydraulic Station TRAFALGAR DOCK, entrance 7 Taylor Richard, blacksmith 49 Miller Jas. foreman block ma (Frederick Carpenter, supt. from Regent road & Waterloo 9 Maher Mrs 51 Warren Robt. pianoforte tuner hydraulic machinery) road. MAP I 11, I 12. Nearest 11 Berman Hyman, drapers' trvllr 53 Kean William, blacksmith station on the Overhead railway 13 Walker James, watch case ma 65 Harrieon William, checker :MORPETH DOCK (Birkenhead), is Clarence dock. 15 TattQ.n William, join~r :iT Hughes Edward,comcrcl.trvllr Shore road. MAP N 13 & 14. Dock master, William Wilson, 17 Castrillon Clande, wruter 69 Wilson Davis, bookkeeper .Dock master, William Wilson Clarence Half-tide dock 19 Taylor Edward, platelayer 61 Johns Mrs. Mary, lodgings Dunn Edward, pier master 21 Griffiths John, gasfitter 63 Benuett Mrs NORPETH BRANCH DOCK Traffic Manager's Office (Dist. C), 23 Gadsby Edward, horsekeeper 65 Finney Henry marine enginr 25 Denny Josiah, tailor 67 Croft John G~lfrey . (Birkenhead), Shore rd. MAP Joseph Garniss, manager 27 Berry Thomas, fishmonger 67 Croft John clerk N 13, 0 13. Dublin & Liverpool Screw Steam 29 Barry Mrs 67 Croft George Herbert, clerk 'Dock master William Wilson Packet Co. C?ra_uch) . :n Agnew Richard, 69 Johnstone Jn. man·ner ' Bacon John L1m1ted, steam ship pla.~terer ma~ter "NELSON DOCK, entrance from owners (branch) . 33 Knight Josepli, cabinet maker· 71 Brew William Richardson, Regent road. MAP G 12, G 11. Aberdover, Abery_stWith & Port- St. Tho~:;;rga:~~~~~ Schools 73 M::~~ :f:!:~. timekeeper Nearest station on the Over- madoc steamships, head railway is Clarence dock. Robert Owen, agent 2 Smith John, law-writer 75 Berner Willlam, shipwright NOR'l'H SIDE. 4 Davies George, police constable 77 McLellanMrs.Mary, !lpartmnts ·Dock ma.~ter, Richard Pender Glasgow steamRhips, 6 Allarr Thomas, cabinet maker 79 Hancock John. manner 'Tait William, pier master M. L;mglands & Son, agents 8 Whitehead Lee, f.J.rrier 81 Cussons Mrs. Blizh. lodgings <lnnningham John P.master cartr . te h' 10 Sinnett Mrs. Jane 83 Ha.rrison John -Quin J olm, master carter D u.bl 10 8 ams Ips,. 12 Evans ThoJ;as plumber 85 Gordon John, customs officer ()'Neil John, master carter Liverpool & Duolm S.S.Co. agb< 14 Smith Thos. co'mmis,;ion agent 87 Gilcwist William, shipwright Diamond J ames, master carter M C ~O~T~·E;~T ~WE. 16 Tear George, fitter 89 McLean William, shipwright 0 _Dundalk Steam Packet Office .ac a el Co rtn · • , ~ 0.wtnne:r;s 18 Jolmston Mrs • 91 Bramwell Rhodes Ltverpoo a owners --u>BOCia · s 20 B tt J --"'dl ..... he1·e is 160 Windsor &t • .... (Hy. Haworth, agent) telephone call office a Y ames, .,....... er EAST AND SUUTR·EAST !'