WNIDN PUSLK LIBRARV /l-27*0/ Your hometown newspaper serving Canton for 27 years Volume 27 Number 50 Canton, Michigan ©2001 HomeTown Communications Network™ ^ NTH p EH Phone troubles A cheer for plague Join In: Met rill Osmund of the Osmund Brothers fame sings his Cheer Club new so?ig "America" while taping a video for the so fig at the Canton Canton Charter At adem \ generosity homes Our annual Cheer Club brought in money, food, clothing and toys for the Salvation Army's Christmas By Jack Guujdln Si Ali Wit ITKK effort. A tip of the Canton Observ- jglad<l<an£loe.homi»coiii not er's hat goes to everyone who made the trip to our offices in Plymouth. When (.itojj; DcmoiKmlo- moved 11J!< his ni-Vr homo in Central Park suhdivi We'd like to take this space espe- -ion im Nov. 20 cially to thank those who so gener- - two da>< ously gave this year, including 10- bofuii Thanks- year-old Zane Birchler, who gave up giving - he all of his birthday presents in favor was told that vliis telephone of donations to the Cheer Club. service would • Canton - The Simpson family, bo conxioc t* d Bill and Mary Nichols, Jo Nichols, the next d i\ Faerber family, Bentley School N«i\ '21 -onv- Brownie Troop 276, Mrs. Harr's tuno belwei-n noon and i first-grade class at Tonda Elemen- i> nt tary, the Panoff family and the Jose blttt PHI>ro<- BV IJHVAN MlTiMTIL Anticipation: Second Grader "I look iinii' family. In sync: Andrea ITam\andGret(hen Clemon* both Siera 7\t. 8 wait:-, for (he off work to be R Plymouth - Barb and Gordon Ut jailers, dance dunrg the taping of the t ideo for ruieo shoot to begin. tlrcrt-aid Barddeben, Joe and Fran Murawa, tfit *ong "Amenta"sonu by A/cm// Osmond Di mop on los David Baranski family, Bill Carter, an atiornov Willi an office Ellen Jones, Emerspn and Diane in Livonia. > Coates, Hill family, Terry and "Nothing h.ipp» nod 1 called that after- Susan Gronan, Mike and Nancy Canton Charter Academy noon to ljmi nut wiiy the> weren't Riemenschneider, Rosita Smith, the here." Cusumano family, Paul Sincock, For the next two weeks Demopoulos said he had "multiple contacts."- with Arlene Olson, Micala Tafelski, Julie Ameritech representatives trying to get Encelewski, the Modras family, kids sing backup for video his phone service. Peggy and Mike Beecroft, Richard "I called every day/ he said, "They :aume,. Doval and Ben. ^rav. •he 'many of the students at, the kindergarten through'fifth were promising the next day every Tb::- w?.s the reaction of Bobbi Radeck, a parent volun- grade school didn't know much about the Osmonds the ... time I talked to them." Li.: tii' di canton Charter Academy, to an appearance by music director had been telling them about the group. On Dec. 6. 16 davs after he moved in Johnson. Merrill Osmond at the school on Friday, Dec. 14. "The kids liked it," she »aid. "And a lot of parents and 15 days after his phone service E Santa Letters - Also, thanks to Osmond was at the school to film a video and record showed up," was supposed to have been installed, the three dozen families that sent his new song Afncnct' Tin- school" j.lu children -ani Including Radeck, who has two children" at the academy. Demopoulos complained to the Michi- us Letters to Santa and their chil- aiong with Osmund toi tlu. tecordmg -os^uu "The> wen i nl^i ilh'd. she -did gan Public hi'iMce Com mission dren's pictures. Especially this year, Osmond,, lead -singer of ihe Osmond Brothers morded And was Radeck a fan of the Osmonds? She smiled. "Two da*- I m i th»» Jervife was up.' it's good to still believe. the song to iujm* money tor the v.ctim.-" families and "I wa* of Dni'iix he said. those irinnd in the Sept 11 attack*- Ho iho«*e n- lu- Merrill Osmond was also in town to promote the - The Editor charity i' Families* o[ Freedom Fund bpon-mi il In Hdl Wayne County Community College District, which spon- lV>o much demand? Clinton iui Bob Ooie Lu rai-se tduuilion*M -ilu<iar ship sored the Canton event. • After uianv phono (all- te Airientecii dollars 1n» Ju* families and *»urvi\ur-> of the attack* The Canton Charter Academy is at Ford and Ridge roads. and hi- comernalien- with dijft jem pee- y i f vr Judy Tritl en. Wd *c».relurj at the at<-jdeiij> -aid * liiJi- - Jack Gladden Ploas>e wo PHONES, A-4 Celtic style: It's been a few years since Seamus Connolly used to go from Sheldon Place problems headed for court room door to door playing his BY DOUG JOHNSON bw-, Ohio ^aid the companv wj?. -sum'; gins said, but "they had insurance." with NCU No»* Ji) a((oid]n^ <o Mm- fiddle and singing on the STAFF WRITER lJi'Mana Budding ('o of Nom and also (.anion iUorm.