Hardy Brothers Wholesale Confectionery Crisps and Snacks Product List 29/07/2020 Description Size Pack RSP (£) Wholesaler Code Group Burts Smoky Bacon Crisps 40g x 20 40g 20 0.65 REAL001 021 Standards Discos Cheese & Onion NPM x 24 34g 24 0.59 KP779A 021 Standards Discos Salt&Vinegar 30x34g PM39p 34g 30 0.39 KP255B 021 Standards Frisps Cheese&Onion 30x34g PM39p 34g 30 0.39 KP971B 021 Standards Frisps Salt & Vinegar NPM x 24 25.5g 24 0.59 KP066A 021 Standards Hula Hoops Beef Std's x 32 34g 32 0.67 KP409A 021 Standards Hula Hoops Salt&Vinegar Std's x 32 34g 32 0.67 KP899A 021 Standards KP Mini Chips Beef Std's x 48 33g 48 0.67 KP169 021 Standards KP Mini Chips Salt & Vinegar Std's x 48 33g 48 0.67 KP391 021 Standards McCoys Cheddar & Onion 26x 47.5g 89p 47.5g 26 0.89 KP071A 021 Standards McCoys Flame Grilled Steak Std's x 26 47.5g 26 0.89 KP098A 021 Standards McCoys Fiery Steak Std x 26 47.5g 26 0.89 KP600 021 Standards McCoys Salt & Vinegar Std x 26 47.5g 26 0.89 KP301A 021 Standards McCoys Sizzling Prawn 26 x 47.5g 89p 47.5g 26 0.89 KP302A 021 Standards McCoys Spicy Chilli Std x 26 47.5g 26 0.89 KP553A 021 Standards McCoys Thai Chicken 47.5g x 26's 47.5g 26 0.89 KP099A 021 Standards Roysters T Bone Steak Std x 28 21g 28 0.59 KP572B 021 Standards Skips Prawn Cocktail 30x17g PM39p 17g 30 0.39 KP265B 021 Standards Space Raiders Beef PMP 30P 25g 36 0.3 KP493A 021 Standards Space Raiders P/Onion PMP 30P 25g 36 0.3 KP492A 021 Standards Space Raiders Spicy Flavour PMP 30p 25g 36 0.3 KP484A 021 Standards KP Chilli Nuts 50g Card (21 for 17) 50g 21 0.91 KP477 021 Standards KP Dry Roasted Nuts 50gr Card 21 for 18 21x50g 21 0.91 KP204B 021 Standards KP Salted Peanuts Cards 50g 21 for 18 21x50g 21 0.91 KP167B 021 Standards KP XL Crunchy Flame G. Steak P'nuts x 12 140g 12 1.85 KP096 021 Standards KP XL Crunchy Coated Sweet Chilli P'nuts x 12 140g 12 1.85 KP095 021 Standards KP Cheese/Onion Crisp 48 x 63p 48 0.63 KP906 021 Standards K P Salt & Vinegar Crisps 48 x 63p 48 0.63 KP210 021 Standards Space Raiders Saucy BBQ PMP 30p 25g 36 0.3 KP494A 021 Standards Mega Meanies Pickled Onion NPM 30g 48 0.45 SN05 021 Standards Hunky Dorys Buffalo std Bag NPM 45g 50 0.83 PER1 021 Standards Hunky Dorys Salt & Vinegar std Bag NPM 45g 50 0.83 PER02 021 Standards Hunky Dorys Cheese & Onion std Bag NPM 45g 50 0.83 PER03 021 Standards Perri Burger Bites Multipack NPM 6Pk 24 1 PER101 021 Standards Perri Hot Lips Spicy std Bag NPM 45g 24 0.7 PER15 021 Standards Perri Onion Rings std Bag NPM 45g 24 0.7 PER9 021 Standards Perri Thai Rings std Bag NPM 45g 24 0.7 PER16 021 Standards Tayto Bikers Spicey Wide Bag 30g 36 0.75 TAY05 021 Standards Tayto Cheese & Onion Std x 48 37.5g 48 0.75 TAY01 021 Standards Tayto Onion Rings Std x 36 17g 36 0.75 TAY02 021 Standards Tayto Pickled Onion Std x 32 37.5g 32 0.75 TAY14 021 Standards Tayto Prawn Cocktail Std x 48 37.5g 48 0.75 TAY12 021 Standards Tayto Roast Chicken Std x 32 37.5g 32 0.75 TAY11 021 Standards Tayto Rollers 36 x 25gr 39p 25g 36 0.39 TAY16 021 Standards Tayto Salt &Vinegar Std x 32 37.5g 32 0.75 TAY08 021 Standards Tayto Smoky Bacon Std x 48 37.5g 48 0.75 TAY07 021 Standards Tayto Spirals Std Wide Bag x 36 25g 36 0.75 TAY27A 021 Standards