JM CENTRE FINAL REPORT Description of the implemented activities The implementation of the project comprise the carrying out of the thin-thank activities, teaching, research and deliverables, including publications, website, etc. the developments of the documentary and library responses. In the framework of carrying out of the think-tank function of the Centre of Excellence organised of 4 Conferences, 1 workshop, 4 round-table debates and 8 lectures of the invited speakers (top-level experts and policy- makers). 4 Conferences 1. The EU in time of multicrisis and its greatest challenges: up-to-date solutions, future visions and prospects Venue: Czech Republic, Prague, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic – (Czernin Palace, the Grand Hall, Loreta Square 5, Prague 1, 118 00) Date: 22. 5. – 23. 5. 2017 2. The Future of the EU and European Law (including Relevant Issues of National Law of the Member States Venue: Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc Date: 19. 4. – 20. 4. 2018 3. The Protection of Human Rights at the Level of the EU (student scientific conference) Venue: Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc Date: 10. 5. 2016 4. Human Rights as a the Part of Common European Values (student scientific conference) Venue: Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc Date: 2. 5. 2017 Workshop 1. New Forms and Methods of Teaching and Education in European Integration Subjects – A Comparative View Venue: Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc Date: 23. 11. – 24. 11. 2017 Round-table debates: 1. The last round table dabate was organised on 23rd March 2018. The guest was judge of General Court of the EU Jan M. Passer. He presented and discussed the topic of Functioning of Two EU Courts, their Relation, Differences and Distinctions from National Courts. The event welcomed students, academics and legal professionals. PRESS releaseavailable here. 1 2. Round table debate with the President of Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic Pavel Rychetský on the topic of Relation between EU Law and Czech Law from the Perspective of the Constitutional Court. The debate was held on 6th December 2017 in lecture hall of Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc. It was chaired by prof, Naděžda Šišková and welcomed the students, academics, representatives of media and general public. 3. Round table debate with the members of the European Parliament Pavel Svoboda and Pavel Telička on the topic European Union at the Crossroads: Where should We Go in the Time of Crisis. Round debate was held on 1st November 2016 in the main lecture hall at Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc. The event welcomed the students of the 8 faculties of the Palacky University, teachers and researchers, Representatives of Czech Parliament, general public, local and central media. The debate was chaired by prof. Nadezda Šišková. PRESS release available here. 4. Organisation of the round debate with the Vice-president of the European Parliament Pavel Telička on the topic The current state and the future of the European parliament by the glance of the Member of the EP. Round debate was held on 3rd November 2015 in the main lecture hall at Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc. The event welcomed the students of the 8 faculties of the Palacky University, teachers and researchers, Representatives of Czech Parliament, general public, local and central media. The debate was chaired by prof. Nadezda Šišková. Lectures with the invited top level experts: 1. Lecture of the Head of the Representation of European Commission in the Czech Republic Dana Kovaříková on the topic “The European Union in the light of actual challenges”, held at the Faculty of Law Palacky University, Olomouc on 28. 11. 2017. 2. Lecture of the Head of the Department of Legislation of the Czech Government Jiří Lenfeld with the topic “The Process of the Creation of European Legislation and its Implemantation from the point of view of Member state”, held on the Faculty of Law, Palacký University, Olomouc 12. 12. 2017. 3. Invited lecture and discussion with the student by Czech Public Defender of Rights (Ombudsman) Anna Šabatová on the topic “The Experience of Public Defender of Rights with the Protection against Discrimination”. The lecture took place in the round hall at the Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc on 16. 4. 2017. PRESS release available here. 4. Lecture by Soňa Matochová, the Head of analytical Dept. on The Office for Personal Data Protection on the topic “Actual Questions of the Personal Data Protection in Europe”. The lecture took place at the Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc on 11. 4. 2017. 5. Invited lecture by Vojtěch Belling, the director of the Section of European Union and International Relations, Czech National Bank was held in the lecture hall of Faculty of Law, Palacký University Olomouc on 6th April 2017. The guest presented a lecture on the topic: “Banking Union and Actual Challenges contected to the reform of EMU”. 