Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & University Archives The Eastern Echo 1916 The orN mal College News, February 4, 1916 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.emich.edu/student_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "The orN mal College News, February 4, 1916" (1916). EMU Student Newspaper: The Normal News & The Eastern Echo. 479. https://commons.emich.edu/student_news/479 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & The Eastern Echo by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' w-s The Nortnal College Ne/ VOL. J3 YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1916 NO. 18 TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE E NJOY 1 ARTISTIC PROGRAM INTERCLUB IS TUESDAY MURRAY WINS GAME ENJOYED SATURDAY ----- IN THE FINAL SECOND Fl RST EVENT OF ITS CHARACTER ASSOCIATION'S JUBILEE BANQUET WILL OCCUR IN NORMAL WITEK-MALKIN TRIO P, RESENTS HAL,LAT 7:00 FIRST TIES SCORE AND THEN DELIGHTFUL 1'.UMBERS OF TOSSES BALL THRU FOR THE WELL ARRANGED PROGRAM IS A CHAMBER MUSIC !N The first debate ,1e-t wel'n boys anu DECISIVE COUNT SORORITIES ARE IN SEQUEL TO DELIGTFUL SUP­ AUDITORI UM PER AT CHURCH FRI- --�- girls in .the history or the Normal Col- GAME IS ROUGH, PARTICU SYMPATHY WITH MOVE DAY EVE i lege is to be held in Normal H.all Tues- LArRLY A concert of ·grer1t mmediate pleas- THRUOUT THE SECOND PERIOD a a d a day e1·ening. 1,'e bruary 8 at , : 00 J). :m. ure nd l sting e ucative v lue as t a i a w 'Phe sulbjec chosen for deb te is, Re- SUNDAY'S MEETINGI WILL BE i i Parsons Stars for Visitors MEMBERS OF SOCIETIES VOICE that g v,en fo Pease uditor um for so1 1-�d : .t hat mmigration shall be fur­ on Long SENTIMENTS ON MATTER AT < Shots; This Week's Program ADDRESSED BY PROF. LAIRD patrons of ,the Normal Concert course ther res tricted by a litPracy test. The Will COUNCIL MEETING TUES­ a i Include Two Games ; Alma Here i s test to be the one proposed by last DAY EVENING by t he \Y itek-M lkin Tr o, two olo ar- This Evening lists of the Boston Symphony O rches­ Congress. a Mrs. Burton's Talk at Last Week's ses- a i ·Messrs. Lindow, Schindler and Sen- a i Discussion or thP propo,;ed pl n of sion Proved Interesting From Speak- tr'.l and pian st of Mglt rank, who . ,y Saturd y n ght's rough g,ame wil:ih a a a i e of the Lincolni •club will speak on economy in the winter p rties, with er's Long Association with the lnsti- presented a progr m of cl ss c cham- the a ffirmative s de of the question. Ohio Northern resulted in a 20-18 vic- a view to c·outi·ibuting to tlw Belgian tution l a t l ber music in a masLerly manner. As The :Miss.es \Toore, Anderson,v aml tory for the loc ls and ,proved he c os- t t t 1 elicf fund, was held at tile meeting of i d i e. was expec.ted,a the ensemble playing of \Verner will efend1 he negat est contes staged here thus far his e onng 'vV omeJ1's Chr stian As- a i a i thet Soiori!y < mm eil Tuesday evening, 'l'h Y the three rtist's was almost fla:wless. L ,promises to be a very lively and a it a a a i al I a i se son. Unt l the l st m nute of play, bu no <·oneertNl action resulted. sociation .feels t.h t s b nquet w s 1::>'ttpel'l> techn que, in. tellectu grasp • interesting <le b le. Everyfl)ody s wel- a i t · ' i t d , the te ms were t ed, and i was Mur- t]10ug I 1 sovera 1 01· ti1 c soc·1p t1 es repre- de'C clecl success, since it was a ten ed o[ the deeper meanings of the composi- come. i t a t d at a I ------- ray who, scntcll expressed their intention of h --- in tnie clos ng hree seconds, y bou two h nndi,e .an,d twenty-five lions, symp,atheUc interpindret,ividioualrt' g in- contributing. Among this number i a ro lled the ball t of ts members nd friends, who were ed by long co-operation,a a tone thru for the decisive were l1<:' Delta Phi and 'T'n�ble Clef, t• ia tic great e