' wi*^ ^^P^^ip I PVWWWVVWWWWVW^MW^W^MVl mmf^mmi PjgM Ttw Eagto L«k> H«adHght — N«w« tor Southyn Colorado County, yxa« Thur»day, July 11,1991 Thursday, July 11,1981 The Eagto Lakt Htadllght — Hmm for Southwn Colorado County, Ttxat i52i! /F" Oscar & Evelyn Miller, Owners Announcing New Arrivals! % ^ ' J) BBQ —^--., Stephen Barrel Appelt Jordan Ashley Gallaher M ILLER'S \JtG ROCERY SHACK 305 E. MAIN 234-2051 EAGLE LAKE Darrel and Melanie Appelt of Columbus are proud to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gallaher of Chesterville announce Open announce the arrival of their First child, a boy, Stephen the birth of their first child, a girl, bom July 4th, 1991 at Darnel, bom June 24, 1991 at 9:26 p.m. at Eagle Lake 8:31 a.m. at Eagle Lake Community Hospital. SPECIALS GOOD FOR 5 DAYS STORE HOURS: Monday through Saturday, Friday & Community Hospital. The baby, named Jordan Ashley, weighed in at seven 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday ;• •• •,•••• Stephen weighed eight pounds, two ounces and meas­ pounds, l2ounces. Attending physician was Dr. Raymond July11,12,13,15&16,1991 W* R«Mrv« th« Right to Limit Quantities ured 21 inches in length. Attending physicians were Drs. Thomas. Russell and Raymond Thomas. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meit- Proud grandparents are Bill and Elaine McCoy of The zen III of Chesterville. Paternal grandparents are Jean Woodlands and Bill and Lynda Appelt of Eagle Lake. Gallaher of Ramsey and Larry Gallaher of Kyle, Tx. Great-grandparents are Lula Miller of Lake City, Ar­ Matemal great-grandmother is Pearl Meitzen of Eagle Buy Our Family Paks and Save More! kansas, Agnese Smith of Livingston and Willie Appelt of Lake. Paternal great-grandparents are Frank Gallaher of Hallettsville. Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gallaher of Lubbock. H)YERLEG The mother is the former Michele Meitzen. Sons of Hermann opening new youth camp QUARTERS STEAKS 10 LB. TRAYM5.9 0 "A"^" The formal opening and dedica­ Stanley Schwertner of Schwertner In January of 1964 ground was broken and Lois Shade of San Antonio. for a 22-room annex, and current 10 LB. BAG tion of a new Hermann Sons youth ^Camp Wanna Read^ News M6.90 summer camp at Comfort will be held In its 37-year history the camping capacity is 91 residents. Some 65 Last Wednesday Mrs. Claudia Mann was the guest learning impairments in society. 10 LB. BAG at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 14, Leroy program has recorded some 60,000 Hermann Sons members, including Muehlstein of San Antonio, grand camper weeks in attendance. In 1990 spouses, currently live at the Alten­ host of the Camp Wanna Read Program at the Winter- For more informatioD about the Camp Wanna ^4.50 BACON ,„'17.90 ^;jjg|5 president of the Order of the Sons of attendance totaled 3,099 at Riverside heim. mann Library. The theme was Camp Tra La La. The Read program contact the library at 234-541L TURKEY Hermann in Texas, has announced. — a record. This season, some 3,600 children learned about sounds and became aware of . HeadUgkt Photo tfJamURttfet That same afternoon, an open campers are expected to attend River­ house will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at side and the Hilltop Camp. WINGS 10 LB. BAG the Order's Home for the Aged cele­ Located on a hill overlooking the N. Lake Missionary Baptist Church lessons for June M.50 [INKS ..«^i5.90 NUGGETS .M.99 brating the 75th anniversary of the Guadalupe River Valley near Com­ completion of the retirement facility fort, the Home for the Aged, also N. Lake Missionary Baptist held leading teaches". Acts 20:28. Beware 5th week: "God evaluates our but never the less, I have some what HORMELPORK for elderly members. called Altenheim, was built in 1915- their mission lessons in June with the of wrong-doing teachers, misleading work". Rev. 2:1-5. God told Jesus to against you. We cannot fool "God" at Both the camp and home are lo­ 16 for $54,675.55. It is believed that theme, of "Evaluation to Strengdien prophets. Read Ez. 13:1-9. Satan is tell tfie angel to tell John to write to the any time because "our witness is in cated on the Order's 303-acre tract this was the first time that any fraternal the Organization", Acts 14:21-27 transformed into an angel of light. angel (preacher) of the church at Heaven" and our record on high. LUNCHEON MEAT .*1.99 bordering the Guadalupe River about group had taken such action on behalf First week: Retracting and Re­ Don't be fooled. He has preachers, "Ephesus", tell them I know your Rev. J.H. James, minister WINGS ..