Cathedral Gallery Singers and Diocesan Chorale 2018-2019 Choral Repertoire Cathedral of Saint Joseph the Workman La Crosse, Wisconsin Brian Luckner, DMA Director of Music and Organist September 16 Twenty–fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time November 11 Thirty–second Sunday in Ordinary Time O Sing Joyfully Adrian Batten Go before Us, O Lord Andrew Carter 1591–1637 b. 1939 Exsultate justi Lodovico da Viadana Jesu! the Very Thought Is Sweet Charles Wood 1564–1645 1866–1926 September 23 Twenty–fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time November 18 Thirty–third Sunday in Ordinary Time Praise Ye the Lord, Ye Children Christopher Tye Let My Love Be Heard Jake Runestad c. 1505–c. 1572 b. 1986 Father of All Charles Callahan Justorum animae William Byrd (1982) 1543–1623 September 30 Twenty–sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time November 25 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Christusgebet Bernard W. Sanders Dignus est Agnus, qui occisus est (Introit) Gregorian Chant b. 1957 Jesu dulcis memoria Tomás Luis de Victoria Jubilate Deo omnis terra Flor Peeters 1549–1611 1903–1986 King of Glory, King of Peace Eric H. Thiman October 7 Sesquicentennial of the Diocese of La Crosse 1900–1975 Twenty–seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time December 2 First Sunday of Advent Let the People Praise Thee, O God William Mathias 1934–1992 Ad te levavi animam meam (Introit) Gregorian Chant Gloria in excelsis Deo Thomas Weelkes c. 1576–1623 Rorate caeli Colin Mawby b. 1936 October 14 Twenty–eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come Paul Manz 1919–2009 Tu pauperum refugium Josquin des Prez c. 1450–1521 December 9 Second Sunday of Advent Give Almes of Thy Goods Christopher Tye c. 1505–c. 1572 Populus Sion (Introit) Gregorian Chant October 21 Twenty–ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Canite tuba / Rorate caeli Francisco Guerrero 1528–1599 To Serve Gerre Hancock Savior of the Nations, Come Gerald Near 1934–2012 b. 1942 Strengthen for Service Leo Nestor b. 1948 December 16 Third Sunday of Advent October 28 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gaudete in Domino semper (Introit) Gregorian Chant O Lord, Increase Our Faith Henry Loosemore Laetentur caeli William Byrd d. 1670 1543–1623 In te speravi Orlando di Lasso Rejoice Greatly Healey Willan 1532–1594 1880–1968 November 4 Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time I Love the Lord David Conte b. 1955 The Best of Rooms Gerald Near b. 1942 2018–19 Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman, La Crosse p. 2 December 23 Fourth Sunday of Advent January 20 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Rorate caeli desuper (Introit) Gregorian Chant Omnis terra adoret te, Deus (Introit) Gregorian Chant Ave generosa Ola Gjeilo O Sing unto the Lord a New Song Peter Aston b. 1978 b. 1938 Ave Maria Tomás Luis de Victoria Author of Life Divine Peter Aston 1549–1611 b. 1938 December 25 Nativity of the Lord January 27 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Puer natus in Bethlehem Chant Adorate Deum omnes angeli eius (Introit) Gregorian Chant Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Arr. Gerre Hancock The Spirit of the Lord (Prologue to The Apostles) Edward Elgar 1934–2012 1857–1934 Verbum caro factum est Hans Leo Hassler Jesu, the Very Thought of Thee Edward C. Bairstow 1564–1612 1874–1946 In the Bleak Mid-winter Harold Darke 1888–1976 February 3 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time O magnum mysterium Pierre Villette 1926–1998 Laetetur cor quaerentium Dominum (Introit) Gregorian Chant Puer natus est nobis Ivo Antognini b. 1963 Ubi caritas Jean Langlais The Announcement of the Solemnity Chant/Luckner 1907–1991 of the Nativity of the Lord Praise the Lord (from Judas Maccabeus) George Frideric Handel Dominus dixit ad me (Midnight Introit) Gregorian Chant 1685–1759 What Sweeter Music John Rutter February 10 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time b. 1945 Agnus Dei (Missa in honorem Sancti Josephi, Op. 21) Flor Peeters Venite, adoremus Deum (Introit) Gregorian Chant 1903–1986 On Christmas Night (The Sussex Carol) Gerald Near How Lovely Are the Messengers (from St. Paul) Felix Mendelssohn b. 1942 1909–1847 Puer natus est nobis (Day Introit) Gregorian Chant Ave verum corpus Francis Jackson (b. 1917) January 6 Epiphany of the Lord February 17 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ecce advenit dominator Dominus (Introit) Gregorian Chant Esto mihi in Deum protectorum (Introit) Gregorian Chant Surge illuminare William Byrd 1543–1623 The Beatitudes Franz Liszt O God, Who by the Leading of a Star Thomas Attwood 1811–1886 1765–1838 Beati estis Jakob Handl 1550–1591 January 13 The Baptism of the Lord February 24 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Dilexisti iustitiam, et odisti iniquitatem (Introit) Gregorian Chant Domine, in tua misericordia speravi (Introit) Gregorian