DELIGHTFUL R[C{TAL tally. i a i s n tt production of b utiy, nd sensi- aen hus over the pleasia g men i i i a t i i :c>nd st ll others reported etivity n tive d scr m nation o.f music l values aCl-1ead dre:w firs blood, g,a n 11g two nd the exceBenta progr m. a i a i the s?.me direc tio11 but along other T o e rwom -all these qu l ties m rked the en- GIVEN BY MR. RIED ER b askets in the first few m nutes or he banquet w s is erv d by the - n lines. s mble num ers. The Beethoven Trio pl y. The scoring then started en of the Method st church riu their e h ----- in o There is a possibility lhat the ten church Op. 12,1 was interesting more from botha si-des, and the close of the half d d dining room. GANIST IS d olla1· :· 011tribution ple ge by three h r , the diversity of the composer's moods TALENTED YOUNG OR s ,w tlle count 13·9 ·for 1Jh e Normal. a a t W en the guests werea readya to be t organ zatic11s. s a1 nouneed l s week, e t , n , than for its intrinsic conten , but these MASTER OF INST RUMENT IN I n eth se,con d , which was 1 t s atedd heyit sa g for gir ce a st nza of , one of the may not b� mal1e b.v ill!,but tl1 e socie - "Al h ' T varied so much that they gave op- LAST WEEK'S EV ENT · roug l1e st ex!hibitions yet seen a bi e i w Me." h s custom is fiol- i a r i a on the es re all portun ty for skillful sh!ading and AT AUDITORIUM I loc l floor, thre i i11 sympathy witht the move-i lo.wed n the summer conference d n- i i a i . v sitorsti m naged to w -de range of exipress on. The ·l\'[en- ad tie th ngs up, and ment, a fact brought ou in thea d s- ing halr ls. i un l 'Murray'st shot, d ssohn "Tr o, Op. 48, No. l," how- Old ormal hall h a house-warm- the ,ga e seemed likely cussion. Onea sorority devotes part After the !bainquet thed guests s:ang el d N m i o close in a of the time t its s ever, proved an unalloye .delirg\1t. The ing one afternoon last week, when 400 tie. Fouling was conSip cuous on meetingsa to sewing "Oui r Associaii t on," an "Threea Yp i t l d l a a a both l id, grace u melo y, the ea th f l si es, n person l for tthet wart victims, nd aanothera ex- G rls," wh ch is a clever IJ) roi dy on illl!p f w ,:, music overs assembled to he r n d d a ,encounters be­ e s o en f'r the "l1 in " 'D ! ss Hey- [e�liug, !:he rich 'bea,ut_y of tone, the uu- a tween the players were at ttimes immi­ p r work long still I ' hreea Bl d Mici e. hen M i . d hour of ol·g n music provided by Mr. t n d failing cha.rm that 1s ,Men elssohn a a nent.i The fac that o r cl i!Terent, though as yet unannounced, ing s ngi " Fair es Lullaby," andi M ss isaqual1fica­ er especially romine t in this com- H arold Riedf'r. The olo org n g ve ::t t ons occurred thruout t he g me was line. F.Jdnad Fa i nbanks introduced M ss Theo- w e· p 111 a i d i l n v - position, and there were emph s zed goo account of itself und:!r the sk !- due more to the e iency of the refer­ ora Qu ck,i who was a ery success a a d a a t fu.l toastm s>tress. lwith fine taste nd rare skntill. Thea 'eel- ful h nds an feet of the young org n- eel than to any m nifestat ions of gen- lined the o solo in the first moveme w ,s _mem- t eness on the part of he players. 1500-WORD LIMIT SEI .Miss - Helen 1Riysdorpa out d · ist. i n pui,p-ose ·and ide ls of the association orably plawe ; rthe tend·er sentiment . a Parsons, of the Oh o team, a d a da a n terest g pr gr h d been in her toast "What We Are" nd Mis3 of the An nte, t he iry .grace of the I A a m m � m � Mead are tied for the honor of high- t t i i a t sh mus c, fro PROHIBITION ORATORY CONTEST Ger rude Sh,erzer old of the or ·g n of Scherzo nd he floo·d of melody which p rep red of all-Engh i m est number of baskets, with four a­ a i i a a i the works of ohn West, lfred Hol- a LIKELY TO PROVE POPULAR the ssoc ation.
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