DOCIDIENT RESUME RD 071 937 SO 005 072 AUTHOR Payne, Judy Reeder TITLE Introduction to Eastern Philosophy, :Jocial Studies: 6414.23. INSTITUTION Dade County Public Schools, Miami, Fla. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 39p.; An Authorized course of instruction for the Quinmester Program EDRS PRICE MF -S0.65 HC -93.29 DESCRIPTORS Activity Units; Asian Studies; Behay.aral Objectives; Chinese Culture; Curriculum Guides; Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12; *Non Western Civilization; *Philosophy; *Religion; Resource Units; Secondary Grades; *Social Studies Units; Values IDENTIFIERS Flcrida; *Quinmester Program ABSTRACT Major Eastern philosophies and/or religions col sisting of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shintoism are investigated by 10th through 12th grade students in this general social studies quinmester course. Since Eastern philosophical ideas are already influencing students, this course aims to guide students in a universal search for values and beliefs about the meaning of life. Through suggested activity learning, the five major religions are compared and contrasted for their differences, similarities, and .are examined for their influences upon Non Western and Western civilizations. Lastly, students trace contemporary ideas to Eastern philosophies. The course is arranged, as are other quinmester courses, with sections on broad goals, course content, activities, and materials. (SJM) AUTHORIZED COURSE OF INSTRUCTION FOR THE Uo Vlige1/45) 0 O Spcial Studies : INTRODUCTION TO EASTERNPHILOSOPHY 64111.23 6448.69 DIVISION OF INSTRUCTION1971 ED 071937 SOCIAL STUDIES INTRODUCTION TO EASTERN PHILOSOPHY zwoom5,13,0-mmmMZ17,MmMgg25.±:1"21'zmy., -omc 6448.696414.23 mmzocon>owao5zar4o--4m-5).35o5mt7zom74oviSollAmstwoz.3:14mm_pm..'mo mzsimmZ .momoo5,7,09c JUDY REEDERby PAYNE CmzQrfi7!!400z0m'10'.00m:;CS-,.740Olapm zMrsg;,T,m, for the 517,ZE5c00,m2.00'T23-DOM OM 2..I DadeDivision CountyMiami, 1971of PublicFloridaInstruction Schools DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Mr. William Lehman, Chairman Mr. G. Holmes Braddock, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Ethel Beckham Mrs. Crutcher Harrison Mrs. Anna Brenner Meyers Dr. Ben Sheppard Mr. William H. Turner Dr. E. L. Whigham, Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Florida 33132 Published by the Dade County School Board Copies of this publication may be obtained through Textbook Services 2210 S. W. Third Street Miami, Florida 33135 arequinmester meantThis tocourse administrative be neither of study all-inclusive wasorganization writtennor asof aprescriptive; schools.INTRODUCTIONpart of aThe total materialsbut effortrather, andto an reviseinformation aide tocurriculum teachers inth;sto guidefit the content,resources,plan Theinstructional teachingmajor and otherintent strategies, programs, factors. of this classpublicationtaking activities, into accountis 'to provide student a needsbroad andframeworkcharacteristics, of goalsand available objectives,as they porateof study.The into guide Teacherstheir is dividedlessons. may then into accept I)a thebroad model goalsframework section,and materials in2) totala contentall or related draw outline, ideas toa from3)describedobjectives itto course incor- majorprovide.,ororientedand corequisite learning subdivisions informationa total activities, experiences. picture of forthe theandofcourse. theteacher;4)The materials.concept contentThe "indicators objectives oroutline mainThe firstidea illustrates,andof andsuccess"learningsection specific providesrefersinactivities generalbehavioral to descriptive suggested terms,section, objectives tLe prerequisite hopefully,andscope goal-for and course:amentaryplacecategories: set of studentgivene.g.,or inessential pretests,learning additionresources. textual activities.toreadings, theThe aforementioned;or appendix othervocabulary,The material; maymaterials includeet.e.supplementnry alternate section other materialof classroom teacherthe guideappropriate resources; materials listsresources forandto useasupple- specific in in four and sendAnyone to having: Social recommendations Studies Office, relating Room 306,to thisLindsey publication Hopkins, is urged to write them down A-1. SocialJames A.Studies Fleming Consultant COURSE DESCRIPTION: BUDDHISM,THOUSANDSA BRIEF INTRODUCTION OFCONFUCIANISM, YEARS. TOSOME TAOISM,THE SYSTEMS WAYS SHINTO. OF OF BELIEVINGPHILOSOPHY WHICH WHICH HAVEWILL SHAPED BE STUDIED EASTERN ARE:THINKING HINDUISM, FOR GRADE' .'TER: LEVEL:GENERAL10-12 SOCIAL STUDIES COURSE RATIONALE: EasternandIn thecommunication, narrowingphilosophical of as the wellideas world's asis thebeingboundaries impact felt oftoday throughthe byVietnam Americanmodern War, advances youth. the influence intransportationof studentsmajorofpeople youth philosophies are involvement.in searchingthe universal and/or forThis asearchreligions philosophycourse for attemptsofvalues tothe guideEastern andto introducetheirbeliefs World lives aboutinsystematically seemsorder the evidenttomeaning Thathelp the theinguideof fiveevcryyoutiglife. area 1. THECOURSE STUDENTS GOALS: WILL EXAMINE AND GATHERBACKGROUND DATA ON THE FIVE MAJOR 3.2. THE STUDENTS WILL INVESTIGATE BUDDHISMHINDUISM AND RELATEDESCRIBE IT ITSTO HINDUISM.INFLUENCEUPON INDIA.EASTERN PHILOSOPHIES. 