4 The Clinton Republican. YOL. XXXVIII-NO 40. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1894. WHOLE NO. 1,968. LOCAL MATTERS F. F. Murdock was elected a director One Hundred and Fifty Dress**. ▼mace Attain. Motto*. The Republican. of the Michigan marble and granite A preliminary survey is being made Adjourned meeting of the stockholder* The celebrated $1.00 spectacles at Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kneeland, of State association last week. by County Surveyor Clemons, under of the St. Johns Manufacturing Com­ AUison'a. street west, formerly of Bengal, who O. C. VAUGHAN, PuBLltXXK. “H. H. Emmett took our great Star the direction of Messrs. Kniffin, Palmer pany will be held at the office of the have been married for more than Get our prices before yoa trade a dol­ Course audience at 9:10 o ’clock, after ■aid Company in the village of St. Johns, twenty years, concluded to divide up and Hollister, committee on streets and lar anywhere, we can save you money they bad listened an hour to W. H sewers, to find the most practicable out­ Michigan, Thursday, February 1, 1894, Striotljr im AItum , •1.00 their effects recently, Mr. Kneeland to at 2 p. m. D. 8. French , Sec’y. & Trees. 4tf Krkpps , DeWitt & Co. Sherwood ’s fine piano playing, and let for oar sewer system. Lines are be ­ return to the farm, while Mrs. Knee ­ held the throng spellbound until 11 ing run north over the Holton, Daboll All SottlomonU of Paat Due Subsorip land removed her goods ;to the Dell BBITITIII. o ’clock.”—N. Coe 8tewart, Cleveland BUSINESS LOCALS. tloms will bo mad* at tbo rate Power house. and Bristol farms. The village board has 8ter Course. At Newton Hall Thurs ­ taken hold of this matter with a deter­ Millinery at Cost. of II AO Per Tear. Thomas Bromly Jr. went to St. Louis For a good many years Mrs. Knee day, February 1st. Reserved seats at mination to dispose of it at the earliest I am closing out my entire Btock of yesterday. land has had various trunks and box Oar advertliin* rates trt *100 per column per Hunt ’s drug store Tuesday, January 30 moment, and for all time to come. The of trimmed and untrimmed hate at cost. annum. Business notloes Ore cent* per line foi Carl Weller, son of the doctor, has which she has kept locked, refusing to All other seasonable goods at greatly each InMrtlon. Editorial notices, ten cents. Gratiot Journal: "The stockholders committee on streets and sewers is reduced prices for the next thirty days. Business cards, 91 per line per year. bronchitis. let her husband know anything of their Marriage, birth and death noUoes Inserted free. of the First National bank held their contents. In dividing up their goods good one, Messrs. Hollister and Palmer Respectfully, Obituary comments, resolutions, cards of thanks, Attorney Brunson went to Ludington Mrs. L. Canfield . annual meeting on Thursday of last tho trunks and boxes were opened, and being practical engineers, and Mr «to.i will be charged for at the rate of Are cents on legal business Monday. per line. week, and elected officers for the year. found to contain 150 dresees and dress Kniffin a man of expeiience in such Notloe. Correspondence containing local news Issollc- Mrs. Thomas Bromley went to Detroit matters. All %re actuated by a desire to ted from all parts of the county. The new board is composed of R. M. patterns, many of the latter rolled up I will pay highest market price for Anonymous communications not Inserted under Monday to see her father. Steel, George A. Steel, C. E. Webster, J with trimmings just as they were pur ­ give the village the beet service possi Furs, Hides, Pelts and Rabbits at Brown any circumstances. Bros, elevator, 8t. Johns. Nearly a foot of snow fell Tuesday B. Crawford, W. E. Winton, H. E. Lewis ble for the least cost. chased. There was, also, about sixty 40tf. Byron Danley . JOB PRINTING. afternoon and Wednesday forenoon. and O. H. Heath. R, M. 8teel was pairs of new hoee, 27 pairs of new Whatever plan is adopted it will cost elected president and O. H. Heath vice- something to carry it out, and an effort Gur material Is new and of the latest styles, and Miss Stella Coolidge, of Lansing, was shoes and slippers, fifteen pairs of new 50 pairs Buckle Arties to close at $1.25 we guarantee satisfaction, both in prices president The usual 4 per cent, semi­ is being made to vote upon a proposition and Quality of work. the guest of St. Johns friends last week. gloves, ten new table cloths, 40 & At Woodruff 's. annual dividend was declared.” ninety aprons, a number of fans, to raise funds at the coming spring Blankets and Comfortables. