| il]ilfl lllll lll lllll lllll llll llll sN - 715 Version Code i nation, NovJD ec' 2O17 | | I Semester B.Sc-/B.Sc. (FAD!B.C.A. Exam (CBCS) (F+R) (2015'16 and Onwards) CULTURE, DIVERSITY AND SOCIETY Question Booklet Sl. No. 508365 TimeAllowed:SHours Maximum Marks:70 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES that 1. lmmediately after the commencement of the Examination, you should check this Booklet does not have any unprinted or torn or missing pages or items, etc. lf any of the above defects is found, get it replaced by a Complete Question Booklet of the available series. 2. write clearly the Question BookletVersion codeA, B, C, D orE, in the appropriate space provided for the purpose, in the OMR Answer Sheet' 3. Enter the name of the Subject, Reg. No., Question Booklet version code and affix Signature on the OMR sheet. As the answer sheets are designed to suit the Optical Mark Reader (O.M.R.) system, special care should be taken to fill those items accurately. This euestion Booklet contains 55 questions, Part - A contains 40 questions of one markeachand Part- B containsl5questions of two markseach. Allquestions must be attempted. Each question contains four answers, among them one correct answer should be selected and shade the corresponding option in the OMR sheet. 5. Allthe answers should be marked only on the OMR sheet provided and only with a black or blue ink ball point pen. lf more than one circle is shaded / wrongly shaded / half shaded for a given question no marks will be awarded- 6. Questions are in both English and Kannada. lf any confusion arises in the Kannada version, please refer to the English version of the questions. 7. lmmediately after the final bell indicating the closure of the examination, stop making any further markings in the OMR Answer Sheet. Be seated till the OMR Answer Sheet is collected. After handing over the OMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator you may leave the examination hall. MalSdE eda odgah) & dud eoanddQ dnqio,a1d | ilililttilil ]t tililililt]il iltl sN - 715 PART- A Aqrod - o Note :All questions to be answered. Each question carries one mark. dJodd : oen* $d;iddletr$o,rr. de ddf e.odr eod. (1x40=40) 1. According to B. S. Guhathe population of India is derived from ethnic groups. a) Eight b) Seven c) Six d) Five E. Ar,F. rboaddd d-d ?pooUd agd d*rodd)_ ?s6iDoReo$ id:odrlsond. a)8 b)7 c)6 d)5 2. Unity in diversity is characterised by a) Federal System b) Indian Constitution c) Secular Concept d) Allthe above {edddo$O_ addob €r rbeoeld*eoOod doBd a)t*r\a udn u-l d.di b) qDddddoaqnd c) d$r edded*d d) abeOd ae$ta 3. The 24th Theerthankara of Jainism is a) Parshwanatha b) shantinatha c) Mahavira d) Adinatha dd& {ddabrd24de .eefr r odddr. a) aadoroafr b) aogod c) d>aaaed d) eraajDd 4.Tami|,Ma|aya|am,Te|ugu,Kannadabe|ongsto-Languagefamity. a) Austro-Asiatic b) Dravidian _ c) Indo-European d) None of the above daxfu, abeolDdo, der:r{r dq dqd qnddgb_ +rr6E *o.ilou8* deod. a) efro;atalDr^F b) ogad .aod,oe- c) ol>doe.lobor d) abeOd obddo eret_ 5. Dutta Peetha is located in a) Kamataka b) Maharashtra c) Telangana d) Kerala Q.led$ €r uoasrdO_d a) doarod b) abaaoa{ c) deloroeo d) dedd SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A SN 7tS - -4- I tillltil 6. The highest Mountain ililflt ilill iltft ilil lfl peak in India is a) Mount Everest b) c) NandaDevi Godwin Austin d) Gowrishankara ed, TdSoS od .rgdd ddrd aaDd a) dfooo^ro odOxn - b) roa,an c) dooadeO er:Jsdf o; nadUoda* 7. Western Ghats is afso caffed as c) 3ai,?#1""&erro-J#Tndrasiri Neelasiri d) Udayagiri a) dR,q b) ab*eo6no c) oee.:no 8. Basadiare / ry\v'ru d) wdoJ:no the worshipping pface of a) Buddhism b) Sikhism c)vi' ucrrlllsmJainism udarlgb_ d"ld^J,eJieJ. d) Parsis 4 *q* c) 9. Sringerisharada peetha €d& g oa,Rr was estabfished by a) Ramanuja b) c) JYotiba Phufe--??iT":; MaclwaclnrYa d) shankaracharya duorieoo$ oadd aedd$ ar6mrddcb a) oad>dle; c) doree?,D b) a$olzocoe d*J d) dodoazcc$r 10. Bhimsen Joshiis associated with a) Western music c) Hindustanimusic b) carnatic music qlo{r*-< vtd) Ghazal\atti7'21 q:eabdei:u dneAo$ddl^e^ - ^ rl dd&o&atER6D a) ooa.d.ard dohed -- _. ^ b) doar!doaro":r" doAed c) eodromjO dohed, d) 11. ia^t^rr- , t flro"w-,.v- a) Bihu b) Karhak c) Bhangra asdddddrd d) Chhau a)".T ?