;d PART - IV (to be filled by the Nodal Officer or Principal Chief Conservator of Forests or Head of Forest Department) 77 Detailed opinion and specific r c'r{c '-e roa7z7calcy' +2,, :/ recommendation of the State d r,h, c oa"tvhvrl'7 Forest Department for acceptance Pa; uc t { lr 4 of otherwise of the proposal with ,.r G),"h'(,4^'( t/ te*n't 5t'd" remarks, (While giving opinion, the t)ac r) /(rlabnh/.1% /'<at t,t'l/' adverse comments made by wlVpnn 6t/d(A<d .tt concerned Conservator of Forests f fK{-,\l }tt or Deputy Conservator of Forests \\re\\( should be categorically reviewed conscfuator ol Forest and critically commended upon) Aodl. PL rcrpal Ctbf And Nodal oltlcer Maharashtra State' NagPur qF-k l'roposai lor di!ersioo of 5.,1425 ha. foresr 1.nd under Foresi (Conseryatjon) Acl_t9it0 for connruction and lx\ing ol,lr\er\ion re-"lignn,enr ol e\^ring 2)0 K\ ( IanJrapur-\\ir11 r, rrdll\nri..io line passirg through Bharadj Open Cast NIine orwcsrern Coalfietds Ltd., ChaDdrapur. Specilic RecommeDdarion of Princip.l Chiel Cons€rvator of Forests, Maharashrra Slare tHead of Forest ards to acceptanc€ or oth€rwhe olthc proposal supported bt rcasons. I-]re proposal is diversion of 5l.:125 ha. foresr talrd Jbr consrrucrion ar.l tayins of tiversiojrl re'aligrmeIt ofexlsting 220 KV Chandrutr \\ar.r. n.in.nLS\ rn i r rr\s rg ri, ugt, lltnta.ti Opcn Cast \4in€ ol \\icsten Coalfictds Lrd.. ChandrapLrr. The dctaits o1 ibresr-lard proposed ior divcrsior are as under Chan,l' Fnre\t Di\ isir,'r ta 'rr Villege Taluk.l Suftev no/ L€g.l Sta{us Gut No, (in h,'.) 888 l.o()dr Kachrala Ilhadra!dti 20t 4.416l i Grand Total 5.4,125 hr The Lloposal has been initiated bl [recLrti!,e Engirecr. EHV C]ofslrrcrion Dirisron NjSl ILI_ C[and.ap'r lor colrsrrucrion alrd la)ing of 22U K\/ DiC Trausnriss o. Iine fronr t rarlra.L \\:ro \{aharashtfa State Elcctrjcit), Transmission Co Ltd. plaIs to dr!ert c^rslrng - U l\\ ChardraplFwarora DiC line passirg rhrough Bhrt.rdi Opef Casi N.Tjfe. athandrapfl. Thr \\f I of coDstruction tbr diversion of 220 KV Cl)aDdrapLrr Warora DtCt tioe passing rhrough Bhatadl Oper a lst lvli|c of Westcm Coalliclds Ltd. Thc saict !\,orj( is Lrndcr rake| on reqLrest of \V C L a\ they a|e under the process of expansion of existing Bharadj Open (nsr Mine ar J prrrl ot L t cliisting 220 KV Chardrapur Warora D/C line is passlug Lhroug| the proposed m ne c\ntr r\ o l area Tlrc said construction is re(rLrircd lor evacLralion and rrarsnissro. o1220 KV crhrf.rrarLn. Warola D/C line oftlre electriciq 'Ihe dilersion of 220 K\r Chandrapur \\'arora D/C linc passing through Bhara.tj Oper Cast Nline expansion prolccl area oi \VCl_. Chandrapur is sa|criofcd vide NtBR Nf t..",i daled.l.1/12/2012 and \!ork allotled 10 agcnc\, vidc W.O. No. l\,{SttCL/atLr'NCt,/t/.101 d.Ie.l l12i20ll & arnendnenL \\' O. No. MSEt-CLiCE,NCptlt68l d.rteil 1lii,r:01.+ T| ! tine diversion is esseDtial for expansion ofoper cast mine project of WCL. ChaDdtapur lhe coal linkagc of this lnine is mcant for Maharashtra State po$er'Gencratiorl Co. Lld.. Chardrap!r. which ma] luflher allect the po\\'er geferatiolr. The proposed *,ofk lof constntction & lel,ing of diversion of 220 KV D/it trallslnissjon ljne is inLerLjnklIq rransmlssio| ||es fl CIandrrpuFWarora. 