Remote Youth Groups!!! Parshas Pinchas July 3rd 2021 24 Tammuz 5781 Parsha Summary and Discussion Last week's reading concluded with Moabite and Midianite women seducing Jewish men and enticing them to idol worship. At that point, Phinehas unilaterally executed a Jewish leader along with the Midianite princess with whom he was cohabiting. This week's reading opens with G-d praising Phinehas, and rewarding his bravery by granting priesthood to him and his descendants. G-d then commands the Jews to punish the Midianites by hounding and smiting them. The fulfillment of this command is described in next week's reading. G-d commands Moses and Elazar the High Priest to conduct a census of all males over the age of twenty. The Israelites are counted, and the totals are given for each of the twelve tribes. The grand total of all the tribes combined is 601,730. The tribe of Levi is not included in this census. As per G-d's command, the land of Israel was to be divided amongst all those who were counted in this census. The location of each tribe's portion would be determined by lottery. The tribe of Levi is now counted. There were 23,000 Levite males above the age of one month. The daughters of Zelophehad approached Moses and stated that their father had died leaving behind only daughters. They requested to receive their father's portion in the land of Israel. Moses relayed their request to G-d. G-d agreed to Zelophehad's daughters' request. Moses is then instructed the laws of inheritance. Included in these laws is a daughter's right to her father's estate if he does not leave any sons. G-d tells Moses to climb to the top of Mount Abarim from where he would see the Promised Land before he died. Moses asks G-d to appoint a worthy individual to succeed him. G-d instructs Moses to endow Joshua with some of his spiritual powers and publicly name him as his successor. Mitzvah of the week: There is a positive commandment to sanctify the Shabbos day. We do this both in our prayers and when we say the Kiddush over a cup of wine. What does it mean to sanctify the day? In the Torah, Kedushah, holiness or sanctity, means separation. So in this instance, we separate the day of Shabbos from all the other days of the week. We eat and dress differently, we speak differently, and we can’t do certain things as well. Review Questions ?פנחס Who was .1 [אהרן The grandson of] (does a boy come from? (his mother’s or father’s שבט Which .2 [His father’s] 3. How old must a man be, in order to be counted? [At least 20] ?name his children בנימין How did .4 [יוסף Each name was about] ?זכות still alive? What was her אשר bas שרח Why was .5 was missing, by playing music on her harp יוסף feel better after יעקב She tried to make] […is still alive יוסף and singing that pieces of) נחלות lot) that they used to choose the) גורל happened with the נס What .6 ? ץאֶרֶ יִשְׂרָ אֵ ל land) in [!שבט goes to which נחלה itself called out which גורל The] ?נחלה to get a בנות צלפחד allow the ה' Did .7 [Yes] ?משֶ ה after מנהיג to be the next יהושע pick ה' Why did .8 [משֶ ה and serving ּתֹורָ ה Because he always learning] ? נביא Who was and always will be the greatest .9 [משֶ ה] ?קרבנות What do we do instead of bringing .10 [We daven] Harder Questions Why was Pinchas not originally a kohen? 25:13 - Kehuna (priesthood) was given to Aharon and his sons (not grandsons), and to any of their descendants born after they were anointed. Pinchas, Aharon's grandson, was born prior to the anointing. Why was Moav spared the fate of Midian? 25:18 - For the sake of Ruth, a future descendant of Moav. What does the yud and hey added to the family names testify? 26:5 - That the families were truly children of their tribe. Korach and his congregation became a "sign." What do they signify? 26:10 - That kehuna was given forever to Aharon and his sons, and that no one should ever dispute this. Why did Korach's children survive? 26:11 - Because they repented. Name six families in this Parsha whose names are changed. 26:13,16,24,38,39,42 - Zerach, Ozni, Yashuv, Achiram, Shfufam, Shucham. Who was Yaakov's only living granddaughter at the time of the census? 