. DIRECTOR V .J H AMP.:"'HlRE. HYfHE. ~55 l'RIV .4. fE RESIDENT!t. Eartlett Alfred, shopkeeper, Frogham Lewi5 Ohal!, J n. farmer ,North Gorley Cottman Miss, The Cottage Ba:r'tlett ,Tames, farmer, Blissford Lewis John, cattle dealer, Glenfield Downer Albert, Valley view Bedf(}rd Archibald John, grocer, & Parker Charles, farmer, Frogham Else Sidney F. Frogham post office, Stuckton - Penton Bevan, market gardener King Harry, Globe house 1 Ewad Albert, corn & meal merchant, R·Jberts William, cowkeeper, North Long Mrs. Frog-ham grocer & general tltore, H ungerford G.Jrley Park Waiter, High view County Police Station (Sidney C. RJodlhouse Wm. Edwd. farmr.Blissfrd Parker George, North Gorley Gillmore, constable in charge) Sandy Wm. wheelwright, Nth. Gorley Pearce Rev. Thos. N athaniel, Vicarage CG.x Eliz::~.beth (Mrs.}, shopket>per Sevier Charles, baker, Frogham RPad Charles, The Close Deacon J.abez, ·brick maker, Blisaford Shuttler Arthur, farmt>r, Nth. Gorley Thomas Mrs. Hillside Elton William, beer retlr. Frogham 3hnttler Herbt. cycle agt. Nth.Gorley Thorpe .A.rnold Edward, Heathcot[) Gilbert James, dealer, Frogham Thomas Charles, shopkpr. Nth.Gorley Viney Thomas Gould, FlaxfiPld · Grant Charles, Royal Oah. P.H. North Thomas George, farmer, Hungerford Wickham George Norell, Frogham Gorley fh'>rpe Arnold Edward L.RC.P. & S. Hayward Sidney, farmer, Nth. Gorley Edin., L.F.P. & S.Glas. surgeon, COMMERCIAL· Henstridge Thos. farmer, Rlissford Heatbcote Bacon George Waiter, m•arket gar- Ings Tom, farmer, Blissford Whidborne Jn. farmer,Vineyard farm dener, Hyde Common Kenchington George, boot m-aker. ¥ oling Martha(Mrs.},frmr.l'lth.Gorley _Bacon Mark, coal dealer, Hungerford NCJrth Gorley HYTHE is a village and ecclesia~tical paYish, formed COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR NEW FOREST in 1841 from the civil parish of Fawley, and situated PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. ()n the west bank of Southampton Water, nearly op- 1 Hvthe Sub-Division. posite to the 'town of Southampton; the- village is 6 • • from Totton station and miles south from Red- 1 Montagu ol Beaulieu Lord D.L. Palace hou;e, Beaulieu, m'le~ 7 bridge station, both on the London and South Western Southampton, chairman railway, 2 south from Southampton by water and 11 by Cameron Da.vid esq. Forest Hill, Dibden, Southampton land, in the ~ew Forest division of the county, New Catt George Henry esq. Deverill Farm house, Milborn& Forest union, Southampton county court di-st-rict, Lym- St. Andrew. ~landford, Dorset . ington petty sessional division, Dibden liberty, and in Crofton Capt. Su Morgan George hart. Woods1de lodge, the rural deanery of Southampton and archdeaconry _Marchw?oo, Southampton and diocese of Winche;;ter. From the pier, 2,roo feet in I Duon MaJOr Edward T~vers, The H~rd, Hythe length and 4 feet above high-water mark, ·constructed Drummo~J. Andrew Oec1l esq. D.L. Cadland,South:unptn in 1879• there is communication with Southampton by Hobart Slr Robert Henry K.C.V.O., _C.B., D L ste-amboats nearly every hour. The villa!!e is supplied Hobart Lt.-Col. Claude Vere Cav~nd1sh D.S.O. Standen with -water by the Southampton Water Company. The Elms, near Newport, Isle of Wig-~t. churl:h of St. John the Baptist, erected in 1874, at a Turner-Turner Jo~n E~md.Unett Ph1lhpson esq.Beauheu cost of £4.5oo, is a structure of red brick, with Bath ~arry C_.eophas1 e,q. Dib~en, So!Ithampton stone dressings, in the E1.rly English style, consisting rhe cha1r~an_, for the. b_me bemg, o~ the ~ ew Forest of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, west porch, Rural D1s.tnct Cou_ncll Is an ex_-offic10 magistrate and a bell-cot at the east end: the org-an was presented Clerk t~ the Magistrates, Cbnstopher H. H. Candy. in 1897 bv the late J. Fleuret -esq. of Forest Lodge: the 4° & 41 HI~h street, Snuthampt~n . chu1'ch will seat about 500 persons. The register dates Petty Sess1~ns are held at Police StatiOn on the ~ast from the year 1823. The living is a vicarage, ~et yearly thursday m. the mon~h at I0.30 a. m_. ~he followmg value £2oo, with residence, in the gift of thP rector of places are m_clude~ m Hythe suh-divismn :-Fawley. Fawley, and