MEASURE' AND SHORE ' THE WEATHER : ' RESORTS, SEE' WEDNESDAY AND SATUR- DAY FARMER. Fair; Wanner Wednesday VOL. 50 NO. 154 BRIDGEPORT, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1914 PRICE TWO CE1TTS iBUQNQM) BELIEVE BRIDGEPORT CONTRACTS BAD HIGH TRIBUTE SITION : OF PATH ! ': SOGERS TOOK PRIZE IN LAW AND IN PAID TO LATE .. PAYS FOR COMiilOiJ SENSE HEIR AND WIFE FOR BEST APPEARANCE commission define: , - Commissioner Harry H. DeLoss Rodies of Archduke and ' His So Characterizes' Warren-it- e Duchess Arrive In. Re " Probable Awards To Announced This Afternoon Include Agreements In Let- Metkovitch. ' Hertford Men, Second Rest, and Waterbury j Supposed to ter' to Mayor. WTeth-er- s , Have Most Men , in Line Loving Cups'-Wil- MURDER PLOT STARTED "Chicago Joe" Hanged at Be Presented In Straightforward field For Murder of v At Rivercliffe Picnic' . V IN RIiXGIXG TERMS IN SERVIA, IS RELIEF Statement Chairman Rogers Sheds ; DELOSS Jennie Cavalliera. STATES FACTS Light on Notorious Contract The Law and Itespsct XTA Government Was . Aware of e' Stretching oyer more than a mile. of parade, the delegates boaraed ar for for Public Decency Actuates the Members of the than, five iiverciirre, "Where Saengerfest Law and Charter Requires Pav- Treasonable Aims of CONFESSES CRIME AS city streets, and with more the te ' Commission. , line, ibig out wna a gigantic picnic and car- andN ' HE GOES TO GALLOWS thousand marchers in the nival. ing Sewer Matters to Malefactors' Group. prize parade )of organizations par- Games of vori the indulged in while the prizes In the pa- Re Handled Ry the ticipating in the Staats Saengerfest toe- rade and-- elnerinar r Metkovitch, Herzegovina, June 3 "It does seem to me," said CoL M. Laurel avenue jiorth with Warrenlt Rec- the Commission. fanging Makes New State ing held in this city, marched through announced and awarded. The bodies of Archduke Francis Fer- H. Rogers, chairman of the paving without assessment to the propert Quickness i city, Over five thousand delegates were m sewer today, owner. , ord For. of' the streets of the amid he cheers a Mayor Wilson's attempt to dinand and his consort, the Duchess of and commission "that If a, the city to attend the last day of the induce mayor "At present I understand there is Execution. t. of that lined the streets Saengerfest. the paving commission to ratify the Hohenberg, arrived here on a special the Is so solicitlous for the resolution before the council present- - present It is the most over the entire line of march, this successful ever held by the organiza- illegal Warrenlte contracts resulted in train afr 6 o'clock this morning from aid of the. commission In straighten ed toy Alderman Walker, to abate tfcn , f ing 'CBy Staff Correspondent.) morning. t tions Sarayevo, Bosnia,1 the 'scene of Sunt out the Warrenlte contracts mud assessment aalnbt all property own- SO Con feasing a letter to the several commissioners, - dle now, he might have solicited the except a - " Wethersfteld, Juno More than twenty German, organiza . Singers day's tragedy. Members arch- ers the Warner Brothr fired ahOta Are 2ncored-- written June 55, In which he request- of the aid of the commission before the con 1 that it was he who the tions .from all sections of the state ducal accompanied the New Haven road for the Bran on Oc- One thousand male volo.es. tolAnrinA ed to household the .bod tracts Were made. Whitfnp, -- which killed Jennie Cavalier! were . represented. Beautiful floats - them meet with the aldermen ies. blocks laid In Atlantic, K.f 1912, fcnowe in the most perf ect harmony as the ' "The paving and sewers commis tober 22. Joseph Buonomo, played a prominent part, while hum stirring "as a most desirable method of talk The town, was draped in black and er streets andj Singer avenue. met hk jipon words and catclxy music of ,' sion has the best interest of the city proponed to pa f as "Chicago Joe," death berless women delegates rode In auto lng over the situation." . flags on all buildings flew "When it was ac&ffold In Wethersfteld' prison at Dixie, one of the most famous o the the at at heart, and no member of the com part the jnoblles and carriages. The fine ap War songs, ; To this letter Commissioner Harry half mast. Guards honor from to up Fairfield avenue ahd make it - 12.