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Lewis Whitney, of Lansing, was the The social held at Masonic Hall by parasols, etc. Nearly all of these goods election, and thus avoid the necessity guest of St. Johns friends oyer Sunday. and expense of a special election. It is At my down prices to reduce stock at Radiant Chapter No. 79, O. E. S., was in are new ; some of them were purchased once. John Hicks . ATTORNEYS. Archie Mcllhinny, piano tuner, will every way a success, and netted the a long time ago. a hard time to raise money, hut litiga­ be in St. Johns about February first. stars $21.65. They were the first to hold Mr. Kneeland is a hardworking, ex­ tion and rent will have to he paid for Dr. A. W. Edson, clairvoyant phys- LEWIS SEVERANCE, A. B. ican, of North Lansing, Mich., will be at ^TTORNEY, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. a state and capitol social, and to lead in cellent citizen. He has been a good until this matter is finally settled. Fred Struble was called to Shepard * * Hotel St. Johns Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1894, the grand march which was well husband, and now proposes to make an * last week by the serious illness of bis one day only. Makes a Bpecality of all WM, N. STOCKER, received. Edward B. Krepps drew the equitable division of his property, which The closing of the factory for a few chronic diseases and all female com­ oldiers and comrades , i being one father. of your number, therefore know your wonts first prize, and Frank Valentine the is not large, with his wife. Mrs. Knee ­ weeks has made the employee rather plaints. andS also your rights by law, therfor* respectfully so* Dr. Corbin presented his son Hollis, blue, as there is little chance to get second. Mrs. Linda Vreedenburg drew land is a sister of Reuben Gannon, of Cloaks1 Cloaks t licit your pstronajee In tbo prosecution of claims for of the News, with a fire proof safe for a work of any kind, but Secretary French pensions, back pay, bounty or rations. Also Notsry the first among the capitols and Maud Lansing, formerly of St. Johns. Now is the time to buy Cloaks at your Public. Enquire at Putt’s grocery. birthday present. 28tf , WM. N. STOCKER. Lake the second. The stars thank the CHANGED HER MIND. is hopeful that operations can be re­ own price At John Hicks ’. Miss Gertie Gardner, of Owosso, was public for their patronage. On Tuesday ;Mrs. Kneeland, by her sumed February 5th. Some needed re­ t. H. FKDEWA. H. >. W ALB SI DOS pairs have been made, and while orders Bargains in Spectacles. Eyes tested FEDEWA A WALBRIDGE, the guest of Mrs. Allie Jones last week, Bulletin No. 100, Michigan agri­ attorneys, Patterson & Flynn, filed a have not been what they should be, free. 4tf krkpps , DeWitt & Co. A TTORNEY8 AT LAW, ST. JOHNS, MICH. and attended the charity ball. cultural college experiment station, gives bill of complaint, askiDg for a divorce Xl. Orer Travis A Baker’s. considerable stock has been moved. John B. Sedore, of Grand Ledge, was the result of experiments with eighty and alimony, and for temporary in ­ F. A. Frazell has every kind of music­ ■ • M. FIBRIN. T. K. min. A. J. BALDWIN. junction restraining Mr. Kneeland from ’Tis said that Orpheus was such a master al instruments, and musical merchan ­ killed while hunting last week by the new strawberries. A summary gives the dise for sale. PERRINS A BALDWIN, occupying his home on west State street of the violin that he fiddled his wife ttorneys at law , money loaners accidental discharge of bis gun. following varieties as possessing points out of hades, but it is a question if he All widths linen lace cheap at and Real state Agents. Office over J. J. Bowen, an Ovid grocer, made an of excellence superior to those of the or from removing anything from there WlokesA ’grocery, Clinton Aye., St. Johns, Mich. made as good music as that produced by Sherman ’s Bazaar . assignment to C. C. Taylor last week. average berry, and which seem deserv­ or preventing his wife from occupying EDWIN H. LTON. JOHN C. DOOL1HO. the same. The injunction was granted, the old factory whistle. Couldn ’t collect money due him. ing of a place among the best sorts: * * 100 pairs heavy Socks and Muffers to LYON A DOOLINO, Clyde, Greenville, Leroy, Allen, Feicht, but a motion was made yesterday by * close at cost. Call. Just the thing for ttorneys at law . st. Johns , mich . W. R. Webb, formerly of Oliye, now Office over Kendrick ’s store. 85 tf Stayman, Weston and Yankee Doodle. Lyon & Dooling, Mr. Kneeland ’s The St. Johns Steel Spring Company this snow. 50 pairs felts and rubbers at A of FiBhville, Montcalm county, visited attorneys, to have it dissolved, and the begun operations Monday.
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