ronmental component has also been estab- lished. People descended from Scandina- vian countries and colder climates in gen- eral have been reported to have a higher The overactive bladder in incidence of multiple sclerosis. This debil- itating neurologic disease affects 1 of 1000 multiple sclerosis Americans.1,2 Most patients present in the most productive years of life, therefore JARAD S. FINGERMAN, DO making multiple sclerosis even more dev- LEONARD H. FINKELSTEIN, DO, FACOS astating. Multiple sclerosis has been related to an autoimmune attack on the myelin-pro- ducing oligodendrocytes of the central nervous system, causing demyelination of Multiple sclerosis is a common neurologic disorder that often affects the genitouri- the affected nerve. Although there is nary system. One of the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis is the hyper- preservation of the axon, this demyelina- active bladder. These patients will have symptoms that may affect their lifestyle, such tion results in decreased conduction as urinary incontinence, urgency, and frequency. They may also suffer from debil- through the nerve. The demyelination itating urinary tract symptoms, such as frequent or recurrent urinary tract infections most often affects the posterior and lateral and also on occasion, damage to the upper urinary tract. Fortunately, the neurogenic columns of the cervical spinal cord, but the bladder dysfunction associated with multiple sclerosis can be treated with a reasonable lumbar and sacral cords as well as the chance of success. With proper treatment, related symptoms may be brought under optic nerve, cerebrum, cerebellum, and control, allowing the physician to concentrate on the more debilitating aspects of this brainstem are also commonly involved. disease. The clinical course of multiple sclerosis (Key words: multiple sclerosis, overactive bladdeer, urinary incontinence, is one of relapses and remissions with dis- urgency, frequency, parasympathetic agents, anticholinergic agents, oxybutynin tinct neurologic deficits related to the var- chloride, tolterodine tartrate, propantheline bromide) ious regions affected. Bladder overactivity or illustrative purposes, we describe determined by bladder scan revealed 20 Bladder overactivity is a common disorder. Fthe case of a 36-year-old woman who mL of fluid. Serum chemistry studies It is characterized by involuntary detrusor was seen in the urologist’s office com- revealed normal renal function. Findings contractions that may occur spontaneously plaining of urinary urge incontinence. on renal ultrasound examination were or may be provoked (such as by rapid Three years earlier, multiple sclerosis was also normal, without evidence of renal filling, changes in posture, coughing, walk- diagnosed after she had had visual changes scarring or hydronephrosis. ing, and jumping) while the person is and ataxia. Flexible cystoscopy and urodynamic attempting to suppress them. The over- History revealed that she soaked three evaluation (Figure 1) revealed a first sen- active bladder is referred to as unstable to four pads a day, with significant social sation to void at 30 mL and an uninitiat- when the etiology is nonneurogenic, and impact. Occasional stress incontinence ed detrusor contraction at 80 mL. There as hyperreflexic when the etiology is neu- occurred in which a cough or Valsalva was no involuntary sphincter contraction rogenic. The term overactive bladder refers maneuver would promote a complete mic- at the time of detrusor contraction. These to the storage phase of the bladder only, turition episode. She was able to ambulate findings were consistent with bladder not to micturition (the voiding phase), without significant difficulty, so there was hyperactivity without detrusor-sphincter and is diagnosed by the filling cystometry minimal functional component attributing dyssynergia. phase of urodynamics.3 to her incontinence. The patient was started on oxybutynin Unlike other human visceral systems During a recent hospitalization for chloride (Ditropan) therapy (2.5 mg oral- that require an intact autonomic nervous rehabilitation, an indwelling catheter was ly three times a day), and she was followed system (such as the gastrointestinal and placed and later left in place to control up closely for evidence of urinary reten- cardiovascular systems), the lower uri- her socially debilitating incontinence. tion. She was placed on a timed voiding reg- nary tract depends partly on the voluntary The initial urologic workup revealed imen five times a day. Although her incon- central nervous system to function in the normal findings on urinalysis and negative tinence resolved, close follow-up revealed storage and evacuation of urine. Micturi- culture. Postvoid residual urine volume an increased postvoid