Tayto Wuster Sauce Std x 32 37.5g 32 0.75 TAY17 021 Standards Golden Wonder S&V x 32 32.5g 32 0.75 GW1121 021 Standards Golden Wonder Cheese&Onion x 32 32.5g 32 0.75 GW1321 021 Standards Golden Wonder Sausage & Tomato x 32 32.5g 32 0.75 GW1633 021 Standards Keogh's Chilli Flavoured std 50g 24 0.89 KEOG05 021 Standards Keogh's Dub Cheese/Onion Std's 50g 24 0.89 KEOG02 021 Standards Keogh's Sea Salt & Vinegar 24x89p 50g 24 0.89 KEOG03 021 Standards Keogh's Shamrock and Sour Cream 24 x 89p 50g 24 0.89 KEOG07 021 Standards Keoghs C/Cut Flame Grilled 24 x 50gr 89p 50g 24 0.89 KEOG09 021 Standards Golden Wonder Smoky Bacon x 32 32.5g 32 0.75 GW1621 021 Standards Bacon Fries Card 24 x 24g x 67p 24g 24 0.67 TU401 021 Standards Cheetos Twisted Hot std Bag PMP 39p 30G 30 0.39 W12368 021 Standards Chipstix Salt & Vinegar std Bags PMP 39p 37g 30 0.39 W33179 021 Standards Monster Munch Pickled Onion std Bag NPM 40g 30 0.91 TU220 021 Standards Monster Munch Flamin Hot std Bag 40g 30 0.91 TU225 021 Standards Monster Munch Roast Beef std Bag NPM 40g 30 0.91 W92554 021 Standards Quavers Cheese std Bag NPM 20.5g 32 0.69 TU233A 021 Standards Scampie Fries Card 27g 24 x 67p 27g 24 0.67 TU404 021 Standards Snack a Jack Sweet Chilli std Bag NPM 23g 24 0.75 W62109 021 Standards Snack a Jack S/Cream & Chive std Bag NPM 23g 24 0.75 W62107 021 Standards Walkers Cheese & Onion std Bag NPM 32.5g 32 0.69 W31173 021 Standards Walkers Max Strong Hot Wing std Bag NPM 50g 24 0.85 W205 021 Standards Walkers Max Strong Jalapeno std Bag NPM 50g 24 0.85 W206 021 Standards Walkers Pickled Onion std Bag NPM 32.5g 32 0.69 W25196 021 Standards Walkers Prawn Cocktail std Bag NPM 32.5g 32 0.69 W12370 021 Standards Walkers Ready Salted Std X 32's 32.5g 32 0.69 W31171 021 Standards Walkers Roast Chicken std Bag NPM 32.5g 32 0.69 W97008 021 Standards Walkers Salt & Vinegar std Bag x 32's 32.5g 32 0.69 W12369 021 Standards Walkers Smoky Bacon std Bag NPM 32.5g 32 0.69 W12366 021 Standards Wotsits Cheese std Bag x 32 22.5g 32 0.69 GW4020A 021 Standards Nobbys Nuts Chilli Card NPM 40g 20 0.79 W25195 021 Standards Roysters Multipack 22 x 6 Pk 6pk 22 1.29 KP486 022 Multipacks Discos Assorted Multipack (6's) x 28 6x25.5g 28 1 KP496 022 Multipacks Frisps Assorted Multi Pack's x 24 6pk 24 1 KP485A 022 Multipacks Nik Naks Assorted Multipack 6pk 15 1 KP503 022 Multipacks Skips Prawn Cocktail Multipack NPM 6pk 24 1 KP268 022 Multipacks Perri Onion Rings Multipack NPM 6Pk 24 1 PER102 022 Multipacks Hunky Dory's C/Onion Multipack NPM 6pk 16 1.5 PER35 022 Multipacks Hunky Dory's Assorted Multipack NPM 6pk 16 1.5 PER36 022 Multipacks Meanies P/Onion Multipack PMP 6x17g 14 1 SN09 022 Multipacks Tayto Assorted Multi 12pk x 10 12pk 10 2.5 TAY001A 022 Multipacks Tayto Bikers Spicy 5pk x 18 5pk 18 1 TAY31 022 Multipacks Tayto C/Onion Multi 12pk x 10 12pk 10 2.5 TAY005A 022 Multipacks Tayto Cheese & Onion Multipack NPM 5pk 18 1 TAY39 022 Multipacks Tayto Spring Onion Multipack NPM 5pk 18 1 TAY55 022 Multipacks Tayto Prawn Cocktail Multipack NPM 5pk 18 1 TAY56 022 Multipacks Tayto High Fives Bacon Multipack NPM 5pk 18 1 TAY32 022 Multipacks Tayto Meaty Multi 12pack x 10 12pk 10 2.5 TAY006A 022 Multipacks Tayto Onion Rings Multipack