\ R»>nn Anmun ^ icp- iav'-« nofe- day after Christmas./B± tho proii-et'- archueitinal firm Malak t( -1'iitmc NCR io« Jlv Mui*ra\ -aid thev n.i\o Lid in< < imp i The owners of nil abandoned Canton with NCR thai th*\ jre <till xn\o-ti- senior citizen high use Sheldon Place, and Associate^ for "breach of contract." CuinntK th» building is con-idortd DeMaria response gating what went wrong, and that their ft have filed a lawsuit in Wa>n" Counrv Darren Mun u <«i I)< Maria -aid lie ma-oni v pub-conti.K.tui hits mutton Circuit Court .ipain«t the project'^ uninhabitable hotau-t «»i kak- nnd cracks. , could not comment directly on the law- involved 'with tit* li own e\p»it« to builder. Tho ar<hiUtturil fiim- namo-ak( i- Mut hut thai thi- fiim V>A- Mill hopim; si-' wImi could ht done I'he cause of Spokesrc mi Patruk Higgtn- hum Apartments/E6 HomeTown dead and tiu i.oiii|)in\ i- deluiut Hi lo- foi a resolution ' I)< Matia h«.>d |<t-L on r At Ho me/CI Life/C5 National Church fte*idencc« in folum- Please* bee SHELDON, A4 Automotive/Ell Jobs/E7 Classified/E,F 0bituaries/A4 Classified Opinions/A6 !ndex Real Estate/E4 Adviser offers dynamic vision for 'aerotropolis' /E4 Crossword/E5 Service Guide/ELO Entertain me nt/Bl Sports/DL BY HUGH GALLtGHtti \nd he will look at vt/aiojrics tor altiacfing international corporate Staff whiter n [email protected]?coinin.not headqumt is "What an tlit fncsor^ thai art ulli Imagine » dynamic mi'lropolis of inateK going ro affect invtstors, pri- high-tech i» dustncs. iu-»t-nr.-1imo vate -ntoi imt'btment ui and around delivery cer i« r- internalional corpo- the ,urpoile«,s he-aid rate headqnatUT> and a ticIi mix of <\eo high-end hm-ls.. it— taurant«. rocie- Current planning ation compli \ ^ and ^hopp:nff 'val's in Mrtwr* Work has already begun on trans • support it. forming the aioa iround the countv s Now imagine this. 2lbt ceiitury devel- Iwo international .uiport- The pro- J opment being an* hored b\ Wa\ne poKed Pinnacle Aeiopark iin 1,^00-ncro mixed u.so projeel in Komulu* and lluroi. Town^Mp is spouted to aliract See Phil Power's column, A7 office, commeuial and hi^n-teth indu-- County Detuut Metiopolitan Airport tual developmvnr hut<l- and an 18- and Willow K in Anport holi goli co'iise i - John Kasarda says Southeast Michi- Komulus. Tfuron Tow'whip Ta>lo»* gan is ready fur an "aerotropolis M Area Trade Corridor Taytof . and W'.ivne ( ount\ li.nt aUo (ontiud Kasarda, lirftlox of the Kenan Insti- Opportunity Sttss ClTschnology, Office td •with McKenn't X'-soti.nrs to draw tute of Priv ito Enterpus-o and distin- tndhivtrlal M| Environmental Zone/Park, Opetf Spooe up a ma-ler plan loi i ' i intr r<iad ' guished proli --or ol managemenf at de\clopment connecting the two on - the Kenan Flagor Bu»mc— Srchool ports Sally £Todg< - Vict president of University oi the North Carol ma. pu- McKtnna As»oc ites, pi evented the sented his Mi-ion to a group ol c»mmu- Future aerotropolis: Thi* Wayne Countx map shows th*' ring road pioposil at the De( 38 mei ting at tho nity and bu-'nt leadi it- Dec 18 al a connecting Metro and Wdlow Run airports and current hind use. < lown Pla/a Hotel jum north of tho meeting org.ini^d the Wayne Counu Department ot Jobs and Economic the ah ports ami lu lp tarifet poienlial how anport- help cut to-ls, inci(.a&»' 'Hie iinj iojd development would ho Development. devclopiM for tin prcpo^d Pinnacle pn»dLKti\U\ md *\pand maikel icach huumled on the east b\ Jnk^ttr Road, Kasarda has signed a $6«i,UOO 1-1/2 Aeiopark ue\»*loprn» ni south of Metro H( -aid hv will he looking at tian— on the west b\ Willow Ruu Airpoxt, oil month contract with Wavm Cuunt\ to A(i]>oir portatmn io^j-tic^ umkxjuII} .it Willow the north h\ Ecorse Road ind oil tho help define a^id imuket dev^lopnit nt Ka&tida -^i« he will be hn»king «? Run wuh it- extensive cargo business 6 53174 10009 2 ideas and busines|| Please see AEROTROPQJUS, A." 'A Vt. w/ i. A2CCL The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2001 Thefts, car damage incidents investigated Handicapped police a computer keyboard had COP CALLS been stolen from the home in Cell phone tak?n Car stolen woman" robbed September.
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