Eastern Daily Press I THURSDAY. 30 MAY 2019 53 Agricultural NORFOLK COUNTY ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984: SECTION 14 COUNCIL TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF PART OF APPLICATION FOR THE U1429 LOW ROAD, SHfPMEADOW PLANNING PERMISSION Suffolk County Council intends to make an Order closing the U1429 Low Road, Shipmeadow from outside Cherry Tree Farm for 120 metres eastbound to Every Holiday 01603 428700 ACCOMPANIED BY facilitate duct and c~bling works._Other co-ordinated works may als_o take Every Tour Operalor The ~rpO<t &Too M~. Norwich AN ENVIRONMENTAL place durmg this period. Access will be open for pedestrians and cyclists. www.travelnorwich.com The diversion route will be the B1062, Talante Lane and vice versa STATEMENT It is intended that the closure will operate from 11/06/2019 - 14/06/2019 NOTICE OF APPLICATION with a further closure scheduled for associated works in July 201 9. If necessary, the Order may remain in force for 18 months (or longer Auctions FOR PLANNING if extended by the Minister). PERMISSION WHICH MAY Enquiries should be made to Kate Corbett of Telec Networks Limited. AFFECT APUBLIC RIGHT Tel: (01473) 557570. Email: kale [email protected] RAILWAY sleepers, timbers, Date: 30/05/2019. Nigel Inniss, Head of Legal Services, new/ s/h telegraph poles, OF WAY Suffolk County Council. Constantine House, 5 Constantine Road, lpmch IPl 2DH. slate chips. Freddie Ca nn Notice under Article (01603) 722928/ 07860 15 of the Town and 416799 or 07766144849 country Planning !Development TGASKEW Management S.rurdiiy I stJune a, I Oam All Grades of road Procedure! tEnglandl VIN"~ Frid.Jr 10im-7pm & ftvn 9am planings. Aggregates, Order 2015 tas amended! onsalt:!daf crushed concrete and The Town and Country Planning (Development C,talor,.. onlint or W4I rro hardcore, Type 1, Silica The Town and Country Management Procedure) (England) Orde r 2015 & ttC4PtlOfl sand, 40/20 clean granite. Planning !Environmental The Planning (Listed BuildingsAnd Conservation Chopped rubber fo r YVONNE ELIZABETH Impact Assessment) Areas) Regulations 1990. Coins & Banknotes horse menages. BRIDGEMAN (Deceased) Top soil all grades 14/20 mml. Pursuant to lhe Trustee Act 1925 Regulations 2017 Applications rece ived to 24/05/2019. TUCS<b y 4th Ju"e at I I"" Lump Chalk. any persons having a claim against To, nd._.~ve ~" ,j ta•-e (oons. JCr~;:o, proofs«,.comYte,'n014.t~ or an interest in the Estate ot the REF: FUL/2019/0001 BA/2019/0112/FUL - Land AdjacentTo Co rdova Cottages, 001'6.. ?.lif'P<ilOlb aM toloE,'64!1C CALL 01379 388156 aforemen!ioned deceased. late of Parish: Beeston Regis The Staithe, Stalham, NR 12 9BZ • Erection of 3 terraced timratgaskew.co.uk 2 The Shires Drayton Norwich Norfolk "!RB Applicant: Carter Concrete houses and associated parking & storage . Mr J Stares chrisratgaskew.co.uk Norwich Airport Specialists 6EX, who died on 21/10/2018, are required Site: Beeston Regis Quarry, Britons Affordable Jewellery & Watches to send particulars thereof in writing to the BA/20I9/0I46/HOUSEH - Driftway, Broadview Road, www.tgaskew.co.uk Lane, Beeston Regis. Sheringham, undersigned Solicitors on or before Tuesday Jono at I pm 01603 428700 09/08/2019, after which date the Estate will NR26 STP Lowestoft, NR32 3PL • Demolish conservatory & erection 4m be distributed having regard only to claims Proposal: Prooosed extraction of 1.0 of replacement garden room. Replacement outbuilding. 'Y)c-11¥ auction~ ,t June loo AiTjXllt &loo Mai,- €Iii and interests of which they have had notice. for both Ff1it.r, ) I May Io.~,pm. S..di,i 1st Agricultural Machinery www.travelnorwich.com ,~n LEATHES PRIOR SOLICITORS million tonnes of sand and gravel as Alteration to studio, new boatshed, change dwelling cladding 11)9m,..4pm, l"lon<b)' lrd l~pm W'ld korr'I 10-"'0l'll.dt'., 74 The Close Norwich NR1 40A an eastern extension to the existing from tiles to cedar • Mr & Mrs Jones. BA/2019/0167/FUL - Oillll<!gut 1;mlint or ,,._ ~~" (Aef:WAA) T558l43 rrom Beeston Regis Quarry with off site Piling Left Bank Of Haddiscoe Cut, North O f Haddiscoe SALES SERVICING highways enhancements along with REPAIRS BRECKLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL restoration to nature conservation Dam (A 143), Northern River Edge • Driving/removal/ Medals & Militaria followed & & Trained staff with a full aftercare service Noticepursuant to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 habitat maintenance of piling re•grading 126m of t he river's edge • by Country Pursuits Servicing & repairs available all year Grid Ref: 616962 341576 Mr Mitche lmore. round for all groundcare equipment tas amendedl,The Town and country Planning !Local Planning) A planning application for the above The fol low ing application is being advertised as a Departure Frid:i.y 14th Ju1a,,e u I I .tm proposal has been made to Norfolk Mowers, Mini-diggers, Compact Tractors !England> Regulations 2012 from Policy DM35 of the adopted Local Plan: Stump Grinders, Chippers, Chainsaws County Council dated 20 May This is anoticeof the re·consultation on main modifications to the Breckland Local Plan 2011 BA/2019/0112/FUL - Land AdjacentTo Co rdova Cottages, Fine Art & Antique!