MONDAY, SBPTBMBHR16, X966 The Weather A f i t « f « HtSlj N «t P n m Run fW r wMh MOM 4oc Uito to- Wmi n« «Mk BiM. i^gut to ««rty motnlnc. Low n TWBHTY flancltrstrr Ewtitog fm li . ABPHin.lNB to « . Todmitow mosUy maaeg, oooHiMMd piMau*. BMh 18 to M. 14,450 Mwtcfc—twr' i4 Cky of Vmogo Chtrm m 9tm t o PRICE TEN CENTS Anderson-Liftle iiAMCHlErrrat, c o n n ., T u e s d a y , sEPTEMnsn i t , i s w VOL. LZXXVn, NO. M6 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Kennedy with HHH In Boston Hranday Judiciary Unit OKs Fortas; Marines Hit BOSTON (AP)— $en. *d- ward M. Kennedy, D-Masa., win campaign with Vice Preaidsiit Hubert H. Humph­ rey here Thursday. It wHI bs B y Barrage Kannsdy’B first campaign appaaranos with ths Dsmo- oratlo prssidanaial nomlnse. Senate Filibuster Looming SAIQON -n orth Viet­ In. The Marines appartnOy ware caught before they ooUld Ths ■snator’s Wakhlngton namese trbdiw caught a column offios said Monday that Ktn- of U.S. Marlhto^as the Leather- gat their foocholts dug. WASHINGTON (AP) — U.8. hellooptara and artillery nsdy wm introduos ths vlos neolos were'Urging In for the prssidsnt at a lunoh hour Abe FOitM' nominAtkm to night Monday, kffled 88 and and mortara pounded the North Vlatnamoeo postUone, but the raUy In ths downtown shop­ be cMef Juatice won the sp- wounded 188 with more than 800 ping dlstriot. provBl of the Senete Judlci- mortar rounds and a hall of Oommunlsta kept up llw attack small arms tire. until 6:10 p .» . More than 160 sry Committee todsy, bat The Amerloans struck baok rounda were fired Into the Ma­ ftai feced sertoue ’trooble in with mortars, artillery and hell- rina pealttona before the bar­ the Senete ttsdf. oopter gumdilpe. The Marines rage stfbalded. HHH Pledges TtM oonnnlttse veto was 10 to repotted ST of the enemy killed Two hours later, the North 8. in the KMiour fight four mnec Vietnamese renewed their mor^ The battlsground now dtifts to south of the central part of the taring, and an- hour later small Drive Against the Seowte, where a flUbostor la demlUtarlMd sons. arms fire crackled around the thrsatansd sgalnat eoBfirmlng The Marines were from the Marine perimeter. the nomlneitton. 88th Regiment, the defenders of The attack didn’t end unUI The outoome 1s la doUbt. R Khe Saidi who held out against 1:80 a.m. today. Crime^ R iots takas a two-thltda majority of ssnaton voting to eheks off a fl- a 77-day Oommunlst stege last glatUor Monday, at least 4 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS winter, and then abandoned that Viet Oong were kUlad when they Ubwtor tor putting a 4 sbato-Um- outpost. The casualties Monday tried to overrun a small U.8. ar­ Demooratlo osndldata Hubert Iting dotura rule hito eftaot. were oompurable to those on the mor and infantry baa# not far H. Humphrey, declaring "the Onponento, who taOhide lU - worst days at Khe Banh. from the amburii site. Two riots wm be stopped," has puweans and Soothsni Dobi» The first North Vietnamese srats, dalm they have the vetos 7 American soldiers were killed promised to forge a federal, SAEE barrage pounded in at 8:80 p.m. to keep the deW e going and and five wounded, a spokesman state and local govemmont at­ Just as the Marines were mov­ said. peihapa enough to detaat ttto ing Into defensive positions for The action took place five tack on crime and oivU disorder nomination outright, which the night, one of the mort If he wins the presidency. would require only a slinpls ma^ 'A tremendous selection of vuInenUe spots troops van be (See Page Ten) RepubUoan candidate Richard Jorlty. M. Nlxoa meanwhile Monday, ghrtas, an aasoeiats Justtos on said drug use Is "decimating a the Simreme Court, was m n l- generation of Amerloans” and natad by Presidsnt Johnson REGULAR ^30 j proposed a program to halt Juno 36 to suoosed B atl Warren Polish Queen Crowned Rise Averages $84 drug traffic and rohabmtate ad- ae oMst Justtos, Johnson accept- Ml— caienrl Liynn Andemm, right, daughter o<IBr. richly patterned fall iSlotSf od warren’s rstirement sffso- DooaldRAnderson of 92 Timber . Third party oandldato Osoigs ttve on ths oonfirmstion of a of the FoUBh Wopien’s Alliance, District 8, of Uie State of O. Wallaoe said hs wm an­ suoesasor. OonnecUcut, yeeterday afternoon by I S ? President Blasts nounce his vice presidential i n ­ Ths motion in oommlttoe to tanra Oletelnild, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. O l ^ ning mate In the next few days, report Fortas* nomination ta- of 65B W. Middle Tpke. Members of the Queen^ c o ^ SPORT COATS and he said both the RepuMloan voral^ to the Bonato was made wenes^ of >^«town. and Demooratlo candldatea by Ben. Osorgs A. Sraathsrs, D- t e n » of Meriden, Miss MaiMm F u r^ of "are beginning to sound like Fla. and Miss Sophie Farycs, Miss KHalne Eosa, ai^ Auto Price Hikes ms." Voting for It, In addltton to KMiol. an oTaartford. The queen and »>« fo ^ 7 ^ Within hours after ChryslO Humphrey's pledge to stop the Smathsrs, wars Bans. ThooiM pate In the Fiflaekl Day Parade Sunday, O ct IS, in Hartford. DBITROrr (AP) — Prealdent riots -oame in a statement in J. Dodd. D-Conn.1 PMlto A. TfflS WEEK Johxwtoo today oritiolsed Cluys- •onouneed the price increases wMoh he endoreed S4 reoom- Hart, Ddflob.; Edward M. IB ^ Iw O otp.'for the higher price Monday, the prioea were critl- mendatlons drawn up by his nsdy, D-Msso.; BIrOh Bayh, D- MyaUc Review, Noftk Amert- olsed by WMte House econo- can Benefit Asaodatian, wlH OfNLY ta fi which It posted Monday on special task fores sad osUsd for Ind.; Quantln Burdlok, D-ND.t Its now IfN care. mlste as "a seveiw setbaok to an "honsat. oltar disouaslon” of Jossph D. Tydlngo, D-Md.| Bv- About T oivd meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Odd ths cause of price stability." Manchester Lodge of Masons wtowm Hall. After the meet­ The President, In a statement ths crime and disorder problem. arstt M. DUtesen, R-m.l Roman "If it bsbomes the pattern for ‘ "TMa is not a time for fear- L. Hruska, R-Nsb.; s^ Hugh will meet tomorrow at 7 dO p.m. ing, there will be a Utchen ao- issued by the White Hduse, said the industry," Presidsnt John­ at Temple. The Master ,-i«i for membere and gueata. Superbly tailored sportcoats of that-if other auto oompantea fol­ son’s Ooun^ of Elconomla Ad­ mongsrlng, slogans or empty CAP yiMtotas) Boott, R-Pa. Meson degree wlB be conferred. Kefteriunenti will ba aervad by low suit and rails prioss. It promises,” Humphrey said. VothM against w trs Ohair- l^fine im p^ed virgin wools. visers skid in a statsmsnt Mon­ "Thess taotlos can only load to An esttaiatsd 16,000 teadisrs, parents and other M— Basel Fahey, president, would cost Amsrioan oonsumers day, "It would cost the Ameri- man Jamas O. Eastland, D- The Newcomers CtUb'of the and her committee. Membere $780 million. national dlsaatar." supporters encircled Olty Hall in New York yester­ Mtos., and Bans. John L . Mo- oan consumer 8760 million." HU program inoludsd federal Hsncbester TWOA wlH meet to- are reminded to bring eetleiee Ks said Ms Oablnst Oommlt- Ohrysler said the Inoroase av- asllan , D-Ark.s Sam £• B fito alocrow at 7 JO p-m. at Mbtt's for the aodal. tss on Prlos BtablUty "has In- funds for better paid, trained day for a mass rally In support of the current Jr., D-N.O.; a ra m L . Fong, R- eragad 184 or 3.8 per cent above and equipped local poUoe; N- Treaty Approved Hawaii; Strom Thunaond, R^ Ounmnnhy BaB. E. MkhBe formsd ms that tbsra is abso- the current manufacturers sug­ teachers' ■trike./'l^w York Mayor John Lind- Tpte. The meeting U open to ■n»er Grouq? of Second Oon- COMPLETE EXPERT ALTERATIONS luUly no exouss for ths Chrya- "l^gMy-tn^od, highly mobile 8 .C., and Howard H. Baker jr . gested retaU price. units which can act tmmsdlata- ggy was pot at Olty Hall at the time. iieweoeaete to the area. gregational GburCh vrtH meet to­ AT NO CHARGE OF COURSE Itr aotkm and that this prlos in- An AssoeUUd Press compute- R-Tsnn. morrow at 8 pm. at the home orsaas should not stand." ly to Bt^ dvU dlsordsn in tbalr Ths only .shstiA msrotoer U Uon put the average prlos of early stages," and fsdsria law By Sepate Committed tbs oomxnlttas was iSD. ■dward of Mrs. Michael Keroptan, ?i C aw yi^s ITS dUterent -1888 Baldwin Rd. eMBNsiftsftt toohMqus assUt- W, Loiw, D-Mo„ a supporter of anos teams to respond to loosl WAgmNOTON (AP) — The Uy beoatwe of tha Bovtot-lsd in- 4fl00 Teachers on Joh lU M n CUSSES PrsaUant’s statomsnt (lee Page Ten) vastoo of Ostohodovakla. the noihfeMitton. The PolUfli Women’s Alliance requaats for hslp. Senate BVirelgn Relations Oom- Aoting Obalrman John Spark­ Before the meeting, Bruata f w SB 8LTS ^Matw* wm meet tonight at 7 'JO p.m. "Wo need not follow ths path mlttos today approved a treaty tdd a rsportsr that although to of blind repression and oountar- man, D-AU., said he hoped the at the Polish <8ubbouse, Clinton to halt the spread of nuolear Senate would act during the cur­ would vote to report the n o ^ vlolenoe wMoh only tends to In­ nation to ths Ssnats, to vm am 8t crease loaa of property, toes of weapona u d sent It to the floor rent session of Congress on the NYC School Strike nonprMlferation treaty.
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