Farms for Sale or Exchange by M. T. STREETER, Real Estate Dealer, St. Johns, Mich. Clinton Independent. VOL XXXII.—NO 45. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1888. WHOLE NO.—1660 BREVITIES. HEY RODE ON THE WALK. 4775 BREVITIES. Ringling Bros. ’ circus at Owosso to ­ TO OPPOSE BKUCKER Thra« Young Ladle# Pay $1.50 Each for a What are you doing for the approach­ morrow. Violation of tho Ordinance. ing county fair? Recollect that I)r. Walker will be Ionia Standard : “A Methodist and Inflicted by Pitchforks, and not at the Hotel St. Johns next Saturday. The Republicans Nominate J. W. In the absence of asphalt in St. An Interesting Interview with Congregational excursion party of 350 County fairs indulging in horse rac­ Fordney, of Saginaw. Johns, it does seem a bothersome re­ William Overly. from St. Johns picnlced on the State Death "Wounds. ing must contribute $10 to the war striction that bicycle riding should be House of Correction grounds Wednes­ fund. prohibited on the sidewalks. So think day. They went through the institu ­ -he people who ride wheels, but the tion in the afternoon, and so many A FAMILY ROW IN EAULK CAUSES James P. Bird, of Maple Rapids, has WILLIAM a . NORTON, OF CLINTON, rotests of the remaining twenty- HE WOULD HAVE KILLED SHERIFF been granted an original pension of $6 JORDAN IF POSSIBLE. pretty girls bewildered the susceptible ANOTHER MURDER REPORT. DEFEATED ON THE FIRST BALLOT. ve or thirty keeps binding the ordi ­ ushers.’’ per month. Snance against it, and thus it happen­ Married at Ovid. August 20. by Rev. The United Brethren of Bengal cir­ ed thatthree young ladles had tneir cuit will hold their fourth quarterly Two Brother* Quarrel Over Their Father’# G. P. Mitchell, Miss Maggie Smith Prof. J. O. Mouroe, of St. John#, Endorsed names copied in rapid short hand in May Sac Him For Damage# Will Return to Indiana and Plead Guilty. meeting of this conference year at the and Jay Coffman. for Member of tbe State Board Marshal Keeney ’s note book, as calm­ Property. Settled Without Cost to Recollect that our county fair begins ly and serene, and with the usual Bengal church, September 3-4. A The County. of Education. ;rand time is expected. An urgent on Tuesday, the 20 of September, and girlish innocence they pedaled by the nvitation is extended to all. Rev. continues four days. place where he was working —on the The Lansing Journal of Saturday fIt H. Turner, P. K, of Lakevlew, Wolcott ft Danley want any quanti ­ sidewalk. There were five ladies in the says: Numerous questions have received The Republican congressional con ­ crowd, accompanied by one mascot, Mich., will officiate. ty of good barreling apples delivered Reports to the state board of health indefinite answers on the streets the at Byron Danley’s store. vention for the eighth district assem­ but the gentleman and two of the William Overly, the young man who bled at Saginaw Friday, and after ladies t>elonging out of town Mr. was shot by Sheriff Jordan, of Ionia show that diarrhoea, rheumatism, last few weeks about a murder report ­ Mrs. Sarah Butts, of Elsie, took car­ Keeney thought best not to molest neuralgia, bronchitis, and cholera ed to have been committed near Grand bolic acid recently by mistake and some sparring for position nominated them. But three, Misses Brownie county, near DeWltt, while attempt­ morbus, in order named, caused most Ledge. The cause of all this futile burned her mouth and throat badly. W. Fordney, of Saginaw, on the first Bromley, Belle Baldwin and Leah ing to escape from the officers and sickness in Michigan during the week H. Hallenbeck claims a yield of 85 ballot. The supporters of Mr. Ford ­ Fowler, whom he had the pleasure of avoid arrest upen a charge of burglary ending August 20,1898. Consumption curiosity was as follows : Last Monday bu. of oats per acre on Judge Daboll ’s meeting be fore(in an unofficial way) lie reported at 182 places, typhoid fever at Prosecuting Attorney Walbridge was ney, fearing treachery in the ranks if committed at Marion, Indiana, is 62, diptherla at 19, measles at 19, farm north of town. Can you beat it? a secret ballot prevailed, at first advo­ jromptly complained of to Justice rapidly improving and will be taken called to the vicinity of Grand Ledge Rev. J. D. Bennett has been re­ Marshall. This was about five o ’clock whooping cough at 18 and scarlet fever in regard to a family row which oc ­ turned by the Free Methodist Confer­ cated a viva voce vote, and finally, in the afternoon. On Monday morn ­ to that state the first of next week. at 16 