-0-7 his necfc being were sung as the climax in fot mission wants hold .paving state, nothing was fhie mornlnr, pearance of the delegations represent H. DeLoss, has written the following the army navy1 . up along the highway pronounced ' the Casino last night eon-ce- rt and drawn work. We have no axes. to grind. We -- broken, and death being ing the different cities of thev state at the grand straightforward and dignified reply the platform behind were about Warrenlte. The board r t s atfter a lapse of ,the given toy the male choruses of the and them simply want'to find out which in the granted $13,000 f instantaneous represented 'brought rounds of ap June 29. 1914 gathered the local authorities all the opinion of the city attorney Ms portlonment had , Buonomo Connecticut Staats Saengerfest. But ';. the was t usual 13 minutes interval. plause from the thousands of specta- was Honorable Clifford B. Wilson, school children of the town and a proper $200,000 macadam rerJairs and It nm . woman 'because he ' It only one nuiuber of a program bodyto handle the money toe expends J a eaJd he killed the tors that lined the way along the Mayor.. Clty of Bridgeport, dense 'crowd of citizens. , bond, this miRht . ' issue which "the people voted I , s such as is seldom afforded musical ' was tired of her. course, Bridgeport, Conn. coffins were - , cording to the wishes of the h!f' ' loving people The removed from the for paving. ' , 't i Buooomo, who has been In the state oth- the opportunity of eft ' commissioner for the city's part n The delegations vied with each - Dear Sir: cars by bluejackets and, after a bless "Having opinion, we prison since lecember 24, 1912, 'iiad joying. That much- was expected was found that road. er in an effort to capture the prizes toy I beg to acknowledge receipt of ing had been given by a priest, con- simply put the matter .up to the com building of the state hope his life would attested to the capacity . hoped against that . Audience. your veyed, went to Hartford and had offered Iby the . committee in charge. letter of the 25tn Inst, notifying amid the roll of muffled drums mon council without comment.. There "I ' at?' be spared, and kept up his courage That the expectations were realized me specfal meeting common and tolling with State Highway. Commirw-lon- loving cups ,for appearing of of the the of church bells, to was no necessity ariy y the 'best was the of mtember of c!-- 1 until late into the night. Then he' all delegation, second appearing noted in the applause, breaking council to be held on Monday evening. royal yacht Dalmat, lying in the river. commission appearing Bennett and proposed that the collapsed In march, the best out with completion the at the c u --v f but and. the death AcAt&ntrr sj n thn d ftl Ara.ti rm the of practically June 29th, for the purpose of consid They were covered with military flags meeting last nigrft. The council Is a a gutter two 'feet from the his steps were faltering' and slow. every number and insisting upon an - beyond of delayed Hartford, New Havtn, and Waterbury encore. ering matters relative to paving our and wreaths and on the yacht itself legislative body. It Is not up to the that eight fet marjii" The march, though slightly delegations stretched over The concert was the' most city streets. ' v were hundreds of floral offerings from commission to suggest any action by for Its portion. This would rive a . nte weakening condition, began had that meritorious part of the 17th vehi- by blockst was only annual , , Permit me to. call your honor's at military and naval officers and civil that body or to define course It gravel eurfaeee for horse drawn past War--. several 'It after' the saengerfest. the -- about five minutes twelve. delegations passed, twice, tention to the fact that your Invitation ians.. may pursue. cles to travel on, I proposed th.t t A. Gamer, his assistants had the stand Bridgeporters were op e Jen Ward that-l- afforded 'an is to me personally, As the yacht left, the guard of hon "No member, of the paving state might lay 10 feet'aurfvs t was conceded that the prize for '''' addressed and f and -t and assembled newspaper men, were delegation go. to portunity of learning what real musio if I attended meeting it could or fired a general salute. The sewers commission wants the job of bitumlnous, macadam and tv-- f against; whitewashed .vail the largest weuld is. was that the - lined the ' There an attendance estimat only toe as a 'Citizen a tax payee was preceded down the river by a supervising the laying of pavement Connecticut Co. could lay 19 f t ' coming, s Waterbury; -- and in groups waiting hie i ' ed at over 6,000 people. Director Fritz torpedo boat and followed by the gov from bond Issue recently granted same surface in and e.bont - . difficulty was to select the and that I would have no right or this this Preceded by two Catholic pri- he The real K.
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