26:46 - Serach bat Asher How many years did it take to conquer the Land? How many to divide the Land? 26:53 - Seven years. Seven years. Two brothers leave Egypt and die in the midbar. One brother has three sons. The other brother has only one son. When these four cousins enter the Land, how many portions will the one son get? 26:55 - Two portions. That is, the four cousins merit four portions among them. These four portions are then split among them as if their fathers were inheriting them; i.e., two portions to one father and two portions to the other father. What do Yocheved, Ard and Na'aman all have in common? 26:24,56 - They came down to Mitzrayim in their mothers' wombs. Why did the decree to die in the desert not apply to the women? 26:64 - In the incident of the meraglim, only the men wished to return to Egypt. The women wanted to enter Eretz Yisrael. What trait did Tzlofchad's daughters exhibit that their ancestor Yosef also exhibited? 27:1 - Love for Eretz Yisrael. Why does the Torah change the order of Tzlofchad's daughters' names? 27:1 - To teach that they were equal in greatness. Tzlofchad died for what transgression? 27:3 - Rabbi Akiva says that Tzlofchad gathered sticks on Shabbat. Rabbi Shimon says that Tzlofchad was one who tried to enter Eretz Yisrael after the sin of the meraglim. Why did Moshe use the phrase "G-d of the spirits of all flesh"? 27:16 - He was asking G-d, who knows the multitude of dispositions among the Jewish People, to appoint a leader who can deal with each person on that person's level. Moshe "put some of his glory" upon Yehoshua. What does this mean? 27:20 - That Yehoshua's face beamed like the moon. Where were the daily offerings slaughtered? 28:3 - At a spot opposite the sun. The morning offering was slaughtered on the west side of the slaughtering area and the afternoon offering on the east side. Goats are brought as musaf sin-offerings. For what sin do they atone? 28:15 - For unnoticed ritual impurity of the Sanctuary or its vessels. Why is Shavuot called Yom Habikkurim? 28:26 - The Shavuot double-bread offering was the first wheat-offering made from the new crop. What do the 70 bulls offered on Succot symbolize? 29:18 - The seventy nations. Parsha riddles: 1. In this parsha, what letter is written in a way that would usually render a Torah scroll invalid? The letter vav of the word shalom (Numbers 25:12) is split. Although this would ordinarily render the entire scroll invalid, in this instance it is required (Talmud - Kidushin 66b). 2. Which Jews mentioned in this parsha died in the desert on account of their sins? (7 people) Zimri (Numbers 25:14), Dasan and Aviram (26:9-10), Korach (26:10), Nadav (26:61), Avihu (26:61) and Tzelafchad (27:1-3) all died in the desert on account of their sins. (Additionally, Moshe and Aharon died in the desert due to their actions at the "waters of Meriva" -Numbers 20:12.) 3. Which two first cousins have the same name? One of the sons of Shimon (Numbers 26:19) and one of the sons of Yehuda are both named Zerach. 4. Which two of Yaakov's granddaughters are mentioned in this parsha? Serach the daughter of Asher (Numbers 26:46) and Yocheved the daughter of Levi (26:59) both appear in this parsha. 5. In this parsha, regarding which two people does the Torah state that they died in the land of Canaan? The Torah states that the two eldest sons of Yehuda, Er and Onan, died in the land of Canaan (Numbers 26:19). 6. In this parsha, regarding which group of people does Torah state "they did not die?" The Torah states explicitly that "the sons of Korach did not die" (Numbers 26:11). 7. In this parsha, which verse contains the names of 11 different people? These names all appear in Numbers 27:1: Tzelafchad, Chefer, Gilaad, Machir, Menashe, Yosef, Machla, Noah, Chagla, Milca, Tirtza. 8. In this parsha, what law is Moshe unaware of, leading him to consult with Hashem about what to do? What other three laws in the Torah does Moshe not know? According to the simple reading, Moshe did not know which relative inherits a person who dies with surviving daughters, but no sons (Numbers 27:5). Elsewhere in the Torah, Moshe did not know (1) the laws of Pesach Sheni (Numbers 9:6-8), (2) the punishment given to the Shabbat wood-gatherer (Numbers 15:32-36), and (3) the punishment given to the one who curses Hashem (Leviticus 24:11-12). Only regarding inheritance did Moshe actually ask Hashem; in the other cases Hashem informed Moshe of the law as soon as it became clear that Moshe did not know it.
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