6. Lecture of the Soňa Matochová (from the Constituonal Court of the Czech Republic) was held at the Palacky University on 15. 3. 2016 on the topic “The European 2 Judgements of the Czech Constitutional Court and their analysis”. The lecture was adressed to the students of the Faculty of law, Political sciences and Pedagogical sciences. 7. Organisation of the Lecture of Director of the Departmentof the Czech Ministry of Agriculture Jiří Georgiev was held on 12. 2. 2016 at the Charles University on the Topic “Extraordinary measures for solving of the crisis in Eurozone in the case- law of the Court of Justice of the EU and the German Federal Constitutional Court”. Lecture with the discussion was adressed to the teachers and the researchers of the Palacky and Charles University and the members of the Czech Association for European Studies. 8. Lecture of the Head of the Department of the European law of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emil Ruffer held on 12. 2. 2016 at the Charles University on the topic “New procedure for strengthening of the rule of law in Poland and its activation towards the Poland: some legal aspects”. Lecture connected with the discussion was addressed to the teachers and researchers of the palacky University and Charles University and to the Members of the Czech Association for European Studies. Monographs 1. ŠIŠKOVÁ, N., ed.: The European Union - What is Next? A Legal Analysis and the Political Visions on the Future of the Union, Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH, Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln 2018, ISBN 978-3-452-29186-8, p. 350 2. HAMUĽÁK, O. National Sovereignty in the European Union – View from the Czech Perspective. Heidelberg: Springer, 2016, 89 p. ISBN: 978-3-319-45350-7. 3. VÍTOVÁ, B. Zákon o ochraně spotřebitele, Komentář (Consumers Protection Act – Commentary). Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, a. s., 2016. 4. ŠIŠKOVÁ, N.: Lidskoprávní mechanismy na úrovni EU (The mechanisms of Human Rights Protection at the Level of the EU), Wolters Kluwer, Prague 2018 (in publishing) Conference proceeding ŠIŠKOVÁ, N., HAMUĽÁK, O., eds.: Lidská práva jako součást společných evropských hodnot, Sborník ze studentské konference. 1. vyd. Olomouc: Iuridicum, Olomoucense, o.p.s., 2018. 148 s. ISBN 978-80-88266-16-7 (Human Rights as a Part of Common European Values), p. 148 Scientific articles 1. ŠIŠKOVÁ, N.: The Test of the EU Human Rights concept in time of Crisis – some considerations. In: 4th international multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts SGEM 2017, Conference proceedings, book I., volume II., Political sciences and law. S. 803 – 812, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-619-7408-14-0. 2. ŠIŠKOVÁ, N.: Current mechanism of human rights protection at the level of the EU, their pecularities and future prospects. In: International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts SGEM in Vienna 2016,conference proceedings, book 2, volume I, Vienna Hoffburg 2016, 2016, s. 805-814, ISBN: 978- 619-7105-51-3. 3. ŠIŠKOVÁ, N.: Immigration and quotas – some legal aspects. In: International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts SGEM in Albena 2016, conference proceedings, book 2, volume II, Albena 2016, s. 639-646, ISBN: 978-619-7105-73-5. 3 4. ŠIŠKOVÁ, N.: Analysis of the Existing Legal Instruments for Strengthening the Rule of Law – “Nuclear option” or Infringement Procedure? In: International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts SGEM in Albena 2018, conference proceedings, volume V, Copyright SGEM 2018, s. 401 - 406, ISBN: 978-619-7408-62-1. 5. KINDL, J.; PETR, M. Private Enforcement and Collective Redress in the Czech Republic. In: BÁNDI, G; DARÁK, P.; LÁNCOS, P. L.; TÓTH, T. Private Enforcement and Collective Redress in European Competition Law. Wolters Kluwer, Budapest, 2016. 6. POLČÁK, R.; ČERMÁK, J.; LOEBL, Z.; GŘIVNA, T.; MATEJKA, J.; PETR, M.; SCHLOSSBERGER, O. Cyber Law in the Czech Republic. 2. vyd. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law Internationa, 2015, 236 s. 7. BEJČEK, J.; NERUDA, R.; PETR, M.; RAUS, D. Competition Law in the Czech Republic. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2015, 230 s. 8. VÍTOVÁ, B. The nature of the legal relationship between the consumer, the website operator and the merchant when concluding the contract on the discount website. In Conference Proceedings: 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Cnference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2015. Book 2. Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics and Tourism. Volume I. 26.8.-1.9.2015, Albena, Bulgary, 2015, s. 761-768. 9. ŠIŠKOVÁ, N.: Některé právní aspekty migrační krize a možné cesty její řešení ve světle rozsudku Soudního dvora ve spojené věci C-443/14 a C-444/14. (Some legal aspects of the migration crisis and its solution in the light of the Courts Judgement C- 443/14 and C-444/14) in Acta Iuridica Olomoucencia, 3/2016, p.
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