> Hedge Trimmers etc - 2036. Following the previouscons ultation exercises it has come to light that thewording 2019. You will find full submission of S,rutdiy I 5th Jooe several modifications was not accurate~ presented in the Corrected Version of the Plan that documentation of the above planning The Staithe, Stalham, NR 12 9BZ • Erection of 3 terraced was published. In addition there were anumber of missing modifications, these are application on our web page http:// ho uses and associated parking & storage • Mr JStares. Yl<w, n.,...,,,. rl<h I 0.m-7om. @BACca."· - eplanning.norfolk.gov.uk/ Please use highlighted in thelatest Main Modification SChedule. As aresult the council is re-consulting Applications can be viewed at Broads Authority,Yare House, Frida}, l ◄ th bm, 7pm ,11nd from bm on all modifications. Any comments madeduring the previousconsultations will still the reference number FUL/2019/0002 for your search . Alternatively the 62•64Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR I IRY.AII comments must ain.lt:!d;q be taken into account. but representors will need to ensure that they have fllllY Free aDl!lfUCl ~Inc M joint understood the changes proposed and that nothinghas changed in the revised Main application can be viewed at County be received w it hin 14 days of t his notice. Representations priritadtope•tr.M- Uilfrotn Modification schedule !Document EX 135l. Hall. Martineau Lane. Norwich during received will be held on a public file , be available o nline & The Local Plan is the overarching planning document that will help guide sustainable normal office hours will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate in t he event ~cep0on4l10to po!Q development in Breckland the plan up to 2036.Once formalN adopted, Local You may co mment on the of an appeal. Please see our Privacy Notice on the Broads ~cq:,0on AV.cUW"tM.ml'IOfGlt',lllli'N.'Oed'Dll-.d~ltr over penod the application by either: 1. Accessin g GREY Massey Ferguson Plan will guide development in Breckland, indudingpolicies to deliver the housing and http://eplanning.norfolk.gov.uk/ and Aut hority website at http://www.broads•authority.gov.uk/ employment needs. The Local Plan will replace most of the adopted lac.al planning policy --!,,Wniflt- Tractor TEP with loader. following the online instructions; planning/planning•privacy for fu rther details. documents. E3000. 01379 674211/ 2. Writing to Planning Services, Bredland Council submitted the Local Planto the secretarv of State in November 2017 under 07957 591429 Department of Community and the Town and Country Planning (local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (regulation 221. Environmental Services, County Inspector Jonathan Manning was appointed to carrv out an examination into thelegal Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 compliance and soundness of the Local Plan. Examination hearing sessionswere held by the 2SG; 3. Emailing your comments to WANTED apPQinted Inspector between April •September 2018. Following the hearing sessions, the [email protected]. uk lnspecror has proposed a number of modifications to the Local Plan whid1 are considered Used Tractors and good, Your comments must be received necessary to ensurethe soundness of the plan. within 30 days of the date of this The clean farm equipment The Council is inviting representations on whether the Main Modifications are legally notice in order to be considered. The compliant and sound between Thursday May 30th and 5pm on Friday July 12th 201 9 ATKIN FARM application will either be determined Woodford Representations should be submitted via the Councils online consultation system where under delegated powers or by the twgaze MACHINERY possible. Representation forms c.an also be obtained fromthe Council offices and can be Planning (Regulatory) Committee. Collection Norwich Road, Dereham submitted by post or in person to Breckland Council'soffice at Elizabeth House. Members of the public can, by prior f you require any further information, please contact the Programme Officer at Programme. (01362) 692104 arrangement, speak at meetings of D issAuction Rooms, Roydon Road, [email protected] or by calling 01362 656296 the Planning {Regulatory) Committee. Diss, Norfolk IP22 4LN www.atkln-farm-machlnery.co.uk Please contact Planning Services Today 0 1379 650 306 SOUTH NORFOLK COUNCIL for further details. Please quote Thursday 30 May, 5pm reference number FUL/2019/0001 twgaze.co.uk Poultry & Livestock TOWN ANO COUNTRY PLANNING {OEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) Viewing: Thurs 30 May I 2•5pm {ENGLAND) ORDER 2015, NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 13, PLANNING {LISTED BUILDING on all correspondence. Copies of the environmental statement will ANO CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 1990 LAYING chickens brown be available for sale at a cost of Contact eggs, old hens taken px call The followingap plications have been submitted to the Council: £1 45.00 per copy from Norfolk Edward Taxil-Webber 2019/1137 WYMONOHAM, 4 Bridewell Stre,t-Retention of replacement rear double County Council.
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