NPM 5pk 18 1 TAY002 022 Multipacks Tayto Snack Attack 8pk x 12 8pk 12 1 TAY30 022 Multipacks Tayto Spirals S&Vinegar Multipack NPM 5pk 18 1 TAY59 022 Multipacks G/W Ringos Cheese&Onion 6 pk x 12 6pk 12 1 TAY03 022 Multipacks G/W Ringos Salt&Vinegar 6pk x 12 6pk 12 1 TAY13 022 Multipacks Golden Wonder Cheese & Onion 10pk 10Pk 12 1.79 GW111 022 Multipacks Golden Wonder Assorted 10pk x 12 10pk 12 1.79 GW1623 022 Multipacks Golden Wonder C &Onion Multi (5's) x 18 5pk 18 1 GW100 022 Multipacks Golden Wonder S&Vinger Multipack(5's) x 18 5pk 18 1 GW101 022 Multipacks Golden Wonder Variety Multipack(5's) x 18 5pk 18 1 GW102 022 Multipacks Tayto Smoky Bacon Multipack NPM 5pk 18 1 TAY42 022 Multipacks Doritos Chilli Heatwave Multipack NPM 6pk 16 1.29 W37483 022 Multipacks Doritos Tangy Cheese Multipack NPM 6pk 16 1.29 W37482 022 Multipacks Monster Munch Pickled Onion Multi Pk £1.29 6pk 18 1.29 W00111 022 Multipacks Quavers Cheese Multipack NPM £1.29 6pk 20 1.29 W00113 022 Multipacks Wotsits Cheese Multipack NPM 6pk 12 1.29 W00112 022 Multipacks Butterkist Simply Salted Popcorn PMP £1 58g 12 1 T415 023 Popcorn Butterkist Sweet & Salted Popcorn PMP £1 76g 12 1 TU236 023 Popcorn Butterkist Sweet Cinema Popcorn PMP £1 76g 12 1 T414 023 Popcorn Butterkist Crunchy Toffee Popcorn PMP £1 85g 12 1 T413 023 Popcorn Tayto Sweet & Salty Popcorn PMP x 10 100g 10 1 TAY25 023 Popcorn Tayto Cinema Sweet Popcorn PMP x 10 100g 10 1 TAY64 023 Popcorn Pringles Barbeque 6 x 200g PMP 2.49 200g 6 2.49 PRI003 024 Pringles Pringles Barbeque Small PM 69p 40g 12 0.69 ALG5A 024 Pringles Pringles Original 6 x 200gr PMP 2.49 200g 6 2.49 PRI008 024 Pringles Pringles Original Small PM 69p 40g 12 0.69 ALG2A 024 Pringles Pringles Prawn Cocktail 6 x 200g PMP 2.49 200g 6 2.49 PRI005 024 Pringles Pringles Salt & Vinegar 6 x 200gr PMP 2.49 200g 6 2.49 PRI002 024 Pringles Pringles Sour Cream & Onion 6 x 200g PMP 2.49 200g 6 2.49 PRI009 024 Pringles Pringles Salt & Vinegar Small NPM 40g 12 0.89 ALG3 024 Pringles Pringles Sour Cream Small NPM 40g 12 0.89 ALG1 024 Pringles Pringles Sour Cream Small PM 69p 40g 12 0.69 ALG1A 024 Pringles Pringles Salt & Vinegar Small PM 69p 40g 12 0.69 ALG3A 024 Pringles GOA Beef & Mustard Crisps 12 x 100gr 100gr 12 1 GLEN01 059 Sharing Bags GOA Gammon & Pineapple Crisps 12 x 100gr 100gr 12 1 GLEN03 059 Sharing Bags KP Dry Roasted Nuts Bag PMP 65g 12 1 KP488 059 Sharing Bags KP Honey Roasted Peanuts Bag PMP 65g 12 1 KP171 059 Sharing Bags KP Salt & Vinegar Peanuts Bag PMP 65g 12 1 KP166 059 Sharing Bags KP Salted Peanuts Bag PMP 65g 12 1 KP487 059 Sharing Bags Hula Hoops BBQ Beef £1 PMP 1x 16 80g 16 1 KP101A 059 Sharing Bags McCoy's Flame G' Steak PM £1 1x 16 65g 16 1 KP094A 059 Sharing Bags McCoys Thai Sweet Chic PM £1 x 16 65g 16 1 KP198A 059 Sharing Bags McCoys Cheddar & Onion £1 PMP 1x 16 65g 16 1 KP097A 059 Sharing Bags McCoys Salt & Vinegar £1PMP 1x 16 65g 16 1 KP104A 059 Sharing Bags McCoys Hot Mexican Chilli £1PMP x 16 65g 16 1 KP107A 059 Sharing Bags Nik Naks Nice & Spicy £1 PMP 1x 16 85g 16 1 KP105 059 Sharing Bags Nik Nak Rib n Saucy £1 PMP 1x 16 85g 16 1 KP106 059 Sharing Bags Roysters T-Bone Steak £1 PMP 1x 16
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