billboard EDITORIAL DIRECTOR BILL WERDE EhiToRiat editor 10E LEVY joe.iewitheil.....tete Deputy editors PRImAdeltohe vinkaddegotieDbillboard.corn.Pay Ptigers rogrogersgibillhonidnan ManeRIDEEditor Chris WOols chriNwOodbethIlhoardcmh Billboard -BD Editor hem Aswad jentasviadObillboarOtom Special Features Editor Thom Duffy thomOuffrObinhonrd.tom executive olrector of content and Programming fur Latin Music and entertainment Leila Coto (Dian* teila.ccimelaillhoardoom exetive Olrector of Content and PrograrliMing Mr -miming and Live entertainment Ray Waddell (Nashville) rayararldellighillanard.com Senior Correspondents Ed Christman (Publishing/Retail) edsMislmanebillboardgoini Ballo (rIlm/TVMMil.galisphillboard.comi Andrew Nampo (Branding) andrewPail .hamppenillhoard.cart Gail WIchell(10)13)gail.mitchellebillboarcl.con, Alm Pt am {Digital) alevinhamebtiiheaMico. senior editorial Analyst Glenn Peoples glennmeopiesabilitomd.min oldie...ries Regd. Omni reNdiedimmetailltoardicom Correspondent Mitchell Peters mitchell.pelersaillimardsom oillhaard en espahol MUMMA, Cantor -Navas judycantoonavasehilltoaritcmh copy editor Chrism -ram chrisladitusehillboard.com Associate editor of Latin and Special Features lustinodguila justino.armilaDhillboartlitoin execNiveAssistantlutbeeditorialrlineCtor Emily Lichtmberg emilyliChtenbergObillhoaniturti Contributing editorotillheud.bi. andYGDOW auRlDibmidreDliimardicoM Internatimmi Karen !Ohs (Canads).rars Braude MUUMUU Ruh SChwartz (Japan), woffeansoanr (Germano Contilhotors DirantePE.1.11aSondlelanratiEVansPrYe, Torn Roland,PaulSeitlimMitherd Sml rte BILLBOARO.COM Editor le. TYE COMER Me.comerMbillboardsonn Managing editor Jessica tetkemann jeSSiCatelkernannOhillhaard.com Dews Mar Marc Schneider marcrthneiderehillImardicorn Pea...Editor Brad Dem bradmeteMblitioardsoni Associate ROW Erika Ramirez erilmircriarecErb'llboard Assistant Editor Jason Lipshutz lasonLiPM.F0DliihoaMicom Social leedia Editor Sarah Daley saraliamaloydabillboard.com Editorial Assistant Chris Payne cbrrtpartlealibillbOard cum Director of Video,Los Angeles Ranch Rosenthal banonirosenthalOilboottcom Director of Video, Dew York Alex Blumberg clebblumbergOhillboard.com country News editor Chuddlauptin churboauldanDihinharn One recent, Pashto. editor Gregory DellICarpiolln ortscrydellicaminiehilltoard.corn successful DESIGN& PHOTOGRAPHY example creative Director ANOREINDORTON andrew.horionobillboard.com of the Photo Director Arne. Halverson amelia.halverscrtahillboardsom AttD Andrew Ryan Art dreelar,011110.1.10,00000dsWN graduation enior Designer Sandie Burke Designer Gilbert Process Assistants hoto editor Taw. BannisterJunior Photo editor Minna Durex is Jason misers RESEMPEN Aldean. Director of charts siLVIO PIETPOLUONGO siiiikimienrotionsnotiiiipardtorn Associate Director of Charts/RetallNeith Caulfield Associate Okada ofCharts/Dadie Sao POO Senior Chart Manager Wade lessen itimegratschrispart country. Gospeii Nashsl Nowhere is the graduationprocess more successfully employed But that doesn't mean it's a good career move. In rock Chart Managers Bob Allen Madscorei Nashvil tea h Caulfield rthe enlboardzoo.Cast,eompnazlons. Opal albums. mime. imeomaencimein,. than in the world of country music, a genre that is producing more and other genres, where radio and fan bases are much Pop Laid. Soundirdcloi L.A.I. Gruger (Social/Streaming). Amy,. tiendimbal ( Latin), Gordon muiray (Comedyttante/Electranic. NewAge.Ringlones, woad). solid arena- and amphitheater -level headliners than any other, more fragmented than country, an act's box-office pow- Dial° Pietroluonso (The Onboard Npnoo, Digital Songs). Rawly Ramirer IRDB/Ilip-Ilop,Reesaeirnist (MAIL imernstiye.chartimat. DeaheeNers ants. Mainstream Top 40.1iodt. Triple A),Alm Sitoslis (Blue, and this year will field more tours by contemporary, radio -active er can be hard to gauge. The clubs are so saturated with Classical. ..ad la, Piano) Chart P.m./a-Dun Manager tab:NO(010n artists than ever in modern history. packages that it's often tough to pinpoint who's the real associatechart Production manager Alerintoulis The mantra of the live business these days is "no one size fits all," draw, though merchandise sales area strong indicator. Billboard Researchalanager Gordon/Carty gordoolniirrayebilltoard.com which balances against a need for venues and promoters for headlin- The root of the conundrum is whether an act can DIGITAL vice Pres Melo of Product,Digital DOUG FERGUSON douggergusongbillboard.com ing talent. In fact, "balance, or lack of it, is the single biggest pitfall pull off an hour to 90 minutes of solid performance-a Director, Product Development Car, Rose Digital Project Manager Joseph Bell any artist, manager and promoter can encounter," says Live Nation "medley of its hits," in some cases. If