5.4. THE STUDENTSSTUDENTS WILLWILL T,v7ESTIGATEINVESTIGATE TAOISMCONFUCIANISMAND MAKE AND A INFERGENERALIZATION ITS INFLUENCE OF ITS UPONPHILOSOPHY.CHINA. 7.6. LOVEFORTHE EXAMPLE:STUDENTSOF NATURE, LOVE,WILL YOGA, DISCOVERINVESTIGATEBROTHERHOOD, AND CIVIL SOME SHINTOISM DISOBEDIENCE.OFPEACE, TODAY'S ANTI-GOVERNMENT,AND YOUTHCOMPARE IDEAS IT THATTONON-COMPETITIVENESS, THE CAN OTHER BE TRACED FOUR RELIGIONS.TO ANTI-EASTERNMATERIALISM, PHILOSOPHIES. I.COURSEBackground OUTLINE: of the Five MajorEastern Philosophies III. (cont.) A. 2.Definitions1. ReligionPhilosophy IV. ConfucianismD. Today's relevance B. Geographical Data of Asia B.A. Confucius'Sacred Writings Life D.C. Population1. Asia datastatistics on Eastern of Asia religions D.C. Today'sComparison relevance and contrast with Buddhism II. Hinduism3.2. WorldNorth TotalAmerica V. A.TaoismThe mystery B.A. BeliefsChronological base of all Eastern thought C.B. LifeChain-argument of Lao-Tse-Ching D.C. SacreaVocabulary Books E.D. SacredBeliefs Writings F.E. MahatmaToday's Ghandirelevance G.F. YogaConfucianismCoMparison andcontrast with Buddhism and III. A.BuddhismBuddha's Life VI. ShintoismH. Today's relevance C.B. BeliefsVocabulary B.A. TraditionsSynonomous andwith beliefs Japaneseculture(cont.) COURSE OUTLINE: (cont.) VI. C.(cont.)Ceremonies, festivals, shrines, VII. A.GrowthTransportation of Easternphilosophical beliefstemples, and Gods C.B. DrugVietnamCommunication Usage War GOAL 1: THE STUDENTS WILL EXAMINE ANDGATHER BACKGROUND DATA O.ITHE FIVE MAJOR EASTERNPHILOSOPHIES. I. RELIGIONPHILOSOPHYFOCUS AS ANDTERMS. A. Thethe studenttwoOBJECTIVE terms. will define 1. ferencesHave the betweenstudents LEARNINGthe orally two ACTI'ITIESterms:recall philosophythe likenesses and religion.and dif- 3.2. OntwoHave the terms. words.the blackboard, students comparedevelop orallya class their unde-standing definitions of of thethe 4. givebeliefs,writetheyAsk thein mayon one studentssymbols,thehave or board suchtwo toprophetsentencessomesuggest ideasetc. somesome such Then Westernphilosophical as askGod, religionsthe worship, pupils ideaandtofaith, S. CompareofReview the twowiththe terms. concepts.the studentsas broCaerhood, thedifferences peace, andlove, likenesseswar, etc. c.b.a. CanWhat(Example:If notthe is concomitant,twothe Christ termsdifferenceDiscuss and'hisever which thebetweenbe philosophy,ofsynonomous?followingthethe two twoquiestions: thencomes terms?Give formal-first? examples. ). differencesHave theized students religion.) and similarities write Why? inoneof orthe two two sentences terms: thephil- B. The student will defineand 1. Listmously.generallyosophy on andthe inreligion. board the coursetheThen the explainterms willto the be classused synono-that classify terms. look natureethicsprinciplesup the definitions:valuesfaithaestheticsfollowing wordsmetaphysicsprophet and ask the pupilsto 1 moralsconduct worshipbeliefs disciplesagemaster FOCUS OBJECTIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES NoteI. (cont.) to the teacher: B. (cont.) 1. (cont.)ceremonylogic symbolsideas temple referenceduotangtheIt ispupils suggested as forkeepa studythe athat 3.2. orDivideHaveclassifying both. each the groupclass the aboveleaderin three terms reportgroups under back andreligion,to assign the large thephilosophy, taskgroup of oftobackserouscourse, thestudy arebooksfive sincethe to philo- andcontentbe num- usedpaper- 4. Haveforcorrectionstheir futureeach classification student stud.or additions. make list. a correctedAllow theclassification students to suggestchart sophies. 5. shareGivegraphicallySuggest thewith thatpupii the (charts, several totala week class.graphs,pupils to produce maypictures)Place demonstrate these displays or items in theseon poetry.and bulletin thenterms C. Thethegeographical East.student willnate gatherabout 1. boardsWhat Countries?Continents?encompasses and in individual the East notebooks. in terms of: 3.2. boardInDisplaythe briefFar or East. mapsonoutline the of overhead Asia,form, China,have projector a India,volunteer a Japan,general pupil and outline draw Indonesia.on cf the 4.2 Have another pupil draw in the major countries and label. FOCUS OBJECTIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES I. (cont.) C. (cont.) 5. tofillGive relate inditto the the ofnames areasmap ofoutline to the themajor toreligions each countries pupilor andphilosophiesin orderhave themto to 6. countryHaveEncyclopediabe
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