2) Defsity offoresl land is less thar 0.4 & il is open tbresl rviih eco value class III -1) Divisiona Forest l)fficer. chandiapur llilision cha.drapur is.frhe opinion t|at rhc atrernale alignrn!:n( is not possible & the lorest lard requir-ed is rhe baresr minimunr D \cLnctrrP0!itloi F l.\kirhaearo s Reconm lr tiEte!1flfi.!riond.. Lz e&* 4) lhere are 6l: lrecs (,ror teak specics) in the area proposed for the proiecl in Charrdrap!L l:orln Djvision. Gil1h class \\'ise abslract is giver as urlder :- l6/.1!'l llr1i 46160 5l/r5 76/90 9 r ll0i 106/120 l2lr l.l-i t:t6/ t50 150 :06 29 28 L 2t L' j) Divisional t-ores1 Officer, Chandrapur Dlvisiorr. Chandrafur has ceilified thAr rhe proposed projccl is outside thc boundary ofTadoba-Ardhari Iiger Re"crve. Ec.i scrr;iti!c zorrc 6) The User Agenc] has subrnilted an urdeitaking to defia! the cost olNcl Prcseni Va rre ol the lorest land proposed for di\el!ior. 7) !heUserAgenclhassubmilledtheceftificalelodefraythecosLofcolnpelrsalollalfoc\lirl'rt' be raised ovc| degrarled forest land lNice in extent of the lorest area j 4425 ha beifgdilerrel for the 220 i(V lransmissiof linc ol chafdraprrr Warora 8) lhe arca in!ol\,ed does not lb n p.r ofan) existing Park. \Vildlile Sancluar\. \!tLrLe ^valioral ReseNe elc. as certitied b) Divisional loresl Officer, Chardraptrr Di\ ision, Char]drapul 9) There is nrr violation of Irorest (Consen'atiotl) Act 1980, as celtificd Divisional Foresl Oflcer. Ch:Lndrapur Division, alhandrapur l0) Divisional Forest ol'ficcr. Charrdrapur Di\ision Clhandraplrr, has cenified Lhal rron'loresl area coveretl under the projec! are nol rrrlder the provisiors ol Vdharashrie Pri\aIe f('rctl (Acquisition) Acl 19?5 b} virLrre ofapplication ofSection l5 oflnd;an Forens l92l ar)i afe rrot recognized as deerned resened tbrest es $ell as no! included in lhe atea identified^ct rs "lbtest as per diclionrn ffeaningofforestas inti ated lo ihe expert cornmittee appointed under inlerLrrr.iLr'g crrl of thc llon'ble SLrprernc Coud drted l2/ 12,/1996 lll Dr!isionn lorcst O1ficer. Chandrapur Dirision. Chxndraplrr has sLr[r]rrlted arr urr(1!rln[]ng th'rl 1he propose.lprolect area is oLrlside Schedute Area. 12) The Llser Agencl has not submiLlcd the resolLrlion Lr|der Schedulc lr-ibes and Ollrer'lraf Lioral Foren Dweller's (Reoognitlon of Fofes! Righis) Act 1006 dLrl) !pprored b) lhc l)ritri'rr Colleclor \V|ich shall be complied belole final approral ln viclv of this, the ptoposal is recommcndcd for approval under seclion _2 (tl) of Forest (Consen ation) Act- 1980 srbject 1o ihe follorving conditions i) Tlre legal sLatrs ofthe land rccluirerl !l'iLl r-ernain unchanged. ii) CourpensaLorl altorestation rvill be raised at the cosl ofthe User Agency or) double dcgrlrdEd fbrest land if corrfailmeft No 20l rnade available b) tlre lirrest depafirnen( iii) lhcfbrestlandshall notberLscdlbran)pLrrposeotherthar)specilielirrtheprole!r iu) The Llser Agenc-v- \\'i1l