places. curred in Eagle, in the family of I. G. ence as pastor of the church in this with the aid of Tuscola, adopted a ing bright and early before tne busy To a Journal reporter this morning Waldron. It appears that over a divi ­ place. resolution ordering that the vote of market of St. Johns began to hum Overly recounted the story of his cap­ BUSINESS LOCAL8. sion of their father’s property Judson with produce venders from the sur­ A Westphalia correspondent, who has eachdelegation should be collected by rounding country, the three parties ture by the officers and said the in­ When in St. Johns you will find it and Henry Waldron had argued with had his slumbers disturbed, says ‘Tax the chairman thereof. This action each other with pitchforks, leaving most concerned were before the awe­ formation of his whereabouts in Mich­ pays to trade at John Hicks ’. the cats!” Considering the provoca­ presaged the defeat of Mr. Norton, as some justice laying down $1.50 apiece igan was taken from a letter he had the marks thereof on each other’s tion hislanguage is moderate. costs without a murmur. Wanted. bodies, but inflicting no serious injuries. The steam was turned on today in Saginaw and Tuscola combined could sent to his best girl in Marion, by the Mrs. I. G. Waldron and the wife of one control the nomination. The follow ­ So they weren ’t arrested or even Board and room for $2.50 per week. the new heating plant for the court spoken to by our marshal with the officers there, who had secured the Only plain room and plain fare ex­ of the sons mixed up in the affray, but house, to test it. It heats up well, es­ ing details of the proceedings are con ­ letter before its delivery to the person only to wrest the pitchforks from the densed from the Saginaw Evening watchful eye, but it was because they addressed. He intends to investigate pected. Address “X,” this office. pecially at this season of the year. News of Friday: did not want to be bad enough to let hands of the combatants. After they >apers be made out. Swifter than the matter when lie returns home. New Silk Waist Patterns had done this the man who had done The Clinton County Cider Co., oper­ Judge S. B. Daboll, of St. Johns, in “It is a good thing for Sheriff Jor ­ the most active jabbing broke into a ating at Ovid, will give employment nominating William A. Norton, of ustice are some bikers if they don ’t dan that I wasn ’t armed when he at John Hicks ’. to sixty men this fall and expects to Clinton, denounced the methods of the scorch. run, stubbed Ills toe, and while reclin­ came up after shooting me through Improvements Each Tear. ing on the ground received the imprint expend 860,000 in the purchase of fruit. opposition us unfair, and roasted the the lung, ” Overly said. “I expected to of another fork which his brother had Married in this village, August 20, Courier-Herald for admitting that UNSUCCESSFUL die almost any moment but I had an Paul’s Writing Fluid and Black Ink secured and chased him with. 1898, by Willard C. Lyon Esq., Mr. J. Fordney would be defeated in his own intense hatred for him and would for school use, put up in automatic Owing to uncertain knowledge of C. Monroe to Miss Alice Doty, both of county by 1,000 if nominated, and ac­ have shot him sure. Why, while I safety bottle, absolutely non-spillable given names, we cannot speak with Washington township, Gratiot county. cused Saginaw countv Republicans of lay there on the ground and he was and non-evaporating any definiteness, but at all events, the S. George Jr. believes in drawing a prolonging the old factional fight of Was the Attempt of Two Married Ladle# supporting my head on his knee, doing at F. E. Aldrich ’s. two years ago. In urging the claims to Palm Themaelre# Off on Three Ua» younger brother had taken his father’s load w hen he comes to town. Last all he could for me, the thought of Best Values in Hosiery and Underwear farm to work one year in March, ’97, Thursday he drew John nicks a load of Mr. Norton Judge Daboll further Huapecting Young Men at Cryatal killing him was uppermost in my and had not vacated in March of this of oats which weighed out 210 bu. 25 lb, said : For eighteen years we of the mind. at JonN Hicks ’. outside counties have been coming a# Young nnd Single. year, but continued to put in crops for The ladies of the Baptist church “I told Sheriff Jordan my name was Waudted. the following year, corn, etc. By an­ will sell domestic cookery again on down here to conventions only to be There are three St.
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