*rd ndr b)h\ dt'a"r-,* c) epoli d) uod SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A r -5- | ililil illll lll llillilill llll llll sN - 715 12. The races of the North Eastern Indian States a) Dravidian b) Aryan c) Indo European d) Mongoloid qDddd $aod oarrddO- dodrudd xanoddl a) gadd: b) uo3:rdr c )'aod,o e- oJ::doe.l,, oJrqd d) $ortoeenCrd: 13. India follows type of citizenship. a) Single citizenship b) Dualcitizenship c) Multiple citizenship d) None of these qDdd) oegolr oaifoe{rddl docOd. a) ad#ddd b) q dddo - \"/ c) ud> dodd.s d) olnddo ex,l 14.Afami|ywithhusband,wifeandunmarriedchi|dreniscalledas-family. a) Joint b) Nuclear c) Extended d) Blended dod, dods abQ uaaabd $d*dooori aa:rir:d $uuouddl-d>uuou ad>ndd>. a) uaqld d:t^uou b) etm: d>n^rrou c) a4[d d:ur:ou d) zJoda" d:ooou 15. Family is the agency of a) Tourism b) Socialization c) Media d) Industry d>nuou$ d Poloen. a) $aad b) ;odn*eddm c) dnt' ab d) drnaod -. / \'/ 16. The matrilinealfamily of the Nayar is known as a) Gharo b) lllom c) Karnavan d) Tarawad Nao$or idloa o$d dndudog eo$ dle^uouddl a) rodoe b) "ae.r_o c) deorddo d) ddma" 17. is an ascribed status. a) Caste b) Doctor c) Teacher d) Class C> erd6e.ldna;d. a) taa b) aadro c) ad*d d) ddr SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A SN - 715 -6- I|||ililtilil]ilfftililtilillill 18. The word caste is derived from a) Greek b) Roman c) Latin d) Persian ero.9 aoatd_ ddaod erud,goJDnd. a) !ee" b) doe*an c) enr[^3ar" d) d:rroSrof 19. Article of Indian constitution aborishes the practice of untouchable. a) Article 14 b) Article 15 c) Article 16 d) Article 17 qndddoeAEdd er$afed$ eidrdodrdlAde 6x, *. a) udraffd14 b) n$$d15 c) udr$d16 o1 edrafed 1T 20,-isthebackboneoftherura|societyin|ndia. a) Agriculture b) Weaving c) Service d) Industry zpd8eo$ rgareea dd>a;d ulde.uru. dra a) b) deo:,r" c) ded d) Enaod 21. Expand NRHM. a) National Rozghar Housing Mission b) National RuralHealth Mission National c) RuralHousing Mission d) National Rural Highway Management NRHM etd> adox, { .-0 a) oaudder doeerroO oDton" tudo" b) oauddo doder def tu"d6r" c) oaodSer dodef aD:rono'tud6' d) an d{er doder {de dqdeasrd)or,3r year was celebrated as International women's year by united Nation. a) 1977 b) 1975 c) 1980 d) 1s81 ed[do{odr dod eroddoageo$ d:bse ddrdocb ddrd*uzdo@. a) 1W7 b) 1975 c) 1980 d) 1981 23. The youngest noberawardee who foughtfor EducationalRights a) Mother Teresa b) Madam Curie c) Malala Yousafzai d) Kailash Satyarthi t!.,tlddr*deron doeora sddod ai{ do$RFo_doedef dd&rl zordoadddr a) drdo ddsa b) d:edab" e"ro c) d:e>enolrrdqfpaoJf d) drenru"6gp, SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A N 715 Il||tl|||ffiilullillllllllll|| -7- - Jobs in Karnataka' 24. % of posts are reserved for women in Government a\% b) 50 c) 45 d) 33 Dredoodond' doart^lddO-de. ddo da r o *#dq$bdo$ornfl a)% b) so c) 45 d) 33 - 25. Thefirstwomen President of Independent India a) Prathibhadevi Singh Patil b) Meera Kumar Bharathi c) Indira Gandhi d) Uma {d€ qDddd dode.: draoso oao*d**a> ant^3tef b) a:ecndcdDd a) $.9qDdeO tuonr d) wdnqDde c) 'aoooa riJoQ /v26.Whichstatehasthehighestsexratioin|ndia? a) Kamataka b) Kerala c) Delhi d) Orissa oJDd o%d sd"3d dCi goredrodddidocod ? a) dprt.; b) dedd c) #o d) t-o;o.u 27. Thefirst Backward Classes Commission was headed by a) Ashok Mehta b) Mandal c) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar d) Kaka Kelkar dodet bod:ed ddrdd ero3oedd d"$r{e a) erdoed d:q b) d>odo a-od ded*o c) a.J. e,t. eld. eloded*d d) v according to 2011 2g. which of the following states has the lowest female population census ? a) Haryana b) Uttar Pradesh Kashmir c) Goa d) Jammu and ZO11d zsdrlsoe d-d erdrod da& d:aqn rdioairobdldooa&d -% a) dooSneo b) eru$d {ded c) rloeaa d) rdrg** -%rd SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK A sN - 715 -8- ililililililtt||| ilillllllllllllll 29. Communalism is a problem. a) Educational b) Economical c) Socio-Political and Fleligious d) Scientific doedlaoddl t-od> ds4. a) drd*edd b) uQrd c) nadndd-oaaEeoJr d:* Faarrd d) dqpd 30. Fundamentalism is opposed to a) Extremism b) Terrorism c) Linguism d) Secularism d:oe.:qiodiladd) edladoeOdrgd. a).se$aad b) w{oad c) qnmoaad d) zodreedaad 31. Telangana state is carved out of a) Andhra Pradesh b) Maharashtra c) Karnataka d) Tamilnadu de.:onoeo oazsrdl olDd oaqaod zJedradennd ? a) uoqigided b) *aaoa{ c) doartsd d) dard;oad> 32. One of the regional disputes with regard to rivers in South India is a) Thungabhadra River b) Narmada River c) Cauvery and Krishna River d) Hemavathi Rlver d*;a Undddo$ da caaddsb dr dddoddldPri douoQed.
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