«*8.90 CHITTER— works, you' ve done some good deeds. BONELESS ^''^-^ a mile southwest of Comfort in the of its aged members. viewing the work. "Evaluating our teachers and many church workers. Sis. Inola M. Johnson, teacher PORK '-Z ":•:...: soudieast comer of Kerr County. The castle-like building was dedi­ spiritual life, taking a geographical Believe not every Spirit, but try the Grand Lodge officers, top officers of cated May 11, 1916, in a ceremony survey of ourselves to see how much Spirit by the Spirit Read John 17:17. 'Il'l'lll' Illllllllllllllllll Illllllll I ill CHUCK ROAST ..aM.89 Hermann Sons lodges across the state, attended by representatives of lodges have we accomplished since we've 4th week: "Keeping the right in­ East Bernard Volunteer Fire Department BONELESS members and guests from lodges in throughout Texas. Reports at the time been saved." gredient in the organization", 1 Cor. BONES r..»H.50 LINGS_.™M.90 the area are expected to attend both indicate that some 8,000 members and 2nd week: "Guarding against non- 13:1. "Christian organization is under PIQ ^ ' CHUCK events. guests were at the dedication at which Christian attitudes". Acts 15:1-22. the order of organism." Its foundation 5th Annual Fried CHUCK STEAK ...^1,99 A major fraternal benefit of the Governor James E. Ferguson of Texas Non-Christian's identification is dif­ is "Love". Jesus is the author. Apostle Sons of Hermann, the new camp, and Texas Hermann Sons Grand ferent from a believer. A uue Chris­ Paul said, 'Though I speak with the named Hilltop, was built at a cost of President August Haxthausen of tian has special qualities thatthe world tongue of men and of angels and (do Chicken Dinner \^mo .10 LB. TRAY $17.90 """"'^ $3,250,000 to increase the Hermann Houston were the principal speakers. cannot comprehend. Agapy, love in not have the main ingredient) I am FEET :LM.50 STEAKS 16-lfiOZ.PKG Over the years the average nu mber spite of. becoming as sounding brass or a tin­ CORN DOGS M.59 Sons camping facilities and comple­ Everyone Is Invited!! ll^^lltl ment the original summer camp, now in residence has ranged from 50 to 75. 3rd week: "Guarding against mis­ kling cymbal." called Riverside, opened in 1954 on a plain northwest of the retirement Sunday, July 14 22 Oz. Bottle Detergent 5 Lb. Bag 2 Liter Bottle, Diet Pepsi, 7-Up, Diet 7-Up, home. Red-Red, Nesbitts Orange, Nesbitts Strawberry or Both camps are for junior mem­ Garwood /Nada News By Georgia Michaika Riverside Hall, East Bernard bers of Hermann Sons who are age 9 Serving 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. $4.50 per plate | through 13. The original summer J RED & WHITE camp, dedicated Aug. 15, 1954, can LQUID Shower Methodist Church will hold its Vaca­ 16: E.H. Stienke, Vicky Hyek. 8 UNLITE accommodate some 3,000 campers Fredda Abell was honored by her tion Bible School on July 29 - August 17: David Little. All You Can Eat! PffSH»U each 10-week season. The Hilltop friends with a baby shower last week. 2 for ages three years to 6th grade. The Anniversaries Camp will provide for an additional The shower was held in Janice theme this year is "Share God's Bless­ 5: Mr. & Mrs. David Krenek, Mr. 160 campers each week, giving the Danklef s home and was hosted by ings", with stories of how God's love & Mrs. Nick Casarez Auction: 1 p.m. Games For All! SUGAR Order a capacity of up to 4,600 camp­ Lori Alford, Susan Engstrom, Kate blesses us and how we should share it 7: Mr. & Mrs. Lenhart Swoboda ers. The camps are not co-ed. Girls Labay, Debbie Little, Janice Dan- with everyone we meet 8: Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gold Pot Luck Drawing... will be scheduled at one camp and klefs, Georgia Michaika and Mary The children will enjoy songs," 10: Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Brown Deer Rifle & 2 Color TVs boys at the other. Till. The ladies enjoyed refreshments crafts and activities included in our K 12: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leopold. The junior members will be or kolaches, tea rolls, orange juice, Bible School time, along with the fel­ i 14: Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Bubela Jr. I'liiiiiiiiiimi I I I " housed in five 32-bed dormitories. coffee and a lovely melon fruit boat. lowship of other children. V.B.S. win 17: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bubela. Other Hilltop Camp buildings include The delightful morning shower pro­ begin at 9 a.m. and end at noon each a dining hall and kitchen, arts and vided a great time for Fredda and her day. On Friday, August 2, there will be crafts building, infirmary, administra­ friends to anticipate the blessed event a finale and ice cream social with Fresh Green tive offices, two staff cabins, and a soon to come in her and Robert's life.
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