the act can't, and Manager,Godal Marketing Katie Morse country presidentBrian O'Connell,who has presided over many 20,000 people see that lack of chops, serious career PUBLISHER such graduations, most recently that ofJason Aldean."The idea of damage can result, and that is hard to overcome. TOMMY PAGE ADVERTISINGSPONSORSHIP playing in front of as many people as possible, while still earning a In this case, acts need to focus on becoming bet- Rat...Director, easecoast sales ammo Ordzweilehillboard.bom Director, Special Features and West Coast Sales old Kaneko aKkaneltophillboard.com living, is a delicate issue, but once you get traction, you need to be ter artists and listen to their handlers, who rely on a Cast Coast Director of Sales Jason fang jason-NaneehillboarOcorn east coast consumer Account MMentire Alexandra HMV alevandraiharlaphiMmard.com patient and climb the ladder, one fan, one show at a time." combination of gut instinct and years of experience. east coast consumer Account executive lu Ilan Holguin lortaitholguinlOhillboardicom Deep -pocketed buyers launching festivals left and right don't "You kind of know when they're ready when you see Sponsorship/Business Development Manager Eebeleitarquer cebale.marpuerditilllatiandicom exemliveCirtoorDrandedentertainmentandlittestatedReasidtalayGoldbers jaypoldashOtallboadrom make things easier, for any genre. "All of a sudden, an act that may it," O'Connell says. 0 West Coast Director of Gales Kat Fidler Pah risheremimaardcom West Coast Consumer Account Executive Oani elh Weaver danielle.weaverebillboard-com have two really big singles under their belt is commanding X dollars Nashville Lee Ann Motoglaapbotogl omemaligom TAKEAWAY: While their input is essential, artists need to Cynthia Mellon cmello,comostnet (Touring) in Festival Land, or as the [second] act on a major tour. Are they Europe Frederic Fenucci IredericlenuctiOhillboard-com be artists and let the pros they hire plot big touring moves. Managing Director/Latin Gene Math billboardDgenesmithenterposescom worth X dollars? They are if someone is willing to pay it." Latin america/Miami MardaOlival marc aolivalpyahoosorn Asia-Pacific/Australia Lincla Mat Oh INIOmatiCAMMIgoond.com.ii Classif ieds/Pro Small space Sales ielfrey.serretteObillboarGcom Japan AP Kaneko akidianehoGibillboard.com Digital Account manager ssa Converlini alyssmsonyerlinighhilihnerd.corn Digital Amount Manager Stephanie Hernandez stephaniohernanderebillboardiew Manager of Sales Analytics men some, mrnaDomerObillboard.com VIDEOS VIEWED of the decline had to do with a methodology change in August 2012 executive Assistant/advertIsinoCaordinator Peter Daiwa metiodoeptiiiihierecom Digital Sales Associate Gabrielle Ziegler gahnetle.zieglerathillbOard.com that affected view counts across the board, not just YouTube. 16.7B DIGITAL General Manager STEVEN C. TOY steventdabillboard.com FEB 2012 However, YouTube's view counts have also been slipping since the methodology change-down 13.5% from 15.5 billion views in Au- Manager, AdOps Donna Delmar MARKETING g CREATIVE SERVICES 11.3B gust to 13.4 billion in February. Dice President, itgarketing OOLIG BACHMAN dougbartmlisehillboard-Corn Executive Director, Business Development /I Strategy LILA GERSON [email protected] FEB 2013 Again, there's no reason to panic. YouTube has been quietly shift- Director of Marketing Kerr, Bergman Perridiersmarabilltoard.rom Sources: comScore, Will Richmond ing away from clicks onthe page toward ticks on the clock. For the past ...ling Design Manager NimSrasing marketin.coordinator IUIie COMM year, its algorithms have been tipping the scales in favor of recom- CIRCULATION COORDINATOR ADVERTISING mending longer -form premium videos. As a result, YouTube viewers, Meredith Kahn MINUTES Subscriptions:Call 1300-6/3.11173 on all platforms, are now watching more than so million more hours (LLB. Toll Free); 845-267-3007 IlMernati anal); or mina onsMhillboard.bi, Increase in advertising seen of video per day than they did a yearago,a 50% uptick. In the first six CONFERENCES per minute of videos viewed. Director NiCOLE CARBONE nicole.catonabillboard.corn months of 2012, monthly video consumption on YouTube grew 33%, Associate Director, Operations Juliet Picky juliet.dickeyehlilhparitrorn Operations Manager Elizabeth Hurst blizaheiDhurstiphillhoardicorn from 3billionhours in January to 4 billion hours in June. Marketing Manager Andrea Martin andeagnartioMbillboanicorn Some of that is organic growth as YouTube continues to expand Marketing Coordinator Taylor Johnson taylonjohnsalebillimerd.com its global reach. But it's also the result of the platform pushing pre- LICENSING vice President, Business Development& Licensing ANDREW DIN andrammlnathillhoard.com
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