defi'a-v'. cost olNet Present \ralrle of5:i425 hir ofForest land as per hlccl .,.i el r,. C r. n. i .d, \) fhe User Agency *ill pa) the cost of raislng herbaceous,'shrubby medicinal planls 1r)clrrlling iL\ nursery and planiirlg cost. \\hereYcr tiasible the cosl of remo\al l)1 6ll Lrccs Lr thc area propr''crl lirr rl) ihc Ljser '\gerrc]'nill delray diversion. l lo$ ever. onll' rhe lequir ed and nininrurn nunrber of lrees *ill be lelled !ii) All necessary precautions should be taken to proteot the area fiom fire. viii) Ifinflrture.theneedaliscslorfelling.prnningorpollarclingofan)sttrrdingtreesunderlhc transnrlsslon lire for mairtenancc. tlre Llscr Agency shall obtain necessary perrn ssiu 'rsptr eristing gLridelines. D rconor Po; tion l:r n[rll[rare i iReconnn 17 lrl e'LrTi.ar.n dt! a e2 c4€ ix) The User Agency will defray the additionalhevised cost ofNet R"esent ValLre offoresr land as per the latest guidelines ofCovernment oflndia. x) The Project Anthority slull submit the certificate duly approved by Districl Collecror as required under Forest Rights Act,-2006. t\ ,1ll.---\---- Principal ChieI Conservator of Forcsts (Head ofForest Force) _. Maharashtra State, Nagpur D\Curcnt Posiriof File\karhawale siARecomm I 7-l\El€ctrifi carion doc l OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CHIEI' CONSERVATOR OF FORDS'TS (HI'.\D OF fORISI FOR( f). II {II\RASHl RA s I \Tt. \AGPUR ADDITONAI, PIIINCIP.\L{IIIIF..NS!:I{VATOR OT I.'ORDSTS AND NODAL OI]II'JI]R, NIAHARASIITR4 STA II,. N CPT R. Iirst Floor, 'D' Wnrg, \rar Bhar.rn, Ci!il Linesi Nagpur'410001 Tel no. (0712) 2530 Sub:- Proposal lor diversion ol 5.4425 ha foresi land Lrrder lotest (ConscNation) Act-1980 lol collshllcljon atlcl iaying of diversior/ re-aligurent of existing 2?0 l(V Chandrapul-Warora transnlission line passilrg thl!LlliLl Bhalddi Opell Cast Mine of Westcln Coalfields Llrl . ChandlaPur. No. : Desli- 17,{\lc/l/l. D- D3S9l 6€9 15-16 Nagpur. 4,r0 001,I)a"d. 0S l),+ I2..1't5- To. .- fhc Secretary (Forests), Revenue & Forest Dcpatlment- Manhalay, N4unbai 400032. lixecutive EngiDeeL.IilIV Clonstructicir Division l\4SET(lL, Lihandrapur has subnritie(l Lllr proposal for diversion of 5.4425 ha. lorcst land undel folest (Clonserr'ation),\ct-1980 1.'i constmction and la1lng ol clilersio['rc aligmnenl of existing 220 KV Chanclrapur'\\]arorl tlansnlission liDe passilig through Bhatadi Open Casl NlLne of Western CoallleL.ls T ttl Chandraput.. The locatlon ofploposed area is as given below Chrndrpaur Forest Dilision Yillfl ge TalrrLe Legal Status (in ha.) 10064 Pr)lected I'bre sl Bhadravati Rcsen'e(i l_ ( rrtsl Cl flnd l'olal Follo\.vi[g docu1llcnts as prescribed in Co!erxDel]t Ci|cu1ar', RcverlLte an.l t!)rcl I)epa(nerl No.lLD- 108l/2041'](A)/l-1, dated 20/03/1982 and according tLr L,tr\rrnrrr(nt !l' lndia's instrucliot'ts issued fioll lime to titnc ale enclosecl iu tu'o copies. 1) Prcscribed lolm clatecL ll)/01/2003. 2) Certificate rcgarcling minimun dcnand of lbrest lancl lor the prLiject, l) Area SlaLernent, 4) lndex nrap in suilablc scale.
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