held since I902 by the Rev. Sandford Scobell Hythe, Beaulieu, Dibden. Marchwood, Exbury & Lepe Lessev M.D. of Durham University. Here is a Cnn- . gregational chapel, seating 16o. The Hythe Yacht f Coastguard Statwn, Stephen Rousell, ch1e'f boatman, & Club was established in Jan. 1894: the club house, at 2 men . the end of the pier, is admirably placed for observing Cnuntv Po~we Station, Sergt. Geo. Pa1ce, & I constable the races, and was extensively altered and enlar"ed I Oddfellow,s Hall, John Hayward, sec at the C'lnse of r8g4. Races are held periocl:cally during ' the summer months: the club bur gee is blue. with a TERRITORIAL FORCE. red saltire: there are now (Igii) 120 members, and the ! 7th Batta~ion Hampshire Regiment (detachment of D total tonnage of yachts is about 1,5oo tons. The Qdd- I Co.), L1eut. R. J. Bacon, commanding fellow~' Hall, which stands in the cent-re of the village. 1 was built in r884, at a cost of £6so. and will seat 350 I Clerk to H:vthe Sub-ComrnittPe of the Co. of Southamp- persons. The ,soil is light sand; ~u bsoil, gnvel. The t"_n Local Pension Committee, C. H. H. Candy, 91 chief crops are wheat, barley and oats, also much H1gh street. Southampton pasturage. The area is 6oo acres; in 1gor the popu- Vetp.rin"ry In~pertor undeT the "Disea!'le!l of Animals • lation was 761. Arts" for H_vtbe District, Joseph Andrew Lipscombe M.R.C.V.S. 2 College terrace, Avenue, Southampton Post, M. 0 & T. 0. & Telephonic Expn~ss DeliveTy Office.-Mr~. Emily Martell. !lub-po~tmistress. Letters Elementary Schoof (mixed), P8tahlisb!'d in 1829 & en­ rereived through Southampton. Letter~ delivt>red at larged in 1876 & r8Q4; it wa~ convr-rtr-rl into a Board 7 & n a.m. & 2.30 p.m. Th!'l'e is a m11.il at 5.30 p.m. School in 1R82. unner Fawley Rcbool Boarn. & rebuilt • for callers only. Letter Box doses at 10.5 a.m. & 1.45 with m~•tAr's honse in 1894· at a cost of £z.ooo. k k 7.50 p.m.; sundays, 7-SO p.m will hold 26o children, inrluding -roo infants; average attendance, 200; Edward R HnlmM, ma;::t~r • Ll'ttel' lln-.:: at Pie~!!ate. Collected at 1.40 & 7-40 p.ril.. ; ConvPyRnce. 8teamhoat" to Sonthamptnn (owner, 1nndays, 7-40 p.m J11..s. Percv) nearly !'very hour, from 8 o m. to 8 30 pm. Wall Letter Box. NPw road, cleared 9-50 a.m. & 1.20 & summer; & from 8 a m.- to 6 1:; pm. winter; sun­ 7-30 pm ; sundays, 7-30 p.m da_vs. TO 30 a m to 7-10 p.m ~;nmmer only PRIV.~TE RESIDENTS. Lessev Rev. Sandford Scobell M.D Brownen Albert Christopher. shoeing Banks Edward Mark (vicar). Thr- Vicarage forg-e BiPl M:rs 'Jairne Thomas Graham, Woodmount qD"!;"!'I!l f'hRrlP!'I. pior toll collector Brine Mill'S. Bri"htville P!'rlrer George, A the ling villa ChorrPt FPedPrick E builrlPr ~ CarpPnter Miss, Bedford house Pbilip Rov. John Fredk. M.A. (Cong) C'hilrl & Beal11, phvsiciam; & sur(!eons Carpenter Mrs. Hampton lodge PigP"D Henry, "P'urzed,wn Chilrl G<>r11ld AlfrPd M RC.f:l F.ng-., ChahTIPrs Miss. Laurel cottage Pf1wP11 James, Plyewell L RC P Lonrl. phv"i,..inn & Pllr- Child GPrald Alfred Randall S<tmuel gPOn (fil-m, Child & B<>ale). mPrliral Diclimvm Maior Neville Hope Oa.mp­ llochfort M~jnr R"nry, Woodlands officer & -publ;c vaccinatrn·, Hythe heH D.S 0. Hvthe cottag-e Strong Fl"!!ncis Drake district, New FoTPilt uninn Dixon '\f'!.jor Edward Travers J .P. VVelland Miss. The Grove r,,.,le C"b!l!l pluwher, painter & •!la:r.ier The Hard cmniJrnf'IAL. Elcock Mal'cia & Louisa {Misses)., Fox Mr11 R'lrtlett William (Mr!ii ), apartments 'hopkePper!l Gethin Sir Richard Charles Percy llt>dfo-rd Cecil. plumber EtbArirl!te Sarah p.fr11.). fancy repoa hart. The Grnve Bette.,.idgoe Jaml"s, butcher (}"'""'~" lt<>nrv. "l>uildt>r Heath Capt. Bertie, Sylvan lod!!e R'"~und & Sons, ht1nt & shoe makPrs G!l<ldnH John. D"nmmnnd A"m!l hotel ~umphPry Mrs. Fitzgerald.. Winter~ Brine Geo. A. relieving & vaccination ll"~trl The~philni¥. ph.-.nkt>Ppel' ton hnll pffiro<>r, N n. 3 di~trict & l'l"g'lStrar or HollOW'! V Thomas' H<'rllf"v, iPweller Kerr William JamP~t. Hythl" hnu"e­ births & deaths for 'Fawley sub-dis- j Hosey David, Lm-d Nelson P. H Lermitte Ernest Edwin, Knightons trict, New 'Fore~t nnion .
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