residual urine volume tion is under voluntary control and of 100 mL, which eventually normalized. depends on learned behavior that develops She is presently continent with oxybutynin during maturation of the nervous system. From the Department of Urology, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM), and is catheter free. Damage to the brain and spinal cord can where Dr Fingerman is a resident. Dr Finkel- induce bladder overactivity by reducing stein is president and chief executive officer of Multiple sclerosis the parasympathetic inhibition that nor- PCOM. Multiple sclerosis is the most common mally allows the bladder to fill. It has also Correspondence to Jarad S. Fingerman, DO, Department of Urology, 4190 City Ave, neurologic disorder in the 20- to 45-year- been noted that damage to the inhibitory Philadelphia, PA 19131-1695. old age group. There is a 2:1 female-to- axonal pathways in the spinal cord can E-mail: [email protected] male predilection, and a genetic and envi- lead to the emergence and unmasking of Fingerman and Finkelstein • The overactive bladder in multiple sclerosis JAOA • Vol 100 • No 3 • Supplement to March 2000 • S9 by the fact that the urodynamic findings change as the disease waxes and wanes. As the majority of patients have over- active bladder contractions, the inconti- Flow rate nence associated with hyperactivity may (filling) represent the most socially disabling symp- 5 mL/s tom of the disease. Aside from the social aspects of bladder overactivity, it is imper- ative to effectively treat the neurogenic Vesical bladder and the resulting urinary tract (bladder) pressure infections. Many patients with multiple 10 cm H O sclerosis are treated with immunosup- 2 pressive medications, and these infections can lead to devastating complications and sepsis.8 It is therefore quite important that Abdominal pressure physicians diagnose and treat these dis- abling and potentially dangerous condi- 10 cm H2O tions. Treatment Detrusor As already mentioned, the wide array of pressure 10 cm H O urologic symptoms and abnormalities 2 associated with multiple sclerosis poses a therapeutic dilemma. Each patient must have a specific treatment plan aimed toward his or her own objective urody- namic abnormalities. It has been noted Figure 1. Cystometrogram indicating detrusor hyperreflexia. First sensation to void recently that as many as 73% of patients at 15 mL; urgency to void at 34 mL; bladder capacity, 65 mL. with multiple sclerosis without undergo- ing urodynamic evaluation were treated inappropriately.7 As stated earlier, the primitive spinal bladder voiding reflex- patients with multiple sclerosis had detru- majority of patients with multiple sclero- es.4 Upper motor neuron lesions affect- sor hyperreflexia as the primary urody- sis will demonstrate detrusor hyperreflexia ing the genitourinary system can result in namic diagnosis.7 This hyperreflexia com- on cystometric evaluation, but some may bladder hyperactivity and hyperreflexia. monly manifests symptomatically as demonstrate the opposite. The hyperreflexic bladder is one of the urgency, frequency, and generalized “irri- The goals of therapy of the neurogenic most common symptoms of multiple scle- tative” symptoms.7 Very often, there is bladder in multiple sclerosis are conti- rosis. Lower urinary tract symptoms occur associated sphincter dyssynergia, defined nence and, when sphincter dyssynergia is in up to 90% of patients with multiple as simultaneous contractions of the blad- present, reduction of residual urine. A sclerosis at some time in the course of their der and urethral sphincter. This dyssyn- high residual urine volume may cause cys- disease.5 They occur primarily because the ergia can lead to more serious complica- titis, and the upper urinary tract is at risk. neural control system for the urinary blad- tions, as the unstable bladder will contract The use of indwelling urethral or supra- der is distributed throughout the central against a closed urethral sphincter. It can pubic catheters should only be the treat- nervous system. Therefore, clinically, mul- be stated with moderate assurance that ment of last resort, as indwelling catheters tiple sclerosis can manifest itself urologically any patient whose symptom complex con- produce chronic irritation and predispose in many ways. sists of hyperreflexia with an increased the patient to infection, erosion or stricture postvoid residual urine volume has evi- of the urethra, bladder stone formation, Clinical relevance dence of dyssynergia. and possibly malignancy. Between 50% and 90% of all patients The urinary tract symptoms associated Because of acetylcholine-induced stim- with multiple sclerosis complain of voiding with multiple sclerosis vary widely.
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