~IDES. ; 2 Co~tello~o:m, sawyer SOUTH SIDE. l'RINCES DOC:I_r_, entrance from 4 • Bath street & .New quay. MAP London, Plymouth, Portsmouth, ~ Le~gh Wllham, ~ock porter TOXTETH TABERNACLE Falmouth & Southampton 26 B!inkhorne W!lham Hy. porter 2 Theobald William R. sail maker K 11, L 11. Nearest station on steamships 28 Ntcholls Samuel, glass beveller 4 Barratt Mrs. Grace, lodging ho the Overhead railway is Pier London&Liverpool Steamship 3? Ball John, machinis~ · h M head. o & "' H Po ell & Co 32 R1ckerb.v Cnarle3, bnck<oetter 6 8mit rs Dock master, O"'en Pritchard, C • s:, • w · 34 Ablett Thomas, tin~mith 8 Wardle J~mes Henry, roilway Waterloo Pier head agents 36 Harri8on John, slater wagon mspector SOUTH- EAST SIDE. SOUTH SIDE. 38 Fahy P9otrick, joiner 10 Proudlove ¥rs.Mary A.lodg.ho Bristol, Swansea & Milford steam- Benjamin John L. paperhangr' 10 Thurlow MISs Kate, tcbr.of mua :llrizzell John, team owner 40 ships, John Bacon Limited 42 Raws:.horne Albert carter 12 Moir Mrs. Elizh. apartments ::Mooney J ames, team owner WEflT I:IIDE. ' 14 Andrews Wm. master rigger EAST SIDE. Llanellv steamship3, Dodge street, 157 Wavertree 16 ErezumaDomingo,ma.'<t.marinr :Belfast Steam Ship Co. Ltd. Robert Gilchrist & f'o,. agent, road to 8 Crosfield road. MAP 20 Christopherson Henry Bell shipping berth (Grainger & Co. Camarvon steamships, Liverpool, M 2, L 2. 22 Proctor William, bookk:Jeper agents) Carnarvon & Menai Straits WE~T 8lDE. 24 Meredith Mrs Dublin & Mersey Steam Eohip Co. Steamship Co. Ltd. 1 Broomhall Mrs 26 Sanders James, engineer shipping berLh (John Lichtield, Richard Mills & Co. managers 3 Pollock Mrs 28 Dawson Mrs agent) -- 5 Hheard John, mariner 30 White Mrs. Catherine, shopkpr "PRINCES H A.LF TIDE DOCK UNSifOtN DtOCtK, MentranQce8 frRom8 13 Rushton John, railway porter ....... • here u Dickens .tf ....... • entrance from -\vaterloo road: e on s ree • AP ' . 15 Vivis Charles, confectioner 32 McCormackArcb. warehousernn Nearest station on the Overhead 17 tLennard J ames, signalman 34 Caveen Edward, joiner MAP J' 11, K 11. Station here railway is Brunswick dock. 21 }fogford John, railway porter 36 Barkley John, t-eam owner on the Overhead railway. Dock master, William C. Jarvis 27 Wood Jesse, coach painter 38 Davies Edward, ship carpenter • Dock master, o·wen Pritchard, 31 Stewart Leveson, COllfluctor 40 Croston Cl..u~rle, Read, painter Waterloo Pier head VICTORIA DOCK, entrance from 36 McCarthy J oseph, clerk 42 Pemberton w •lliam engineer Waterloo road. MAP J 11. 37 Hindle Charles, joine~ 44 Grabam Arthur, ca.;enter ~UEEN'S DOCK, entrance from Nearest station on the Over- 39 Swetenh~O,swald,rrulwy.prtr 46 Williams Thomas, tailor Chaloner street, West side. h~ad railway is Princes Half- ........ here"' Grosfield. rd. ...... 48 Gittins Richard '1'. black·mith MAP 0 9, P 9. Nearest station tide doc,k. EAS! !liD~ . • 00 Corthupe William, manager on the Overhead railway is Dock master, Owen Pritchard, 2 Coop Fredenck, wme & spmt 52 Corlett John, police sergeant Wapping Waterloo dock vaults 54 Owen William engineer ' . NORT_H:EAST SIDK. 4 Swift William, C?U dealer 00 Bisson Mrs ' :D~~ ma..
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