Chant This Is My Son Fred Gramann b. 1950 Lord, for Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake Kevin Uppercue Thou Visitest the Earth Maurice Greene b. 1981 1696–1755 Lord, We Beseech Thee Adrian Batten 1591–1637 2018–19 Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman, La Crosse p. 3 March 3 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time April 14 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Factus est Dominus protector meus (Introit) Gregorian Chant Hosanna to the Son of David Thomas Weelkes c. 1575–1623 Exsultate Deo Alessandro Scarlatti Christus factus est pro nobis obediens Josef Gabriel Rheinberger 1659–1725 1839–1901 Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord Eric Thiman Vexilla regis prodeunt Anton Bruckner 1900–1975 1824–1896 March 10 First Sunday of Lent April 16 Diocesan Chorale Chrism Mass Invocabit me, et ego exaudiam eum (Introit) Gregorian Chant Dilexisti iustitiam (Introit) Gregorian Chant Call to Remembrance Richard Farrant Ubi caritas Jean Langlais d. 1581 1907–1991 Hide Not Thou Thy Face Richard Farrant Agnus Dei (Missa quarti toni) Tomás Luis de Victoria d. 1581 1549–1611 Ecce quam bonum Hans Leo Hassler March 17 Second Sunday of Lent 1564–1612 Litany of the Saints (Processional for special local occasion) Gregorian Chant April 18 Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper O nata lux (from Lux Aeterna) Morten Lauridsen Nos autem gloriari (Introit) Gregorian Chant b. 1943 Tribulationes Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Nos autem gloriari Felice Anerio 1839–1901 c. 1560–1614 Ubi caritas Francis Pott b. 1957 March 24 Third Sunday of Lent My Soul Is Exceeding Sorrowful Eleanor Daley b. 1955 Oculi mei semper ad Dominum (Introit) Gregorian Chant April 19 Good Friday Be Merciful unto Me Charles Villiers Stanford 1852–1924 Remember Not, Lord, Our Offences Henry Purcell Tenebrae factae sunt Tomás Luis de Victoria 1659–1695 1549–1611 Timor et tremor Francis Poulenc 1899–1963 March 31 Fourth Sunday of Lent O Domine Jesu Christe Gregor Aichinger 1564–1628 Laetare Ierusalem (Introit) Gregorian Chant April 20 Easter Vigil Peccavi super numerum Girolamo Frescobaldi 1583–1643 Vidi aquam Gregorian Chant Miserere mei, Domine Orlando di Lasso 1532–1594 Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem Charles Villiers Stanford 1852–1924 April 7 Fifth Sunday of Lent Haec dies (6-part) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina c. 1525–1594 Iudica me Deus Gregorian Chant O Lord, in Thy Wrath Rebuke Me Not Orlando Gibbons 1583–1625 Have Mercy on Me Thomas Tomkins 1572–1656 2018–19 Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman, La Crosse p. 4 April 21 Easter Sunday June 9 Pentecost Sunday Resurrexi (Introit) Gregorian Chant Spiritus Domini (Introit) Gregorian Chant Vidi aquam Gregorian Chant Loquebantur variis linguis Peter Philips 1561–1628 Te Deum (K. 141, with orchestra) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O Lord, Give Thy Holy Spirit Thomas Tallis (1756–1791) (c. 1505–1585) Regina coeli (K. 276, with orchestra) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791) June 16 The Most Holy Trinity April 28 Second Sunday of Easter Caritas Dei (Introit) Gregorian Chant Quasi modo geniti infantes (Introit) Gregorian Chant Trinity Fred Gramann b. 1950 If We Believe That Jesus Died John Goss Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas Agostino Agazzari 1800–1880 1578–1640 Angelus autem Domini Felice Anerio c. 1560–1614 June 22 Diocesan Chorale Ordination to the Priesthood May 5 Third Sunday of Easter Dominus secus mare Galilaeae (Introit) Gregorian Chant Iubilate Deo omnis terra (Introit) Gregorian Chant God Be in My Head John Rutter b. 1945 Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs Richard DeLong The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me Brian Luckner 1951–1994 b. 1959 An Easter Carol John Sanders Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Edward C. Bairstow 1933–2003 1874–1946 May 12 Fourth Sunday of Easter June 23 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Misericordia Domini plena est terra (Introit) Gregorian Chant Cibavit eos ex adipe frumenti (Introit) Gregorian Chant Ave Maria Josquin des Prez Panis angelicus Pierre Villette c. 1450–1521 1926–1998 Surrexit pastor bonus Orlando di Lasso Caro mea Andrea Gabrieli 1532–1594 1510–1586 May 19 Fifth Sunday of Easter Cantate Domino canticum novum (Introit) Gregorian Chant And I Saw a New Heaven Edgar L. Bainton 1880–1956 If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments Roupen Shakarian b. 1950 June 2 Ascension of the Lord Viri Galilaei (Introit) Gregorian Chant All repertoire was sung by the Cathedral Gallery Singers, except where the Diocesan Chorale is indicated Coelos ascendit hodie (Op. 38, No. 2) Charles Villiers Stanford (Chrism Mass and Ordination to the Priesthood). 1852–1924 Ascendo ad Patrem meum Jakob Handl 1550–1591.
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